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Everything posted by SilverMayCry

  1. post the error please, i wouldn't know how to fix it if i don't know that error =D
  2. i believe that is the one with disable multiple windows right? i'm using Nemo to patch. Yes, i ticked that option.
  3. read this topic http://rathena.org/board/topic/66255-party-checker-job/page-1 this one is ok too http://pastebin.com/7zGRAiFV
  4. Here prontera,100,100,0 shop Alchemist Shop 121,507:500,1093:10,509:120,510:60,911:160,952:82,1092:3,1061:484,713:6,970:400,704:500,518:500,905:46,7033:114,1059:306,929:374,1032:196,1050:220,1051:450,950:264,1044:264,7140:60000,7141:20000,7143:5000,716:600,715:600,7126:840,1057:138,1017:106,503:550,501:50,505:5000,7144:100000,7133:240000,7127:100000,7128:100000,7129:100000,7130:100000,7131:100000,7132:100000,7434:100000
  5. on this part add mes "[Maze Manager]"; mes "Here is your prize:^336699"; // mes $@prize+"^000000 Event Points!"; // set #EVENTPOINTS, #EVENTPOINTS+$@prize; logmes "EP won from Maze Event :"+$@prize; set .@claimed,1; then on the first part after if ( $mazeinit == 0 ) { disablenpc "mazeevent"; end; } if ( .@claimed == 1 ) { mes "Sorry you already claimed the reward"; end; } there...
  6. Having a problem with 2013-08-07 no errors on the client whatsoever, everything is working fine except when i close the client, it stays on my task manager and i have to manually end process, i have to do this every time because it's consuming memory.
  7. thanks man, figured it out i did it this way instead. setarray .@cname$[0],"Green","Red","Purple","Pink","Orange"; setarray .@color$[0],"0x33FF33","0xD20000","0xCC00FF","0xFF33CC","0xFF9900"; then i set menu for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.@cname$); set .@c, .@c + 1){ set .@menu_cname$[getarraysize(.@menu_cname$)], .@cname$[.@c]; set .@menu_index[getarraysize(.@menu_index)], .@c; set .@menu$, .@menu_cname$[0]; for (set .@c, 1; .@c < getarraysize(.@menu_cname$); set .@c, .@c + 1) { set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":" + .@menu_cname$[.@c]; } set .@c, select(.@menu$) - 1; input .Message$; next; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+.Message$+"",bc_all,.@color$[.@c];
  8. how do i put the selection on my array here announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+.Message$+"",bc_all,0; if i make an array like this of hex codes setarray .color$[0],"0xFF0000","0xFF4000","0xFF8000","0xFFBF00","0xFFFF00","0xBFFF00","0x80FF00","0x40FF00","0xFA5882","0x0101DF","0x7401DF"; set .@menu$,implode(.color$, ":"); set .@selection, select(.@menu$) -1;
  9. post the script and the error if there is any... did you try doin it like this? force_1-3,100,187,4 script Maze#asdf 702,{ setarray $@prize[0],671,675; set $@amount,getarraysize($@prize); getitem($@prize[rand($@amount)],2); logmes "EP won from Maze Event :"+$@prize; goto L_EndIt; L_EndIt: next; warp "prontera",155,175; // Hide the NPC disablenpc "Maze#asdf"; end; }
  10. setarray $@prize[0],671,675; set $@amount,getarraysize($@prize); getitem($@prize[rand($@amount)],10); end;
  11. set $@prize,671; set $@amount,10; mes "[Maze Manager]"; getitem $@prize, $@amount;
  12. just don't forget to recompile after making a change in the src.
  13. i don't know if my staff application was sent, it gave me an error that i don't have permission to view staff applications database when i saved my Staff application.
  14. upload those text files, lemme check if there is an error.
  15. Just give the client with the Hash of group id 0 to your players Then keep the Client with the hash of group 90 to your self or give it to your staff? Anyway, use the Diff WDGForceClientHashPacket.dll so client's can connect and there is no other way to connect when using different hash use this to get the hash nkwz rA Toolkit search for it here.. Correct me if i misunderstood what you're saying.
  16. //id,range,hit,inf,element,nk,splash,max,list_num,castcancel,cast_defence_rate,inf2,maxcount,skill_type,blow_count,name,desc // 07 splash/effect range (-1 for screen-wide) rathena/trunk/db/re/skill_db.txt 2008,9,6,2,3,0xC2,1:1:1:2:2:2:3:3:4:4,10,1,no,0,0,0,misc,0, RK_DRAGONBREATH,Dragon Breath Change the 7th Number from 1 to 0. Correct me if im Wrong
  17. i suggest you use harmony coz i doubt anyone would want to code an open source anti hack because it obviously will get cracked. https://harmonize.it/
  18. you need to diff your client.. Use Shin's Diff Patcher... https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/trunk/ShinsDiffPatcher/ Download everything on that page. Run diffpatcher and open your client. Look on the bottom part and change the Plain Plugin to Plugin Generator or something like that. you need to diff your client.. Use Shin's Diff Patcher... https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/trunk/ShinsDiffPatcher/ Download everything on that page. Run diffpatcher and open your client. Look on the bottom part and change the Plain Plugin to Plugin Generator or something like that.
  19. go to conf/battle/exp.txt // Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2) base_exp_rate: 100 // Rate at which job exp. is given. (Note 2) job_exp_rate: 100 Change 100 for base and job to -> 1000000 = 10k rate
  20. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=249328 Read this topic, but i'm not really sure if the hex is applicable to newer ragexeRE clients if you use one. But if you use 2010 clients i'm sure it will work.
  21. strcharinfo(1) will return party name while 2 will return the guild name. getting account id will require sql query. oops! there is getcharid(3) for account id
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