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  1. iraciz's post in 2018-06-20eRagexeRE Crashing when trigered active_transform or transform script. was marked as the answer   
    Fixed here:
  2. iraciz's post in Can't cosume getBattleFlag("woe_reserved_char_id"); items in WoE was marked as the answer   
    It's done and solved, thankyou all for the support! Bless
    prtg_cas01    mapflag    woe_consume
    prtg_cas02    mapflag    woe_consume
    prtg_cas03    mapflag    woe_consume
    prtg_cas04    mapflag    woe_consume
    prtg_cas05    mapflag    woe_consume
    payg_cas01    mapflag    woe_consume
    payg_cas02    mapflag    woe_consume
    payg_cas03    mapflag    woe_consume
    payg_cas04    mapflag    woe_consume
    payg_cas05    mapflag    woe_consume

    gefg_cas01    mapflag    woe_consume
    gefg_cas02    mapflag    woe_consume
    gefg_cas03    mapflag    woe_consume
    gefg_cas04    mapflag    woe_consume
    gefg_cas05    mapflag    woe_consume
    aldeg_cas01    mapflag    woe_consume
    aldeg_cas02    mapflag    woe_consume
    aldeg_cas03    mapflag    woe_consume
    aldeg_cas04    mapflag    woe_consume
    aldeg_cas05    mapflag    woe_consume
    arug_cas01    mapflag    woe_consume
    arug_cas02    mapflag    woe_consume
    arug_cas03    mapflag    woe_consume
    arug_cas04    mapflag    woe_consume
    arug_cas05    mapflag    woe_consume
    schg_cas01    mapflag    woe_consume
    schg_cas02    mapflag    woe_consume
    schg_cas03    mapflag    woe_consume
    schg_cas04    mapflag    woe_consume
    schg_cas05    mapflag    woe_consume
  3. iraciz's post in Make sonic Blow not be affected by Bragi and Kiel cards was marked as the answer   
    IgnoreStatus: true
    IgnoreItemBonus: true
    The default structure of Sonic Blow Skill comes without cooldown, so the castdelay flags are useless!, unless you add a cooldown to force a delay and avoid the skill being casted twice or triple in an instant.
    Cooldown: 1000
    - Id: 136 Name: AS_SONICBLOW Description: Sonic Blow MaxLevel: 10 Type: Weapon TargetType: Attack Range: 1 Hit: Multi_Hit HitCount: -8 Element: Weapon CopyFlags: Skill: Plagiarism: true Reproduce: true RemoveRequirement: true AfterCastActDelay: 2000 AfterCastWalkDelay: 2000 Cooldown: 1000 Duration2: 5000 CastDelayFlags: IgnoreStatus: true IgnoreItemBonus: true Requires: SpCost: - Level: 1 Amount: 16 - Level: 2 Amount: 18 - Level: 3 Amount: 20 - Level: 4 Amount: 22 - Level: 5 Amount: 24 - Level: 6 Amount: 26 - Level: 7 Amount: 28 - Level: 8 Amount: 30 - Level: 9 Amount: 32 - Level: 10 Amount: 34 Weapon: Katar: true  
  4. iraciz's post in Request for Card trader npc was marked as the answer   
    I recommend euphy's card Trader in their script's collection:
    I comes with an integrated card recycling point shop that you can easily edit.

  5. iraciz's post in Anti multi login by ip - Need to exclude AT Merchants! was marked as the answer   
    Solved by my own means.

    Autotrade merchants are not counting in the multi login ip filter,
    Only 3 accounts per IP and the fourth was kicked.
