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  1. the npc doesnt seem to show up in the specified coordinates. @4v4 doesnt work as well
  2. some how the event doesnt trigger. i tested to apply and it worked until we were warped to the map. then when we tried to apply or rerun the event the registration slots were still filled even when no one was left in the map abd everyone died
  3. The winning team is determined when theres no one left alive in the other team.
  4. Can someone teach me how to add the codes to give the winning team a reward item, as well as when a player kills a player he gets an item too. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------ rAthena Script Release // Title: Simple 4 versus 4 PVP Gateway // Author: jTynne - [email protected] // Modified by: Scene - [email protected] // Version: 0.1 (Beta) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ prontera,145,186,6 script Party Battle Recruiter 416,{ set .@n$,"[^FF0000Party Battle Recruiter^000000]"; set .@charid,getcharid(0); mes .@n$; mes "Would you like to register for a 4 versus 4 Party Battle?"; next; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_cancel; if(getmapusers("guild_vs3") > 0) { mes .@n$; mes "There appears to be a match currently in session. Check back momentarily."; close; end; } mes .@n$; mes "Which side of the arena would you like to join?"; next; menu "Odin ("+$pvp4nA+"/4)",L_odin,"Freya ("+$pvp4nB+"/4)",L_freya; L_odin: if(.@charid == $pvp4nAchar1 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar2 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar3 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar4 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar1 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar2 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar3 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar4) { mes .@n$; mes "You may only register once per round."; close; end; } if($pvp4nA < 4) { set $pvp4nA,$pvp4nA+1; if($pvp4nA == 1) { set $pvp4nAchar1,getcharid(0); } if($pvp4nA == 2) { set $pvp4nAchar2,getcharid(0); } if($pvp4nA == 3) { set $pvp4nAchar3,getcharid(0); } if($pvp4nA == 4) { set $pvp4nAchar4,getcharid(0); } if($pvp4nA == 1 || $pvp4nB == 1) { if($pvp4timer == 0 ) { initnpctimer; set $pvp4timer,1; } } mes .@n$; mes "You've joined the selected team. Once the other team have filled up, you'll automatically be transferred into the Colosseum. If the other team do not fill up within the next 30 seconds, this session will be cleared."; npctalk strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the round on Odin's Side."; if($pvp4nA == 4 && $pvp4nB == 4) { stopnpctimer; goto L_begin;} close; end; } L_freya: if(.@charid == $pvp4nAchar1 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar2 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar3 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar4 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar5 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar6 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar7 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar1 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar2 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar3 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar4 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar5 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar6 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar7) { mes .@n$; mes "You may only register once per round."; close; end; } if($pvp4nB < 4) { set $pvp4nB,$pvp4nB+1; if($pvp4nB == 1) { set $pvp4nBchar1,getcharid(0); } if($pvp4nB == 2) { set $pvp4nBchar2,getcharid(0); } if($pvp4nB == 3) { set $pvp4nBchar3,getcharid(0); } if($pvp4nB == 4) { set $pvp4nBchar4,getcharid(0); } if($pvp4nA == 1 || $pvp4nB == 1) { if($pvp4timer == 0 ) { initnpctimer; set $pvp4timer,1; } } mes .@n$; mes "You've joined the selected team. Once the other team have filled up, you'll automatically be transferred into the Colosseum. If the other team do not fill up within the next 30 seconds, this session will be cleared."; npctalk strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the round on Freya's Side."; if($pvp4nA == 4 && $pvp4nB == 4) { stopnpctimer; goto L_begin;} close; end; } goto L_full; L_full: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but this team is full. Try another team, please."; close; end; L_begin: npctalk "Both teams have been filled. All participants currently logged in will be transferred to the arena in ten seconds."; sleep2 10000; set .@x,0; L_warploop: while (.@x < 7) { if (.@x == 0) { warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nAchar1; } else if (.@x == 1) { warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nAchar2; } else if (.@x == 2) { warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nAchar3; } else if (.@x == 3) { warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nAchar4; } else if (.@x == 4) { warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar1; } else if (.