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MapServer Crashes after Killing Mob or Leveling up.



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Hello Everyone!
I am new to the community and have been having issues with setting exp rates, I have followed the wiki, and when i go to test the exp gain from killing a poring @ level 1, I die instantly from whatever source of exp I gain. This occurs when I Kill a mob, complete a quest, or use #/@baselvlup , however I can use #/@joblvlup just fine... Im not user if anyone else has had this issue, But the last thing I have worked on was my exp rates...


 Files I have edited...


Start conf/battle folder file edits.


client.conf to set max_lv and aura_lv

// rAthena Battle Configuration File
// Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
// Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
// Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
// Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
// Note 3: Value is a bit field. If no description is given,
//         assume unit types (1: Pc, 2: Mob, 4: Pet, 8: Homun, 16: Mercenary)

// Set here which client version do you accept. Add all values of clients:
// Clients older than accepted versions, and versions not set to 'accepted'
// here will be rejected when logging in
// 0x00001: Clients older than 2004-09-06aSakray (packet versions 5-9)
// 0x00002: 2004-09-06aSakexe (version 10)
// 0x00004: 2004-09-20aSakexe (version 11)
// 0x00008: 2004-10-05aSakexe (version 12)
// 0x00010: 2004-10-25aSakexe (version 13)
// 0x00020: 2004-11-29aSakexe (version 14)
// 0x00040: 2005-01-10bSakexe (version 15)
// 0x00080: 2005-05-09aSakexe (version 16)
// 0x00100: 2005-06-28aSakexe (version 17)
// 0x00200: 2005-07-18aSakexe (version 18)
// 0x00400: 2005-07-19bSakexe (version 19)
// 0x00800: 2006-03-27aSakexe (version 20)
// 0x01000: 2007-01-08aSakexe (version 21)
// 0x02000: 2007-02-12aSakexe (version 22)
// 0x04000: 2008-09-10aSakexe (version 23)
// 0x08000: 2008-08-27aRagexeRE (version 24)
// 0x10000: 2008-09-10aRagexeRE (version 25)
// default value: 0xFFFFFF (all clients)
packet_ver_flag: 0xFFFFFF

// Minimum delay between whisper/global/party/guild messages (in ms)
// Messages that break this threshold are silently omitted.
min_chat_delay: 0

// Valid range of dyes and styles on the client.
min_hair_style: 0
max_hair_style: 27
min_hair_color: 0
max_hair_color: 8
min_cloth_color: 0
max_cloth_color: 4

// When set to yes, the damage field in packets sent from woe maps will be set
// to -1, making it impossible for GMs, Bots and Hexed clients to know the
// actual damage caused by attacks. (Note 1)
hide_woe_damage: no

// "hair style" number that identifies pet.
// NOTE: The client uses the "hair style" field in the mob packet to tell them apart from mobs.
// This value is always higher than the max hair-style available in said client.
// Known values to work (all 2005 clients):
// older sakexes: 20
// sakexe 0614: 24
// sakexe 0628 (and later): 100
pet_hair_style: 100

// Visible area size (how many squares away from a player they can see)
area_size: 14

// Maximum walk path (how many cells a player can walk going to cursor)
max_walk_path: 17

// Maximum allowed 'level' value that can be sent in unit packets.
// Use together with the aura_lv setting to tell when exactly to show the aura.
// NOTE: You also need to adjust the client if you want this to work.
// NOTE: Default is 99. Values above 127 will probably behave incorrectly.
// NOTE: If you don't know what this does, don't change it!!!
max_lv: 255 //EDITED THIS !

// Level required to display an aura.
// NOTE: This assumes that sending max_lv to the client will display the aura.
// NOTE: aura_lv must not be less than max_lv.
// Example: If max_lv is 99 and aura_lv is 150, characters with level 99~149
//          will be sent as being all level 98, and only characters with level
//          150 or more will be reported as having level 99 and show an aura.
aura_lv: 99

// Units types affected by max_lv and aura_lv settings. (Note 3)
// Note: If an unit type, which normally does not show an aura, is
//       set it will obtain an aura when it meets the level requirement.
// Default: 0 (none)
client_limit_unit_lv: 0

// Will tuxedo and wedding dresses be shown when worn? (Note 1)
wedding_modifydisplay: no

// Save Clothes color. (This will degrade performance) (Note 1)
save_clothcolor: yes



// Do not display cloth colors for the wedding class?
// Note: Both save_clothcolor and wedding_modifydisplay have to be enabled
// for this option to take effect. Set this to yes if your cloth palettes
// pack doesn't has wedding palettes (or has less than the other jobs)
wedding_ignorepalette: no

// Do not display cloth colors for the Xmas class?
// Set this to yes if your cloth palettes pack doesn't has Xmas palettes (or has less than the other jobs)
xmas_ignorepalette: no

// Do not display cloth colors for the Summer class?
// Set this to yes if your cloth palettes pack doesn't has Summer palettes (or has less than the other jobs)
summer_ignorepalette: no

// Set this to 1 if your clients have langtype problems and can't display motd properly
motd_type: 0

// Show rAthena version to users when the login?
display_version: yes

// When affected with the "Hallucination" status effect, send the effect to client? (Note 1)
// Note: Set to 'no' if the client lags due to the "Wavy" screen effect.
display_hallucination: yes

// Set this to 1 if your client supports status change timers and you want to use them
// Clients from 2009 onward support this
display_status_timers: yes

// Randomizes the dice emoticon server-side, to prevent clients from forging
// packets for the desired number. (Note 1)
client_reshuffle_dice: yes

// Sorts the character and guild storage before it is sent to the client.
// Official servers do not sort storage. (Note 1)
// NOTE: Enabling this option degrades performance.
client_sort_storage: no



drops.conf to adjust the drop rate.

// rAthena Battle Configuration File
// Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
// Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
// Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
// Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)

// If an item is dropped, does it go stright into the users inventory? (Note 1)
item_auto_get: no

// How long does it take for an item to disappear from the floor after it is dropped? (in miliseconds)
flooritem_lifetime: 60000

// Grace time during which only the person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds)
item_first_get_time: 3000

// Grace time during which only the first and second person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds)
// (Takes effect after item_first_get_time elapses)
item_second_get_time: 1000

// Grace time during which only the first, second and third person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds)
// (Takes effect after the item_second_get_time elapses)
item_third_get_time: 1000

// Grace time to apply to MvP reward items when the Most Valuable Player can't get the prize item and it drops on the ground? (in milliseconds)
mvp_item_first_get_time: 10000

// Grace time for the first and second MvP so they can get the item? (in milliseconds)
// (Takes effect after mvp_item_first_get_time elapses)
mvp_item_second_get_time: 10000

// Grace time for the first, second and third MvP so they can get the item? (in milliseconds)
// (Takes effect after mvp_item_second_get_time elapses)
mvp_item_third_get_time: 2000

// Item drop rates (Note 2)

// The rate the common items are dropped (Items that are in the ETC tab, besides card)
item_rate_common: 500
item_rate_common_boss: 500
item_drop_common_min: 1
item_drop_common_max: 10000

// The rate healing items are dropped (items that restore HP or SP)
item_rate_heal: 500
item_rate_heal_boss: 500
item_drop_heal_min: 1
item_drop_heal_max: 10000

// The rate at which usable items (in the item tab) other then healing items are dropped.
item_rate_use: 500
item_rate_use_boss: 500
item_drop_use_min: 1
item_drop_use_max: 10000

// The rate at which equipment is dropped.
item_rate_equip: 100
item_rate_equip_boss: 500
item_drop_equip_min: 1
item_drop_equip_max: 10000

// The rate at which cards are dropped
item_rate_card: 100
item_rate_card_boss: 500
item_drop_card_min: 1
item_drop_card_max: 10000

