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About SilverMayCry

  • Birthday 12/13/1987

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    Psy[HR], Psy[MR]
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  1. post the error please, i wouldn't know how to fix it if i don't know that error =D
  2. i believe that is the one with disable multiple windows right? i'm using Nemo to patch. Yes, i ticked that option.
  3. read this topic http://rathena.org/board/topic/66255-party-checker-job/page-1 this one is ok too http://pastebin.com/7zGRAiFV
  4. Here prontera,100,100,0 shop Alchemist Shop 121,507:500,1093:10,509:120,510:60,911:160,952:82,1092:3,1061:484,713:6,970:400,704:500,518:500,905:46,7033:114,1059:306,929:374,1032:196,1050:220,1051:450,950:264,1044:264,7140:60000,7141:20000,7143:5000,716:600,715:600,7126:840,1057:138,1017:106,503:550,501:50,505:5000,7144:100000,7133:240000,7127:100000,7128:100000,7129:100000,7130:100000,7131:100000,7132:100000,7434:100000
  5. on this part add mes "[Maze Manager]"; mes "Here is your prize:^336699"; // mes $@prize+"^000000 Event Points!"; // set #EVENTPOINTS, #EVENTPOINTS+$@prize; logmes "EP won from Maze Event :"+$@prize; set .@claimed,1; then on the first part after if ( $mazeinit == 0 ) { disablenpc "mazeevent"; end; } if ( .@claimed == 1 ) { mes "Sorry you already claimed the reward"; end; } there...
  6. Having a problem with 2013-08-07 no errors on the client whatsoever, everything is working fine except when i close the client, it stays on my task manager and i have to manually end process, i have to do this every time because it's consuming memory.
  7. thanks man, figured it out i did it this way instead. setarray .@cname$[0],"Green","Red","Purple","Pink","Orange"; setarray .@color$[0],"0x33FF33","0xD20000","0xCC00FF","0xFF33CC","0xFF9900"; then i set menu for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.@cname$); set .@c, .@c + 1){ set .@menu_cname$[getarraysize(.@menu_cname$)], .@cname$[.@c]; set .@menu_index[getarraysize(.@menu_index)], .@c; set .@menu$, .@menu_cname$[0]; for (set .@c, 1; .@c < getarraysize(.@menu_cname$); set .@c, .@c + 1) { set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":" + .@menu_cname$[.@c]; } set .@c, select(.@menu$) - 1; input .Message$; next; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+.Message$+"",bc_all,.@color$[.@c];
  8. how do i put the selection on my array here announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+.Message$+"",bc_all,0; if i make an array like this of hex codes setarray .color$[0],"0xFF0000","0xFF4000","0xFF8000","0xFFBF00","0xFFFF00","0xBFFF00","0x80FF00","0x40FF00","0xFA5882","0x0101DF","0x7401DF"; set .@menu$,implode(.color$, ":"); set .@selection, select(.@menu$) -1;
  9. post the script and the error if there is any... did you try doin it like this? force_1-3,100,187,4 script Maze#asdf 702,{ setarray $@prize[0],671,675; set $@amount,getarraysize($@prize); getitem($@prize[rand($@amount)],2); logmes "EP won from Maze Event :"+$@prize; goto L_EndIt; L_EndIt: next; warp "prontera",155,175; // Hide the NPC disablenpc "Maze#asdf"; end; }
  10. setarray $@prize[0],671,675; set $@amount,getarraysize($@prize); getitem($@prize[rand($@amount)],10); end;
  11. set $@prize,671; set $@amount,10; mes "[Maze Manager]"; getitem $@prize, $@amount;
  12. just don't forget to recompile after making a change in the src.
  13. i don't know if my staff application was sent, it gave me an error that i don't have permission to view staff applications database when i saved my Staff application.
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