@x == 5) { warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar2; } else if (.@x == 6) { warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar3; } else if (.@x == 7) { warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar4; } else { npctalk "A round is now in session."; goto L_clear;} set .@x, .@x + 1; } goto L_warploop; end; L_cancel: mes .@n$; mes "Do come back if you change your mind."; close; end; OnTimer10000: npctalk "Ten seconds have passed. Entry to the round ends in 20 seconds."; end; OnTimer20000: npctalk "Twenty seconds have passed. Entry to the round ends in 10 seconds."; end; OnTimer30000: npctalk "Thirty seconds have passed and thus I have canceled the round."; stopnpctimer; goto L_clear; L_clear: set $pvp4timer,0; set $pvp4nA,0; set $pvp4nB,0; set $pvp4nAchar1,0; set $pvp4nAchar2,0; set $pvp4nAchar3,0; set $pvp4nAchar4,0; set $pvp4nBchar1,0; set $pvp4nBchar2,0; set $pvp4nBchar3,0; set $pvp4nBchar4,0; end; } - script pvp4vs4#1 -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy (.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); if(.@map$ == "guild_vs3") { warp "SavePoint",0,0;} end; OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy (.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); if( .@map$ == "guild_vs3") { set .@tempn1$,strcharinfo(0); set .@tempn2$,rid2name(killedrid); mapannounce "guild_vs3",""+.@tempn1$+" has killed "+.@tempn2$+".",1,0xD6A4E6;} end; }
  5. Hi, I'm using Brightix's released flux layout and I'm wondering how can i make the rss feed become topics from my Forum? <?php /* RSS Extractor and Displayer (c) 2007-2010 Scriptol.com - Licence Mozilla 1.1. rsslib.php Requirements: - PHP 5. - A RSS feed. Using the library: Insert this code into the page that displays the RSS feed: <?php require_once("rsslib.php"); echo RSS_Display("http://www.xul.fr/rss.xml", 15); ?> */ $RSS_Content = array(); function RSS_Tags($item, $type) { $y = array(); $tnl = $item->getElementsByTagName("title"); $tnl = $tnl->item(0); $title = $tnl->firstChild->textContent; $tnl = $item->getElementsByTagName("link"); $tnl = $tnl->item(0); $link = $tnl->firstChild->textContent; $tnl = $item->getElementsByTagName("pubDate"); $tnl = $tnl->item(0); $date = $tnl->firstChild->textContent; $tnl = $item->getElementsByTagName("description"); $tnl = $tnl->item(0); $description = $tnl->firstChild->textContent; $y["title"] = $title; $y["link"] = $link; $y["date"] = $date; $y["description"] = $description; $y["type"] = $type; return $y; } function RSS_Channel($channel) { global $RSS_Content; $items = $channel->getElementsByTagName("item"); // Processing channel $y = RSS_Tags($channel, 0); // get description of channel, type 0 array_push($RSS_Content, $y); // Processing articles foreach($items as $item) { $y = RSS_Tags($item, 1); // get description of article, type 1 array_push($RSS_Content, $y); } } function RSS_Retrieve($url) { global $RSS_Content; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load($url); $channels = $doc->getElementsByTagName("channel"); $RSS_Content = array(); foreach($channels as $channel) { RSS_Channel($channel); } } function RSS_RetrieveLinks($url) { global $RSS_Content; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load($url); $channels = $doc->getElementsByTagName("channel"); $RSS_Content = array(); foreach($channels as $channel) { $items = $channel->getElementsByTagName("item"); foreach($items as $item) { $y = RSS_Tags($item, 1); // get description of article, type 1 array_push($RSS_Content, $y); } } } function RSS_Links($url, $size = 15) { global $RSS_Content; $page = "<ul>"; RSS_RetrieveLinks($url); if($size > 0) $recents = array_slice($RSS_Content, 0, $size + 1); foreach($recents as $article) { $type = $article["type"]; if($type == 0) continue; $title = $article["title"]; $link = $article["link"]; $page .= "<li><a href=\"$link\">$title</a></li>\n"; } $page .="</ul>\n"; return $page; } function RSS_Display($url, $size = 15, $site = 0, $withdate = 0) { global $RSS_Content; $opened = false; $page = ""; $site = (intval($site) == 0) ? 1 : 0; RSS_Retrieve($url); if($size > 0) $recents = array_slice($RSS_Content, $site, $size + 1 - $site); $i = 0; foreach($recents as $article) { $type = $article["type"]; if($type == 0) { if($opened == true) { $page .="\n"; $opened = false; } $page .="<b>"; } else { if($opened == false) { $page .= "\n"; $opened = true; } } $title = $article["title"]; $link = $article["link"]; if (strlen($title) > 30) { $title = substr($title,0, 30); } $date = $article["date"]; $page .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"rss\"> <tr> <td colspan=\"2\" class='title'> <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"$link\">$title</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=\"timesetting\"> <td align=\"left\"> on " . date("<font color=\"#525252\">l,g:ia</font>",strtotime($date)). " </td> <td align=\"right\" class='date'> ".strftime("<font color=\"#525252\">%d/%m/%Y</font>",strtotime($date))." </td> </tr> </table>"; } if($opened == true) { $page .="\n"; $page .="\n"; } return $page."\n"; } ?>
  6. Caves