    Also added an exception, just in case there are confirmed brothers, couples, etcm in different pcs but using same ip:
    if (#brothers) end;
    - script Only3perIP -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (getgmlevel() >= 99) end; if (#brothers) end; set .@myname$, strcharinfo(0); if (query_sql("SELECT `char`.`name` FROM `char` LEFT JOIN login ON `char`.account_id=login.account_id WHERE login.last_ip='"+getcharip()+"' AND `char`.online=1 AND `char`.char_id!="+getcharid(0), .@name$) >= 2) { for (set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@name$); set .@i,.@i+1) { if (!checkvending(.@name$[.@i]) ) set .@sameip, .@sameip +1; } if (.@sameip >= 3) { announce "Lo sentimos, Solo se permite un maximo de 3 cuentas logeadas por IP.", bc_self; mes "Suzaku Ro"; mes "Lo sentimos, solo se permite un maximo de 3 cuentas logeadas por IP!"; sleep 4000; atcommand "@kick " + .@myname$; } } end; }  
  6. iraciz's post in Mob chat not working - help was marked as the answer   
    It's done, here:
    Credits to Kreustoo  and dev team.
  7. iraciz's post in Need help for Costume Slot was marked as the answer   
    Armor type is 12
    Location form costume armor slot is 65536
    You need to edit those structures in the item id in order to make them equip properly.
    Use this structure as example
    31056,C_Furious_Wave,Costume Furious Wave,12,0,,0,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,65536,,1,1,,{ hateffect(HAT_EF_DOUBLEGUMGANG,true); },{},{ hateffect(HAT_EF_DOUBLEGUMGANG,false); }

  8. iraciz's post in Does anyone have this script? Poring Roulette was marked as the answer   
    Ok there you go, first you have to follow this indications:
    1- add the gold poring mob if you are running pre-re, this is the indicator were the point is going, I  used this mob to replace the original portal npc.
    2248,GOLDPORING,Golden Poring,Golden Poring,50,10000,0,0,0,1,300,300,2,5,6,1,1,0,6,5,10,12,0,3,21,0x83,400,1872,672,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0  2- check the coordinates and locate them in a proper map,  my poring_w01 map is modified in gats and objetcs.
    //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Script by ColoExpress =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2010 - 2011 Develop present =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Powered By www.coloexpress.in.th =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Fix and translation in spanish by iraciz=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - script PoringSlotsCh -1,{ end; OnInit: set $PSItem,7539; set $PSre,7539; //Prize set $NMItem,1; end; } poring_w01,74,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#01 1002 poring_w01,76,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#02 1002 poring_w01,78,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#03 1031 poring_w01,80,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#04 1113 poring_w01,82,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#05 1002 poring_w01,84,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#06 950 poring_w01,86,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#07 1002 poring_w01,88,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#08 1096 poring_w01,90,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#09 1002 poring_w01,92,78,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#10 1113 poring_w01,92,76,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#11 1031 poring_w01,92,74,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#12 1031 poring_w01,92,72,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#13 1002 poring_w01,92,70,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#14 1113 poring_w01,92,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#15 1002 poring_w01,90,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#16 1031 poring_w01,88,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#17 