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Everything posted by Keim

  1. I like it much more than the one you posted on your first post. Simple and clean. But I think that the main area (the red box) Is kinda disconnected with all the other colours in the background.
  2. Thanks so much Works like a charm.
  3. Then how will I do it? I need to multiply the amount they put in input @event by 10...
  4. Thanks a lot. I fxed that but It gives me the same problem. And the same error on map-server..
  5. que_moc_16,70,88,3 script Coin Trader 908,{ set .@npc$,"^0000FFCoin Trader^000000"; set .@eventmulti, "+@event+" * 10; set .@goldmulti, "+@gold+" * 5; set .@mithrilmulti, "+@mithril+" * 8; mes .@npc$; mes "Welcome, honey!"; mes "I am ^0000FFJoann, the Coin Trader^000000!"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "My services are available 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days of the Year!"; menu "Continue Talking",-,"Quit",l_quit; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Which coins do you wish to trade?"; next; menu "Hollow Coin > Event Coin",l_hollowtoevent,"Poring Coin > Gold Coin",l_poringtogold,"Gold Coin > Mithril Coin",l_goldtomithril; l_hollowtoevent: if(countitem(21037) <10) { mes .@npc$; mes "You do not have enough Hollow Coins to continue with the procedure."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Please, get at least 10 Hollow Coins to be able to trade."; close; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "^FF000010 Hollow Coins^000000 = ^00FF001 Event Coin^000000"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "How many ^00FF00Event Coins^000000 would you like to have?"; next; l_eventcoin: input @event; if(@event=="0") { mes .@npc$; mes "You cannot trade 10 Hollow Coins into 0 Event Coins."; mes "Select a value higher than 0 to continue."; next; goto l_eventcoin; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "To get your "+@event+" Event Coins, you must trade in " + .@eventmulti + " Hollow Coins."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Do you have that amount of Hollow Coins?"; next; menu "Yes",l_yeseventcoin,"No",l_noeventcoin; l_yeseventcoin: if(countitem(21037) <"+@eventmulti+") { mes .@npc$; mes "You do not have my "+@eventmulti+" Hollow Coins."; mes "Come back when you do."; close; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "Converting your Hollow Coins into Event Coins..."; next; sleep 5000; delitem 21037,"+@eventmulti+"; getitem 19344,"+@event+"; mes "I have succesfully converted your Hollow Coins into Event Coins."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Have a nice day, "+(Sex?"Mr.":"Mrs.")+" "+strcharinfo(0)+""; close; l_noeventcoin: mes .@npc$; mes "Oh well. Come back If you do have them!"; close; l_poringtogold: if(countitem(7539) <5) { mes .@npc$; mes "You do not have enough Poring Coins to continue with the procedure."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Please, get at least 10 Poring Coins to be able to trade."; close; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "^FF00FF5 Poring Coins^000000 = ^FFA5001 Gold Coin^000000"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "How many ^FFA500Gold Coins^000000 would you like to have?"; next; l_goldcoin: input @gold; if(@gold=="0") { mes .@npc$; mes "You cannot trade 5 Poring Coins into 0 Gold Coins."; mes "Select a value higher than 0 to continue."; next; goto l_goldcoin; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "To get your "+@gold+" Gold Coins, you must trade in " + .@goldmulti + " Poring Coins."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Do you have that amount of Poring Coins?"; next; menu "Yes",l_yesporingcoin,"No",l_noporingcoin; l_yesporingcoin: if(countitem(7539) <"+@goldmulti+") { mes .@npc$; mes "You do not have my "+@goldmulti+" Poring Coins."; mes "Come back when you do."; close; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "Converting your Poring Coins into Gold Coins..."; next; sleep 5000; delitem 7539,"+@goldmulti+"; getitem 7517,"+@gold+"; mes "I have succesfully converted your Poring Coins into Gold Coins."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Have a nice day, "+(Sex?"Mr.":"Mrs.")+" "+strcharinfo(0)+""; close; l_noporingcoin: mes .@npc$; mes "Oh well. Come back If you do have them!"; close; l_goldtomithril: if(countitem(7517) <8) { mes .@npc$; mes "You do not have enough Gold Coins to continue with the procedure."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Please, get at least 8 Gold Coins to be able to trade."; close; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "^FFA50010 Gold Coins^000000 = ^808080 Mithril Coin^000000"; next; mes .@npc$; mes "How many ^808080Mithril Coins^000000 would you like to have?"; next; l_mithrilcoin: input @mithril; if(@mithril=="0") { mes .@npc$; mes "You cannot trade 8 Gold Coins into 0 Mithril Coins."; mes "Select a value higher than 0 to continue."; next; goto l_mithrilcoin; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "To get your "+@mithril+" Mithril Coins, you must trade in " + .@mithrilmulti + " Gold Coins."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Do you have that amount of Gold Coins?"; next; menu "Yes",l_yesgoldcoin,"No",l_nogoldcoin; l_yesgoldcoin: if(countitem(7517) <"+@mithrilmulti+") { mes .@npc$; mes "You do not have my "+@mithrilmulti+" Gold Coins."; mes "Come back when you do."; close; } else { mes .@npc$; mes "Converting your Gold Coins into Mithril Coins..."; next; sleep 5000; delitem 7517,"+@mithrilmulti+"; getitem 674,"+@mithril+"; mes "I have succesfully converted your Gold Coins into Event Coins."; next; mes .@npc$; mes "Have a nice day, "+(Sex?"Mr.":"Mrs.")+" "+strcharinfo(0)+""; close; l_nogoldcoin: mes .@npc$; mes "Oh well. Come back If you do have them!"; close; l_quit: close; } } } } } } } } } } [/codeBOX] It says the error is in the [b]set .@eventmulti, "+@event+" * 10[/b][b][i].[/i][/b] Map-Server says [code] [Error]: script:op_2: invalid data for operator C_MUL [Debug]: Data: string value="+@event+" [Debug]: Data: number value=10 [Debug]: Source (NPC): Coin Trader at que_moc_16 (70,88) [/code] Help is appreciated Thanks
  6. Keim


