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Central Laboratory



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Hey everyone, I tried changing the delay of this instance. but failed to make it

here's the script that im using

//===== rAthena Script =======================================
//= Central Laboratory
//===== Description: =========================================
//= [Walkthrough Conversion]
//= Central Laboratory Instance
//===== Changelogs: ==========================================
//= 1.0 First version. [Capuche]
// Episode 15.2: Central Laboratory quest_db.txt
12346,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Strange Ancient Science"
12347,43200,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Trace of Laboratory Access"	// 24 hours

// instance_db.txt
28,Central Laboratory,3600,300,1@lab,120,30


verus01,153,155,5	script	Temporary Dimension-mov	PORTAL,{

	.@party_id = getcharid(1);
	.@central_timer = checkquest(12347,PLAYTIME);

		mes "[Temporary Dimension-mover]";
		mes "Im sorry but you must be strong enough to enter.";
	switch(.@central_timer) {
	case -1:
		if(is_party_leader() == true) {
			mes "[Temporary Dimension-mover]";
			mes "Confirmed the party has been made";
			mes "and we acknowledge the strength you got.";
			mes "would you like to enter the room now?";
			switch(select("Enter central laboratory:Return to prontera city.")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Temporary Dimension-mover]";
				callsub L_Enter,1,1;
			case 2:
				mes "[Temporary Dimension-mover]";
				mes "You will be teleported back to prontera city.";
				warp prontera,156,191;
	case 0:
	case 1:
	if(.@etower_timer < 2 && getcharid(1) == central_partyid) {
		mes "If you have the room generated already, you can enter it.";
		switch(select("Enter central laboratory.:Return to prontera city")) {
		case 1:
			callsub L_Enter,0,0;
		case 2:
			mes "Warping you now back to prontera city.";
			warp prontera,156,191;
	} else {
		.@dun_lim_time = #central_timer + 43200; // 5 hours
		.@dun_cur_time = gettimetick(2);
		.@dun_ent_t    = (.@dun_lim_time - .@dun_cur_time);
		.@dun_h        = (.@dun_ent_t / 3600);
		.@dun_m        = (.@dun_ent_t - (.@dun_h * 3600)) / 60;
		.@dun_s        = .@dun_ent_t - ((.@dun_h * 3600) + (.@dun_m * 60));
		mes "[Temporary Dimension-mover]";
		mes "Due to the aftereffects, you cannot enter the dungeon right now";
		mes .@dun_h + "hours " + .@dun_m + "minutes " + .@dun_s + "seconds left to enter the next dungeon.";
	case 2:
		mes "[Temporary Dimension-mover]";
		mes "^0000ffUse of Dimension-mover seems possible.^000000";
		#central_timer = 0;
		erasequest 12347;// Trace of Laboratory Access

	switch(instance_enter("Central Laboratory")) {
	case IE_OTHER:
		mes "An unknown error has occurred.";
		mes "The party leader did not generate the dungeon yet.";
		mes "You can enter the dungeon after making the party.";
	case IE_OK:
		mapannounce "verus01", "" + strcharinfo(0) + " of the party, " + getpartyname(.@party_id) + ", is entering Central Laboratory.",bc_map,"0x00FF99";
		if(getarg(1)) {
			#central_timer  = gettimetick(2);
			central_partyid = getcharid(1);
			setquest 12347;// Trace of Laboratory Access
		if(getarg(0) == 0) close;
		else end;

