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Prize Giver Sql Help me ..



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All working for this script on Rathena this originally made by hercules but i want to use it to rathena svn 


Working all function Except Online Account / Online Character

Anyone Can Help me ? Here 's the script 

geffen,108,54,4 script Item Giver 4_M_KNIGHT_BLACK,{
//cutin "v_sprakki04",2;
//Check if setups are loaded.
if(!.Setup) {
callsub OnLoadSetup;

//Show GM Panel if player is GM.
if(getgmlevel() >= .GMin) menu("Take a prize as a player",-,"Give prize",OnManagement,"Reset Item Give",OnDelete,"IP Limit per Item",OnLimit);

//Read attached player gifts from SQL table.
if(select("Get Account Prize!:Get Character Prize!:Exit") == 1) {
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT * FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3), .@gift_id, .@gift_account, .@gift_char, .@gift_item, .@gift_amount, .@gift_duration, .@gift_time, .@gift_bound); //Account gifts.
} else if(@menu == 2) {
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT * FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id="+getcharid(0), .@gift_id, .@gift_account, .@gift_char, .@gift_item, .@gift_amount, .@gift_duration, .@gift_time, .@gift_bound); //Char gifts.
} else goto OnLeave;

//Check if player don't have gifts.
if(!.@query) {
mes "[Reward Giver]";
mes "Sorry, you don't have any prize";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

//Build menu from query arrays.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900You got the prize^000000";
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
mes "(" + .@gift_amount[.@i] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@i]) + ".";
set .@menu$, .@menu$ + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@i]) + ":";
set .@mid,select(.@menu$); //Show menu.
set .@mid,.@mid-1;

if (.@gift_time[.@mid] && .@gift_time[.@mid] < gettimetick(2)) {
mes "[Reward Giver]";
mes "Sorry, this prize's claim time is already over.";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
//Item is now selected. Choose what you want to do with it.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "what you want do with (" + .@gift_amount[.@mid] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]) + "?";
set .@Select,select("^009900Get it^000000:^ff0000Delete it! ^000000:nothings");

//Receive gift selected.
if(.@Select == 1) {
//Check weight.
if(checkweight( .@gift_item, .@gift_amount ) || .@gift_item[.@mid] == .ZenyID) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Get : (" + .@gift_amount[.@mid] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]) + ".^000000";
if (.ip_limit) {
// add ip_address to logs
.@ipexist = query_sql("SELECT item_id, ip_address, claim_count FROM " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " WHERE ip_address = '"+getcharip()+"' AND item_id = "+.@gift_item[.@mid]+" LIMIT 1", .@item,.@ip,.@claim_count);
if (.@claim_count[0] >= .ip_limit) {
mes "Sorry you have reached the maximum redeem limit for this IP address";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
if (!.@claim_count[0]) {
query_sql("INSERT INTO " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " (give_id,item_id,ip_address,claim_count) VALUES("+.@gift_id+","+.@gift_item+",'"+getcharip()+"',1)");
} else {
query_sql("UPDATE " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " SET claim_count = "+(.@claim_count[0]+1)+" WHERE item_id = "+.@gift_item[.@mid]+" AND ip_address = '"+getcharip()+"'");
if (.@gift_item[.@mid] == .ZenyID) { // detects zeny ID and give zeny.
if (Zeny+.@gift_amount[.@mid] > .MaxZeny) {
mes "Please make sure that you have enough space to handle all these zennies and come back later.";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
set Zeny,Zeny+.@gift_amount[.@mid];
} else {

if (.@gift_bound[.@mid]) {
getitembound .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_amount[.@mid], 1;
} else if (!.@gift_duration) {
getitem .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_amount[.@mid]; //Give item to player.
} else {
rentitem .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_duration * 60; 
query_sql( "DELETE FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE id = " + .@gift_id[.@mid] ); //Remove item from table.
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
} else {
mes "^ff0000Sorry ^000000 You can't take it " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]);
mes "Could lose some wight?";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

//Remove gift selected.
else if(.@Select == 2) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Are you sure you want dellet it?";
mes "Gift: ("+.@gift_amount[.@mid]+") "+getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid])+".";
if(select("Yes:No") == 1) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^ff0000Dellet: ("+.@gift_amount[.@mid]+") "+getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid])+".^000000";
query_sql("DELETE FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE id = " + .@gift_id[.@mid]); //Remove item from table.
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "we will save it";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

//Nothing selected.
else {
goto OnLeave;