1002 poring_w01,86,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#18 1113 poring_w01,84,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#19 1002 poring_w01,82,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#20 950 poring_w01,80,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#21 1002 poring_w01,78,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#22 1031 poring_w01,76,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#23 1113 poring_w01,74,68,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#24 1002 poring_w01,74,70,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#25 1388 poring_w01,74,72,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#26 1113 poring_w01,74,74,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#27 1002 poring_w01,74,76,6 duplicate(PoringSlotsCh) PoringSlots#28 1096 poring_w01,74,78,6 script PoringSlotsPoint 2248,1,1,{} - script PoringSlotsSetter -1,{ OnInit: //--TOP //--RIGHT //BOTTOM //LEFT setarray $PoringSlotsX,74,76,78,80,82,84,86,88,90, 92,92,92,92,92, 92,90,88,86,84,82,80,78,76,74, 74,74,74,74,74; setarray $PoringSlotsY,78,78,78,78,78,78,78,78,78, 78,76,74,72,70, 68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68, 70,72,74,76,78; set $@PoringSlotsPlaying, 0; set $@PoringSlotsRunning, 0; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#01::OnResetRoom"; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#02::OnResetRoom"; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#03::OnResetRoom"; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#04::OnResetRoom"; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#05::OnResetRoom"; end; } poring_w01,82,73,6 script Poring Slots Play 693,{ mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "Bienvenido a la ruleta poring"; mes "Antes de girar la ruleta, procura hacer tus apuestas ok? "; mes "- Se cobra [ ^9900FF" +$NMItem+ "^000000 ] ^00AA55"+getitemname($PSItem)+"^000000 por lanzamiento."; next; if(select("- Girar la Ruleta","- Cancelar")==2) close; if($@PoringSlotsPlaying==1){ mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "Ya hay un lanzamiento en fila. Debes esperar que termine para iniciar otro."; close; } if(countitem($PSItem)<$NMItem){ mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes " No tienes la cantidad necesaria de monedas para girar la ruleta."; close; } delitem $PSItem,$NMItem; mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "Comenzamos.."; donpcevent "Poring Slots Play::OnPoringSlotsAnnounce"; close; OnPoringSlotsAnnounce: set $@PoringSlotsPlaying,1; mapannounce "poring_w01","[ PoringSlots ] : Atencion a todos, la ruleta va a dar inicio en 1 Minuto a partir de este momento.",bc_map; sleep 20000; npctalk "La ruleta va a girar dentro 40 segundos, vayan cerrando sus apuestas."; sleep 20000; npctalk "Dentro de poco iniciara el lanzamiento! quedan 20 Segundos"; sleep 5000; npctalk "15 segundos restantes para el lanzamiento dela ruleta Poring."; sleep 5000; npctalk "Inicia el conteo regresivo de 10 segundos."; sleep 1000; npctalk "9"; sleep 1000; npctalk "8"; sleep 1000; npctalk "7"; sleep 1000; npctalk "6"; sleep 1000; npctalk "5"; sleep 1000; npctalk "4"; sleep 1000; npctalk "3"; sleep 1000; npctalk "2"; sleep 1000; npctalk "1"; sleep 1000; npctalk "It's Show Time!!"; donpcevent "Poring Slots Play::OnPoringSlotsPlaying"; end; OnPoringSlotsPlaying: set $@PoringSlotsRunning,1; set $PoringSlotsRound,$PoringSlotsRound+1; set $@PoringSlotsSpeed,10; for(set $@PoringSlotsRound,0;$@PoringSlotsRound<8;set $@PoringSlotsRound,$@PoringSlotsRound+1){ set $@PoringSlotsTemp,rand(20,40); for(set $@i,0;$@i<$@PoringSlotsTemp;set $@i,$@i+1){ movenpc "PoringSlotsPoint",$PoringSlotsX[$@PoringSlotsPoint],$PoringSlotsY[$@PoringSlotsPoint]; set $@PoringSlotsPoint,$@PoringSlotsPoint+1; if($@PoringSlotsPoint>=28) set $@PoringSlotsPoint,0; sleep $@PoringSlotsSpeed; } set $@PoringSlotsSpeed,$@PoringSlotsSpeed+10; } set $@PoringSlotsTemp,rand(5,10); for(set $@i,0;$@i<$@PoringSlotsTemp;set $@i,$@i+1){ movenpc "PoringSlotsPoint",$PoringSlotsX[$@PoringSlotsPoint],$PoringSlotsY[$@PoringSlotsPoint]; set $@PoringSlotsPoint,$@PoringSlotsPoint+1; if($@PoringSlotsPoint>=28) set $@PoringSlotsPoint,0; set $@PoringSlotsSpeed,$@PoringSlotsSpeed+100; sleep $@PoringSlotsSpeed; } set $@PoringSlotsTemp,rand(8,15); for(set $@i,0;$@i<$@PoringSlotsTemp;set $@i,$@i+1){ movenpc "PoringSlotsPoint",$PoringSlotsX[$@PoringSlotsPoint],$PoringSlotsY[$@PoringSlotsPoint]; set $@PoringSlotsPoint,$@PoringSlotsPoint+1; if($@PoringSlotsPoint>=28) set $@PoringSlotsPoint,0; set $@PoringSlotsSpeed,$@PoringSlotsSpeed+150; sleep $@PoringSlotsSpeed; } switch($@PoringSlotsPoint) { case 6:case 20: set $FSC_Win,0;break; case 1:case 2:case 5:case 7:case 9:case 12:case 13:case 15:case 17:case 19:case 21:case 24:case 27: set $FSC_Win,1;break; case 4:case 10:case 14:case 18:case 23:case 26: set $FSC_Win,2;break; case 3:case 11:case 16:case 22: set $FSC_Win,3;break; case 8:case 0: set $FSC_Win,4;break; case 25: set $FSC_Win,5;break; } specialeffect 577; if($FSC_Win==0) { npctalk "Ups.. se detuvo en un Ghostring"; sleep 1000; npctalk "Todos Pierden... Muahaha!!!"; } if($FSC_Win==1) { npctalk "La ruleta se detuvo en Poring, Aquel que aposto al poring ha ganado del doble de la inversion!"; sleep 1000; npctalk "Quien haya ganado, retire su premio!"; } if($FSC_Win==2) { npctalk "La ruleta se detuvo en Drops, Aquel que aposto al Drops, ganaria el Triple de la Inversion"; sleep 1000; npctalk "Quien haya ganado, retire su premio!"; } if($FSC_Win==3) { npctalk "La ruleta se detuvo en Poporing"; sleep 1000; npctalk "Gana x 5 tu inversion"; sleep 1000; npctalk "Retiren su premio si han ganado!"; } if($FSC_Win==4) { npctalk "La ruleta se detuvo en el exquisito Angeling.. multiplicando la inversion x9"; sleep 1000; npctalk "El feliz ganador puede retirar su botin!"; } if($FSC_Win==5) { npctalk "Oh por Dios, La ruleta se detuvo en el el Arch Angeling..."; sleep 1000; npctalk "Quien haya apostado al Arch Angeling habra multiplicado » 17 Veces lo que invirtio!!";} donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#01::OnResetRoom"; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#02::OnResetRoom"; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#03::OnResetRoom"; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#04::OnResetRoom"; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#05::OnResetRoom"; donpcevent "PoringSlotsChoose#0"+$FSC_Win+"::OnEffect"; set $@PoringSlotsPlaying,0; set $@PoringSlotsRunning,0; end; } function script FuncPoringSlotsChoose { if($@PoringSlotsRunning==1){ mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "- Hay un juego en proceso"; mes "- debes esperar que termine para volver a apostar."; close; end; } set .@FSC_Poring,getarg(0); set .@FSC_GetPoint,getarg(1); if(getd("FSC_Coin"+.@FSC_Poring)>0){ if(getd("PoringSlotsRound"+.@FSC_Poring)==$PoringSlotsRound-1&&.@FSC_Poring==$FSC_Win){ set .@FSC_Temp,getd("FSC_Coin"+.@FSC_Poring)*.@FSC_GetPoint; getitem $PSRe,.@FSC_Temp; specialeffect2 18; setd "FSC_Coin"+.@FSC_Poring,0; mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "- Ganaste la bolsa de ^00AA55"+getitemname($PSRe)+"^000000"; mes "- Premio [ ^AA3366"+.@FSC_Temp+"^000000 ]"; close; } } mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "Deseas apostar ^00AA55"+getitemname($PSItem)+"^000000?"; mes "- Ganaras ^0000FF"+getitemname($PSRe)+" * "+.@FSC_GetPoint+"^000000 "; if(getd("FSC_Coin"+.@FSC_Poring)!=0&&getd("PoringSlotsRound"+.@FSC_Poring)==$PoringSlotsRound){ mes "- La bolsa actual es [ ^AA3333"+getd("FSC_Coin"+.@FSC_Poring)+"^000000 ]"; mes "- Habla conmigo despues de girar y te entregare tu premio."; close; } mes "^FF0000Consejos:^000000"; mes "El stack maximo es de ^FF000030,000 Coins^000000"; mes "Conserva monedas para pagar el lanzamiento."; next; input .