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Posts posted by Oklonir

  1. Good afternoon community!

    Could you help me remove the requirements to start the NydhoggsNest Instance

    I tried adding some // but I was unsuccessful.

    The prerequisite I would like to remove would be this.

    Previous quests: Guardian of Yggdrasil
    Report to the Old World

    I appreciate any and all help you can!

    NPC/Script: NydhoggsNest.txt

  2. Thanks for your attention, this happens.

    battle.cpp:3073:4: error: ‘hitrate’ was not declared in this scope
        hitrate += hitrate * 100;
    battle.cpp:3073:4: note: suggested alternative: ‘getdate’
        hitrate += hitrate * 100;


  3. Hello community

    Could anyone help me, I searched all over the forum and I didn't find a solution to my problems.

    1 - I would like the ninja to be able to dodge the PA_SACRIFICE skill when using the NJ_UTSUSEMI skill.

    2 - How do I make the player freeze for 1 second at DEFM 99, just like when luk status + bonus = 330 stays for 1 second.

    3 - How to make the PA_SACRIFICE skill always hit 100% without giving a miss

    Please help me!

  4. 3 minutes ago, LearningRO said:

    Você não pode alterar seu gepard.grf sem permissão do functor
    então se você quiser mudar dentro do gepard.grf você precisa falar primeiro com o functor
    agora você só precisa trazê-lo de volta ao gepard.grf original do functor


    That's what I came to ask my friend, help from functor to accept the new grf.

  5. Boa tarde comunidade.


    Estou precisando de uma pessoa para me auxiliar na source/database do meu servidor com urgência de preferência brasileiro(a).

    O servidor já se encontra Online mas estou com algumas coisas precisando de correção e toda ajuda será bem vinda, nada de graça.

    Se por favor puder me ajudar me mande uma mensagem no privado.

    Grato atenção desde já!

  6. Good afternoon everybody. Could someone please help me solve these problems.


    1 - When a magical class is in redemption and uses magic, the damage goes back to the casting player and not to the paladin, would it be possible to put it back to the paladin?

    2 - The shock ability of the WS cart is not directly hitting ninjas with skin changes and I wanted it to hit even with skin changes.

    3 - The damage of the AssassinCross class in both pre-re and re-tests is low. Is there any specific place that I can change the damage of the AssassinCross class?


    Thanks in advance for your help!

  7. I use the old rathena emulator, I will test it. Did not work.

    On 11/11/2023 at 22:35, Oklonir said:


    28356,Brasao_da_Metamorfose,Brasão da Metamorfose,12,0,,0,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,262144,,1,1,,{ efeito especial2 EF_FIRESPLASHHIT; },{ changebase roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD); },{ classe changebase; }


    Eu adicionei ele ao tempo então toda vez que eu equipo eu mudo a roupa para terceira classe.

    Ao relogar o efeito da fantasia desaparece e as classes ninja e vigilante não aparecem fantasias de terceira classe.

    Ajude-me, por favor.

    Queria que esse visual transformasse a roupa do jogador em uma roupa de terceira classe e não perdesse o efeito da roupa ao relogar.


  8. item_db:

    28356,Brasao_da_Metamorfose,Brasão da Metamorfose,12,0,,0,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,262144,,1,1,,{ specialeffect2 EF_FIRESPLASHHIT; },{ changebase roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD); },{ changebase Class; }


    I added it to team so every time I equip it I change the outfit to third class.

    When relogging the effect of the costume goes away and the ninja and vigilante classes no third class costumes appear.

    Help me please.

    I wanted this look to transform the player's outfit into third-class clothing and not lose the effect of the outfit's outfit when relogging.

  9. Good afternoon.

    How do I make the equipment 5516 Hawk Eyes 1 able to equip it in Hunter, Thief and their respective evolutions.

    5516,Hawk_Eyes01,hawk Eyes,4,10,,100,,0,,1,0x00000800,2,2,512,,60,0,23,{ bonus bDex,1; bonus bLongAtkRate,150; },{},{}


    Help, please.

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