//GM Panel below:
if(getgmlevel() < .GMin) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Welvome " + strcharinfo(0) + "!";
mes "How I can help you?";
if(select("Make Gift:Nothing") != 1) goto OnLeave;
//Make new gift.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please input the item id.";
mes "Default: 501";
mes "What do you want to give?";
set .@zenygive,0;
if(select("Item:Zeny") == 1){
//item_id range of 501 to 30,000.
input .@new_item, 501, 30000;
mes "Do you want to make this a bound item?";
.@boption = select("No:Expire Bound:Normal Bound");
if(.@boption == 2) {
mes "Please tell me the duration in minutes";
} else if (.@boption == 3) {
mes "Normal bound, selected.";
.@nbound = 1;
} else {
set .@new_item, .ZenyID;
set .@zenygive,1;
mes "Do you want to add a claim timer?";
if(select("No:Yes")==2) {
mes "How many minutes do you want this reward to be claimable?";
.@claimtime = gettimetick(2)+(.@c*60);
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "How many items/zeny?";
mes "Default: 1";
//item quantity range of 1 to 1,000.
input .@new_value, 1, .MaxZeny;
} else {
input .@new_value, 1, 1000;
if (.@duration && .@new_value > 1) {
mes "You can only give 1 item bound at a time and please make sure that it is an equipment";

if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "1. Single Account";
mes "2. Single Character";
mes "3. All ^009900Online^000000 Accounts.";
mes "4. All Accounts.";
mes "5. All ^009900Online^000000 Players/Characters.";
mes "6. All Players/Characters.";
mes "7. ^ff0000Cancel.^000000";
switch(select("Single Account:Single Character:^009900Online^000000 Accounts:All Accounts:^009900Online^000000 Characters:All Characters:Cancel"))
//Account gift
case 1:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "By AID or Name?";
if(select("Account ID:Character Name") == 1)
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write account id:";
input .@new_account, 2000000, 10000000; //Account id range from 2m to 10m.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account, .@new_account);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "AID: ^ff0000" + .@new_account + "^000000";
mes "------------------";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");

} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write player name:";
input .@new_name$;
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_account);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "AID: ^ff0000" + .@new_account + "^000000";
mes "Name: ^ff0000"+ .@new_name$ + "^000000";
mes "------------------";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
//Check if player is logged in.
if(isloggedin(.@new_account)) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
} else {
//Account was not online.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")"); // duplicate to other menus - continue here on giver side

//Character gift.
case 2:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "By CID or Name?";
if(select("Character ID:Character Name") == 1)
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write character id:";
input .@new_char,150000, 10000000; //Char id range from 150k to 10m.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id, name FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char, .@new_accountid, .@new_name$);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "CID: ^ff0000" + .@new_char + "^000000";
mes "Name: ^ff0000" + .@new_name$ + "^000000";
mes "------------------";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
//Check if player is logged in.
if(isloggedin(.@new_accountid)) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";

//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
} else {
//not online ask if we still give the gift.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "The character is not online!";
mes "Would you still like to send the gift?";
if(select("Yes:No") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");

} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write player name:";
input .@new_name$;
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id, account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_char, .@new_accountid);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "CID: ^ff0000" + .@new_char + "^000000";
mes "Name: ^ff0000"+ .@new_name$ + "^000000";
mes "------------------";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
//Check if player is logged in.
if(isloggedin(.@new_accountid)) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
} else {
//not online ask if we still give the gift.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "The character is not online!";
mes "Would you still like to give the gift?";
if(select("Yes:No") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
announce strcharinfo(0)+" successfully sent " + .@new_value + "x " + getitemname(.@new_item) + " to " + .@new_name$,bc_all;

//Register gift to all online accounts!
case 3:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@account);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
.@at = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+.@account[.@i]+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
if (!.@at) {
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@account[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") accounts!";

//Register gift to all accounts!
case 4:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.LoginTableName$+"`",.@account);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@account[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") accounts!";

//Register gift to all online characters!
case 5:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@char);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
.@at = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE char_id = "+.@char[.@i]+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
if (!.@at) {
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@char[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") players!";

//Register gift to all characters!
case 6:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"`",.@char);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@char[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") players!";

mes "[Reward Giver]";
mes "See you later";

mes "[Reward Giver]";
mes "See you later";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "This account does not exist!";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

//============Reset Function=========================
mes "Which gifts do you want to reset?";
mes "1. Single Account";
mes "2. Single Character";
mes "3. All ^009900Online^000000 Accounts.";
mes "4. All Accounts.";
mes "5. All ^009900Online^000000 Players/Characters.";
mes "6. All Players/Characters.";
mes "7. All cancel";
switch(select("Single Account:Single Character:^009900Online^000000 Accounts:All Accounts:^009900Online^000000 Characters:All Characters:Specific Item:IPLimit Logs:Cancel")) {
case 1: //Single Account
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "By AID or Name?";
if(select("Account ID:Character Name") == 1) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write account id:";
input .@new_account, 2000000, 10000000; //Account id range from 2m to 10m.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account, .@new_account);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account);
} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write player name:";
input .@new_name$;
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_account);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account);
case 2: //Single Character
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "By CID or Name?";
if(select("Character ID:Character Name") == 1)
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write character id:";
input .@new_char,150000, 10000000; //Char id range from 150k to 10m.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id, name FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char, .@new_accountid, .@new_name$);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char);
} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write player name:";
input .@new_name$;
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id, account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_char, .@new_accountid);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char);
case 3: //All Online Accounts.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@account);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@account[.@i]);
case 4: //All Accounts.
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id >= 1");
case 5: //All Online Players/Characters.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@char);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@char[.@i]);
case 6: //All Players/Characters.
query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE " + .GiftTableName$);
case 7: // Delete specific item
mes "Please type the id of the item you wish to delete";
mes "This will delete all entries with the item id you typed";
mes "Are you sure you want to delete all entries of " + .@deletethis;
if (select("Yes:No")==1) {
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE item = " + .@deletethis + "");
} else {
mes "Deletion cancelled";
case 8: //All ip logs
query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE " + .GiftTableNameIP$);
mes "deletion finished";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

mes "Please enter an ip limit, current limit is " + .ip_limit;
mes "Done!";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