verus01,149,155,5	script	Civilization Explorer#p	4_LGTSCIENCE,{
	mes "^ff0000Taming monsters will impede progress in this dungeon. Please take note of this.^000000";
	mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
	if (isbegin_quest(12346) == 2) {
		mes "What do you want to do this time?";
	else {
		mes "There are a lot of interesting things about the ancient civilizations in this area.";
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Observing the soil strata it is estimated to be 500 to 600 years old!";
		mes "But many of the excavated objects here already far surpass our current technology.";
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "A lot of undefined terms are found in the recovered records as well.";
		select("What kind of unknown terms?");
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "^0000ffMother Computer^000000 or, ^0000ff LSI Chip^000000 Or, and what else. ^0000ffChicken^000000?";
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Mm that's right. There definitely was the word Chicken. I don't know what kind of combination of technology that may be...";
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "It is referrenced in the records of people who seem to 'root' amongst the many traces of technology.";
		if (select( "It is not a topic I would be interested in.", "Interesting. Have there been any results?" ) == 1) {
			mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
			mes "Unfortunate.";
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "My aim is to research the use of technology related to the relevant times. Even though what I have found out so far is insignificant.";
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "If I had it my way I would use the dimension mover to see for myself but there's too much work. Besides I am not an adventurer...";
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "By any chance, would you interested in traveling to the past?";
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Even better if you show me around if you find an interesting object.";
		if (select( "Not interested.", "Ok." ) == 1) {
			mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
			mes "Unfortunate.";
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "You are an adventurer. Tell me what you decide to do.";
		if (isbegin_quest(12346) == 0)
			setquest 12346;// Strange Ancient Science
		completequest 12346;
	.@party_id = getcharid(1);
	if (.@party_id == 0) {
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Please talk to me after composing a party of 1 or more, or after joining a party.";
	if (getpartyleader(.@party_id,2) != getcharid(0)) {
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Ah. You aren't the party leader. Take me to your leader! Or perhaps take your leader to me.";
	switch( checkquest(12347,PLAYTIME) ) {
	case -1:
		if (select( "Produce a crack of time", "Cancel" ) == 1) {
			mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
			mes "When the crack of time opens take a breath and speak again.";
			instance_create("Central Laboratory");
	case 0:
	case 1:
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Ah, oh no.";
		mes "There are some remaining aftereffects of dimensional travel. We cannot travel again in this condition.";
	case 2:
		mes "^0000ffAll the traces of entering the central laboratory have been erased. Speaking with the Civilization Explorer seems possible.^000000";
		erasequest 12347;// Trace of Laboratory Access

// Entrance
1@lab,104,34,4	script	Probationary researcher	4_LGTSCIENCE,{
	if ('switch_enabled == 1) {
		mes "[Probationary researcher]";
		mes "The entrance door is already open.";
	if (getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) {
		mes "[Probationary researcher]";
		mes "Please hold. I am speaking with the guide about whether or not you have been authorized.";
	mes "[Probationary researcher]";
	mes "Are you participating as assistants to the experiments of research project 32001?";
	if (select( "Yes.", "No." ) == 2) {
		mes "[Probationary researcher]";
		mes "It seems you're in the wrong laboratory. Please exit and ask for help.";
	mes "[Probationary researcher]";
	mes "We need about 5 seconds of time. Confirming access code.";
	sleep 3000;
	npctalk "Probationary researcher : The access code matches. I will open the door.";
	sleep 6000;
	npctalk "Probationary researcher : You may now enter. Please note that you cannot open the door from the other side.";
	if ('switch_enabled == 0) {
		'switch_enabled = 1;
		enablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_1");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_2");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_3");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("Main Switch#");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("Senior researcher#pa082");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("effect_switch");
		for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 8; ++.@i )
			enablenpc instance_npcname( "Switch" + .@i + "#" );
		'code = 5 * gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH);

	'map_name$ = instance_mapname("1@lab");
	'code_found = 'code = 0;
	for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 8; .@i++ )
		'switch_position[.@i] = 0;

	// Entrance
	disablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_1");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_2");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_3");

	// Switchs
	disablenpc instance_npcname("Main Switch#");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("Senior researcher#pa082");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("effect_switch");
	for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 8; ++.@i )
		disablenpc instance_npcname( "Switch" + .@i + "#" );

	// Experiments
	disablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_4");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_5");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("DR Silvia#pa0829");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("DR Federico#pa0829");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("DR Artemia#pa0829");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("DR Vincent#pa0829");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("#wp01");
	disablenpc instance_npcname("#wp02");
	for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 14; ++.@i )
		hideonnpc instance_npcname("#gen_" + (.@i < 10 ? "0" : "") + .@i);
	disablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_6");