// The rate adjustment for the MVP items that the MVP gets directly in their inventory
item_rate_mvp: 500
item_drop_mvp_min: 1
item_drop_mvp_max: 10000

// The rate adjustment for card-granted item drops.
item_rate_adddrop: 500
item_drop_add_min: 1
item_drop_add_max: 10000

// Rate adjustment for Treasure Box drops (these override all other modifiers)
item_rate_treasure: 500
item_drop_treasure_min: 1
item_drop_treasure_max: 10000

// Use logarithmic drops? (Note 1)
// Logarithmic drops scale drop rates in a non-linear fashion using the equation
// Droprate(x,y) = x * (5 - log(x)) ^ (ln(y) / ln(5))
// Where x is the original drop rate and y is the drop_rate modifier (the previously mentioned item_rate* variables)
// Use the following table for an idea of how the rate will affect drop rates when logarithmic drops are used:
// Y: Original Drop Rate
// X: Rate drop modifier (eg: item_rate_equip)
//  X\Y | 0.01 0.02  0.05  0.10  0.20  0.50  1.00  2.00  5.00 10.00 20.00
// -----+---------------------------------------------------------------
//   50 | 0.01 0.01  0.03  0.06  0.11  0.30  0.62  1.30  3.49  7.42 15.92
//  100 | 0.01 0.02  0.05  0.10  0.20  0.50  1.00  2.00  5.00 10.00 20.00
//  200 | 0.02 0.04  0.09  0.18  0.35  0.84  1.61  3.07  7.16 13.48 25.13
//  500 | 0.05 0.09  0.22  0.40  0.74  1.65  3.00  5.40 11.51 20.00 33.98
// 1000 | 0.10 0.18  0.40  0.73  1.30  2.76  4.82  8.28 16.47 26.96 42.69
// 2000 | 0.20 0.36  0.76  1.32  2.28  4.62  7.73 12.70 23.58 36.33 53.64
// 5000 | 0.50 0.86  1.73  2.91  4.81  9.11 14.45 22.34 37.90 53.91 72.53
//10000 | 1.00 1.67  3.25  5.28  8.44 15.24 23.19 34.26 54.57 72.67 91.13
//20000 | 2.00 3.26  6.09  9.59 14.83 25.49 37.21 52.55 77.70 97.95  100%
//50000 | 5.00 7.87 13.98 21.12 31.23 50.31 69.56 92.48  100%  100%  100%
item_logarithmic_drops: no

// Can the monster's drop rate become 0? (Note 1)
// Default: no (as in official servers).
drop_rate0item: no

// Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on an absolute basis.
// Setting to 100 means each luk adds 0.01% chance to find items
// (regardless of item's base drop rate).
drops_by_luk: 0

// Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on a relative basis.
// Setting to 100 means each luk adds 1% chance to find items
// (So at 100 luk, everything will have double chance of dropping).
drops_by_luk2: 0

// The rate of monsters dropping ores by the skill Ore Discovery (Default is 100)
finding_ore_rate: 100

// Whether or not Marine Spheres and Floras summoned by Alchemist drop items?
// This setting has three available values:
// 0: Nothing drops.
// 1: Only marine spheres drop items.
// 2: All alchemist summons drop items.
alchemist_summon_reward: 0

// Make broadcast ** Player1 won Pupa's Pupa Card (chance 0.01%) ***
// This can be set to any value between 0~10000.
// Note: It also announces STEAL skill usage with rare items
// 0 = don't show announces at all
// 1 = show announces for 0.01% drop chance items
// 333 = show announces for 3.33% or lower drop chance items
// 10000 = show announces for all items
rare_drop_announce: 1



exp.conf to adjust misc exp rates.

// rAthena Battle Configuration File
// Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
// Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
// Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
// Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
// Note 3: The max level of classes is stored in the exp table.
//         See files db/exp.txt and db/exp2.txt to change them.

// Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2)
base_exp_rate: 100000

// Rate at which job exp. is given. (Note 2)
job_exp_rate: 100000

// Turn this on to allow a player to level up more than once from a kill. (Note 1)
multi_level_up: yes

// Setting this can cap the max experience one can get per kill specified as a
// % of the current exp bar. (Every 10 = 1.0%)
// For example, set it to 500 and no matter how much exp the mob gives,
// it can never give you above half of your current exp bar.
max_exp_gain_rate: 0

// Method of calculating earned experience when defeating a monster:
// 0 = uses damage given / total damage as damage ratio
// 1 = uses damage given / max_hp as damage ratio
// NOTE: Using type 1 disables the bonus where the first attacker gets
//       his share of the exp doubled when multiple people attack the mob.
exp_calc_type: 0

// Experience increase per attacker. That is, every additional attacker to the
// monster makes it give this much more experience
// (eg: 5 people attack with 25 here, +(25*4)% -> +100% exp)
exp_bonus_attacker: 25

// Max number of attackers at which exp bonus is capped
// (eg: if set at 5, the max bonus is 4*bonus-per-char regardless of attackers)
exp_bonus_max_attacker: 12

// MVP bonus exp rate. (Note 2)
mvp_exp_rate: 100000

// Rate of base/job exp given by NPCs. (Note 2)
quest_exp_rate: 100000

// The rate of job exp. from using Heal skill (100 is the same as the heal amount, 200 is double.
// The balance of the exp. rate is best used with 5 to 10)
heal_exp: 0

// The rate of exp. that is gained by the process of resurrection, a unit is 0.01%.
// Experience calculations for the experience value * level difference of the person revived / 100 * resurrection_exp/10000 which the revived player has can be got.
resurrection_exp: 0

// The rate of job exp. when using discount and overcharge on an NPC
// (in 0.01% increments - 100 is 1%, 10000 is normal, 20000 is double.)
// The way it is calculated is (money received * skill lv) * shop_exp / 10000.
shop_exp: 0

// PVP exp.  Do players get exp in PvP maps
// (Note: NOT exp from players, but from normal leveling)
pvp_exp: yes

// When a player dies, how should we penalize them?
// 0 = No penalty.
// 1 = Lose % of current level when killed.
// 2 = Lose % of total experience when killed.
death_penalty_type: 1

// Base exp. penalty rate (Each 100 is 1% of their exp)
death_penalty_base: 100

// Job exp. penalty rate (Each 100 is 1% of their exp)
death_penalty_job: 100

// When a player dies (to another player), how much zeny should we penalize them with?
// NOTE: It is a percentage of their zeny, so 100 = 1%
zeny_penalty: 0

// Will display experience gained from killing a monster. (Note 1)
disp_experience: no

// Will display zeny earned (from mobs, trades, etc) (Note 1)
disp_zeny: yes

// Use the contents of db/statpoint.txt when doing a stats reset and leveling up? (Note 1)
// If no, an equation will be used which preserves statpoints earned/lost
// through external means (ie: stat point buyers/sellers)
use_statpoint_table: yes



monster.conf to change hp/maxhp

// rAthena Battle Configuration File
// Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
// Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
// Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
// Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
// Note 3: Value is a bit field. If no description is given,
//         assume unit types (1: Pc, 2: Mob, 4: Pet, 8: Homun)

// The HP rate of MVPs. (Note 2)
mvp_hp_rate: 100

// The HP rate of normal monsters (that is monsters that are not MVP's) (Note 2)
monster_hp_rate: 100

