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  1. What thing is determine the ranking? The ammount of sinked item? Is sinking a lord kaho counted same as a jelopy?
  2. Thank for helping me mark as solved
  3. Following my thread : https://rathena.org/board/topic/107241-zeny-redenomination-system/?p=308164 if i want to edit zeny add/reduction via scriptcommand : "Set Zeny" or "Zeny = Zeny+X" to only half value, which part of source code i must edit? example : The script goes this : Zeny = Zeny+10000000; //1M Zeny but instead of giving 1M zeny, player get 500,000 zeny (halfed). aka. redenomination. And i want this only applied for Zeny, not the rest of variables/parameter. Editing via ALL NPC files is pain. If possible, please help me via source editing Thanks rAthena
  4. yeah realize that, but it will take a lot of time to be done, beside i need to edit all NPC and Shop which defines price sell for every item. thanks for help btw. Code I did will only effect item with no sell price (most of the db) anything custom where you define the sell value will sell at the define value Ie if you make a custom coin that buys for 20000 and sells for 10000 it will sell for 10000 but if you set buy as 20000 but leave sell blank it will sell for 4000. On phone so can't leave codes easily Based on your clue this what i've done npc.c if (value > 1 && (type == NPCTYPE_SHOP || type == NPCTYPE_MARKETSHOP)) { value = value/10; if (value == 0) value=1; //+1 to avoid selling free item } if( value < 0 ) { if (type == NPCTYPE_SHOP || type == NPCTYPE_MARKETSHOP) value = id->value_buy; else value = 0; // Cashshop doesn't have a "buy price" in the item_db } if (value == 0 && (type == NPCTYPE_SHOP || type == NPCTYPE_MARKETSHOP)) { // NPC selling items for free! ShowWarning("npc_parse_shop: Item %s [%hu] is being sold for FREE in file '%s', line '%d'.\n", id->name, nameid2, filepath, strline(buffer,start-buffer)); itemdb.c //When a particular price is not given, we should base it off the other one //(it is important to make a distinction between 'no price' and 0z) if ( str[4][0] ) id->value_buy = atoi(str[4])/10+1; else id->value_buy = (atoi(str[5]) * 2)/10+1; //+1 to avoid selling free item if ( str[5][0] ) id->value_sell = atoi(str[5])/10; else id->value_sell = id->value_buy / 20; Checked and item price in shop NPC/selling item to NPC are divided by 10.Please tell me if this src edit is wrong / dangerous. i attached my screenie :
  5. yeah realize that, but it will take a lot of time to be done, beside i need to edit all NPC and Shop which defines price sell for every item. thanks for help btw.
  6. I was thinking about economy-friendly world in ragnarok. And lead me to think what if everything in the game is subject of "pricecut"? Let say we have 1:10 zeny redenomination, i will turn : -Zeny from selling "gold" from 100,000 down to 10,000z. -An item which sold by npc for 2,000,000z down to 200,000z. -A quest which gives 30,000z to 3,000z. -Player will think Zeny is more precious thing than before. All changes are made without any value edit in DB/npc script. But due to lack of my knowledge in source, i beg to someone here for creating this system. Hope this system will be usefull for other people too.. Thanks rAthena.
  7. Thanks rA team for the hardwork!
  8. tertarik dengan translation project, keren juga sih klo pakai rathena full b.indonesia
  9. Wow thanks euphy u give an idea
  10. Since the new instance system is implemented, many of my players experienced "stuck in portal" inside an instance. The could walk through the portal without being warped. Rarely, the could enter the portal after several minutes. hope someone can help me thanks
  11. i want to spawn items in area within 4x4 cell from monster dead location using scriptcommand *makeitem Currently i manually add coordinate using getmapxy, but it only 2x2 cell consider how long i must write each coordinate (eg: x,y; x-1,y; x+1,y) is there any easier way to point each coordinate within 4x4 cell?
  12. same here..i have to manually resize the resolution by looking up into optioninfo.lua using the latest revision of lua files
  13. using : sc_start sc_expboost,1000*60*60*24,$VIPs_PlatinumExpRate; sc_start sc_itemboost,1000*60*60*24,$VIPs_PlatinumItemRate; goto L_displayInfo; will it stack with Battle Manual or Bubblegum?
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