// Switchs
1@lab,37,37,3	script	Switch1#	CLEAR_NPC,{
	.@num = charat( strnpcinfo(1),6 );
	setarray .@position$[0], "OFF", "ON";
	mes "[Switch " + .@num + "]";
	mes "The switch is currently in the " + .@position$[ 'switch_position[.@num] ] + " position. What will you do?";
	'switch_position[.@num] = !( select( "ON","OFF" ) - 1 );
1@lab,39,37,3	duplicate(Switch1#)	Switch2#	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,41,37,3	duplicate(Switch1#)	Switch3#	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,43,37,3	duplicate(Switch1#)	Switch4#	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,46,37,3	duplicate(Switch1#)	Switch5#	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,48,37,3	duplicate(Switch1#)	Switch6#	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,50,37,3	duplicate(Switch1#)	Switch7#	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,52,37,3	duplicate(Switch1#)	Switch8#	CLEAR_NPC

1@lab,34,37,3	script	Main Switch#	CLEAR_NPC,{
	.@string$ = 'switch_position[1] + "" + 'switch_position[2] + "" + 'switch_position[3] + "" + 'switch_position[4] + "" +
		'switch_position[5] + "" + 'switch_position[6] + "" + 'switch_position[7] + "" + 'switch_position[8];
	.@current_code = strtol( .@string$,2 );
	npctalk "Today's access code " + 'code + ", currently entered code " + .@current_code + ".";
	sleep 6000;
	if ('code_found > 0)
		npctalk "The door is already open.";
	else if (.@current_code != 'code)
		npctalk "The code is incorrect. Please try again.";
	else {
		'code_found = 1;
		npctalk "The code is correct. Opening door.";
		enablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_4");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_5");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("DR Silvia#pa0829");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("DR Federico#pa0829");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("DR Artemia#pa0829");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("DR Vincent#pa0829");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("#wp01");
		enablenpc instance_npcname("#wp02");
		donpcevent instance_npcname("effect_switch") + "::OnStop";

1@lab,45,32,3	script	Senior researcher#pa082	4_LGTSCIENCE,{
	if ('code_found > 0) {
		mes "[Senior Researcher]";
		mes "The door is open so you may now enter. Please note that you cannot open the door from the other side.";
	mes "[Senior Researcher]";
	mes "It seems you are here to participate in the particle acceleration experiment.";
	mes "[Senior Researcher]";
	mes "Today's access code is ^0000ff" + 'code + "^000000.";
	mes "The code needs to be entered as a binary number. Use the switches behind me to enter it.";
	mes "[Senior Researcher]";
	mes "After entering the code press the main button near the entrance.";
	for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 8; ++.@i )
		specialeffect EF_STEAL, AREA, instance_npcname("Switch" + .@i + "#");
	donpcevent instance_npcname("effect_switch") + "::OnStart";

1@lab,1,1,0	script	effect_switch	-1,{
	specialeffect 203,AREA, instance_npcname("Main Switch#");
	for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 8; ++.@i )
		specialeffect (203+.@i),AREA, instance_npcname("Switch" + .@i + "#");

1@lab,81,84,7	script	DR Silvia#pa0829	4_F_SCIENCE,{
	mes "[DR Silvia]";
	mes "After the experiment I want to go home and enjoy an ice cold beer and some fried chicken.";
	mes "[DR Silvia]";
	mes "I haven't been home for almost 2 years.";
	mes "^0000ffSilvia is looking at the particle accelerator device with a very exhausted look.^000000";

1@lab,80,87,7	script	DR Federico#pa0829	4_LGTSCIENCE,{
	mes "[DR Federico]";
	mes "This device is more amazing the more I look at. There has never been a particle accelerator made in this scale.";
	mes "[DR Federico]";
	mes "With this size I wonder if it's possible to create a small scale black hole...";
	mes "[DR Federico]";
	mes "Ah, I was just talking. Such an event is closer to a disaster than an experiment haha.";

1@lab,80,90,6	script	DR Artemia#pa0829	4_F_SCIENCE,{
	mes "[DR Artemia]";
	mes "Look, reality doesn't like it when you grab a piece of string and give it a tug.";
	mes "[DR Artemia]";
	mes "A dimensional distortion can happen with such a powerful particle acceleration.";
	mes "[DR Artemia]";
	mes "I have a bad feeling about this because... Nature finds a way.";

1@lab,81,93,6	script	DR Vincent#pa0829	4_LGTSCIENCE,{
	mes "[DR Vincent]";
	mes "The machine is perfect. Nothing will go wrong!";
	mes "[DR Vincent]";
	mes "Artemia worries too much. Anyway I'm going on a trip after the experiment.";