// The maximum attack speed of a monster
monster_max_aspd: 199

// Defines various mob AI related settings. (Note 3)
// 0x001: When enabled mobs will update their target cell every few iterations
//        (normally they never update their target cell until they reach it while
//        chasing)
// 0x002: Makes mob use their "rude attack" skill (usually warping away) if they
//        are attacked and they can't attack back regardless of how they were
//        attacked (eg: GrimTooth), otherwise, their rude attack" is only activated
//        if they can't melee reach the target (eg: sniping)
// 0x004: If not set, mobs that can change target only do so when melee attacked
//        (distance player/mob < 3), otherwise mobs may change target and chase
//        ranged attackers. This flag also overrides the 'provoke' target.
// 0x008: If set, when a mob loses track of their target, they stop walking
//        inmediately. Otherwise, they continue to their last target tile. When
//        set mobs also scatter as soon as they lose their target. Use this mode
//        to make it much harder to mob-train by hiding and collecting them on a
//        single spot (ie: GrimTooth training)
// 0x010: If set, mob skills defined for friends will also trigger on themselves.
// 0x020: When set, the monster ai is executed for all monsters in maps that
//        have players on them, instead of only for mobs who are in the vecinity
//        of players.
// 0x040: When set, when the mob's target changes map, the mob will walk towards
//        any npc-warps in it's sight of view (use with mob_warp below)
// 0x100: When set, a mob will pick a random skill from it's list and start from
//        that instead of checking skills in orders (when unset, if a mob has too
//        many skills, the ones near the end will rarely get selected)
// 0x200: When set, a mob's skill re-use delay will not be applied to all entries of
//        the same skill, instead, only to that particular entry (eg: Mob has heal
//        on six lines in the mob_skill_db, only the entry that is actually used
//        will receive the delay). This will make monsters harder, especially MvPs.
// 0x400: Set this to make mobs have a range of 9 for all skills. Otherwise, they
//        will obey the normal skill range rules.
// Example: 0x140 -> Chase players through warps + use skills in random order.
monster_ai: 0

// Should mobs be able to be warped (add as needed)?
// 0: Disable.
// 1: Enable mob-warping when standing on NPC-warps
// 2: Enable mob-warping when standing on Priest Warp Portals
// 4: Disable warping when the target map is a 'nobranch' map.
mob_warp: 0

// If these are set above 0, they define the time (in ms) during which monsters
// will have their 'AI' active after all players have left their vecinity.
mob_active_time: 0
boss_active_time: 0

// Mobs and Pets view-range adjustment (range2 column in the mob_db) (Note 2)
view_range_rate: 100

// Chase Range is the base minimum-chase that a mob gives before giving up
// (as long as the target is outside their field of view). This is the range3
// column in the mob_db. (Note 2)
chase_range_rate: 100

// Allow monsters to be aggresive and attack first? (Note 1)
monster_active_enable: yes

// Should the mob_db names override the mob names specified in the spawn files?
// 0: No
// 1: always use the mob_db Name column (english mob name)
// 2: always use the mob_db JName column (original Kro mob name)
override_mob_names: 0

// Monster damage delay rate (Note 1)
// Setting to no/0 is like they always have endure.
monster_damage_delay_rate: 100

// Looting monster actions.
// 0 = Monster will consume the item.
// 1 = Monster will not consume the item.
monster_loot_type: 0

// Chance of mob casting a skill (Note 2)
// Higher rates lead to 100% mob skill usage with no/few normal attacks.
// Set to 0 to disable mob skills.
mob_skill_rate: 100

// Mob skill delay adjust (Note 2)
// After a mob has casted a skill, there is a delay before being able to
// re-cast it. Note that skills with a delay of 0 can't be affected by this
// setting.
mob_skill_delay: 100

// Rate of monsters on a map, 200 would be twice as many as normal. (Note 2)
mob_count_rate: 100

// Respawn rate of monsters on a map. 50 would make mobs respawn twice as fast (half delay time) (Note 2)
//Note: This does not affects mobs with inmediate respawn (most normal mobs)
mob_spawn_delay: 100
plant_spawn_delay: 100
boss_spawn_delay: 100

// Should mobs not spawn within the viewing range of players?
// 0 is disabled, otherwise it is the number of retries before giving up
// and spawning the mob within player-view anyway, unless the max (100) is used,
// in which case the mob will not be spawned, and it'll be retried again in
// 5 seconds.
// NOTE: This has no effect on mobs that always spawn on the very same cell
// (like ant eggs) except if you set it to the max.
no_spawn_on_player: 0

// Should spawn coordinates in the mob-spawn files be ignored? (Note 1)
// If set to yes, all monsters will have a random respawn spot across the whole
// map regardless of what the mob-spawn file says.
force_random_spawn: no

// Do summon slaves inherit the passive/aggressive traits of their master?
// 0: No, retain original mode.
// 1: Slaves are always aggressive.
// 2: Slaves are always passive.
// 3: Same as master's aggressive/passive state.
slaves_inherit_mode: 2

// Do summon slaves have the same walking speed as their master?
// NOTE: The default is 3 for official servers.
// 0: Never.
// 1: If the master can walk
// 2: If the master can't walk (even motionless mobs have a speed
//    entry in their mob_db)
// 3: Always
slaves_inherit_speed: 3

// Will summoned monsters (alchemists, or @summon'ed monsters) attack cause a
// chance of triggering the master's autospell cards? (Note 1)
summons_trigger_autospells: yes

// When a mob is attacked by another monster, will the mob retaliate against the master of said mob instead of the mob itself?
// NOTE: Summoned mobs are both those acquired via @summon and summoned by Alchemists
retaliate_to_master: yes

// Whether mobs should change target temporarily when a skill triggers a counter mob skill (Note 1)
// eg: Mob attacks player B, and player A casts a skill C. If set to yes and the
// mob has a skill that is triggered by skill C, then A will be the target of
// the skill, otherwise B will be targetted by the reaction skill.
mob_changetarget_byskill: no

// If monster's class is changed will it fully recover HP? (Note 1)
monster_class_change_full_recover: yes

// Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed)
// (does not works on guardian or emperium)
// 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format)
// 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format)
// 4: Display mob's level
show_mob_info: 1

// Zeny from mobs
zeny_from_mobs: yes

// Monsters level up (monster will level up each time a player is killed and they will grow stronger)
// Exp rate is calculated ((monster level-original monster level)*(exp*(mobs_level_up_exp rate/100)))
// NOTE: Does not apply to WoE Guardians.
mobs_level_up: no
mobs_level_up_exp_rate: 1

// Dynamic Mobs Options
// Use dynamic mobs? (recommended for small-medium sized servers)
dynamic_mobs: yes

// Remove Mobs even if they are hurt
mob_remove_damaged: yes

// Delay before removing mobs from empty maps (default 5 min = 300 secs)
mob_remove_delay: 300000

// Defines on who the mob npc_event gets executed when a mob is killed.
// Type 1: On the player that killed the mob (if killed by a non-player, resorts to type 0)
// Type 0: On the player that did the most damage to the mob.
// NOTE: This affects who gains the Castle when the Emperium is broken.
mob_npc_event_type: 1

// Time in milliseconds to actitave protection against Kill Steal
// Set to 0 to disable it.
// If this is activated and a player is using @noks, damage from others players (KS) not in the party
// will be reduced to 0.
ksprotection: 0

// Should MVP slaves retain their target when summoned back to their master?
mob_slave_keep_target: yes

// Whether or not to spawn the mvp tomb.
// See http://irowiki.org/wiki/MVP#Gravestone
mvp_tomb_enabled: yes

// Whether or not the size of specially summoned mobs influences experience, drop rates,
// and stats. The rates will be doubled for large mobs, and halved for small ones.
// This is only invoked under the 'monster' command, @monsterbig, and @monstersmall. (Note 1)
// Default: no
mob_size_influence: no



player.conf to adjust the maximum hp and Stat perimeters.

