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Linkin Park

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  1. When I try to connect using my RO Client, it passes the login and char server, however, after I selected my character, it fails to connect to the map-server when the map-server is online, but the client displays 'Server Closed(1)' when the map-server is down from HostB. No messages on map-server console after I selected my character. Bumps on this.. help, anyone?
  2. 1. HostA needs the server config files for login & char servers HostB needs everything else. 2. You could start 'screen' first, then ./login-server_sql & and ./char-server_sql & 3. HostA: in /conf/char_athena.conf char_ip: <IP_of_HostA> HostB: /conf/map_athena.conf char_ip: <IP_of_HostA> map_ip: <IP_of_HostB> SQL settings on both hosts should point to the MySQL Server on HostA. Your clientinfo.xml should point to HostA (the one running login-server_sql). I tried using the following setup and didn't work Still fails on map-server, although the map-server is connected to the char server located on HostA. However, when I closed map-server on HostB, I get Server Closed(1) after selecting a character. Bumpin this up, really need some help.. Sorry for the bump within 12 hours.
  3. It passed the login and char server, however it fails to connect on map server when I tried logging in. My Setup: Login Server: HostA Char Server: HostA Map Server: HostB SQL Server: HostA Ports used are open on both hosts anyone?
  4. Both hosts have high specs, it's actually a dedicated server. I need it to be separated for some stuffs.
  5. I want to use 2 separate hosts for my server, 1 for login and 1 for char and map server. Both running on CentOS. My Questions are the following: 1. Do I need to have exact copy of my server files on both host? 2. How would I run the login server only on HostA, then run char and map server on HostB on putty? I know I have to use ./login-server_sql or something like that, but I don't know how to logout putty with killing the process, because if I use CTRL+A+D, it doesn't work when I started only the login server. CTRL+A+D works if I started the whole server using ./athena-start start 3. How is the conf setup for different IPs? Thanks everyone!
  6. what's the equippable job bit to use if I want the item to be equippable by any jobs except monk and champion? Non-renewal. It should still be usable by high priests
  7. I want it to shout just the Skill name like any other skills. Editing the ba_frostjoke.txt is not enough.
  8. I want to remove those messages from frost joke and scream. Instead of shouting thost fancy texts, I want it to only shout the Skill Name. case BA_FROSTJOKER: case DC_SCREAM: clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skillid,skilllv,1); if I make it like case BA_FROSTJOKER: case DC_SCREAM: clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skillid,skilllv,0); it doesn't shout anything at all.
  9. I want to create a ladder NPC that shows the Top 5 Best Time to finish Endless Tower, is there a specific variable that holds it or a database entry that holds the time value of a party when they finished the Endless Tower?
  10. When do you release Mega GRF Protector. I expect it ^^

    1. Linkin Park

      Linkin Park

      I think you've mistaken me from someone else.

    2. hthuong


      OMG. Sorry about this :(

  11. Rush is from eAmod. It's a simulation of WoE First Edition. Conquest is a simulation of WoE 2nd Edition.
  12. I can run RO on an ubuntu release with POL (PlayOnLinux), the problem is that when I try to run the client with harmony, it doesn't load. Stucks with an unknown error bla bla sht. Anyway, I hope Sirius will support it Now, I wonder if using a non-harmony client for Admin accounts will work?
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