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how to fix it Disconnect from sever



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what happen? 

and how to fix


Thanks a lot.



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Just read what the console says, it is saying exactly the problem.

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Enable packet obscuration on the client.

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The first warning says' You are using unsupported pocket' check your packet version that putted in packet.h in SRC . 2nd you are using a client side with enabled packet obs so since its enabled in your server files enabled it also lol .

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12 hours ago, olemancharter said:

what happen? 

and how to fix


Thanks a lot.



go to src\config\packet.h

look at this part


#if PACKETVER >= 20110817
    /// Comment to disable the official packet obfuscation support.
    /// This requires PACKETVER 2011-08-17 or newer.
        //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION

        // Define these inside src/custom/defines_pre.h or src/custom/defines_post.h
        //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY1 <key1>
        //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY2 <key2>
        //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY3 <key3>

        /// Comment this to disable warnings for missing client side encryption
    #if defined(PACKET_OBFUSCATION)
        #error You enabled packet obfuscation for a version which is too old. Minimum supported client is 2011-08-17.

Give comment like in my qoute (red colour)

after that recompile your server

Edited by hendra814
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21 hours ago, hendra814 said:

go to src\config\packet.h

look at this part

Give comment like in my qoute (red colour)

after that recompile your server

my mind


// Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder

 * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org)
 * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/

    /// Do NOT edit this line! To set your client version, please do this instead:
    /// In Windows: Add this line in your src\custom\defines_pre.h file: #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD
    /// In Linux: The same as above or run the following command: ./configure --enable-packetver=YYYYMMDD
    #define PACKETVER 20151029

    /// From this point on only kRO RE clients are supported
    #if PACKETVER > 20151104
        #define PACKETVER_RE

#if PACKETVER >= 20110817
    /// Comment to disable the official packet obfuscation support.
    /// This requires PACKETVER 2011-08-17 or newer.
        #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION

        // Define these inside src/custom/defines_pre.h or src/custom/defines_post.h
        //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY1 0x12b21155
        //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY2 0x1200d441
        //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY3 0x1002012b

        /// Comment this to disable warnings for missing client side encryption
    #if defined(PACKET_OBFUSCATION)
        #error You enabled packet obfuscation for a version which is too old. Minimum supported client is 2011-08-17.



 * No settings past this point

/// Check if the specified packetversion supports the pincode system

/// Check if the client needs delete_date as remaining time and not the actual delete_date (actually it was tested for clients since 2013)
#define PACKETVER_CHAR_DELETEDATE (PACKETVER > 20130000 && PACKETVER <= 20141022) || PACKETVER >= 20150513

/// Check if the specified packetvresion supports the cashshop sale system

#endif // _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_

Please Help T T.

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5 minutes ago, olemancharter said:

my mind

Please Help T T.

if you want use packet encyption when diff your client

put the key in this option


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35 minutes ago, hendra814 said:

if you want use packet encyption when diff your client

put the key in this option


trun it green right?

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21 minutes ago, olemancharter said:

trun it green right?

Yup, and how is it now?

is it working?

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30 minutes ago, hendra814 said:

Yup, and how is it now?

is it working?

Not work T T.


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23 hours ago, hendra814 said:

go to src\config\packet.h

look at this part

Give comment like in my qoute (red colour)

after that recompile your server

it work thank a lot

do u have any data + exe to support this config?

i need to download it :)

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11 minutes ago, olemancharter said:

it work thank a lot

do u have any data + exe to support this config?

i need to download it :)

Are you mean server and client support PACKET OBFUSCATION with 2015-10-29 client?

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5 hours ago, olemancharter said:

it work thank a lot

do u have any data + exe to support this config?

i need to download it :)

Suggested to use our stable client exe. 2015-11-04

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19 hours ago, hendra814 said:

Are you mean server and client support PACKET OBFUSCATION with 2015-10-29 client?

Do u have data folder for download?

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1 minute ago, olemancharter said:

Do u have data folder for download?

i'm currently using zackdreaver data translation folder


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44 minutes ago, hendra814 said:

i'm currently using zackdreaver data translation folder


how to set up Nemo on your diff file?

Edited by olemancharter
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1 hour ago, olemancharter said:

how to set up Nemo on your diff file?

this is my nemo log for 2015-10-29 client


8 Custom Window Title
9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)
10 Disable 4 Letter Character Name Limit
11 Disable 4 Letter User Name Limit
12 Disable 4 Letter Password Limit
13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended)
19 Enable Title Bar Menu
20 Extend Chat Box
21 Extend Chat Room Box
22 Extend PM Box
23 Enable /who command (Recommended)
24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended)
28 Increase Headgear ViewID
29 Disable Game Guard (Recommended)
33 Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() (Recommended)
34 Enable /showname (Recommended)
35 Read Data Folder First
36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)
37 Read questid2display.txt (Recommended)
38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)
39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)
40 Restore Login Window (Recommended)
41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)
43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion
44 Translate Client (Recommended)
46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended)
47 Use Ragnarok Icon
48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)
49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended)
51 Always Show License Screen
53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended)
61 Disable Packet Encryption
63 Use Official Cloth Palettes
64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)
65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub
68 Enable 64k Hairstyle
71 Ignore Resource Errors
72 Ignore Missing Palette Error
73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)
76 Enforce Official Login Background
77 Enable Custom 3D Bones
84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)
85 Show Cancel To Service Select
86 Only First Login Background
88 Allow space in guild name
90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)
91 Disconnect to Login Window
97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended)
104 Increase Hair Style & Color Limits
205 Enable Monster Tables
213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended)
222 Show Replay Button


and 2015-10-29 could be download at this rathena thread https://rathena.org/board/topic/104205-2015-client-support/


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13 minutes ago, hendra814 said:

this is my nemo log for 2015-10-29 client

  Hide contents


and 2015-10-29 could be download at this rathena thread https://rathena.org/board/topic/104205-2015-client-support/




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9 minutes ago, olemancharter said:



that's your lua files problem

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3 minutes ago, hendra814 said:

that's your lua files problem

how to fix?

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16 minutes ago, olemancharter said:

how to fix?

Are you already use zack data translation files?

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18 minutes ago, hendra814 said:

Are you already use zack data translation files?



2 hours ago, hendra814 said:

i'm currently using zackdreaver data translation folder


i use this file

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9 minutes ago, olemancharter said:



i use this file

are you still use packet encryption?

if not try use my client https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oCrl_5XwZ8B_oUmMDpMKiqQv2BB7XJVV/view?usp=sharing

and my data folder https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S0nlu29nNYGoyk6sXhvXmaTPbMk5YfUU/view?usp=sharing

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