@FSC_Input; mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "- Haz ingresado [ ^2236BB"+.@FSC_Input+"^000000 ] unidades."; next; if(select("- Confirmar","- Cambie de idea")==2) close; if(countitem($PSItem)<.@FSC_Input){ mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "No tienes suficientes [ ^2236BB"+getitemname($PSItem)+"^000000 ] para la cantidad que elegiste."; close; return; } if(.@FSC_Input==0){ mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "Debes apostar como minimo ^0000FF1^000000 moneda.."; close; return; } delitem $PSItem,.@FSC_Input; setd "FSC_Coin"+.@FSC_Poring,.@FSC_Input; delwaitingroom "PoringSlotsChoose#0"+.@FSC_Poring; setd "$FSC_Coin"+.@FSC_Poring,getd("$FSC_Coin"+.@FSC_Poring)+.@FSC_Input; setd "$FSC_Player"+.@FSC_Poring,getd("$FSC_Player"+.@FSC_Poring)+1; waitingroom "Bets ["+getd("$FSC_Player"+.@FSC_Poring)+"] Inv ["+getd("$FSC_Coin"+.@FSC_Poring)+"]",0; setd "PoringSlotsRound"+.@FSC_Poring,$PoringSlotsRound; mes "[ Poring Slots Play ]"; mes "Tu apuesta ha sido registrada, todavia puedes apostar a otros porings o lanzar la ruleta."; mes "Buena suerte."; close; return; } poring_w01,96,80,4 script PoringSlotsChoose#01 1002,{ callfunc("FuncPoringSlotsChoose",1,2); end; OnEffect: for(set $@FSC_i,1;$@FSC_i<15;set $@FSC_i,$@FSC_i+1){ specialeffect 377; sleep 800; } end; OnResetRoom: delwaitingroom "PoringSlotsChoose#01"; set $FSC_Coin1,0; set $FSC_Player1,0; waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; OnInit: waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; } poring_w01,96,75,4 script PoringSlotsChoose#02 1113,{ callfunc("FuncPoringSlotsChoose",2,3); end; OnEffect: for(set $@FSC_i,1;$@FSC_i<15;set $@FSC_i,$@FSC_i+1){ specialeffect 377; sleep 800; } end; OnResetRoom: delwaitingroom "PoringSlotsChoose#02"; set $FSC_Coin2,0; set $FSC_Player2,0; waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; OnInit: waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; } poring_w01,96,70,4 script PoringSlotsChoose#03 1031,{ callfunc("FuncPoringSlotsChoose",3,5); end; OnEffect: for(set $@FSC_i,1;$@FSC_i<15;set $@FSC_i,$@FSC_i+1){ specialeffect 377; sleep 800; } end; OnResetRoom: delwaitingroom "PoringSlotsChoose#03"; set $FSC_Coin3,0; set $FSC_Player3,0; waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; OnInit: waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; } poring_w01,101,72,4 script PoringSlotsChoose#04 1096,{ callfunc("FuncPoringSlotsChoose",4,9); end; OnEffect: for(set $@FSC_i,1;$@FSC_i<15;set $@FSC_i,$@FSC_i+1){ specialeffect 377; sleep 800; } end; OnResetRoom: delwaitingroom "PoringSlotsChoose#04"; set $FSC_Coin4,0; set $FSC_Player4,0; waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; OnInit: waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; } poring_w01,101,77,4 script PoringSlotsChoose#05 1388 ,{ callfunc("FuncPoringSlotsChoose",5,17); end; OnEffect: for(set $@FSC_i,1;$@FSC_i<15;set $@FSC_i,$@FSC_i+1){ specialeffect 377; sleep 800; } end; OnResetRoom: delwaitingroom "PoringSlotsChoose#05"; set $FSC_Coin5,0; set $FSC_Player5,0; waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; OnInit: waitingroom"Bets [0] $ [0]",0; end; }  
  9. iraciz's post in Cannot apply points to Sura's Earth Shaker skill. was marked as the answer   
    Check the skill info in the data folder, luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/
    file skillinfolist.lub
    [SKID.SR_EARTHSHAKER] = { "SR_EARTHSHAKER", SkillName = "Earth Shaker", MaxLv = 5, SpAmount = { 36, 40, 44, 48, 52 }, bSeperateLv = false, AttackRange = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, _NeedSkillList = { { SKID.SR_DRAGONCOMBO, 1 }, { SKID.SR_CURSEDCIRCLE, 1 } } }, Curious that the skill_tree.txt in rAthena is different from the data folder, thats wrong, 
     the _NeedSkillList from skillinfolist in data folder should Match Exactly with the requisites in Skilltree from trunk.  