1@lab,80,89,0	script	#wp01	HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,9,9,{
	donpcevent instance_npcname("#wp02") + "::OnStart";
	disablenpc instance_npcname("#wp01");

1@lab,80,89,0	script	#wp02	HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{

function effect_gen {
	.@effect = getarg(0);
	.@count = getargcount();
	for ( .@i = 1; .@i < .@count; .@i++ )
		specialeffect .@effect, AREA, getd( "'gen_" + ( getarg(.@i) < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + getarg(.@i) + "$" );

function effect_1_10_gen { effect_gen( getarg(0), 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 ); }

	'vincent$ = instance_npcname("DR Vincent#pa0829");
	'federico$ = instance_npcname("DR Federico#pa0829");
	'silvia$ = instance_npcname("DR Silvia#pa0829");
	'artemia$ = instance_npcname("DR Artemia#pa0829");
	'gen_01$ = instance_npcname("#gen_01");
	'gen_02$ = instance_npcname("#gen_02");
	'gen_03$ = instance_npcname("#gen_03");
	'gen_04$ = instance_npcname("#gen_04");
	'gen_05$ = instance_npcname("#gen_05");
	'gen_06$ = instance_npcname("#gen_06");
	'gen_07$ = instance_npcname("#gen_07");
	'gen_08$ = instance_npcname("#gen_08");
	'gen_09$ = instance_npcname("#gen_09");
	'gen_10$ = instance_npcname("#gen_10");
	'gen_11$ = instance_npcname("#gen_11");
	'gen_12$ = instance_npcname("#gen_12");
	'gen_13$ = instance_npcname("#gen_13");
	'gen_14$ = instance_npcname("#gen_14");

	npctalk "Federico : Let us get started. Hm... Are you ready Dr. Fresa?", 'federico$;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Artemia : Probably making final confirmation checks. An experiment of this scope needs such caution.", 'artemia$;
	sleep 6000;
	npctalk "Silvia : Care is needed for operating a finished product for the first experiment.", 'silvia$;
	sleep 4000;
	npctalk "Vincent : Ah, I hope we can finish quickly so I can go eat chicken.", 'vincent$;
	sleep 3000;
	npctalk "Silvia : Ah! I like that too! Call me when you go.", 'silvia$;
	sleep 6000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "?????: Ah, ah, one two one two, mic test.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 2000;
	npctalk "Federico : She's here.", 'federico$;
	sleep 3000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "?????: Chief director Lona Fresa of project particle accelerator.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 5000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Current time " + gettime(DT_MONTH) + " Month " + gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH) + " Day 25 minutes after 10.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 5000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Testing the effects of particle acceleration on its surroundings in an open space.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Artemia : Aah... I really don't like this experiment.", 'artemia$;
	sleep 3000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Starting the experiment. Chief researcher Dr. Federico, Artemia, Silvia, Vincent and assistant researchers.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Artemia : Let us start~", 'artemia$;
	specialeffect EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, 'gen_01$;
	sleep 1800;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3 );
	sleep 700;
	npctalk "Vincent : Starting rotation of generator.", 'vincent$;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8 );
	sleep 1500;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4 );
	npctalk "Federico : Generator rotation fixed at 10000 RPM.", 'federico$;
	sleep 1200;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6 );
	sleep 1000;
	npctalk "Silvia : Voltage is still within the tolerance band.", 'silvia$;
	sleep 400;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2 );
	sleep 1200;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7 );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9 );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : This experiment is for the creation of new material that hasn't existed before.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Recorders make sure to make detailed records of the catalyst bed's reaction when it is installed to the accelerator.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 500;
	npctalk "Artemia : Contacting catalyst bed number 1.", 'artemia$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1100;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 850;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 850;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 700;
	npctalk "Silvia : Generator voltage unstable. Still within tolerance band.", 'silvia$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	specialeffect EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, AREA, 'gen_01$;
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 430;
	npctalk "Silvia : Detecting heat close to the tolerance band between the catalyst bed and the accelerator!", 'silvia$;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3 );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8 );
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4 );
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	npctalk "Vincent : Accelerator is heating.", 'vincent$;
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6 );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2 );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7 );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9 );
	npctalk "Vincent: 320c.", 'vincent$;
	sleep 300;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 600;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9,5 );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 930;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 780;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	npctalk "Vincent : 670c It's heating up too fast!", 'vincent$;
	sleep 430;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 630;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 450;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 330;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	npctalk "Vincent : Broke through 1000c!!!! Dr. Fresa! We have to momentarily stop the device!", 'vincent$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 530;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 650;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : It is fine.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 733;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	npctalk "Silvia : It is not a simple problem. The temperature has far exceeded the predicted numbers!", 'silvia$;
	sleep 430;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 630;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 330;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : This problem was predicted. Maintain current state.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 500;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	npctalk "Artemia :  But at least.. I will have chicken later.", 'artemia$;
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 850;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Receiving changed circumstance through main server. Detecting dimensional distortion between particle accelerator and catalyst.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 710;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 330;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	npctalk "Artemia : Dr. Fresa! It's a dangerous situation of Mother Computer. Shut down the main power!", 'artemia$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 360;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 530;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 930;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Alert. New unidentified creature approaching from demi-plane.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 810;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 630;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	npctalk "Vincent : What is going on. Somebody turn off that computer!", 'vincent$;
	sleep 430;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 380;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 530;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: A new organism will be soon transmitted from the demi-plane.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 430;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 710;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 730;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 880;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 5 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 4 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 3 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 2 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 1 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Unidentifiable creature discovered. Temporarily shutting down main power.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	callsub S_Spawn,1;
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 750;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	npctalk "Artemia : What... what is that?!", 'artemia$;	// text can stack if OnMyMobDead already called
	sleep 3000;
	npctalk "Silvia : It isn't reacting to us. Maybe it can't see us?", 'silvia$;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Vincent : But it is hostile to the project assistants! What is that creature!?", 'vincent$;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Vincent : I can't move my body! I think space is frozen!", 'vincent$;