// Config/Edit:
set .Setup, 1; //OnInit is loaded check.
set .GMin, 60; //Minimum GM level to use gm panel.
set .ZenyID,23500; // put this when asked for which item to give zeny.
set .MaxZeny,1000000000;
//Your table names:
set .CharTableName$, "char"; //Character table name(SQL).
set .LoginTableName$, "login";
set .GiftTableName$, "reward"; //Gift table name(SQL).
set .GiftTableNameIP$, "reward_ip"; //Gift table name for ip tracker
set $GiftTableNameAT$, "reward_at"; //Gift table name for auto trade tracker
//Create gift table <auto_id>, <account_id>, <char_id>, <item>, <value>

query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`item` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`value` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`duration` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`timestamp` int(23) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`bound` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");

query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_ip` ( `give_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `ip_address` varchar(23) NOT NULL, `claim_count` int(11) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`give_id`))");

query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_at` (`account_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`char_id` int(11) NOT NULL)");


callsub OnLoadSetup;

/* Manual table update for at tracker 
  `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL
- script anti_trader -1,{

.is_anti_trade = 1; // 0 to disable

function script PG_30Seconds {
//dispbottom "anti trader 30sec";
//Check if Vending (normal or @at)
if(checkvending() >= 1) {
  // mark as auto trader
  .@query = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
if (!.@query) { // add if not there yet
query_sql("INSERT INTO "+$GiftTableNameAT$+"(account_id,char_id) VALUES("+getcharid(3)+","+getcharid(0)+")");
//dispbottom "you have been marked as auto trader";
function script PG_Login {
//dispbottom "at delete";
.@query = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
if (.@query) { // remove to reverify vending status
query_sql("DELETE FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"");
geffen,108,54,4 script Item Giver 4_M_KNIGHT_BLACK,{
//cutin "v_sprakki04",2;
//Check if setups are loaded.
if(!.Setup) {
callsub OnLoadSetup;

//Show GM Panel if player is GM.
if(getgmlevel() >= .GMin) menu("Take a prize as a player",-,"Give prize",OnManagement,"Reset Item Give",OnDelete,"IP Limit per Item",OnLimit);

//Read attached player gifts from SQL table.
if(select("Get Account Prize!:Get Character Prize!:Exit") == 1) {
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT * FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3), .@gift_id, .@gift_account, .@gift_char, .@gift_item, .@gift_amount, .@gift_duration, .@gift_time, .@gift_bound); //Account gifts.
} else if(@menu == 2) {
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT * FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id="+getcharid(0), .@gift_id, .@gift_account, .@gift_char, .@gift_item, .@gift_amount, .@gift_duration, .@gift_time, .@gift_bound); //Char gifts.
} else goto OnLeave;

//Check if player don't have gifts.
if(!.@query) {
mes "[Reward Giver]";
mes "Sorry, you don't have any prize";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

//Build menu from query arrays.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900You got the prize^000000";
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
mes "(" + .@gift_amount[.@i] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@i]) + ".";
set .@menu$, .@menu$ + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@i]) + ":";
set .@mid,select(.@menu$); //Show menu.
set .@mid,.@mid-1;

if (.@gift_time[.@mid] && .@gift_time[.@mid] < gettimetick(2)) {
mes "[Reward Giver]";
mes "Sorry, this prize's claim time is already over.";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
//Item is now selected. Choose what you want to do with it.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "what you want do with (" + .@gift_amount[.@mid] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]) + "?";
set .@Select,select("^009900Get it^000000:^ff0000Delete it! ^000000:nothings");

//Receive gift selected.
if(.@Select == 1) {
//Check weight.
if(checkweight( .@gift_item, .@gift_amount ) || .@gift_item[.@mid] == .ZenyID) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Get : (" + .@gift_amount[.@mid] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]) + ".^000000";
if (.ip_limit) {
// add ip_address to logs
.@ipexist = query_sql("SELECT item_id, ip_address, claim_count FROM " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " WHERE ip_address = '"+getcharip()+"' AND item_id = "+.@gift_item[.@mid]+" LIMIT 1", .@item,.@ip,.@claim_count);
if (.@claim_count[0] >= .ip_limit) {
mes "Sorry you have reached the maximum redeem limit for this IP address";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
if (!.@claim_count[0]) {
query_sql("INSERT INTO " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " (give_id,item_id,ip_address,claim_count) VALUES("+.@gift_id+","+.@gift_item+",'"+getcharip()+"',1)");
} else {
query_sql("UPDATE " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " SET claim_count = "+(.@claim_count[0]+1)+" WHERE item_id = "+.@gift_item[.@mid]+" AND ip_address = '"+getcharip()+"'");
if (.@gift_item[.@mid] == .ZenyID) { // detects zeny ID and give zeny.
if (Zeny+.@gift_amount[.@mid] > .MaxZeny) {
mes "Please make sure that you have enough space to handle all these zennies and come back later.";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
set Zeny,Zeny+.@gift_amount[.@mid];
} else {

if (.@gift_bound[.@mid]) {
getitembound .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_amount[.@mid], 1;
} else if (!.@gift_duration) {
getitem .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_amount[.@mid]; //Give item to player.
} else {
rentitem .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_duration * 60; 
query_sql( "DELETE FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE id = " + .@gift_id[.@mid] ); //Remove item from table.
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
} else {
mes "^ff0000Sorry ^000000 You can't take it " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]);
mes "Could lose some wight?";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

