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Everything posted by Byakuran

  1. what do i need to find in the client to change it?
  2. how can i change the gm color name by gm level? like when the gm lvl is 1 its name will be color Brown and when gm lvl is 2 its name is color Green.. thanks
  3. i try to implement the design i have but when i try to login/register its always invalid login credentials bump! bump!
  4. Byakuran

    Add Skill

    here http://rathena.org/wiki/Adding_new_skills
  5. did you try to change the max level in map.h?
  6. try to follow the guide http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_skill
  7. thanks..i forgot to upload the convert_passwords.sql
  8. i try to enable Usemd5 in my control panel.. and my is when i try to login ingame my pass is incorrect but when i try to login on control panel my pass is correct.. can someone help me with this?
  9. how can i make this one teleport first and when i get to the map it will do the chatroom?? cuz it will make pub and teleport when i execute the command pc->setpos(sd, mapindex_name2id( MAP_VIP_LOUNGE ), 0, 0, CLR_TELEPORT); chat_createpcchat(sd, "waiting for someone", "", 2, 2); or how can i add time on it.. it will teleport first then after 5sec it will make a chatroom?? bump! solved already
  10. goto skill_db.txt find earth strain skill.. then put // before the skill id
  11. i was wondering if its possible to make the character/player make a chatroom using this script??
  12. thanks! ) can i ask again?? i try to make it teleport to afk area but my problem is the @afk command execute also when i teleport... how can i make it teleport first and then do the afk?
  13. how can i make it automatically do pub when they execute the @afk command heres the code /*========================================== * @afk by [cr0wmaster] * Features: 1z required to use. Venders are forbidden to use this command. *------------------------------------------*/ int atcommand_afk(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if (sd->vender_id) //check if that player's vending [cr0wmaster] { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can't use this command while you're vending."); } else if(sd->status.zeny >= 1) { sd->status.zeny += -1; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY); sd->state.logout = 1; clif_authfail_fd(fd, 15); } else { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You do not have enough money to use this command."); clif_displaymessage(fd, "@afk failed."); } return 0; }
  14. is there a guide for making a custom skill effect??
  15. you can change the extension of your client from exe to dll.
  16. oh i see.. can i just get that npc from data.grf right??
  17. i think you can't do that..the possible thing to do is replace one of the job sprite..
  18. i want to have the new npc from this site.. where can i download it or get it? http://enzo0714.tk/rathena/npclist.php
  19. if you have the sprites then check this http://rathena.org/board/topic/65718-how-to-add-npc-sprites/
  20. thanks for the reply but is it possible to play more songs like 2-3 songs per map?? ex: when the first song done another song will play.. something like that?
  21. whats the best/stable client for 2013??
  22. why theres no mp3nametable in the latest data by alexandra?? can i just make one ?
  23. how can i put this effect to card.. they will get random abilities/effect and after you compound the card the you will see in the chat box what effect you get.. example: i'm going to put the card to weapon and this is the effect that is possible to get from the card.. effect: allstat +10, increase physical dam etc.. they will get random effect from it.. and they will see the effect they get from the card..
  24. change the langtype of your server to 1
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