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  2. Chibi images have become a staple in RO culture, with players creating adorable versions of their favorite characters and monsters. The appeal of chibi art lies in its cute and playful aesthetic, which adds a fun and lighthearted touch to the game. Plus, who can resist the charm of a pint-sized Poring or a miniaturized MVP? So, what do you think - are you a fan of chibi art in RO? [url=https://zabudovnik.kr.ua/]zabudovnik[/url]
  3. change the location doesnt duplicate it. just change the location of the item only in equipments.
  4. @Chaos92 Thanks for ur suggstion bro. but i dont want duplicate the item. i mean smthing like script "changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP,102;" but its only the look not the position
  5. How do I use the hateffects of these? In the file HatEffectInfo.lub [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_RED] = { hatEffectID = 1174 }, [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_ULTRAMARINE] = { hatEffectID = 1175 }, [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_CYAN] = { hatEffectID = 1176 }, [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_LIME] = { hatEffectID = 1177 }, [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_VIOLET] = { hatEffectID = 1178 }, [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_LILAC] = { hatEffectID = 1179 }, [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_SUN_ORANGE] = { hatEffectID = 1180 }, [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_DEEP_PINK] = { hatEffectID = 1181 }, [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_BLACK] = { hatEffectID = 1182 }, [HatEFID.HAT_EF_LEVEL160_WHITE] = { hatEffectID = 1183 }, For example, whenever I try to use the value of HAT_EF_LEVEL160_VIOLET (112) or use its actual name and put it in a script like this, nothing happens. - Id: 20561 AegisName: C_160LV_Warlock_Violet Name: Costume Violet Aura Type: Armor Locations: Costume_Garment: true ArmorLevel: 1 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | hateffect(HAT_EF_160LV_Warlock_Violet,true); UnEquipScript: | hateffect(HAT_EF_160LV_Warlock_Violet,false); If I'm missing a resource file, I don't know what should I look for because it's not formatted like the others hateffects. Ex. [HatEFID.HAT_EF_Full_BloomCherry_Tree] = { resourceFileName = "efst_Full_BloomCherry_Tree\\Full_BloomCherry_Tree.str", hatEffectPos = -6, hatEffectPosX = 0, isRenderBeforeCharacter = true },
  6. just change the location in itemdb
  7. hi , guys, is it posible to change headgear MID to Lower / Upper without duplicate the item ?
  8. I would like to know the step wise step procedure of how to add a instance from renewal to pre renewal in a easy way for example horror toy factory or any instance with detailed examples if someone could help i could appreciate it.Newbie here
  9. Did you change the script? This line you mention is incomplete, the version in the script I sent is like this: getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.itens); set .@i,.@i+1) { if(inarray(@inventorylist_id[0],.itens[.@i]) > -1) { setarray .@invitm[getarraysize(.@invitm)],.itens[.@i]; setarray .@invitm$[getarraysize(.@invitm$)],""+getitemname(.itens[.@i])+""; } } The revision of your emulator is so old that it doesn't have the inarray() command and have you tried to remove it?
  10. i think you can use the clone function for this
  11. Yesterday
  12. Hi Hiroshima, how are you? I hope so, my friend, I'm having trouble with this error, could you help me?
  13. Hello, you didnt use the jobmaster from rathena ? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/jobmaster.txt There is this part .LastJob = true; // Enforce linear class changes? it is enforce as default linear class changes.
  14. It's a silly error either way. A signed value is converted to an unsigned value in this scenario, and since there is a comparison of n > -1 right prior the other check, then the comparison cannot fail (as both values are positive). Plus it's not like a string length would be 2B+ in length to begin with... you'd probably have to be more concerned about memory usage at this point. As @Chaos92 mentioned, the issue is on rAthena. It'll get fixed eventually.
  15. But it is something that can affect the server, this warning came now with git, but recently from rAthena.
  16. Are you tired of searching for converters that work seamlessly with Aegis t? Look no further! Our forum members have compiled a list of the best converters that will make your life easier. From item databases to map files, we've got you covered. Join the discussion now and say goodbye to compatibility issues! [url=https://floralmaster.v.ua/]Блог[/url]
  17. Hello! I have an issue with the jobmaster npc, the thing is if any user that is High Novice talks with the Job Master, this NPC will display every high first class instead of changing the correct class for the user, i.e. let us suppose that I was a swordman > knight and then rebirth, Im high novice 10 job and I walk with the Job Master, this npc will be able to change me to High Aco, High Mage, High Thief... instead of changing me to High Swordman as it should be... and its the same if Im high Swordman, the NPC will give me the option to move to Paladin or LK instead of only LK. At first what I did to solve the problem was to disable rebirth, but if I rebirth with the Yuno quest the Job Master will be able to change my class as mentioned. Can someone please help me with the script? or if you know an actual Job Master that I should use with this requirements it will be good too. Thanks in advance for the help on this! jobmaster.txt
  18. Without seeing the pcjobname.lub file it's impossible to tell exactly where the error is. But I imagine it's either that the filename's case in your grf and your patch missmatches or the file is missing the correct function. Just taking a semi-default file and replacing it in your grf works as intented. So I'd advice this: * check the exact case of your pcjobname.lub - e.g. PCJobName.lub * create a deleting patch for that file * patch in your original / fixed file (double check in the grf that your file was applied correctly)
  19. Hey, I'm looking for a few particular RO installers from the iRO beta days. If you were there and downloaded these clients back in the day, if there's any chance you may still have them on that old pc, external hd or 20yo CD-R backup, please hit me up. They are all <1gb and I have checksums to confirm if they are what I need, but anything from this era will be helpful really. Partial patches (not full clients) also accepted.
  20. You forgot the brackets of the GetArraySize call on line 16. for(set @i,0; @i<=GetArraySize($DropsSorte)-1; set @i,@i+2) mes @i/2+": "+$DropsSorte[@i+1]+" "+GetItemName($DropsSorte[@i]);
  21. Thank you both! I want to make it as useful as possible for players - I personally long for a good db when I'm playing p-servers, sometimes we're lucky if the p-server even has one. A more friendly design will eventually come when it's time, butwe're first focusing on content and features. Please feel free to join our discord to keep up with the project
  22. Doing @job works fine, all classes work perfectly fine, it just says "Poring" in the name field in the top left and in the character screen, same with party so..
  23. For some unknown reason the slashing effect is somehow being ignored by my client. I wish to learn on how to combine the sprite with its slashing effect. I have the resources here. How do you do this on actor? Thanks!
  24. You need to make the skill give a status change (which I assume you did). Then in the regen code you want to check for the status change instead of the skill being learned.
  25. Bom dia, alguem sabe me dizer como consertar esse erro, estava funcionando normal, não mexi em nada na source, mas mexi em mt coisa do client creio que pode ser isso
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