// rAthena Battle Configuration File
// Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
// Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
// Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
// Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)

// Players' maximum HP rate? (Default is 100)
hp_rate: 100

// Players' maximum SP rate? (Default is 100)
sp_rate: 100

// Whether or not cards and attributes of the left hand are applied to

the right hand attack (Note 1)
// (It is 'yes' on official servers)
left_cardfix_to_right: yes

// The amount of HP a player will respawn with, 0 is default.
// (Unit is in percentage of total HP, 100 is full heal of HP, 0 is

respawn with 1HP total.)
restart_hp_rate: 0

// The amount of SP a player will respawn with, 0 is default.
// (Unit is in percentage of total SP, 100 is full heal of SP, 0 is

respawn with 1SP total.)
restart_sp_rate: 0

// Can a normal player by-pass the skill tree? (Note 1)
player_skillfree: no

// When set to yes, forces skill points gained from 1st class to be

put into 1st class
// skills, and forces novice skill points to be put into the basic

skill. (Note 1)
player_skillup_limit: yes

// Quest skills can be learned? (Note 1)
// Setting this to yes can open an exploit on your server!
quest_skill_learn: no

// When skills are reset, quest skills are reset as well? (Note 1)
// Setting this to yes can open an exploit on your server!
// NOTE: If you have quest_skill_learn set to yes, quest skills are

always reset.
quest_skill_reset: no

// You must have basic skills to be able to sit, trade, form a party

or create a chatroom? (Note 1)
basic_skill_check: yes

// When teleporting, or spawning to a map, how long before a monster

sees you if you don't move? (time is in milliseconds)
// That is, when you go to a map and don't move, how long before the

monsters will notice you.
// If you attack a monster, it will attack you back regardless of this

player_invincible_time: 5000

// The time interval for HP to restore naturally. (in milliseconds)
natural_healhp_interval: 6000

// The time interval for SP to restore naturally. (in milliseconds)
natural_healsp_interval: 8000

// Automatic healing skill's time interval. (in milliseconds)
natural_heal_skill_interval: 10000

// The maximum weight for a character to carry when the character

stops healing naturally. (in %)
natural_heal_weight_rate: 50

// Maximum atk speed. (Default 190, Highest allowed 199)
max_aspd: 196

// Same as max_aspd, but for 3rd classes. (Default 193, Highest

allowed 199)
max_third_aspd: 199

// Maximum walk speed rate (200 would be capped to twice the normal

max_walk_speed: 300

// Maximum HP. (Default is 1000000)
max_hp: 10000000

// Maximum SP. (Default is 1000000)
max_sp: 10000000

// Max limit of char stats. (agi, str, etc.)
max_parameter: 255

// Same as max_parameter, but for 3rd classes.
max_third_parameter: 255

// Same as max_parameter, but for baby classes.
max_baby_parameter: 255

// Same as max_parameter, but for baby 3rd's.
max_baby_third_parameter: 255

// Max armor def/mdef
// NOTE: This setting have no effect if server is run on Renewal Mode

// NOTE: does not affects skills and status effects like Mental

// If weapon_defense_type is non-zero, it won't apply to max def.
// If magic_defense_type is non-zero, it won't apply to max mdef.
max_def: 99

// Def to Def2 conversion bonus. If the armor def/mdef exceeds

// the remaining is converted to vit def/int mdef using this

// (eg: if set to 10, every armor point above the max becomes 10 vit

defense points)
over_def_bonus: 0

// Max weight carts can hold.
max_cart_weight: 600

// Prevent logout of players after being hit for how long (in ms, 0

prevent_logout: 10000

// Display the drained hp/sp values from normal attacks? (Ie: Hunter

Fly card)
show_hp_sp_drain: no

// Display the gained hp/sp values from killing mobs? (Ie: Sky Deleter

show_hp_sp_gain: yes

// If set, when A accepts B as a friend, B will also be added to A's

// list, otherwise, only A appears in B's friend list.
// NOTE: this setting only enables friend auto-adding; auto-deletion

does not work yet
friend_auto_add: yes

// Are simultaneous trade/party/guild invite requests automatically

invite_request_check: yes

// Players' will drop a 'Skull' when killed?
// 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Dropped only in PvP maps
// 2 = Dropped in all situations
bone_drop: 0

// Do mounted (on Peco) characters increase their size?
// 0 = no
// 1 = only Normal Classes on Peco have Big Size
// 2 = only Baby Classes on Peco have Medium Size
// 3 = both Normal Classes on Peco have Big Size
// and Baby Classes on Peco have Medium Size
character_size: 0

// Idle characters can receive autoloot?
// Set to the time in seconds where an idle character will stop

// items from Autoloot (0: disabled).
idle_no_autoloot: 0

// Minimum distance a vending/chat room must be from a NPC in order to

be placed.
// Default: 3 (0: disabled).
min_npc_vendchat_distance: 3



skill.conf to adjust skill cast rates and delays


// rAthena Battle Configuration File
// Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
// Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
// Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
// Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
// Note 3: Value is a bit field. If no description is given,
//         assume unit types (1: Pc, 2: Mob, 4: Pet, 8: Homun, 16: Mercenary)

// The rate of time it takes to cast a spell (Note 2, 0 = No casting time)
casting_rate: 100

// Delay time after casting (Note 2)
delay_rate: 50

// Does the delay time depend on the caster's DEX and/or AGI? (Note 1)
// Note: On Official servers, neither Dex nor Agi affect delay time
delay_dependon_dex: no
delay_dependon_agi: no

// Minimum allowed delay for ANY skills after casting (in miliseconds) (Note 1)
// Note: Setting this to anything above 0 can stop speedhacks.
min_skill_delay_limit: 10

// This delay is the min 'can't walk delay' of all skills.
// NOTE: Do not set this too low, if a character starts moving too soon after
// doing a skill, the client will not update this, and the player/mob will
// appear to "teleport" afterwards.
default_walk_delay: 300

//Completely disable skill delay of the following types (Note 3)
//NOTE: By default mobs don't have the skill delay as specified in the skill
//  database, but follow their own 'reuse' skill delay which is specified on
//  the mob skill db. When set, the delay for all skills become
//  min_skill_delay_limit.
no_skill_delay: 2

// At what dex does the cast time become zero (instacast)?
castrate_dex_scale: 125

// How much (dex*2+int) does variable cast turns zero?
vcast_stat_scale: 400

// What level of leniency should the skill system give for skills when
// accounting attack motion (ASPD) for casting skills (Note 2, between 0 and 300)
// NOTE: Setting this to 100% may cause some issues with valid skills not being cast.
//       The time difference between client and server varies so allowing 90% leniency
//       should be enough to forgive very small margins of error.
skill_amotion_leniency: 90

// Will normal attacks be able to ignore the delay after skills? (Note 1)
skill_delay_attack_enable: yes

// Range added to skills after their cast time finishes.
// Decides how far away the target can walk away after the skill began casting before the skill fails.
// 0 disables this range checking (default)
skill_add_range: 0

// If the target moves out of range while casting, do we take the items and SP for the skill anyway? (Note 1)
skill_out_range_consume: no

// Does the distance between caster and target define if the skill is a ranged skill? (Note 3)
// If set, when the distance between caster and target is greater than 3 the skill is considered long-range, otherwise it's a melee range.
// If not set, then the range is determined by the skill's range (if it is above 5, the skill is ranged).
// Default 14 (mobs + pets + homun)
skillrange_by_distance: 14

// Should the equipped weapon's range override the skill's range defined in the skill_db for most weapon-based skills? (Note 3)
// NOTE: Skills affected by this option are those whose range in the skill_db are negative. Note that unless monster_ai&0x400 is
// set, the range of all skills is 9 for monsters.
skillrange_from_weapon: 30

// Should a check on the caster's status be performed in all skill attacks?
// When set to yes, meteors, storm gust and any other ground skills will have
// no effect while the caster is unable to fight (eg: stunned).
skill_caster_check: yes