    Glad it worked for you.
  7. Keim


    You must run client as administrator. That will make them save.
  8. Keim

    Hello Welcome to rAthena
  9. Thanks for suggestion I actually thought about the same thing! Check out first post, changed it. Hope you like!
  10. I just wanted to show my website I made...like an hour ago :S Please rate, comment and subscribe! lol jk. Sorry for not the best 100% quality This is about my 5th Web Design. Hope u like it *edit* Changed it so the Register Circle was happy
  11. Nice signatures xD I see you used the Transformers Font in one of ur siggys troll
  12. Trata !go 0. Puede ser que tu servidor esta hecho para usar ! no @. http://www.foro.divinero.net/eathena-guias-y-faqs/(faq)-como-cambiar-de-los-comandos/ Usa ese link. Hay sale como cambiar de ! a @. Ojala que te ayude, y saludos desde Santiago
  13. http://supportmii.com/ro1/JudasBible.pdf Führer machte durch Judas, es ist in Englisch. Konnte keinen finden in deutscher Sprache.
  14. View File Bell Ribbon (Collection) Bell Ribbon (Collection of Black, Blue, Cyan, Gold, Purple, White and Green Ribbons). Credits to ToZorMan Submitter Keim Submitted 02/10/2012 Category Headgears  
  15. Thanks. Im trying to find the lua & lubs for my date... If you can find for 2010 october would be awsome
  16. 694 downloads

    Bell Ribbon (Collection of Black, Blue, Cyan, Gold, Purple, White and Green Ribbons). Credits to ToZorMan
  17. View File Bishop Hat (Collection) Bishop Hat (Collection of Black, Cyan, Gold, Green, Purple, White, Red and Normal Bishop Hats). Credits to ToZorMan Submitter Keim Submitted 02/10/2012 Category Headgears  
  18. 437 downloads

    Bishop Hat (Collection of Black, Cyan, Gold, Green, Purple, White, Red and Normal Bishop Hats). Credits to ToZorMan
  19. Need urgent help. My shortcuts in game are not working. Not one Alt+ command is working. The only thing I can do Is walk. Can't open inventory, skills, guild, party etc. I tried changing my LUA files, but that will just give me a gravity error. My client is 2010-10-26, since my 2011 one was causing problems. I have seriously no idea what to do. Someone said it was something to do with the client, well my host made me my own client and he said he didn't know why it wasn't working. Soo...I'm hoping one of you guys do. Thanks Keim
  20. Awsome Thanks Dee. Will test it out. +1
  21. Umm...those are the lips/mouth...They don't have noses xD They've got big mouths!
  22. You want to set the max level to 400? All clients (I believe) allow up to 1000 max level. If you want to change the max level, go to emulator/conf/battle/exp.conf and you can change the max level there.
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