	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Unidentified creature eliminated. Restarting device.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 2000;
	npctalk "Artemia: MA-4885!! On who's order are you restarting! Stop!!", 'artemia$;
	sleep 3000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Unrecognized command.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 6000;
	npctalk "Artemia: Dr. Fresa!! We have to stop! This is too dangerous!", 'artemia$;
	sleep 3000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : ......", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 3000;
	npctalk "Vincent: Fresa! We don't have time! Turn off the computer!!", 'vincent$;
	sleep 3000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Restarting particle acceleration procedure.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 3000;
	npctalk "Silvia : Fresa! Make a decision!", 'silvia$;
	specialeffect EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, 'gen_01$;
	sleep 1800;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3 );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : ......", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 1700;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8 );
	sleep 1500;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4 );
	sleep 1400;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6 );
	sleep 1300;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2 );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Current time 20 minutes past 11. Momentarily postpone experiment.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 1200;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7 );
	sleep 1100;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9 );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9,5 );
	sleep 930;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Access denied. Cannot understand command.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 810;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	specialeffect EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, AREA, 'gen_01$;
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Mother Comp MA-4885. I am your Chief director Dr. Fresa. Cease current progress.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3 );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8 );
	sleep 750;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 700;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4 );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 950;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Access denied. Cannot understand command.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 380;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6 );
	sleep 410;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2 );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 450;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7 );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 950;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9 );
	npctalk "Federico : Damnit! Something else is coming!!", 'federico$;
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9,5 );
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Alert. New unidentified creature approaching from demi-plane.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 430;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 500;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 730;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 430;
	npctalk "Vincent : Oh... damnit. This is why you shouldn't install the newest CPU.", 'vincent$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 930;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 400;
	npctalk "Federico : Ah... my body...can't move. Damn", 'federico$;
	sleep 430;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 430;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: A new organism will be soon transmitted from the demi-plane.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 430;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 530;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 700;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 5 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 4 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 3 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 2 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 1 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Unidentifiable creature discovered. Temporarily shutting down main power.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	callsub S_Spawn,2;
	sleep 500;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 350;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 350;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	npctalk "Silvia: Same as the last time. It seems to have no interest in us.", 'silvia$;
	sleep 6000;
	npctalk "Vincent: Let's completely shut down the mother computer while the main power is temporarily off!", 'vincent$;
	sleep 4000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Answering question. This space is currently stuck in a distorted phase.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 5000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Direct interaction between the demi-plane creature and this world's organisms will be possible after the phase has been balanced.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 5000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Conducting calculations to restore balance to distorted phase. Please wait a moment.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Artemia: What is that crazy clump of metal saying? It is saying we aren't in the same phase as those monster like things?", 'artemia$;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Federico: Aah, I guess we should hope that Mother computer doesn't make the right calculations.", 'federico$;