//Remove gift selected.
else if(.@Select == 2) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Are you sure you want dellet it?";
mes "Gift: ("+.@gift_amount[.@mid]+") "+getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid])+".";
if(select("Yes:No") == 1) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^ff0000Dellet: ("+.@gift_amount[.@mid]+") "+getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid])+".^000000";
query_sql("DELETE FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE id = " + .@gift_id[.@mid]); //Remove item from table.
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "we will save it";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

//Nothing selected.
else {
goto OnLeave;

//GM Panel below:
if(getgmlevel() < .GMin) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Welvome " + strcharinfo(0) + "!";
mes "How I can help you?";
if(select("Make Gift:Nothing") != 1) goto OnLeave;
//Make new gift.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please input the item id.";
mes "Default: 501";
mes "What do you want to give?";
set .@zenygive,0;
if(select("Item:Zeny") == 1){
//item_id range of 501 to 30,000.
input .@new_item, 501, 30000;
mes "Do you want to make this a bound item?";
.@boption = select("No:Expire Bound:Normal Bound");
if(.@boption == 2) {
mes "Please tell me the duration in minutes";
} else if (.@boption == 3) {
mes "Normal bound, selected.";
.@nbound = 1;
} else {
set .@new_item, .ZenyID;
set .@zenygive,1;
mes "Do you want to add a claim timer?";
if(select("No:Yes")==2) {
mes "How many minutes do you want this reward to be claimable?";
.@claimtime = gettimetick(2)+(.@c*60);
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "How many items/zeny?";
mes "Default: 1";
//item quantity range of 1 to 1,000.
input .@new_value, 1, .MaxZeny;
} else {
input .@new_value, 1, 1000;
if (.@duration && .@new_value > 1) {
mes "You can only give 1 item bound at a time and please make sure that it is an equipment";

if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "1. Single Account";
mes "2. Single Character";
mes "3. All ^009900Online^000000 Accounts.";
mes "4. All Accounts.";
mes "5. All ^009900Online^000000 Players/Characters.";
mes "6. All Players/Characters.";
mes "7. ^ff0000Cancel.^000000";
switch(select("Single Account:Single Character:^009900Online^000000 Accounts:All Accounts:^009900Online^000000 Characters:All Characters:Cancel"))
//Account gift
case 1:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "By AID or Name?";
if(select("Account ID:Character Name") == 1)
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write account id:";
input .@new_account, 2000000, 10000000; //Account id range from 2m to 10m.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account, .@new_account);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "AID: ^ff0000" + .@new_account + "^000000";
mes "------------------";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");

} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write player name:";
input .@new_name$;
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_account);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "AID: ^ff0000" + .@new_account + "^000000";
mes "Name: ^ff0000"+ .@new_name$ + "^000000";
mes "------------------";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
//Check if player is logged in.
if(isloggedin(.@new_account)) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
} else {
//Account was not online.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")"); // duplicate to other menus - continue here on giver side

//Character gift.
case 2:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "By CID or Name?";
if(select("Character ID:Character Name") == 1)
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write character id:";
input .@new_char,150000, 10000000; //Char id range from 150k to 10m.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id, name FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char, .@new_accountid, .@new_name$);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "CID: ^ff0000" + .@new_char + "^000000";
mes "Name: ^ff0000" + .@new_name$ + "^000000";
mes "------------------";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
//Check if player is logged in.
if(isloggedin(.@new_accountid)) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";

//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
} else {
//not online ask if we still give the gift.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "The character is not online!";
mes "Would you still like to send the gift?";
if(select("Yes:No") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");

} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write player name:";
input .@new_name$;
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id, account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_char, .@new_accountid);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "CID: ^ff0000" + .@new_char + "^000000";
mes "Name: ^ff0000"+ .@new_name$ + "^000000";
mes "------------------";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
//Check if player is logged in.
if(isloggedin(.@new_accountid)) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
} else {
//not online ask if we still give the gift.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "The character is not online!";
mes "Would you still like to give the gift?";
if(select("Yes:No") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Gift sending success!";
//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
announce strcharinfo(0)+" successfully sent " + .@new_value + "x " + getitemname(.@new_item) + " to " + .@new_name$,bc_all;

//Register gift to all online accounts!
case 3:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@account);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
.@at = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+.@account[.@i]+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
if (!.@at) {
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@account[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") accounts!";

//Register gift to all accounts!
case 4:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.LoginTableName$+"`",.@account);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@account[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") accounts!";

