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Everything posted by qtdan

  1. qtdan


    Welcome aboard
  2. i done it but, maintown,193,173,5 script Coin Trader 117,{ function int__; do{ callsub exchange_rate; .@menu = select( "Zeny to Coin","Coin to Zeny","Close" ); switch( .@menu ){ Case 1: mes "Convert Zeny to which Coins ?"; .@coin = select( implode( .coin_name$,":" ) ) - 1; if( Zeny < .value[.@coin] ){ mes "^FF0000[ERROR]^000000 You didnt have enough zeny."; }else{ .@maximum = Zeny / .value[.@coin]; mes "You can get maximum of ^FF0000"+int__( .@maximum )+" x "+getitemname( .coin_id[.@coin] )+"^000000"; if(getd("#wqeqwe1_" + gettime(DT_YYYYMMDD)) < .day_limit){ .@left = .day_limit - getd("#wqeqwe1_" + gettime(DT_YYYYMMDD)); input .@amount,0,.@maximum; if( .@amount ) if( checkweight( .coin_id[.@coin],.@amount ) ){ .@total = ( .@amount * .value[.@coin] ); Zeny -= .@total; getitem .coin_id[.@coin],.@amount; setd("#wqeqwe1_" + gettime(DT_YYYYMMDD),getd("#wqeqwe1_" + gettime(DT_YYYYMMDD)) + .@amount); message strcharinfo(0),"Exchanged "+int__( .@total )+" Zeny to "+int__( .@amount )+" "+getitemname( .coin_id[.@coin] )+"^000000"; } } else{ mes "^FF0000[ERROR]^000000 You cant take this much."; } } break; Case 2: mes "Convert which Coins to Zeny ?"; .@coin = select( implode( .coin_name$,":" ) ) - 1; if( !countitem( .coin_id[.@coin] ) ){ mes "^FF0000[ERROR]^000000 You didnt have any "+getitemname( .coin_id[.@coin] )+"."; }else if( ( .max_zeny - Zeny ) < .value[.@coin] ){ mes "^FF0000[ERROR]^000000 You cant exchange this Coin as it will exceed the Zeny limit."; }else{ .@maximum = (( .max_zeny - Zeny ) / .value[.@coin] ); if( .@maximum > countitem( .coin_id[.@coin] ) ) .@maximum = countitem( .coin_id[.@coin] ); mes "You can exchange maximum of ^FF0000"+int__( .@maximum )+" x "+getitemname( .coin_id[.@coin] )+"^000000 to zeny"; input .@amount,0,.@maximum; if( .@amount ){ .@total = ( .@amount * .value[.@coin] ); Zeny += .@total; delitem .coin_id[.@coin],.@amount; message strcharinfo(0),"Exchanged "+int__( .@amount )+" "+getitemname( .coin_id[.@coin] )+" to "+int__( .@total )+" Zeny^000000"; } } break; default: break; } next; }while( .@menu != 3 ); mes "Thank you."; close; exchange_rate: mes "Exchange Rate :"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .coin_size; .@i++ ) mes "^777777 > "+.coin_name$[.@i]+" - "+int__( .value[.@i] )+" z^000000"; return; OnInit: // server max zeny .max_zeny = 1000000000; .day_limit = 50; // coin list + name + value setarray .coin_name$,"Platinum Coin"; setarray .coin_id,677; setarray .value,10000000; .coin_size = getarraysize( .coin_name$ ); end; // credits to annieruru function int__ { set .@num, atoi(""+getarg(0)); if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0); set .@l, getstrlen(""+.@num); for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$; if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$; } return .@num$; } } yeah it stops when i already exchange more than 50, the problem is if i change 1st time of the day by 49 i records 49 and again if i change again 50 total of 99 it still accepts it.
  3. Hello Guys is someone have a coin exchanger with limitation every day? Example players can change coin for only 50 every day, it will reset every 12:00am. 10,000,000z + 1 DAILY_POINTS = 1 Platinum Coin (677).
  4. can you give me example? - Id: 504 AegisName: White_Potion Name: White Potion Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 150 Script: | percentheal 20,0;
  5. @Emistry how to do it on latest item db? bump for this comment
  6. +1 to this, @Racaae can you add every card count? thanksss
  7. 25053,f_valkyrie@ENCHANT_DEADLY_POISON,chase,361,5,10000,0,100000,yes,self,myhpltmaxrate,60,,,,,,, 25053,f_valkyrie@ENCHANT_DEADLY_POISON,attack,361,5,10000,0,100000,yes,self,myhpltmaxrate,60,,,,,,, Try this.