	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Unidentified creature eliminated. Phase adjustment failed. Restarting relevant procedure.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 4000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Mother Computer MA-4885. Looks like you are trying to synchronize the other dimension and this world.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 7000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: That is correct.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Artemia: Dr. Fresa!! This ridiculous event is completely unrelated to our original experiment!", 'artemia$;
	sleep 7000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : I have fully realized that.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 6000;
	npctalk "Silvia: Can we not shut down main power completely?", 'silvia$;
	sleep 6000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Restarting particle acceleration procedure.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 5000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : " + gettime(DT_MONTH) + " Month " + gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH) + " Day. Current time 38 minutes past 11 temporarily terminating particle accelerator project.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	specialeffect EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, 'gen_01$;
	sleep 1834;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3 );
	sleep 1734;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8 );
	sleep 1550;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4 );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Ending record with reasons of Mother Computer malfunction and overheating of accelerator.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 1400;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6 );
	sleep 1300;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2 );
	sleep 1200;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7 );
	sleep 700;
	npctalk "Silvia : Alright! Now Dr. Fresa just has to shut down the power.", 'silvia$;
	sleep 400;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9 );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9,5 );
	sleep 950;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Cutting off power to Mother Computer MA-4885.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	specialeffect EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, 'gen_01$;
	sleep 300;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 );
	sleep 700;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Suspending operation of all equipment as per Administrator request.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: .....command... ----!!!  Zizip... ---!! -- following command ----- !! Zizip.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 750;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 750;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 750;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	npctalk "Artemia : Whew... is it over?", 'artemia$;
	sleep 6000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Completed shut down of Mother computer MA-4885. Confirm equipment suspension", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Silvia: Looks like it's over.", 'silvia$;
	sleep 4000;
	npctalk "Federico: Plant initialization is the best.", 'federico$;
	sleep 4000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Recording all experiment progress and terminating at current point.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 5000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : The final experiment failure is unfortunate. But I will promise a more perfect experiment next time.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 5000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : Good work everybody.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Artemia: It seems to be over.", 'artemia$;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Federico: I thought it was Fresa's dogmatic experiment. But it was a problem with the mother comp.", 'federico$;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Silvia: Let's just calm down. And get out of this dreadful laboratory.", 'silvia$;
	sleep 5000;
	npctalk "Vincent : By the way... I still can't move so what is going on?", 'vincent$;
	sleep 5000;
	specialeffect EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, 'gen_01$;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_11$;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: CODE NAME - DESCENT", bc_map,0xFF0000,FW_NORMAL,16;
	sleep 2000;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3 );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_12$;
	sleep 1700;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8 );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_13$;
	sleep 1500;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4 );
	sleep 400;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_14$;
	sleep 1000;
	npctalk "Federico : What? Wasn't this the initialization stage?", 'federico$;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6 );
	sleep 630;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_11$;
	sleep 800;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2 );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885 : Starting final phase transformation.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1200;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_12$;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7 );
	sleep 1200;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9 );
	sleep 430;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_13$;
	sleep 480;
	npctalk "Silvia : It's all over.", 'silvia$;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9,5 );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_14$;
	sleep 700;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 930;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_11$;
	sleep 780;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: A new organism will be soon transmitted from the demi-plane.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 400;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_12$;
	sleep 600;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_13$;
	sleep 630;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1130;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_14$;
	sleep 700;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 5 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 4 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_11$;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 3 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 2 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_12$;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: 1 seconds remaining", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Temporarily shutting down main power for syntonization with transformed phase.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	callsub S_Spawn,3;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Final phase transformation process.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_13$;
	sleep 630;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_14$;
	sleep 630;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: This world will be summoned to the demi-plane after the phase interference phenomenon with creature fades.", bc_map,"0xFFFF00";