//Register gift to all online characters!
case 5:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@char);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
.@at = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE char_id = "+.@char[.@i]+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
if (!.@at) {
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@char[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") players!";

//Register gift to all characters!
case 6:
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"`",.@char);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@char[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") players!";

mes "[Reward Giver]";
mes "See you later";

mes "[Reward Giver]";
mes "See you later";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "This account does not exist!";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

//============Reset Function=========================
mes "Which gifts do you want to reset?";
mes "1. Single Account";
mes "2. Single Character";
mes "3. All ^009900Online^000000 Accounts.";
mes "4. All Accounts.";
mes "5. All ^009900Online^000000 Players/Characters.";
mes "6. All Players/Characters.";
mes "7. All cancel";
switch(select("Single Account:Single Character:^009900Online^000000 Accounts:All Accounts:^009900Online^000000 Characters:All Characters:Specific Item:IPLimit Logs:Cancel")) {
case 1: //Single Account
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "By AID or Name?";
if(select("Account ID:Character Name") == 1) {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write account id:";
input .@new_account, 2000000, 10000000; //Account id range from 2m to 10m.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account, .@new_account);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account);
} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write player name:";
input .@new_name$;
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_account);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account);
case 2: //Single Character
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please select input type:";
mes "By CID or Name?";
if(select("Character ID:Character Name") == 1)
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write character id:";
input .@new_char,150000, 10000000; //Char id range from 150k to 10m.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id, name FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char, .@new_accountid, .@new_name$);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char);
} else {
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Write player name:";
input .@new_name$;
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id, account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_char, .@new_accountid);
if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist;
if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char);
case 3: //All Online Accounts.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@account);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@account[.@i]);
case 4: //All Accounts.
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id >= 1");
case 5: //All Online Players/Characters.
mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
mes "Please hold...";
set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@char);
for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@char[.@i]);
case 6: //All Players/Characters.
query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE " + .GiftTableName$);
case 7: // Delete specific item
mes "Please type the id of the item you wish to delete";
mes "This will delete all entries with the item id you typed";
mes "Are you sure you want to delete all entries of " + .@deletethis;
if (select("Yes:No")==1) {
query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE item = " + .@deletethis + "");
} else {
mes "Deletion cancelled";
case 8: //All ip logs
query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE " + .GiftTableNameIP$);
mes "deletion finished";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

mes "Please enter an ip limit, current limit is " + .ip_limit;
mes "Done!";
cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

// Config/Edit:
set .Setup, 1; //OnInit is loaded check.
set .GMin, 60; //Minimum GM level to use gm panel.
set .ZenyID,23500; // put this when asked for which item to give zeny.
set .MaxZeny,1000000000;
//Your table names:
set .CharTableName$, "char"; //Character table name(SQL).
set .LoginTableName$, "login";
set .GiftTableName$, "reward"; //Gift table name(SQL).
set .GiftTableNameIP$, "reward_ip"; //Gift table name for ip tracker
set $GiftTableNameAT$, "reward_at"; //Gift table name for auto trade tracker
//Create gift table <auto_id>, <account_id>, <char_id>, <item>, <value>

query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`item` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`value` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`duration` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`timestamp` int(23) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`bound` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");

query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_ip` ( `give_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `ip_address` varchar(23) NOT NULL, `claim_count` int(11) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`give_id`))");

query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_at` (`account_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`char_id` int(11) NOT NULL)");


callsub OnLoadSetup;

/* Manual table update for at tracker 
  `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL
- script anti_trader -1,{

.is_anti_trade = 1; // 0 to disable

function script PG_30Seconds {
//dispbottom "anti trader 30sec";
//Check if Vending (normal or @at)
if(checkvending() >= 1) {
  // mark as auto trader
  .@query = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
if (!.@query) { // add if not there yet
query_sql("INSERT INTO "+$GiftTableNameAT$+"(account_id,char_id) VALUES("+getcharid(3)+","+getcharid(0)+")");
//dispbottom "you have been marked as auto trader";
function script PG_Login {
//dispbottom "at delete";
.@query = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
if (.@query) { // remove to reverify vending status
query_sql("DELETE FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"");




Edited by Emistry
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Taking a look at this script for DrewxD..

Replace all occurence of



.@query < 1

because query_sql return -1 on failure/empty array (on rathena) it might result that the condition if (!.@query) is false when it should be true

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Same thing, replace all occurence



.@at < 1
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same problem

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did you test the online account / online char ?? is it working are you getting some reward??

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did you test the online account / online char ?? is it working are you getting some reward??

my bad same error

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no error ?? you dont rewrite it ?

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the script working on my server

i found debug npc on this line

set .ZenyID,23500;


Can you show us screenshot of the map-server error?

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I was thinking that maybe he doesn't have an item id 23500 in his database. similar to how you implement extended vending,

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Taking a look at this script for DrewxD..

