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GM Winter

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Everything posted by GM Winter

  1. can you send me the link or where to download it
  2. hello can i ask a fresh copy of Episode 5 Juno Server Side thanks in Advance
  3. hello sir posible po bang ma allow din sya sa KOE?
  4. type: gcc --version if you install gcc version upper than 4.8 you need to type this: type this : scl enable devtoolset-7 bash the no 7 represent your gcc version it depends in what version you are using , you can check it by typing gcc --version then ./configure make clean make server
  5. what exactly you put sir on your defines_post.hpp
  6. hello i would like to request a guild storage npc since i cant use @gstorage or @guildstorage command thanks in advance
  7. Hello how to enable this Guildstorage im using 20180620 Pre-renewal
  8. its easy to configure you just need to read and understand the script in the side of mons id item requirements and rewards
  9. you can set the reward here item zeny or exp QuestBoard.txt
  10. thank you thank you men and sorry for not reading it well
  11. what will i change there when i want group 4 and 99 can login?
  12. hello i would like to ask how to enable both id group 4 and id group 99 can login in the same time while the group id 0 cant login example in maintenance only gm event and gm 99 can login in the server if i put 99 only group 99 can enter the server and if i put 4 only gm group 4 id can enter and the 99 cant enter i would like them to have an access into the server any suggestion or solution thanks in advance
  13. can i see the path inside your /var folder? credits to @chatterboy you also follow this guide:
  14. are you sure you have the right path ? in your config.ini try to remove "www" from to and for your main.ini from to you can also check the path try to paste this in your browser config.ini: relax-ro.aserverhost.com/thor main.ini relax-ro.aserverhost.com/thor/data and you will this
  15. what if i dont want normal players to connect while maintenance only gm with group id 4 and group id 99 can join the server what will i put here: ive try to put 4 but gm id 99 cant login only gm group id 4 can i want them both to have access to login in the server
  16. ive try to disabled it but same error thankyou !
  17. after i connect and configure my offline test server i encounter this error and i already checked the conf its all match but this error always appears did some one also experience this error and can you share the solution thanks
  18. ow thank you so much @mrfizi im having trouble in this part i want to remove gef field 2 and 10
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