	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Phase synchronization completed before creature is eliminated. Starting dimensional travel.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 2500;
	specialeffect EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, 'gen_01$;
	sleep 2000;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3 );
	sleep 1800;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8 );
	sleep 1500;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4 );
	sleep 1400;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6 );
	sleep 1300;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2 );
	sleep 1200;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7 );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9 );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Conducting calculations to restore balance to distorted phase. Please wait a moment.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 1000;
	effect_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9,5 );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 810;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	npctalk "Federico : Mother comp is conducting a tremendous experiment going beyond what we thought of.", 'federico$;
	sleep 710;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 550;
	npctalk "Vincent : Seems more magnanimous than we are. Fresa!!! Are you listening? Sound the alarm!", 'vincent$;
	sleep 310;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 500;
	npctalk "Vincent : We should at least evacuate the people in the other labs.", 'vincent$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 960;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 910;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 730;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Lona Fresa : But ... you.", bc_map,0xFF77,FW_NORMAL,12;
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1110;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 950;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 880;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 430;
	npctalk "Silvia : Gee, I don't know what will happen but I am curious about shifting dimensions. Don't mind me!", 'silvia$;
	sleep 360;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 880;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 950;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 510;
	npctalk "Artemia : Dimension moving while experimenting on new material production. Got caught up in a different level of an experiment.", 'artemia$;
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 883;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1100;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Alarm System : Alert! Alert! Class 1 alert issued from the Particle Laboratory. All researchers evacuate to the bunker.", bc_map,0xFF0000,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 850;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 950;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "Alarm System : I repeat. Class 1 alert issued from the Particle Laboratory. All researchers evacuate to the bunker.", bc_map,0xFF0000,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 600;
	npctalk "Federico : Is this how it feels to move dimensions. How strange...", 'federico$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1030;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 1000;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 380;
	specialeffect EF_SUI_EXPLOSION,AREA,'federico$;
	disablenpc 'federico$;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Dimension move at 20% progress. There could be dimensional interference with certain creatures. Please be aware.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	npctalk "Vincent : I wonder if the others evacuated?", 'vincent$;
	specialeffect EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, AREA, 'gen_01$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 500;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3 );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 900;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 380;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8 );
	sleep 550;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 350;
	specialeffect EF_SUI_EXPLOSION,AREA,'vincent$;
	disablenpc 'vincent$;
	npctalk "Silvia : Ah...... I should be seeing this while having chicken and beer...", 'silvia$;
	sleep 380;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4 );
	sleep 700;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 730;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6 );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 860;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 350;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2 );
	sleep 360;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	specialeffect EF_SUI_EXPLOSION,AREA,'silvia$;
	disablenpc 'silvia$;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Dimension move at 78% progress. Most of the dimension encroached by demi-plane.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	npctalk "Artemia : Ha... whose going to eat the chicken now?", 'artemia$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7 );
	sleep 830;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9 );
	sleep 350;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 630;
	effect_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB, 1,3,8,4,6,2,7,9,5 );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 930;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 400;
	specialeffect EF_SUI_EXPLOSION,AREA,'artemia$;
	disablenpc 'artemia$;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_11$;
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 934;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_12$;
	sleep 500;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 630;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_13$;
	sleep 430;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	sleep 360;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_14$;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 460;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 430;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_11$;
	sleep 400;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	sleep 800;
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_BLASTMINEBOMB );
	effect_1_10_gen( EF_MAGICALATTHIT );
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Dimension move 100% completed. Welcome to the demi-plane dimension.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 600;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_12$;
	sleep 1800;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_13$;
	sleep 2000;
	specialeffect EF_LORD, AREA, 'gen_14$;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: A gateway possible for contact with the demi-plane open at 3 o'clock of the laboratory.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	enablenpc instance_npcname("#central_warp_6");
	sleep 5000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: Cannot guarantee what kind of dimension will be met due to the instability of the gateway...", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;
	sleep 5000;
	mapannounce 'map_name$, "MA-4885: If there are any surviving organisms I wish you luck. I hope to see you again.", bc_map,0xFFFF00,FW_NORMAL,13;