Replace all occurence of


.@query < 1
because query_sql return -1 on failure/empty array (on rathena) it might result that the condition if (!.@query) is false when it should be true
prontera,110,96,5	script	Event Reward	811,{
	//cutin "v_sprakki04",2;
	//Check if setups are loaded.
	if(!.Setup) {
		callsub OnLoadSetup;

	//Show GM Panel if player is GM.
	if(getgmlevel() >= .GMin) menu("Take a prize as a player",-,"Give prize",OnManagement,"Reset Item Give",OnDelete,"IP Limit per Item",OnLimit);

	//Read attached player gifts from SQL table.
	if(select("Get Account Prize!:Get Character Prize!:Exit") == 1) {
		set .@query, query_sql("SELECT * FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3), .@gift_id, .@gift_account, .@gift_char, .@gift_item, .@gift_amount, .@gift_duration, .@gift_time, .@gift_bound); //Account gifts.
	} else if(@menu == 2) {
		set .@query, query_sql("SELECT * FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id="+getcharid(0), .@gift_id, .@gift_account, .@gift_char, .@gift_item, .@gift_amount, .@gift_duration, .@gift_time, .@gift_bound); //Char gifts.
	} else goto OnLeave;

	//Check if player don't have gifts.
	if(.@query < 1) {
		mes "[Reward Giver]";
		mes "Sorry, you don't have any prize";
	cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

	//Build menu from query arrays.
	mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
	mes "^009900You got the prize^000000";
	for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
		mes "(" + .@gift_amount[.@i] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@i]) + ".";
		set .@menu$, .@menu$ + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@i]) + ":";
	set .@mid,select(.@menu$); //Show menu.
	set .@mid,.@mid-1;

	if (.@gift_time[.@mid] && .@gift_time[.@mid] < gettimetick(2)) {
		mes "[Reward Giver]";
		mes "Sorry, this prize's claim time is already over.";
		cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
	//Item is now selected. Choose what you want to do with it.
	mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
	mes "what you want do with (" + .@gift_amount[.@mid] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]) + "?";
	set .@Select,select("^009900Get it^000000:^ff0000Delete it! ^000000:nothings");

	//Receive gift selected.
	if(.@Select == 1) {
		//Check weight.
		if(checkweight( .@gift_item, .@gift_amount ) || .@gift_item[.@mid] == .ZenyID) {
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "^009900Get : (" + .@gift_amount[.@mid] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]) + ".^000000";
			if (.ip_limit) {
				// add ip_address to logs
				.@ipexist = query_sql("SELECT item_id, ip_address, claim_count FROM " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " WHERE ip_address = '"+getcharip()+"' AND item_id = "+.@gift_item[.@mid]+" LIMIT 1", .@item,.@ip,.@claim_count);
				if (.@claim_count[0] >= .ip_limit) {
					mes "Sorry you have reached the maximum redeem limit for this IP address";
					cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
				if (!.@claim_count[0]) {
					query_sql("INSERT INTO " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " (give_id,item_id,ip_address,claim_count) VALUES("+.@gift_id+","+.@gift_item+",'"+getcharip()+"',1)");		
				} else {
					query_sql("UPDATE " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " SET claim_count = "+(.@claim_count[0]+1)+" WHERE item_id = "+.@gift_item[.@mid]+" AND ip_address = '"+getcharip()+"'");
			if (.@gift_item[.@mid] == .ZenyID) { // detects zeny ID and give zeny.
				if (Zeny+.@gift_amount[.@mid] > .MaxZeny) {
					mes "Please make sure that you have enough space to handle all these zennies and come back later.";
					cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
				set Zeny,Zeny+.@gift_amount[.@mid];
			} else {

				if (.@gift_bound[.@mid]) {
					getitembound .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_amount[.@mid], 1;
				} else if (!.@gift_duration) {
					getitem .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_amount[.@mid]; //Give item to player.
				} else {
					rentitem .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_duration * 60; 
			query_sql( "DELETE FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE id = " + .@gift_id[.@mid] ); //Remove item from table.
			cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
		} else {
			mes "^ff0000Sorry ^000000 You can't take it " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]);
			mes "Could lose some wight?";
			cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

	//Remove gift selected.
	else if(.@Select == 2) {
		mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
		mes "Are you sure you want dellet it?";
		mes "Gift: ("+.@gift_amount[.@mid]+") "+getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid])+".";
		if(select("Yes:No") == 1) {
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "^ff0000Dellet: ("+.@gift_amount[.@mid]+") "+getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid])+".^000000";
			query_sql("DELETE FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE id = " + .@gift_id[.@mid]); //Remove item from table.
			cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
		} else {
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "we will save it";
			cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

	//Nothing selected.
	else {
		goto OnLeave;

