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Everything posted by DEsMOn

  1. Hello Pro source scripters, scanner.h:208:17 warning type of 'lybconfig_yyscan_straing' does not match origina declaration [-wlto-type-mismatch] is this warning is big issue? hw do we fix this? can any 1 guide here?
  2. Hello Guys, I'm Getting this in my CMD how to solve this? [Warning]: script:query_sql: Too many columns, discarding last 3 columns. [Debug]: Source (NPC): MVPLadder (invisible/not on a map)
  3. Thank you so much SIR....................................!!!
  4. Thank you so much Cookie Sir, 1 question just in case i want to add more than 1 group ID so how should i add it. if(getgroupid() == 4) {
  5. Dear Sir, I checked its working for 1st map only i.e pay_fild11 not for others can u fix it? - script restrict_gm -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(getgroupid() == 4) { for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.map_list$); ++.@i) { getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,BL_PC); if(.@map$ == .map_list$) { dispbottom "You are not allowed in this map."; if(.savepoint) warp "SavePoint",0,0; else warp "prontera",155,180; end; } } } end; OnInit: .savepoint = true; // set to false if you don't want to warp gms to savepoint setarray .map_list$, "pay_fild11", "pay_fild04", "niflheim", "moc_fild17", "xmas_fild01", "mjolnir_04","gef_fild02", "gef_fild10", "gef_fild14", "ve_fild01", "ve_fild02", "ra_fild02", "ra_fild03", "pay_dun04", "prt_sewb4", "anthell02", "beach_dun", "ama_dun03", "xmas_dun02", "gef_dun02", "lou_dun03", "gon_dun03", "mosk_dun03", "tur_dun04", "moc_pryd04", "in_sphinx5", "ayo_dun02", "ein_dun02", "jupe_core", "gl_chyard", "abyss_03", "abyss_02", "xmas_fild01", "lhz_dun02", "lhz_dun03", "kh_dun02", "ra_san05", "dic_dun02", "odin_tem03", "treasure02"; // add maps you don't want your gms to warp end; } //MVP maps niflheim mapflag loadevent pay_fild11 mapflag loadevent moc_fild17 mapflag loadevent xmas_fild01 mapflag loadevent mjolnir_04 mapflag loadevent gef_fild02 mapflag loadevent gef_fild10 mapflag loadevent gef_fild14 mapflag loadevent ve_fild01 mapflag loadevent ve_fild02 mapflag loadevent ra_fild02 mapflag loadevent ra_fild03 mapflag loadevent pay_dun04 mapflag loadevent prt_sewb4 mapflag loadevent anthell02 mapflag loadevent beach_dun mapflag loadevent ama_dun03 mapflag loadevent xmas_dun02 mapflag loadevent gef_dun02 mapflag loadevent lou_dun03 mapflag loadevent gon_dun03 mapflag loadevent mosk_dun03 mapflag loadevent tur_dun04 mapflag loadevent treasure02 mapflag loadevent moc_pryd04 mapflag loadevent in_sphinx5 mapflag loadevent ayo_dun02 mapflag loadevent ein_dun02 mapflag loadevent jupe_core mapflag loadevent gl_chyard mapflag loadevent abyss_03 mapflag loadevent abyss_02 mapflag loadevent bra_dun02 mapflag loadevent lhz_dun02 mapflag loadevent lhz_dun03 mapflag loadevent kh_dun02 mapflag loadevent ra_san05 mapflag loadevent dic_dun02 mapflag loadevent odin_tem03 mapflag loadevent pay_fild04 mapflag loadevent // P.S: Every map you add in array .map_list$ needs a mapflag loadevent to work.
  6. [Error]: npc_event: event not found [MvP Ladder Warper::OnMvpDead] This is the Error in CMD...