	.@round = getarg(0);
	switch( .@round ) {
	case 1:
		setarray .@mob_id[0],
			1087,	// Orc Hero
			1147,	// Maya
			1190,	// Orc Lord
			1115,	// Eddga
			1086,	// GTB
			1038,	// Osiris
			1159,	// Phreeoni
			1389,	// Dracula
			1046,	// Doppelganger
			1046,	// Doppelganger
			1059,	// Mistress
			1150,	// Moonlight
			1688,	// Lady Tanee
			1039,	// Baphomet
			1089,	// Toad
			1092,	// Vagabond Wolf
			1088,	// Vocal
			1096,	// Angeling
			1093,	// Eclipse
			1120,	// Ghostring
			1090;	// Mastering
	case 2:
		setarray .@mob_id[0],
			1980,	// Kublin
			1157,	// Pharaoh
			1112,	// Drake
			1251,	// Stormy Knight
			1373,	// Lord of Death
			1272,	// Dark Lord
			1518,	// Bacsojin
			1252,	// Garm
			1779,	// Ktullanux
			1708,	// Thanatos
			1089,	// Toad
			1092,	// Vagabond Wolf
			1088,	// Vocal
			1096,	// Angeling
			1093,	// Eclipse
			1120,	// Ghostring
			1090;	// Mastering
	case 3:
		setarray .@mob_id[0],
			1623,	// RSX
			1418,	// Evil Snake Lord
			1312,	// Turtle Generals
			1785,	// Atroce
			1734,	// Kiel
			1719,	// Detale
			1768,	// Gloom Under Night
			1751,	// Valkyrie Randgris
			1832,	// Ifrit
			1873,	// Beezlebub
			1089,	// Toad
			1092,	// Vagabond Wolf
			1088,	// Vocal
			1096,	// Angeling
			1120,	// Ghostring
			1090,	// Mastering
			1093;	// Eclipse
	.@r = rand( getarraysize(.@mob_id) );
	monster 'map_name$,90,88, "Unidentified creature",.@mob_id[.@r],1, instance_npcname("#wp02") + "::OnMyMobDead" + .@round;

1@lab,91,80,5	script	#gen_01	CLEAR_NPC,{ end; }
1@lab,96,81,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_02	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,99,85,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_03	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,99,91,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_04	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,96,95,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_05	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,91,97,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_06	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,85,96,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_07	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,82,91,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_08	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,82,86,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_09	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,85,81,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_10	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,90,97,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_11	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,82,89,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_12	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,91,80,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_13	CLEAR_NPC
1@lab,99,88,5	duplicate(#gen_01)	#gen_14	CLEAR_NPC

1@lab,102,28,0	warp2	#central_warp_1	2,2,1@lab,97,28
1@lab,80,28,0	warp2	#central_warp_2	2,2,1@lab,75,28
1@lab,58,28,0	warp2	#central_warp_3	2,2,1@lab,53,28
1@lab,29,38,0	warp2	#central_warp_4	2,2,1@lab,29,43
1@lab,48,82,0	warp2	#central_warp_5	2,2,1@lab,58,82
1@lab,123,88,0	warp2	#central_warp_6	2,2,verus01,152,150

I can still create a new character and enter the instance. I wanted to make it one entry per account. anyone?

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Just add an account variable tick to it if you want it to have an account cd, just match the cd to your quest_db cd.


	//= Instance Creation Check
	if (is_party_leader() == false) {
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Ah. You aren't the party leader. Take me to your leader! Or perhaps take your leader to me.";
	if(#CentralLabCD > gettimetick(2)){
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Account CD Mes";
	//= Instance Enter
	case IE_OK:
	mapannounce "verus01", "" + strcharinfo(0) + " of the party, " + getpartyname(.@party_id) + ", is entering Central Laboratory.",bc_map,"0x00FF99";
	#CentralLabCD = gettimetick(2) + 9999999;  //= Account CD
	setquest 12347;// Trace of Laboratory Access


Edited by crazyarashi
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7 hours ago, crazyarashi said:

Just add an account variable tick to it if you want it to have an account cd, just match the cd to your quest_db cd.


	//= Instance Creation Check
	if (is_party_leader() == false) {
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Ah. You aren't the party leader. Take me to your leader! Or perhaps take your leader to me.";
	if(#CentralLabCD > gettimetick(2)){
		mes "[Civilization Explorer]";
		mes "Account CD Mes";
	//= Instance Enter
	case IE_OK:
	mapannounce "verus01", "" + strcharinfo(0) + " of the party, " + getpartyname(.@party_id) + ", is entering Central Laboratory.",bc_map,"0x00FF99";
	#CentralLabCD = gettimetick(2) + 9999999;  //= Account CD
	setquest 12347;// Trace of Laboratory Access


Thank for this idea, i forgot to add the time on the variable.

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