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Santino last won the day on September 19 2012

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    25th Floor
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    Universal Domination

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  1. Weird, didn't got problems when I was testing it. But I'll check it again. Kicked out? maybe you're not afk, but you were not moving from the same cell?
  2. npc for cashpoints/kafra is simple, mapname,x,y,z<tab>cashshop<tab>NPCName<tab>NPC Sprite,Itemno:Price,Itemno:Price,etc...
  3. try to dl ur files then compile using the visual c++ to see what is/are the error(s) sorry, i've got a work to do also, so i can't revert your src =(
  4. Yours was great. =) Thx! I'll use that one! XD ahh. the one i used awhile ago, worked. but yes, you're right bout the variables. I'll use yours instead. to avoid future errors Thx again.
  5. I will try that too. Eventhough i've got this working now, but i'm not really sure what i did to the script lololol. Thx!
  6. mkay. will try it! thx =) #edit Ahm. tried that now. got no rewards, and found this error on mapserver. //if (isloggedin(.@acc[.@j],.@char[.@j])) { if (isloggedin(.@acc[.@j],.@char[.@j]) && strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(.@guild)) {
  7. Revert changesets from 14410 to 14406 to 14400 http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/14410/rathena http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/14406/rathena http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/14400/rathena
  8. http://upaste.me/raw/836e127582993cfb
  9. Ahm, bout the rewards sql part in your woe controller script, how to change it so that only the guildmaster of the castle owner will receive the reward?...( so noob in sql parts ) =x
  10. hmm. looking for this one too. =O tried checkvending. =(
  11. you can try this one. but still got many bugs. when many players starts the duel. you can make it 1 at a time by adding some getusermap blablas. here.
  12. Using rAthena 16722 : The Reflect Shield works this way , correct me if I'm wrong. Paladin#1 devoing a LK, and LK attacks Paladin#2 with Reflect shield on, the LK will receive the reflected damage, instead of the devoer ( Paladin#1 ). What i want is the old way. Paladin#1 devoing a LK, and LK attacks Paladin#2 with Reflect shield on, the one who will receive the reflected damage will be the devoer ( Paladin#1 ). which I found somewhere in the forums, to revert it back to changesets 14410 ---> 14406 ---> 14400 Problem: Luckily, It was a success compiling in my 'test' server with rAthena 16663 svn. But my problem is, when i tried to compile in my server with rAthena 16722, it just stops on battle.c with no error showng. Using VNC compiler. yes, it is a running server ( but didn't up the server while compiling, im not too noob for not knowing that ) Solved.
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