    Sura Regular
    4070,2328,5,2326,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //SR_EARTHSHAKER#Earth Shaker# Change as same requisites in data/folder/skillinfo.list
    Correction for sura regular is:
    4070,2328,5,2326,1,2334,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 //SR_EARTHSHAKER#Earth Shaker# Correction for Sura Trans is:
    4077,2328,5,2326,1,2334,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 //SR_EARTHSHAKER#Earth Shaker# Correction for Baby Sura is:
    4106,2328,5,2326,1,2334,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 //SR_EARTHSHAKER#Earth Shaker#  
  10. iraciz's post in Oktoberfest Bag client resources was marked as the answer   
    Attached in my post.
    Next time this happen, find the sprite name in the System/iteminfo.lua
        [22625] = {         unidentifiedDisplayName = "Oktoberfest Bag",         unidentifiedResourceName = "통학가방",         unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "..." },         identifiedDisplayName = "Oktoberfest Bag",         identifiedResourceName = "통학가방",         identifiedDescriptionName = { "..." },         slotCount = 0,         ClassNum = 0     },  Rename any file with that name, then use Unbollox program and convert that into hardcoded (left to the korean), don´t forget to uncheck recursive..
    copy then than file hardcoded name and search in the grf's VOILÁ

  11. iraciz's post in Requesting shield enchant NPC was marked as the answer   
    It´s Done guys, finally..
    I managed to find out  some curly locations out of place, and corrected it,  now  this is the 100% functional script, tested and working at my will.
    beach_dun,270,70,4 script Darkargol#darkalost 531,{ emotion ET_SCRATCH; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; cutin "jpn_darkalgol01",2; mes "Vaya vaya, mira a aquien tenemos por aqui.."; mes "te puedo ayudar, pero solo si me traes un objeto unico.."; next; cutin "jpn_darkalgol03",2; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Se trata de la cabeza de medusa, lamentablemente no es dropeable por ninguna de las que estan aqui!.."; next; cutin "jpn_darkalgol04",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Si me consigues lo siguiente:"; mes "1 <ITEM>Dead Medusa<INFO>1047</INFO></ITEM>."; mes "1000 <ITEM>Horrendous Hair<INFO>1048</INFO></ITEM>."; mes "le dare un poder nuevo al escudo que lleves equipado!."; next; cutin "jpn_darkalgol01",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Permiteme revisar si tienes los items ok?"; next; progressbar "ffff00",1; if( countitem(1047) < 1 || countitem(1048) < 1000) goto Faltaitems; cutin "jpn_darkalgol05",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Parece que tienes todos los items, deseas encantar tu escuodo equipado ya mismo?!."; next; menu "^0000FFEncantar Escudo^000000",shield, "Cancelar",wait; wait: emotion ET_SMILE; cutin "jpn_darkalgol02",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Ok Ok lo comprendo."; mes "Volveras con la mejor alternativa, pillin!."; close2; cutin "",255; end; shield: if (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) && getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_L), 5) == 32){ mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Comenzamos."; cutin "jpn_darkalgol01",2; next; specialeffect 96; cutin "jpn_darkalgol02",2; progressbar "ffff00",1; specialeffect 101; delitem 1048,1000; delitem 1047,1; set .@id, getequipid(8); set .@ref, getequiprefinerycnt(8); set .@card1, getequipcardid(8,0); set .@card2, getequipcardid(8,1); set .@card3, getequipcardid(8,2); set .@card4, getequipcardid(8,3); delitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4; getitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, 31498; equip .@id; cutin "jpn_darkalgol11",2; sleep2 200; cutin "",255; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Enchant exitoso!."; end; } emotion ET_HUT; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; cutin "jpn_darkalgol07",2; mes "eh eh ehhh! ^FF0000Wait^000000"; mes "No llevas ningun escudo equipado."; close2; cutin "",255; end; Faltaitems: emotion ET_CRY; cutin "jpn_darkalgol04",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Desafortunadamente no los tienes!, Cuando tengas los objetos no dudes en volver, con gusto ofrecere encantar tu escudo!"; mes "hasta pronto."; close2; cutin "",255; end; }  

    Party Ragnarok 2020-03-24 18-17-33.mp4 It's working nicely,   please share if you want,  just remember to edit the item require and the last enchant, mine is custom made. This is a unique npc because,  it do not only take the left hand equip placement, it also check if the equip is a shield.  