    Patcher News Window

    Thank you, it finally worked like a charm BTW, heres the code i did if anyone needs it. <body style="margin:0;" style="background: no-repeat url(http://www.youro.net/patch/bgpatcher.jpg);width:100%;height:100%;color:black;font-size:18px;"> <tr valign="top"> <td> <div style="height:250px; width:100%;"> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <td width="100%"><span class="header"><font color=#003cff>Welcome to Your Ragnarok Online</span></font> <div class="content"> <ul> <li>New I</li> <li>News II</li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <head> <title></title> </head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"> </body>
  7. Caves

    Patcher News Window

    I tried adding margin:0; on body and div but sadly it still has the same output, although I'm not even sure if thats where you meant it to be in. haha I'm sorry, I dont really know how much about web coding, although I'll still try to mingle with it. Who knows, maybe I might be able to hit a lucky guess. Thanks for the hint tho. ---- Still if anyone could code it correctly while I do some trial and error on my part, it would be much appreciated
  8. Caves

    Patcher News Window

    its not from my patcher, its from the webwindow heres my base patcher layout.
  9. Hi, can someone help me with my patcher window, i dont know webcoding so i just tried out some from guides but i still get the white areas in the side, please help me if anyone can or knows how to properly code it, I just want the bacground to be placed on it without the white areas. its the Notice.hmtl file for my patcher <body> <div style="background-image:url(http://www.ro-servername.net/patch/bgpatcher.jpg);width:100%;height:100%;color:black;font-size:18px;"> <tr valign="top"> <td> <div style="height:250px; width:100%;"> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <td width="100%"><span class="header">Welcome to SERVER Ragnarok Online</span> <div class="content"> <ul> <li>New I</li> <li>News II</li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </div> <head> <title></title> </head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"> </body>
  10. thanks, problem solved thank you emistry. it was merely a mis-named file.
  11. i already have the file. but it doesnt seem to work
  12. Hi everyone, I tried to search the forum for the solution but somehow I've already tried almost everything I saw. But sadly, I didnt manage to get my problem fixed. Could anyone please help me with my problem? I'm using Brightx's Flux release and my only issue left is the download section and the vote section. It would really be appreciated if someone could help me out. Here are screens of the error I get.
  13. @ipcheck - displays all the characters related to an IP address @getip - gets the ip of the player / account
  14. Can i Request a script command that does the following: when i type @ecall / @guildskill - casts Emergency Call, the command only works if you are the Guild master
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