// Should ground placed skills be removed as soon as the caster dies? (Note 3)
clear_skills_on_death: 0

// Should ground placed skills be removed when the caster changes maps? (Note 3)
clear_skills_on_warp: 15

//Setting this to YES will override the target mode of ground-based skills with the flag 0x01 to "No Enemies"
//The two skills affected by default are Pneuma and Safety Wall (if set to yes, those two skills will not protect everyone, but only allies)
//See db/skill_unit_db.txt for more info.
defunit_not_enemy: no

// Do skills do at least 'hits' damage when they don't miss/are blocked?
//(for example, will firebolts always do "number of bolts" damage versus plants?)
//Values (add as appropiate): 1 for weapon-based attacks, 2 for magic attacks, 4 for misc attacks.
skill_min_damage: 6

// The delay rate of monk's combo (Note 2)
combo_delay_rate: 50

// Use alternate auto Counter Attack Skill Type? (Note 3)
// For those characters on which it is set, 100% Critical,
// Otherwise it disregard DEF and HIT+20, CRI*2
auto_counter_type: 15

// Can ground skills be placed on top of each other? (Note 3)
// By default, skills with UF_NOREITERATION set cannot be stacked on top of
// other skills, this setting will override that. (skill_unit_db)
skill_reiteration: 0

// Can ground skills NOT be placed underneath/near players/monsters? (Note 3)
// If set, only skills with UF_NOFOOTSET set will be affected (skill_unit_db)
skill_nofootset: 1

// Should traps (hunter traps + quagmire) change their target to "all" inside gvg/pvp grounds? (Note 3)
// Default on official servers: yes for player-traps
gvg_traps_target_all: 1

// Some traps settings (add as necessary):
// 1: Traps are invisible to those who come into view of it. When unset, all traps are visible at all times.
//    (Invisible traps can be revealed through Hunter's Detecting skill)
traps_setting: 0

// Restrictions applied to the Alchemist's Summon Flora skill (add as necessary)
// 1: Enable players to damage the floras outside of versus grounds.
// 2: Disable having different types out at the same time
//    (eg: forbid summoning anything except hydras when there's already
//     one hydra out)
summon_flora_setting: 3

// Whether placed down skills will check walls (Note 1)
// (Makes it so that Storm Gust/Lord of Vermillion/etc when casted next to a wall, won't hit on the other side)
skill_wall_check: yes

// When cloaking, Whether the wall is checked or not. (Note 1)
// Note: When the skill does not checks for walls, you will always be considered
//  as if you had a wall-next to you (you always get the wall-based speed).
//  Add the settings as required, being hit always uncloaks you.
// 0 = doesn't check for walls
// 1 = Check for walls
// 2 = Cloaking is not cancelled when attacking.
// 4 = Cloaking is not cancelled when using skills
player_cloak_check_type: 1
monster_cloak_check_type: 4

// Can't place unlimited land skills at the same time (Note 3)
land_skill_limit: 9

//Determines which kind of skill-failed messages should be sent:
// 1 - Disable all skill-failed messages.
// 2 - Disable skill-failed messages due to can-act delays.
// 4 - Disable failed message from Snatcher
// 8 - Disable failed message from Envenom
display_skill_fail: 2

// Can a player in chat room (in-game), be warped by a warp portal? (Note 1)
chat_warpportal: no

// What should the wizard's "Sense" skill display on the defense fields?
// 0: Do not show defense
// 1: Base defense [RE default]
// 2: Vit/Int defense
// 3: Both (the addition of both)
sense_type: 1

// Which finger offensive style will be used?
// 0 = Aegis style (single multi-hit attack)
// 1 = Athena style (multiple consecutive attacks)
finger_offensive_type: 0

// Grandcross Settings (Dont mess with these)
// If set to no, hit interval is increased based on the amount of mobs standing on the same cell
// (means that when there's stacked mobs in the same cell, they won't receive all hits)
gx_allhit: no

// Grandcross display type (Default 1)
// 0: Yellow character
// 1: White character
gx_disptype: 1

// Max Level Difference for Devotion
devotion_level_difference: 10

// If no than you can use the ensemble skills alone. (Note 1)
player_skill_partner_check: yes

// Remove trap type
// 0 = Aegis system : Returns 1 'Trap' item
// 1 = Athena system : Returns all items used to deploy the trap
skill_removetrap_type: 0

// Does using bow to do a backstab give a 50% damage penalty? (Note 1)
backstab_bow_penalty: yes

// How many times you could try to steal from a mob.
// Note: It helps to avoid stealing exploit on monsters with few rare items
// Use 0 to disable (max allowed value is 255)
skill_steal_max_tries: 0

// Can Rogues plagiarize advanced job skills          
// 0 = no restriction
// 1 = only stalker may plagiarize advanced skills      
// 2 = advanced skills cannot be plagiarized by anyone 
// Official servers setting: 2
copyskill_restrict: 2

// Does Berserk/Frenzy cancel other self-buffs when used?
berserk_cancels_buffs: no

// Level and Strength of "MVP heal". When someone casts a heal of this level or
// above, the heal formula is bypassed and this value is used instead.
max_heal: 9999
max_heal_lv: 11

// Emergency Recall Guild Skill setting (add as appropiate).
// Note that for the skill to be usable at all,
// you need at least one of 1/2 and 4/8
// 1: Skill is usable outside of woe.
// 2: Skill is usable during woe.
// 4: Skill is usable outside of GvG grounds
// 8: Skill is usable on GvG grounds
//16: Disable skill from "nowarpto" maps
//    (it will work on GVG castles even if they are set to nowarpto, though)
emergency_call: 11

// Guild Aura Skills setting (add as appropiate).
// Note that for the skill to be usable at all,
// you need at least one of 1/2 and 4/8
// 1: Skill works outside of woe.
// 2: Skill works during woe.
// 4: Skill works outside of GvG grounds
// 8: Skill works on GvG grounds
//16: Disable skill from affecting Guild Master
guild_aura: 31

// Max Possible Level of Monster skills
// Note: If your MVPs are too tough, reduce it to 10.
mob_max_skilllvl: 100

// Allows players to skip menu when casting Teleport level 1
// Menu contains two options. "Random" and "Cancel"
skip_teleport_lv1_menu: no

// Allow use of SG skills without proper day (Sun/Moon/Star) ?
allow_skill_without_day: no

// Allow use of ES-type magic on players?
allow_es_magic_player: no

// Miracle of the Sun, Moon and Stars skill ratio (100% = 10000)
sg_miracle_skill_ratio: 2

// Miracle of the Sun, Moon and Stars skill duration in milliseconds
sg_miracle_skill_duration: 3600000

// Angel of the Sun, Moon and Stars skill ratio (100% = 10000)
sg_angel_skill_ratio: 10

// Skills that bHealPower has effect on
// 1: Heal, 2: Sanctuary, 4: Potion Pitcher, 8: Slim Pitcher, 16: Apple of Idun
skill_add_heal_rate: 7

// Whether the damage of EarthQuake with a single target on screen is able to be reflected.
// Note: On offcial server, EQ is reflectable when there is only one target on the screen,
//  which might be an exploit to hunt the MVPs.
eq_single_target_reflectable: yes

// On official server, you will receive damage from Reflection and some Tarot Card even in invincible status.
// When this setting is enabled, it allows you to immune to all kinds of damage, including those stated previous.
// (The number will show but no actual damage will be done)
invincible.nodamage: no

// Dancing Weapon Switch
// On official server, a fix is in place that prevents the switching of weapons to cancel songs.
// Default: yes
dancing_weaponswitch_fix: yes

// Skill Trap Type (GvG)
// 0: (official) Traps in GvG only make player stop moving after its walk path is complete, and it activates other traps on the way.
// 1: Traps in GvG make player stop moving right when stepping over it.
skill_trap_type: 0



End conf/battle folder file changes.


