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Everything posted by Byakuran

  1. how to change the inventory size.. even i change the equipment to equip its still large..
  2. its still down.. when it will back to normal??
  3. wow.. very cool design.. thanks for sharing this
  4. i'm having a woe problem.. i can't attack the barricade in viblain??
  5. thanks for this theres an error in my map server.. it said that incorrect close command
  6. i'm using the latest revision.. and i'm the guild master of it.. bump
  7. i'm having problem with my client ... i can't put nickname,invitation,punish and tax in guild.. i'm using 2012-04-10 client
  8. i'm using emistry refiner .. heres my problem how can i make the item(7227) gone when they success/fail to upgrade the item? //--- Bitmasks ---- // 1 - Top Headgear // 2 - Armor // 4 - Left Hand // 8 - Right Hand // 16 - Garment // 32 - Shoes // 64 - Left Accessory // 128 - Right Accessory // 256 - Middle Headgear // 512 - Lower Headgear // 1024 - Costume : Head Low // 2048 - Costume : Head Mid // 4096 - Costume : Head Top // Notes : You can Customize it according to whatever way you want. // Different NPCs / Items with Different Settings. // It will consume the items that you defined to Refine the Equipments according to your Settings. // ........callfunc( "RefineFunc",<arg1>,<arg2>,<arg3>,<arg4>,<arg5>,<arg6>,<arg7>,<arg8>{,<arg9>,<arg10>} ); // - arg1 = bitmask ( refer table above ) // - arg2 = Minimum refine rate // - arg3 = Maximum refine rate // - arg4 = Refine Count ( negative = derefine / positive = refine ) // - arg5 = Check if Item can be refine ( 1 = true , 0 = false ) // - arg6 = Refine Success Rate ( 0 = default / 1~100% = succes rate ) // - arg7 = Amount of refine count dropped when failure ( must be negative ) // - arg8 = Drop refine count success rate ( 0 ~ 100% ) // - arg9 = Gained Bonus Refine Rate ( 0 ~ 100% ) // - arg10 = Required Item for Bonus Rate if Any ( leave 0 if dont need item ) // ** Arg9 ~ Arg10 is Optional. //----------- If used this as Item Script ----------- // Example : Red Potion as Refine Ticket // 501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc( "RefineFunc",63,0,10,2,1,80,-3,50,20,501 ); },{},{} // * set Arg.10 to the item id of Red Potion. ( *must* ) // Item will gone if they cancel the process halfway.. //----------- If used this as NPC Script ------------ // Example : // 80% success refine between 0 ~ 20 // 50% minus 3 refine when failed // each refine increase refine count by 2 // if provide 1 apple...gain 20% success refine rate // prontera,155,181,5 script Refiner 757,{ // callfunc( "RefineFunc",63,0,20,2,1,80,-3,50,20,512 ); // } quiz_02,342,77,5 script Refiner 757,{ callfunc( "RefineFunc",63,0,7,7,1,0,-3,50,20,7227); } function script RefineFunc { .@arg_count = getargcount(); // show information .@display_info = 1; // this this value to your custom max refine if your server have different default max refine .@server_max_refine = (( checkre(0) )? 20:10 ); // argument count checking if( .@arg_count < 8 ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Insufficient Arg. Min. required 8 Args but received only "+.@arg_count; return; } // save arg into a temp array. while( .@i < .@arg_count ){ .@arg[.@i] = getarg( .@i ); .@i++; } // check max refine count ( remove this part if you have custom max refine ) if( .@arg[2] > .@server_max_refine ){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Arg:3] RefineFunc Max Refine must not exceed "+.@server_max_refine +" but received "+.@arg[2]+"."; return; } // Refine Count must not 0. if( !.@arg[3] ){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Arg:4] RefineFunc Count must not 0."; return; } // Refine rate must not negative. if( .@arg[5] < 0 ){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Arg:6] RefineFunc Refine Rate must not Negative. Received "+.@arg[5]; return; } // Refine decrement must not positive. ( so they can differentiate it ) if( .@arg[6] > 0 ){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Arg:7] RefineFunc Failure Decrement must not Positive. Received "+.@arg[6]; return; } // Bonus Refine rate must not negative. if( .@arg[8] < 0 ){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Arg:9] RefineFunc Bonus Rate must not Negative. Received "+.@arg[8]; return; } // check for required item for gaining bonus rate if any if( .@arg[9] ) if( getitemname( .@arg[9] ) == "null" ){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Arg:10] RefineFunc Invalid Bonus Rate Item ID "+.@arg[9]; return; } // generate selection menu .@i = 1; while( .@i < 14 ){ .@equip_id = getequipid( .@i ); if( .@equip_id > 0 ){ .@equip_enableref = (( .@arg[4] )? getequipisenableref( .@i ):1 ); if( .@arg[0] & ( 2 << .@i ) && .