//GM Panel below:
	if(getgmlevel() < .GMin) goto OnLeave;
	mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
	mes "Welvome " + strcharinfo(0) + "!";
	mes "How I can help you?";
	if(select("Make Gift:Nothing") != 1) goto OnLeave;
		//Make new gift.
		mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
		mes "Please input the item id.";
		mes "Default: 501";
	mes "What do you want to give?";
	set .@zenygive,0;
	if(select("Item:Zeny") == 1){
		//item_id range of 501 to 30,000.
		input .@new_item, 501, 30000;
		mes "Do you want to make this a bound item?";
		.@boption = select("No:Expire Bound:Normal Bound");
		if(.@boption == 2) {
			mes "Please tell me the duration in minutes";
		} else if (.@boption == 3) {
			mes "Normal bound, selected.";
			.@nbound = 1;
	} else {
		set .@new_item, .ZenyID;
		set .@zenygive,1;
	mes "Do you want to add a claim timer?";
	if(select("No:Yes")==2) {
		mes "How many minutes do you want this reward to be claimable?";
		.@claimtime = gettimetick(2)+(.@c*60);
	if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
		mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
		mes "How many items/zeny?";
		mes "Default: 1";
	//item quantity range of 1 to 1,000.
		input .@new_value, 1, .MaxZeny;
	} else {
		input .@new_value, 1, 1000;
	if (.@duration && .@new_value > 1) {
		mes "You can only give 1 item bound at a time and please make sure that it is an equipment";
	if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
		mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
		mes "Please select input type:";
		mes "1. Single Account";
		mes "2. Single Character";
		mes "3. All ^009900Online^000000 Accounts.";
		mes "4. All Accounts.";
		mes "5. All ^009900Online^000000 Players/Characters.";
		mes "6. All Players/Characters.";
		mes "7. ^ff0000Cancel.^000000";
	switch(select("Single Account:Single Character:^009900Online^000000 Accounts:All Accounts:^009900Online^000000 Characters:All Characters:Cancel"))
		//Account gift
		case 1:
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "Please select input type:";
			mes "By AID or Name?";
			if(select("Account ID:Character Name") == 1)
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "Write account id:";
				input .@new_account, 2000000, 10000000; //Account id range from 2m to 10m.
				set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account, .@new_account);
				if(.@query < 1) goto OnNotExist;
				if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
				mes "AID: ^ff0000" + .@new_account + "^000000";
				mes "------------------";
				mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
				mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
				mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
				mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
				mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
				if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "Gift sending success!";
				//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
				query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");

			} else {
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "Write player name:";
				input .@new_name$;
				set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_account);
				if(.@query < 1) goto OnNotExist;
				if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
				mes "AID: ^ff0000" + .@new_account + "^000000";
				mes "Name: ^ff0000"+ .@new_name$ + "^000000";
				mes "------------------";
				mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
				mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
				mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
				mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
				mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
				if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
				//Check if player is logged in.
				if(isloggedin(.@new_account)) {
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Gift sending success!";
					query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
				} else {
					//Account was not online.
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Gift sending success!";
					query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")"); // duplicate to other menus - continue here on giver side

		//Character gift.
		case 2:
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "Please select input type:";
			mes "By CID or Name?";
			if(select("Character ID:Character Name") == 1)
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "Write character id:";
				input .@new_char,150000, 10000000; //Char id range from 150k to 10m.
				set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id, name FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char, .@new_accountid, .@new_name$);
				if(.@query < 1) goto OnNotExist;
				if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
					mes "CID: ^ff0000" + .@new_char + "^000000";
					mes "Name: ^ff0000" + .@new_name$ + "^000000";
					mes "------------------";
					mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
					mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
					mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
					mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
					mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
				if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
				//Check if player is logged in.
				if(isloggedin(.@new_accountid)) {
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Gift sending success!";

					//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
					query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
				} else {
					//not online ask if we still give the gift.
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "The character is not online!";
					mes "Would you still like to send the gift?";
					if(select("Yes:No") != 1) goto OnLeave;
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Gift sending success!";
					//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
					query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");

			} else {
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "Write player name:";
				input .@new_name$;
				set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id, account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_char, .@new_accountid);
				if(.@query < 1) goto OnNotExist;
				if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
					mes "CID: ^ff0000" + .@new_char + "^000000";
					mes "Name: ^ff0000"+ .@new_name$ + "^000000";
					mes "------------------";
					mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
					mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
					mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";
					mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
					mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;
				if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
				//Check if player is logged in.
				if(isloggedin(.@new_accountid)) {
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Gift sending success!";
					query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
				} else {
					//not online ask if we still give the gift.
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "The character is not online!";
					mes "Would you still like to give the gift?";
					if(select("Yes:No") != 1) goto OnLeave;
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Gift sending success!";
					//Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value>
					query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
			announce strcharinfo(0)+" successfully sent " + .@new_value + "x " + getitemname(.@new_item) + " to " + .@new_name$,bc_all;

		//Register gift to all online accounts!
		case 3:
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
			mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
			mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
			mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes";	
			mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";
			mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;		
			if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "Please hold...";
			set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
			set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@account);
			for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
				sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
				.@at = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+.@account[.@i]+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
				if (!.@at) {		
					query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@account[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
			mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") accounts!";

		//Register gift to all accounts!
		case 4:
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
			mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
			mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
			mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";		
			mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;	
			if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "Please hold...";
			set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.LoginTableName$+"`",.@account);
			for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
				sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
					query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES(" + .@account[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
			mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") accounts!";

		//Register gift to all online characters!
		case 5:
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
			mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
			mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
			mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";		
			mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;	
			if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "Please hold...";
			set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
			set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@char);
			for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
				sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
				.@at = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE char_id = "+.@char[.@i]+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
				if (!.@at) {
					query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@char[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
			mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") players!";