Start db/re folder file changes.


exp.conf to adjust max levels for each job type


//Experience tables format:
//Max Level,Class list,Type (0 - Base Exp; 1 - Job Exp),Exp for Lv 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98
// Supports baselevel up to 1000 and joblevel up to 255 (except Novice/High Novice)

// Renewal Experience Database

//Base - Normal and Baby Jobs

//Base - Adv Jobs

//Base - 3rd Jobs, Baby 3rds, Expanded Super Novice, and Kagerou/Oboro
//Note: (First 98 values [Level 1 - 98] are dummy values (used Adv Jobs values), because 3rd classes start at level 99.)

//Job - Novice & Baby Novice

//Job - 1st Classes & Baby 1st Classes

//Job - 2nd Classes & Baby 2nd Classes

//Job - Novice High

//Job - Adv First Classes

//Job - Adv Second Classes

//Job - 3rd Jobs, Baby 3rds, Expanded Super Novice, and Kagerou/Oboro

//Job - Ninja/Gunslinger

//Job - Taekwon (Same EXP table as 1st Classes & Baby 1st Classes)

//Job - Star Gladiator (Still pre-renewal values -> Needs info)

//Job - Soul Linker (Same EXP table as 2nd Classes & Baby 2nd Classes)

//Job - Super Novice & Baby Super Novice (Still pre-renewal values -> Needs info)


End db/re folder file changes.



Start src/map folder changes.


map.conf to define max exp

// Copyright © Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder

#ifndef _MAP_H_
#define _MAP_H_

#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
#include "../common/core.h" // CORE_ST_LAST
#include "../common/mmo.h"
#include "../common/mapindex.h"
#include "../common/db.h"
#include "../common/msg_conf.h"

* [rAthena.org]
#include "../config/core.h"

#include <stdarg.h>

struct npc_data;
struct item_data;


#define msg_config_read(cfgName) map_msg_config_read(cfgName)
#define msg_txt(msg_number) map_msg_txt(msg_number)
#define do_final_msg() map_do_final_msg()
int map_msg_config_read(char *cfgName);
const char* map_msg_txt(int msg_number);
void map_do_final_msg(void);

#define MAX_NPC_PER_MAP 512
#define AREA_SIZE battle_config.area_size
#define LOOTITEM_SIZE 10
#define MAX_MOBSKILL 50 //Max 128, see mob skill_idx type if need this higher
#define MAX_MOB_LIST_PER_MAP 128
#define MAX_LEVEL 255
#define MAX_DROP_PER_MAP 48
#define MAX_IGNORE_LIST 20 // official is 14
#define MAX_VENDING 12
#define MAX_MAP_SIZE 512*512 // Wasn't there something like this already? Can't find it.. [shinryo]

// Added definitions for WoESE objects. [L0ne_W0lf]
enum MOBID {
MOBID_TREAS01 = 1324,
MOBID_TREAS40 = 1363,
MOBID_TREAS41 = 1938,
MOBID_TREAS49 = 1946,

//The following system marks a different job ID system used by the map server,
//which makes a lot more sense than the normal one. [skotlex]
//These marks the "level" of the job.
#define JOBL_2_1 0x100 //256
#define JOBL_2_2 0x200 //512
#define JOBL_2 0x300

#define JOBL_UPPER 0x1000 //4096
#define JOBL_BABY 0x2000 //8192
#define JOBL_THIRD 0x4000 //16384

//for filtering and quick checking.
#define MAPID_BASEMASK 0x00ff
#define MAPID_UPPERMASK 0x0fff
//First Jobs
//Note the oddity of the novice:
//Super Novices are considered the 2-1 version of the novice! Novices are considered a first class type, too...
enum {
//Novice And 1-1 Jobs
//2-1 Jobs
//2-2 Jobs
//Trans Novice And Trans 1-1 Jobs
//Trans 2-1 Jobs
//Trans 2-2 Jobs
//Baby Novice And Baby 1-1 Jobs
//Baby 2-1 Jobs
//Baby 2-2 Jobs
//3-1 Jobs
//3-2 Jobs
//Trans 3-1 Jobs
//Trans 3-2 Jobs
//Baby 3-1 Jobs
//Baby 3-2 Jobs

//Max size for inputs to Graffiti, Talkie Box and Vending text prompts
#define MESSAGE_SIZE (79 + 1)
//String length you can write in the 'talking box'
#define CHATBOX_SIZE (70 + 1)
//Chatroom-related string sizes
#define CHATROOM_TITLE_SIZE (36 + 1)
#define CHATROOM_PASS_SIZE (8 + 1)
//Max allowed chat text length
#define CHAT_SIZE_MAX (255 + 1)
//24 for npc name + 24 for label + 2 for a "::" and 1 for EOS


//Specifies maps where players may hit each other
#define map_flag_vs(m) (map[m].flag.pvp || map[m].flag.gvg_dungeon || map[m].flag.gvg || ((agit_flag || agit2_flag) && map[m].flag.gvg_castle) || map[m].flag.battleground)
//Specifies maps that have special GvG/WoE restrictions
#define map_flag_gvg(m) (map[m].flag.gvg || ((agit_flag || agit2_flag) && map[m].flag.gvg_castle))
//Specifies if the map is tagged as GvG/WoE (regardless of agit_flag status)
#define map_flag_gvg2(m) (map[m].flag.gvg || map[m].flag.gvg_castle)
// No Kill Steal Protection
#define map_flag_ks(m) (map[m].flag.town || map[m].flag.pvp || map[m].flag.gvg || map[m].flag.battleground)

//This stackable implementation does not means a BL can be more than one type at a time, but it's
//meant to make it easier to check for multiple types at a time on invocations such as map_foreach* calls [skotlex]
enum bl_type {
BL_NUL = 0x000,
BL_PC = 0x001,
BL_MOB = 0x002,
BL_PET = 0x004,
BL_HOM = 0x008,
BL_MER = 0x010,
BL_ITEM = 0x020,
BL_SKILL = 0x040,
BL_NPC = 0x080,
BL_CHAT = 0x100,
BL_ELEM = 0x200,


//For common mapforeach calls. Since pets cannot be affected, they aren't included here yet.

enum npc_subtype { WARP, SHOP, SCRIPT, CASHSHOP, TOMB };

enum {

enum {
RC2_NONE = 0,

enum {

enum auto_trigger_flag {

struct block_list {
struct block_list *next,*prev;
int id;
int16 m,x,y;
enum bl_type type;

// Mob List Held in memory for Dynamic Mobs [Wizputer]
// Expanded to specify all mob-related spawn data by [skotlex]
struct spawn_data {
short class_; //Class, used because a mob can change it's class
unsigned short m, x, y; //Spawn information (map, point, spawn-area around point)
signed short xs, ys;
unsigned short num; //Number of mobs using this structure
unsigned short active;//Number of mobs that are already spawned (for mob_remove_damaged: no)
unsigned int delay1, delay2; //Spawn delay (fixed base + random variance)
unsigned int level;
struct {
unsigned int size : 2; //Holds if mob has to be tiny/large
unsigned int ai : 4; //Special ai for summoned monsters.
//0: Normal mob | 1: Standard summon, attacks mobs
//2: Alchemist Marine Sphere | 3: Alchemist Summon Flora | 4: Summon Zanzou
unsigned int dynamic : 1; //Whether this data is indexed by a map's dynamic mob list
unsigned int boss : 1; //0: Non-boss monster | 1: Boss monster
} state;
char name[NAME_LENGTH], eventname[EVENT_NAME_LENGTH]; //Name/event

struct flooritem_data {
struct block_list bl;
unsigned char subx,suby;
int cleartimer;
int first_get_charid,second_get_charid,third_get_charid;
unsigned int first_get_tick,second_get_tick,third_get_tick;
struct item item_data;

enum _sp {
SP_WEIGHT,SP_MAXWEIGHT,SP_1a,SP_1b,SP_1c,SP_1d,SP_1e,SP_1f, // 24-31
SP_CARTINFO=99, // 99

SP_BASEJOB=119, // 100+19 - celest
SP_BASECLASS=120, //Hmm.. why 100+19? I just use the next one... [skotlex]

// Mercenaries

// original 1000-
SP_ADDEFF, SP_RESEFF, // 1012-1013



enum _look {
LOOK_BODY, //Purpose Unknown. Doesen't appear to do anything.
LOOK_RESET_COSTUMES,//Makes all headgear sprites on player vanish when activated.