  12. iraciz's post in Doram sprite and skills problem was marked as the answer   
    Good day, dear DoriTos Nacho,  To solve the backpack sprite penetrating the front of the character,
    Just open :
    luafiles514\lua files\spreditinfo\2dlayerdir_f.lub

    and remove
        [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Love_Dad_Wings_2012] = LAYER_BIG,
        [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Ribbon_Piamat] = LAYER_SMALL
    it will fix your problem.
    I had the same issue once with the cat fork sprite, and i managed to solve editing that file.

  13. iraciz's post in Lost specialeffect15 an specialeffect16 was marked as the answer   

    Alt+Y   and turn off /mineffect
  14. iraciz's post in Attack penalty with taekwon weapon was marked as the answer   
    TK_RUN aka Sprint at skill.c add a 10% more damage per level when bare handed. 
  15. iraciz's post in W_King_Tiger_Doll_Hat,W King Tiger Doll Hat was marked as the answer   
    18856,W_King_Tiger_Doll_Hat,W King Tiger Doll Hat,4,10,,0,,10,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,256,,1,1,973,{ bonus bStr,2; bonus bDex,2; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,10; autobonus "{ bonus bCritical,10;  }", 30, 5000, BF_WEAPON|BF_NORMAL,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; disguise 2095; sleep2 5000; undisguise; }";
  16. iraciz's post in Fixed cast time was marked as the answer   
    Skill_castnodex_db all skills must have a 7,7  example
    2259,7,7 //NC_FLARE
  17. iraciz's post in Item Shop Sript was marked as the answer   
    BE SURE TO DELETE BOTH COLONS   ":" those are used in script language for other purposes such as separating references and stuff.     shop Armorshop

    callshop "Armorshop",0; end;
  18. iraciz's post in how to change the settings of making a character?.. was marked as the answer   
    You mean the old interface?
    Sorry but this is not available anymore in further clients!.

  19. iraciz's post in R>Bastard and Broad Sword sprite was marked as the answer   
    use GrfTool and extract them from your data.grf sprite folder,
    you can find the file name of the swordsman, paladin, and knight class mounted files, in the RMS Sprite Bibble.
  20. iraciz's post in Is there an sc_ effect to change armor element? was marked as the answer   
    Darn it, theres no need to create a NpC script from zero to make an item change an armor property!!!
    Just insert this lines, in the item script :  time duration numbers are represented by miliseconds:
    180000  = 3 minutes
    {sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,180000,1,Ele_Dark,1,0; },{},{}
    {sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,180000,1,Ele_Holy,1,0; },{},{}
    if you want something different, just type Wind, Fire, Water, Ghost, Poison Etc Etc Etc
    if you want add an effect:
    just type any special effect, example:
    {specialeffect2 91; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,180000,1,Ele_Holy,1,0;  },{},{}
  21. iraciz's post in bAddDamageClass and bAddMagicDamageClass was marked as the answer   
    for all mobs exist the following script
    x means a value in percent
    bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,X;
    bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,X;
    X  =percent
    bonus bMatkRate,X;
    that increase damage and mdamage for all mobs, 
  22. iraciz's post in Malang cat can was marked as the answer   
    where did you get that script from??
    use this:
    { specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1200000,10; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1200000,20; },{},{} official obviously
    your script seems to be modified by someone else, to deal 10% more damage
  23. iraciz's post in Upper Gear random +1 stat Enchant script was marked as the answer   
    this is a NPC Request not a command support.
    Anyway I solved it, here's a vid, I will share the script via messenger, if you want it, just send me a pm.
  24. iraciz's post in Set Custom Font Items Not Working was marked as the answer   
    ENABLE CUSTOM FONTS,  this allow the client to  "READ EOT FILES"
  25. iraciz's post in help - bmp to sprite configuration was marked as the answer   
    uncheck the encode
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