		//Register gift to all characters!
		case 6:
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000";
			mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000";
			mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000";
			mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes";	
			mes "Normal Bound: " + .@nbound;		
			if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
			mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
			mes "Please hold...";
			set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"`",.@char);
			for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
				sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
				query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp, bound) VALUES (" + .@char[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ", " + .@nbound + ")");
			mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") players!";

		mes "[Reward Giver]";
				mes "See you later";

		mes "[Reward Giver]";
	mes "See you later";
	cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

	mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
	mes "This account does not exist!";
	cutin "v_sprakki04",255;
//============Reset Function=========================
		mes "Which gifts do you want to reset?";
		mes "1. Single Account";
		mes "2. Single Character";
		mes "3. All ^009900Online^000000 Accounts.";
		mes "4. All Accounts.";
		mes "5. All ^009900Online^000000 Players/Characters.";
		mes "6. All Players/Characters.";
		mes "7. All cancel";
		switch(select("Single Account:Single Character:^009900Online^000000 Accounts:All Accounts:^009900Online^000000 Characters:All Characters:Specific Item:IPLimit Logs:Cancel")) {
			case 1: //Single Account
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "Please select input type:";
				mes "By AID or Name?";
				if(select("Account ID:Character Name") == 1) {
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Write account id:";
					input .@new_account, 2000000, 10000000; //Account id range from 2m to 10m.
					set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account, .@new_account);
					if(.@query < 1) goto OnNotExist;
					if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
						query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account);
				} else {
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Write player name:";
					input .@new_name$;
					set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_account);
					if(.@query < 1) goto OnNotExist;
					if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
						query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account);
			case 2: //Single Character
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "Please select input type:";
				mes "By CID or Name?";
				if(select("Character ID:Character Name") == 1)
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Write character id:";
					input .@new_char,150000, 10000000; //Char id range from 150k to 10m.
					set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id, name FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char, .@new_accountid, .@new_name$);
					if(.@query < 1) goto OnNotExist;
					if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
						query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char);
				} else {
					mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
					mes "Write player name:";
					input .@new_name$;
					set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id, account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_char, .@new_accountid);
					if(.@query < 1) goto OnNotExist;
					if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave;
						query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char);
			case 3: //All Online Accounts.
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "Please hold...";
				set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
				set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@account);
				for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
					sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
					query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@account[.@i]);
			case 4: //All Accounts.
				query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id >= 1");
			case 5: //All Online Players/Characters.
				mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
				mes "Please hold...";
				set .@c, 0; //Counting success.
				set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@char);
				for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) {
					sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit.
					query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@char[.@i]);
			case 6: //All Players/Characters.
				query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE " + .GiftTableName$);
			case 7: // Delete specific item
				mes "Please type the id of the item you wish to delete";
				mes "This will delete all entries with the item id you typed";
				mes "Are you sure you want to delete all entries of " + .@deletethis;
				if (select("Yes:No")==1) {
					query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE item = " + .@deletethis + "");
				} else {
					mes "Deletion cancelled";
			case 8: //All ip logs
				query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE " + .GiftTableNameIP$);
		mes "deletion finished";
		cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

	mes "Please enter an ip limit, current limit is " + .ip_limit;
	mes "Done!";
	cutin "v_sprakki04",255;

// Config/Edit:
	set .Setup, 1;	//OnInit is loaded check.
	set .GMin, 60;	//Minimum GM level to use gm panel.
	set .ZenyID,23500; // put this when asked for which item to give zeny.
	set .MaxZeny,1000000000;
	//Your table names:
	set .CharTableName$, "char";	//Character table name(SQL).
	set .LoginTableName$, "login";
	set .GiftTableName$, "reward";	//Gift table name(SQL).
	set .GiftTableNameIP$, "reward_ip";	//Gift table name for ip tracker
	set $GiftTableNameAT$, "reward_at";	//Gift table name for auto trade tracker
	//Create gift table <auto_id>, <account_id>, <char_id>, <item>, <value>

	query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`item` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`value` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`duration` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`timestamp` int(23) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`bound` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");

	query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_ip` ( `give_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `ip_address` varchar(23) NOT NULL, `claim_count` int(11) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`give_id`))");

	query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_at` (`account_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`char_id` int(11) NOT NULL)");


	callsub OnLoadSetup;

/* Manual table update for at tracker 
  `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL
-	script	anti_trader	-1,{
	.is_anti_trade = 1; // 0 to disable
function	script	PG_30Seconds	{
	//dispbottom "anti trader 30sec";
	//Check if Vending (normal or @at)
	if(checkvending() >= 1) {
	   // mark as auto trader
	   	.@query = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
		if (.@query < 1) { // add if not there yet
			query_sql("INSERT INTO "+$GiftTableNameAT$+"(account_id,char_id) VALUES("+getcharid(3)+","+getcharid(0)+")");
			//dispbottom "you have been marked as auto trader";
function	script	PG_Login	{
	//dispbottom "at delete";
	.@query = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table
	if (.@query) { // remove to reverify vending status
		query_sql("DELETE FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"");

i already replace it still not working 

All Online Accounts

All Online Players/Characters

Edited by DrewxD
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