@equip_enableref ){ .@equip_refine = getequiprefinerycnt( .@i ); .@equip_slot = getitemslots( .@equip_id ); if( .@equip_refine >= .@arg[1] && .@equip_refine < .@arg[2] ){ set .@menu$,.@menu$ + ( ( .@equip_refine )?"+"+.@equip_refine+" ":"" ) + getitemname( .@equip_id ) + " ["+.@equip_slot+"]"; .@equipment_count++; } } } set .@menu$,.@menu$ + ":"; .@i++; } // check if any available equip to refine if( !.@equipment_count ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry, but you didnt have equipment that refined between "+.@arg[1]+" ~ "+.@arg[2]+" for refine."; }else{ // get equipment data .@equip_part = select( .@menu$ ); .@equip_id = getequipid( .@equip_part ); .@equip_refine = getequiprefinerycnt( .@equip_part ); .@equip_slot = getitemslots( .@equip_id ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < 4; .@i++ ) .@equip_card[.@i] = getequipcardid( .@equip_part,.@i ); .@target_refine = .@equip_refine + .@arg[3]; // determine refine count if( .@target_refine > .@arg[2] ) .@target_refine = .@arg[2]; else if( .@target_refine < 0 ) .@target_refine = 0; if( .@equip_refine == .@target_refine ){ message strcharinfo(0),"That's your current refine rate."; close; } .@success_rate = (( .@arg[5] )? .@arg[5]:getequippercentrefinery( .@equip_part ) ); // display information if( .@display_info ){ mes "Target Refine : "; mes "^0055FF"+( ( .@target_refine )?"+"+.@target_refine:"" )+" "+getitemname( .@equip_id )+" ["+.@equip_slot+"]^000000"; mes "Success Rate : ^777777"+.@success_rate+" %^000000"; if( .@success_rate < 100 ){ if( .@arg[8] ) mes "Bonus Rate : ^777777"+.@arg[8]+" %^000000"; if( .@arg[9] ){ mes "Required Item : ^FF0000"+getitemname( .@arg[9] )+"^000000"; mes " "; mes "^777777**"+getitemname( .@arg[9] )+" is required for bonus rate^000000"; } } next; } if( select( "[^0055FF"+.@success_rate+"%^000000] "+( ( .@arg[3] < 0 )?"De-":"" )+"Refine to ^0055FF"+( ( .@target_refine )?"+"+.@target_refine:"" )+" "+getitemname( .@equip_id )+" ["+.@equip_slot+"]^000000","Cancel" ) == 1 ){ if( getequipisequiped( .@equip_part ) ){ // if it's not De-refine and below 100% success if( .@arg[3] > 0 && .@success_rate < 100 ){ // calculate refine rate + bonus rate if( .@arg[9] ){ if( countitem( .@arg[9] ) ) if( select( "Use ^0055FF"+getitemname( .@arg[9] )+"^000000 to increase Refine Rate","Continue" ) == 1 ){ .@success_rate += .@arg[8]; delitem .@arg[9],1; } }else{ .@success_rate += .@arg[8]; } } delequip .@equip_part; // success and increase refine count if( rand( 100 ) < .@success_rate ){ getitem2 .@equip_id,1,1,.@target_refine,0,.@equip_card[0],.@equip_card[1],.@equip_card[2],.@equip_card[3]; message strcharinfo(0),"Succesfully refined to +"+.@target_refine+" "+getitemname( .@equip_id ); specialeffect2 EF_REFINEOK; close; // failed and decrease refine count }else if( .@arg[6] && .@arg[3] && rand( 100 ) < .@arg[7] ){ .@target_refine = ( .@equip_refine + .@arg[6] ); if( .@target_refine < 0 ) .@target_refine = 0; getitem2 .@equip_id,1,1,.@target_refine,0,.@equip_card[0],.@equip_card[1],.@equip_card[2],.@equip_card[3]; message strcharinfo(0),"Failed and refine count dropped to +"+.@target_refine+" "+getitemname( .@equip_id ); // failed and destroy equip }else{ message strcharinfo(0),"Failed to refine and destroyed "+getitemname( .@equip_id ); } specialeffect2 EF_REFINEFAIL; } } } close; }
  9. thanks for it i'm going to use it thanks..
  10. whats the best hosting here in rathena ?
  11. they will warp to a certain map and mvp monster are there .. then when they kill each mvp they will get a points .. each mvp have their own points in them like baphomet has 50points when they kill it and tao gunka has 20points something like that
  12. why i'm having this error.. [Fatal Error]: Memory manager::block_alloc failed. when i start my server.. and i can't login to my server i'm getting rejected when i try to connect to char select bump
  13. does anyone knows when will it be back online again??
  14. oh i see.. can i use Ai4rei wediff?
  15. oh i see.. but what kind of diff patcher i need to use??
  16. so if i'm going to diff it i just need to use the exe? what can you recommend me to use? the ragexe or ragexere?
  17. well whats the difference between Ragexe and RagexeRE?? i try to download the 2012-04-10 RagexeRE in your site but its already a exe how can i update it like going to disable dual login, change font color , etc?
  18. where can i download the undiff client of 2012-04-10??
  19. 512mb.. your vps ram is enough to run a server with less than 70players i think?
  20. can someone tell me the best client i can use today??
  21. i'm using zymic and i don't get any error.. can i see your config.ini?? btw you can try this webhost Hostinger
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