// used by map_setcell()
typedef enum {


} cell_t;

// used by map_getcell()
typedef enum {
CELL_GETTYPE, // retrieves a cell's 'gat' type

CELL_CHKWALL, // wall (gat type 1)
CELL_CHKWATER, // water (gat type 3)
CELL_CHKCLIFF, // cliff/gap (gat type 5)

CELL_CHKPASS, // passable cell (gat type non-1/5)
CELL_CHKREACH, // Same as PASS, but ignores the cell-stacking mod.
CELL_CHKNOPASS, // non-passable cell (gat types 1 and 5)
CELL_CHKNOREACH, // Same as NOPASS, but ignores the cell-stacking mod.
CELL_CHKSTACK, // whether cell is full (reached cell stacking limit)


} cell_chk;

struct mapcell
// terrain flags
unsigned char
walkable : 1,
shootable : 1,
water : 1;

// dynamic flags
unsigned char
npc : 1,
basilica : 1,
landprotector : 1,
novending : 1,
nochat : 1,
maelstrom : 1,
icewall : 1;

unsigned char cell_bl; //Holds amount of bls in this cell.

struct iwall_data {
char wall_name[50];
short m, x, y, size;
int8 dir;
bool shootable;

struct map_data {
char name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];
uint16 index; // The map index used by the mapindex* functions.
struct mapcell* cell; // Holds the information of each map cell (NULL if the map is not on this map-server).
struct block_list **block;
struct block_list **block_mob;
int16 m;
int16 xs,ys; // map dimensions (in cells)
int16 bxs,bys; // map dimensions (in blocks)
int16 bgscore_lion, bgscore_eagle; // Battleground ScoreBoard
int npc_num;
int users;
int users_pvp;
int iwall_num; // Total of invisible walls in this map
struct map_flag {
unsigned town : 1; // [suggestion to protect Mail System]
unsigned autotrade : 1;
unsigned allowks : 1; // [Kill Steal Protection]
unsigned nomemo : 1;
unsigned noteleport : 1;
unsigned noreturn : 1;
unsigned monster_noteleport : 1;
unsigned nosave : 1;
unsigned nobranch : 1;
unsigned noexppenalty : 1;
unsigned pvp : 1;
unsigned pvp_noparty : 1;
unsigned pvp_noguild : 1;
unsigned pvp_nightmaredrop :1;
unsigned pvp_nocalcrank : 1;
unsigned gvg_castle : 1;
unsigned gvg : 1; // Now it identifies gvg versus maps that are active 24/7
unsigned gvg_dungeon : 1; // Celest
unsigned gvg_noparty : 1;
unsigned battleground : 2; // [battleGround System]
unsigned nozenypenalty : 1;
unsigned notrade : 1;
unsigned noskill : 1;
unsigned nowarp : 1;
unsigned nowarpto : 1;
unsigned noicewall : 1; // [Valaris]
unsigned snow : 1; // [Valaris]
unsigned clouds : 1;
unsigned clouds2 : 1; // [Valaris]
unsigned fog : 1; // [Valaris]
unsigned fireworks : 1;
unsigned sakura : 1; // [Valaris]
unsigned leaves : 1; // [Valaris]
* No longer available, keeping here just in case it's back someday. [ind]
//unsigned rain : 1; // [Valaris]
unsigned nogo : 1; // [Valaris]
unsigned nobaseexp : 1; // [Lorky] added by Lupus
unsigned nojobexp : 1; // [Lorky]
unsigned nomobloot : 1; // [Lorky]
unsigned nomvploot : 1; // [Lorky]
unsigned nightenabled :1; //For night display. [skotlex]
unsigned restricted : 1; // [Komurka]
unsigned nodrop : 1;
unsigned novending : 1;
unsigned loadevent : 1;
unsigned nochat :1;
unsigned partylock :1;
unsigned guildlock :1;
unsigned src4instance : 1; // To flag this map when it's used as a src map for instances
unsigned reset :1; // [Daegaladh]
} flag;
struct point save;
struct npc_data *npc[MAX_NPC_PER_MAP];
struct {
int drop_id;
int drop_type;
int drop_per;
} drop_list[MAX_DROP_PER_MAP];

struct spawn_data *moblist[MAX_MOB_LIST_PER_MAP]; // [Wizputer]
int mob_delete_timer; // [skotlex]
int zone; // zone number (for item/skill restrictions)
int jexp; // map experience multiplicator
int bexp; // map experience multiplicator
int nocommand; //Blocks @/# commands for non-gms. [skotlex]
* Ice wall reference counter for bugreport:3574
* - since there are a thounsand mobs out there in a lot of maps checking on,
* - every targetting for icewall on attack path would just be a waste, so,
* - this counter allows icewall checking be only run when there is a actual ice wall on the map
int icewall_num;
// Instance Variables
int instance_id;
int instance_src_map;

/// Stores information about a remote map (for multi-mapserver setups).
/// Beginning of data structure matches 'map_data', to allow typecasting.
struct map_data_other_server {
char name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];
unsigned short index; //Index is the map index used by the mapindex* functions.
struct mapcell* cell; // If this is NULL, the map is not on this map-server
uint32 ip;
uint16 port;

int map_getcell(int16 m,int16 x,int16 y,cell_chk cellchk);
int map_getcellp(struct map_data* m,int16 x,int16 y,cell_chk cellchk);
void map_setcell(int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, cell_t cell, bool flag);
void map_setgatcell(int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int gat);

extern struct map_data map[];
extern int map_num;

extern int autosave_interval;
extern int minsave_interval;
extern int save_settings;
extern int agit_flag;
extern int agit2_flag;
extern int night_flag; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor]
extern int enable_spy; //Determines if @spy commands are active.
extern char db_path[256];

extern char motd_txt[];
extern char help_txt[];
extern char help2_txt[];
extern char charhelp_txt[];

extern char wisp_server_name[];

// users
void map_setusers(int);
int map_getusers(void);
int map_usercount(void);

// blocklist lock
int map_freeblock(struct block_list *bl);
int map_freeblock_lock(void);
int map_freeblock_unlock(void);
// blocklist manipulation
int map_addblock(struct block_list* bl);
int map_delblock(struct block_list* bl);
int map_moveblock(struct block_list *, int, int, unsigned int);
int map_foreachinrange(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list), struct block_list* center, int16 range, int type, ...);
int map_foreachinshootrange(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list), struct block_list* center, int16 range, int type, ...);
int map_foreachinarea(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list), int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, int type, ...);
int map_forcountinrange(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list), struct block_list* center, int16 range, int count, int type, ...);
int map_forcountinarea(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list), int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, int count, int type, ...);
int map_foreachinmovearea(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list), struct block_list* center, int16 range, int16 dx, int16 dy, int type, ...);
int map_foreachincell(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list), int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int type, ...);
int map_foreachinpath(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list), int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 range, int length, int type, ...);
int map_foreachinmap(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list), int16 m, int type, ...);
//blocklist nb in one cell
int map_count_oncell(int16 m,int16 x,int16 y,int type);
struct skill_unit *map_find_skill_unit_oncell(struct block_list *,int16 x,int16 y,uint16 skill_id,struct skill_unit *, int flag);
// search and creation
int map_get_new_object_id(void);
int map_search_freecell(struct block_list *src, int16 m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int16 rx, int16 ry, int flag);
int map_quit(struct map_session_data *);
// npc
bool map_addnpc(int16 m,struct npc_data *);