  7. Dear Scripters, Can any one guide to remove this warning error from CMD. [Warning]: script: buildin_getmapxy: Invalid type 0. [Debug]: Source (NPC): rfyl_Trap (invisible/not on a map) // == Rfyl with Trap's // == Èäåÿ Shader // == Ðåàëèçàöèÿ Ocelote // == Ïîäïðàâèë Incubus // == Modified and added other traps - Norm Hmuryj(Melbou) - script rfyl_Trap -1,{ OnClock1000: disablenpc "rfyl_Trap"; announce "[Run for your Life] : Event will start after 3 minutes. Registration takes place in Prontera.",bc_all; set $rfyl_trap, 1; killmonster "quiz_02","All"; sleep 60000; announce "[Run for your Life] : While the traps are set, I'll tell you the rules of Event.",bc_all; sleep 3000; for(set .a,0; .a <= getarraysize($RulesRfylTrap$); set .a,.a + 1) { announce "[Run for your Life] : "+$RulesRfylTrap$[.a]+"",bc_all; } sleep 57000; announce "[Run for your Life] : Starting after 1 minute. All those who have registered - get ready.",bc_all; sleep 60000; if(getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$) < 3) { announce "[Run for your Life] : Event over as does not enroll a sufficient number of players.",bc_all; deletearray $RfylTrapPlayers$[0], getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$); set $rfyl_trap, 0; end; } for(set .i,0; .i <= getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$); set .i,.i + 1) { if($RfylTrapPlayers$[.i] != "") { nude; warpchar "quiz_02",300,250,getcharid(0,$RfylTrapPlayers$[.i]); } } set $rfyl_trap, 2; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_02",300,250,"Run for your Life",1636,1,"Monster_Rfyl_Trap::OnKillMonster"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer3000: announce getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$)+"",bc_all; if(getmapusers("quiz_02") > 1 && getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$) > 1) { mapannounce "quiz_02","[Run for your Life] : At the event "+getmapusers("quiz_02")+" players!",bc_map; initnpctimer; end; } else if(getmapusers("quiz_02") < 2 && getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$) < 2) { announce "[Run for your Life] : Have a winner!",bc_all; mapannounce "quiz_02","[Run for your Life] : To exit of Event and pick up the prize, go to the NPC 'Âûõîä' in the center of location",bc_map; enablenpc "Âûõîä#Trap"; deletearray $RfylTrapPlayers$[0], getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$); } stopnpctimer; end; OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: getmapxy $Rfyl_Trap$,$X,$Y,0; if($Rfyl_Trap$ == "quiz_02") { for(set .rf,0; .rf <= getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$); set .rf, .rf + 1) { if(strcharinfo(0) == $RfylTrapPlayers$[.rf]) { deletearray $RfylTrapPlayers$[.rf], 1; atcommand "@alive "+strcharinfo(0); warp "SavePoint",0,0; } } if(getmapusers("quiz_02") < 2 && getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$) < 2) { set $rfyl_trap,0; killmonster "quiz_02","All"; stopnpctimer; announce "[Run for your Life] : Have a winner!",bc_all; mapannounce "quiz_02","[Run for your Life] : To exit of Event and pick up the prize, go to the NPC 'Âûõîä' in the center of location",bc_map; enablenpc "Âûõîä#Trap"; deletearray $RfylTrapPlayers$[0], getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$); } } end; OnInit: setarray $RulesRfylTrap$[0], "You go to the location with a monster, "+" Who will survive - won "+" On location there are ladders with different statuses"; end; } - script Monster_Rfyl_Trap -1,{ OnKillMonster: if($rfyl_trap == 2) monster "quiz_02",300,250,"Run for your Life",1636,1,"Monster_Rfyl_Trap::OnKillMonster"; end; } // -- Ryfl: quiz_02,300,250,6 script Rewards#Trap 924,{ getitem 7227,1; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } // -- Ryfl: prontera,170,157,3 script Rfyl Trap Mode 923,{ if($rfyl_trap != 1) { mes "Event registration is not