  8. /conf/battle/guild.conf // Activate guild skills delay by relog? // Official setting is 5 minutes (300000 ms), otherwise allow guild leaders to relog to cancel the 5 minute delay. // Note: This was changed in renewal in favor of individual skill cooldown. guild_skill_relog_delay: 300000 did you set this to 0?
  9. please help me make this up to level 999? # - Level: 240 # Points: 6405 # - Level: 241 # Points: 6456 # - Level: 242 # Points: 6507 # - Level: 243 # Points: 6558 # - Level: 244 # Points: 6609 # - Level: 245 # Points: 6660 # - Level: 246 # Points: 6712 # - Level: 247 # Points: 6764 # - Level: 248 # Points: 6816 # - Level: 249 # Points: 6868 # - Level: 250 # Points: 6920 # - Level: 251 # Points: 6973 # - Level: 252 # Points: 7026 # - Level: 253 # Points: 7079 # - Level: 254 # Points: 7132 # - Level: 255 # Points: 7185
  10. prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 718,{ setarray .CoinID, 677; setarray .Zeny, 10000000; while( 1 ){ mes "What service you want ?"; next; switch( select("Zeny to Coin:Coin to Zeny") ){ Case 1: mes "What Coin you want ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+.Zeny[.@i]+"^000000 Zeny"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; if( Zeny < .Zeny[.@Coin] ){ mes "It seem like you didnt have Enough Zeny for this."; next; break; } mes "You can exchange to ^FF0000"+( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 ."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want ?"; input @Amount,0,( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+@Amount+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000."; set Zeny,Zeny - ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); getitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; next; break; Case 2: mes "Which Coin ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+countitem( .CoinID[.@i] )+"^000000 Available"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } do{ set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; }while( !countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) ); next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; mes "You can exchange ^0000FF"+countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+" "+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 to ^FF0000"+( countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+"^000000 Zeny."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want to change into Zeny ?"; input @Amount,0,( ( 1000000000 - Zeny ) / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" Zeny."; delitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; set Zeny,Zeny + ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); next; break; } } } i want to add limit here maximum 50 coins per day that resets every 12:00am and every 1 coin needs 1 of #questpoints and 10,000,000 zeny. but for coins to zeny doesn't need the #questpoints.
  11. i get this part You can add more title here data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\titletable.lub i want is example: npc title giver: when you talk to the NPC will give you a reward same as the achievement. i want to add a title to a character when he finishes my custom quest.
  12. is there a way that a script quest npc will give a character a title? Example : Break the Seal Quest upon finishing the quest the character will get a custom title.
  13. @Easycore I already added it manually and compile it without an error but the vending skill doesn't work fine the mana will consumed but the vending skill doesn't work.
  14. @Easycore is this normal when applying a git? sorry its my 1st time applying a git using command.
  15. and what if about that pvp on mvp insight will scale the mvp monster HP ( example x2 HP of the MVP when 2 person on his range ). sorry for my bad english but that was a good concept.
  16. mes "[ ^336699Coin Master^000000 ]"; mes "How many coins would you like?"; set @mamount,0; input @mamount; if (zeny < 0) goto L_No; if (zeny < (10000000* @mamount)) goto L_No; if (checkweight(677,@mamount) == 0 ) goto L_OW; set dcoins, @mamount; set dcoins2, (dcoins2 + (@mamount)); //<-------------------- This Line set Zeny,(zeny - (10000000* @mamount)); getitem 677,@mamount; goto L_Thanks; I want to limit the coin exchange of my server for only 50 per day, how can i reset the "set dcoins2" for every player every "OnClock0000:". - script CoinsReset -1,{ OnInit: OnClock0000: //12am set dcoins2, 0; } Already try this code but it doesn't work. TIA ♥
  17. Having an Error on Character Select when using the 3rd job -> Body Style 1.
  18. ########################################################################### # Mob Item Ratio Database ########################################################################### # # Mob Item Ratio Settings # ########################################################################### # - Item AegisName of item to adjust. # Ratio Drop rate. # List: List of monster(s) affected (format <Aegis monster name>: true/false). (Defaulted to all monsters) ########################################################################### Header: Type: MOB_ITEM_RATIO_DB Version: 1 Body: - Item: Thanatos_Card Ratio: 50000 Making the ratio more than 69999 are getting error it has a limit of 6.99% droprate. how to fix this i want to make it 10%.
  19. can someone give me example of this new mob_item_ration.yml ########################################################################### # Mob Item Ratio Database ########################################################################### # # Mob Item Ratio Settings # ########################################################################### # - Item AegisName of item to adjust. # Ratio Drop rate. # List: List of monster(s) affected (format <Aegis monster name>: true/false). (Defaulted to all monsters) ########################################################################### Header: Type: MOB_ITEM_RATIO_DB Version: 1
  20. Is this compatible to the latest rathena git?
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