// map item
int map_clearflooritem_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data);
int map_removemobs_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data);
void map_clearflooritem(struct block_list* bl);
int map_addflooritem(struct item *item_data,int amount,int16 m,int16 x,int16 y,int first_charid,int second_charid,int third_charid,int flags);

// player to map session
void map_addnickdb(int charid, const char* nick);
void map_delnickdb(int charid, const char* nick);
void map_reqnickdb(struct map_session_data* sd,int charid);
const char* map_charid2nick(int charid);
struct map_session_data* map_charid2sd(int charid);

struct map_session_data * map_id2sd(int id);
struct mob_data * map_id2md(int id);
struct npc_data * map_id2nd(int id);
struct homun_data* map_id2hd(int id);
struct mercenary_data* map_id2mc(int id);
struct chat_data* map_id2cd(int id);
struct block_list * map_id2bl(int id);
bool map_blid_exists( int id );

#define map_id2index(id) map[(id)].index
int16 map_mapindex2mapid(unsigned short mapindex);
int16 map_mapname2mapid(const char* name);
int map_mapname2ipport(unsigned short name, uint32* ip, uint16* port);
int map_setipport(unsigned short map, uint32 ip, uint16 port);
int map_eraseipport(unsigned short map, uint32 ip, uint16 port);
int map_eraseallipport(void);
void map_addiddb(struct block_list *);
void map_deliddb(struct block_list *bl);
void map_foreachpc(int (*func)(struct map_session_data* sd, va_list args), ...);
void map_foreachmob(int (*func)(struct mob_data* md, va_list args), ...);
void map_foreachnpc(int (*func)(struct npc_data* nd, va_list args), ...);
void map_foreachregen(int (*func)(struct block_list* bl, va_list args), ...);
void map_foreachiddb(int (*func)(struct block_list* bl, va_list args), ...);
struct map_session_data * map_nick2sd(const char*);
struct mob_data * map_getmob_boss(int16 m);
struct mob_data * map_id2boss(int id);

// reload config file looking only for npcs
void map_reloadnpc(bool clear);

/// Bitfield of flags for the iterator.
enum e_mapitflags
// MAPIT_PCISPLAYING = 1,// Unneeded as pc_db/id_db will only hold auth'ed, active players.
struct s_mapiterator;
struct s_mapiterator* mapit_alloc(enum e_mapitflags flags, enum bl_type types);
void mapit_free(struct s_mapiterator* mapit);
struct block_list* mapit_first(struct s_mapiterator* mapit);
struct block_list* mapit_last(struct s_mapiterator* mapit);
struct block_list* mapit_next(struct s_mapiterator* mapit);
struct block_list* mapit_prev(struct s_mapiterator* mapit);
bool mapit_exists(struct s_mapiterator* mapit);
#define mapit_getallusers() mapit_alloc(MAPIT_NORMAL,BL_PC)
#define mapit_geteachpc() mapit_alloc(MAPIT_NORMAL,BL_PC)
#define mapit_geteachmob() mapit_alloc(MAPIT_NORMAL,BL_MOB)
#define mapit_geteachnpc() mapit_alloc(MAPIT_NORMAL,BL_NPC)
#define mapit_geteachiddb() mapit_alloc(MAPIT_NORMAL,BL_ALL)

int map_check_dir(int s_dir,int t_dir);
uint8 map_calc_dir( struct block_list *src,int16 x,int16 y);
int map_random_dir(struct block_list *bl, short *x, short *y); // [skotlex]

int cleanup_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);

int map_delmap(char* mapname);
void map_flags_init(void);

bool map_iwall_set(int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int size, int8 dir, bool shootable, const char* wall_name);
void map_iwall_get(struct map_session_data *sd);
void map_iwall_remove(const char *wall_name);

int map_addmobtolist(unsigned short m, struct spawn_data *spawn); // [Wizputer]
void map_spawnmobs(int16 m); // [Wizputer]
void map_removemobs(int16 m); // [Wizputer]
void do_reconnect_map(void); //Invoked on map-char reconnection [skotlex]
void map_addmap2db(struct map_data *m);
void map_removemapdb(struct map_data *m);

extern char *INTER_CONF_NAME;
extern char *LOG_CONF_NAME;
extern char *MAP_CONF_NAME;
extern char *SCRIPT_CONF_NAME;
extern char *MSG_CONF_NAME;
extern char *GRF_PATH_FILENAME;

//Useful typedefs from jA [skotlex]
typedef struct map_session_data TBL_PC;
typedef struct npc_data TBL_NPC;
typedef struct mob_data TBL_MOB;
typedef struct flooritem_data TBL_ITEM;
typedef struct chat_data TBL_CHAT;
typedef struct skill_unit TBL_SKILL;
typedef struct pet_data TBL_PET;
typedef struct homun_data TBL_HOM;
typedef struct mercenary_data TBL_MER;
typedef struct elemental_data TBL_ELEM;

#define BL_CAST(type_, bl) \
( ((bl) == (struct block_list*)NULL || (bl)->type != (type_)) ? (T ## type_ *)NULL : (T ## type_ *)(bl) )

extern char main_chat_nick[16];


extern char default_codepage[32];
extern int map_server_port;
extern char map_server_ip[32];
extern char map_server_id[32];
extern char map_server_pw[32];
extern char map_server_db[32];

extern char log_db_ip[32];
extern int log_db_port;
extern char log_db_id[32];
extern char log_db_pw[32];
extern char log_db_db[32];


#include "../common/sql.h"

extern int db_use_sqldbs;

extern Sql* mmysql_handle;
extern Sql* logmysql_handle;

extern char item_db_db[32];
extern char item_db2_db[32];
extern char item_db_re_db[32];
extern char mob_db_db[32];
extern char mob_db2_db[32];
extern char mob_skill_db_db[32];
extern char mob_skill_db2_db[32];

void do_shutdown(void);

#endif /* _MAP_H_ */



Thank you guys in advance for your responses.

... By Die instalntly i mean the client crashes.. I appologize for the confusion

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This was fixed in r17221, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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its already fix on the latest revision. update your version then recompile.

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what svn are you using ?

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Im using the latest revision, but i did resolve this issue, it seems that some settings were off somewhere, after going through several times every file over again and checking every last detail, it seems i have resolved this issue, i think somewhere I may have had conflicting values.. Thank you for your guys time and responses but this issue is resolved for now!

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what revision? 17220 or 17221?

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17220 I just installed it yesterday from the trunk... is there another 1?

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No problem :) I had fixed it before updating, I think conflicting exp modifiers was causing the crash. Thanks everyone!

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map server crash with release svn r17227, same issue, replace all files, compile server again, server crash again



[Error]: Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters! Map-Server has crashed!
Restarting in 15 seconds, press Ctrl+C to cancel.
[status]: Memory manager initialised: log/map-server_sql.exe.leaks


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Are you running txt or sql? i was on TXT when i had this issue, since i have switched to  SQL and have had less issues..

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recompile again, replace all server files again, now looks like ok

thx any

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