available."; close; } if(checkriding() > 0) { mes "Remove the Peco! (:"; close; } for(set .i,0; .i < getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$); set .i,.i+1) if(strcharinfo(0) == $RfylTrapPlayers$[.i]) end; set $RfylTrapPlayers$[getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$)], strcharinfo(0); announce strcharinfo(0)+" - "+getarraysize($RfylTrapPlayers$),bc_all; dispbottom "Are you registered, wait for the start."; end; } // -- Ryfl: quiz_02,304,236,6 script Trap_Rfyl_S#01::Rfyl_Trap -1,1,1,{ OnTouch: switch(rand(1,10)) { case 1: case 9: sc_start SC_CONFUSION,8000,0; end; case 2: sc_start SC_STONE,4000,0; end; case 4: sc_start SC_SLEEP,4000,0; end; case 6: sc_start SC_FREEZE,4000,0; end; case 8: sc_start SC_STUN,4000,0; end; case 10: sc_start SC_CURSE,80000,0; end; } end; } // -- Ryfl: quiz_02,294,259,1 duplicate(Rfyl_Trap) Trap_Rfyl_S#02 -1,1,1 quiz_02,308,260,1 duplicate(Rfyl_Trap) Trap_Rfyl_S#03 -1,1,1 quiz_02,297,252,1 duplicate(Rfyl_Trap) Trap_Rfyl_S#04 -1,1,1 quiz_02,308,248,1 duplicate(Rfyl_Trap) Trap_Rfyl_S#05 -1,1,1 quiz_02,299,243,1 duplicate(Rfyl_Trap) Trap_Rfyl_S#06 -1,1,1 quiz_02,317,239,1 duplicate(Rfyl_Trap) Trap_Rfyl_S#07 -1,1,1 quiz_02,316,252,1 duplicate(Rfyl_Trap) Trap_Rfyl_S#08 -1,1,1 quiz_02,293,240,1 duplicate(Rfyl_Trap) Trap_Rfyl_S#10 -1,1,1 quiz_02,304,253,1 duplicate(Rfyl_Trap) Trap_Rfyl_S#09 -1,1,1 //quiz_02 mapflag resident quiz_02 mapflag noskill quiz_02 mapflag nocommand quiz_02 mapflag nosave quiz_02 mapflag restricted 5 // Do not forget to add a potion that can not eat, speed and potiony Butterfly Wing in db/item_noequip.txt
  8. Hello Scripters, Having issue in this script can anyone solve this? //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= MVP Ladder Game //===== By: ================================================== //= aftermath, AnnieRuru (rewrite) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Gather a party and kill every MVP in ascending order. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First version, edited. [Euphy] //============================================================ prontera,170,169,3 script MvP Ladder Warper 404,{ mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "Say... do you want to play the MvP Ladder game?"; next; switch(select("Yes, let's get it on!:Information.:Show me the best record.:No.")) { case 1: break; case 2: mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "In this game, your party has to kill every single MvP monster in ascending order, from the weakest to strongest."; if ( .finish_item_amount ) mes "If your party can finish the MVP ladder game, each member will earn "+ callfunc("F_InsertPlural", .finish_item_amount, getitemname( .finish_item_id )) +"."; if ( .register_cost ) mes "But the entrance fee is "+ callfunc( "F_InsertComma", .register_cost ) +" zeny."; next; mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "You lose the game if you can't finish in "+ .timeout +" minutes, or if your entire party is killed."; mes "Good luck!"; close; case 3: mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; if ( !$mvpladdderparty_time ) { mes "Nobody has finished this game yet."; close; } mes "The best record is"; mes "[ "+( $mvpladdderparty_time / 60 )+" min "+( $mvpladdderparty_time % 60 )+" sec ]"; mes "By the party ^FF0000"+ $mvpladdderparty_name$ +"^000000."; .@size = getarraysize( $mvpladderparty_member$ ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) mes "^000000"+ ( .@i +1 ) +". ^0000FF"+ $mvpladderparty_member$[.@i]; if ( getgmlevel() < .gmlvlreset ) close; next; if ( select( "Close.", "Reset the record." ) == 1 ) close; if ( select( "Never mind.", "I really want to reset it." ) == 1 ) close; $mvpladdderparty_time = 0; $mvpladdderparty_name$ = ""; deletearray $mvpladderparty_member$[.@i]; mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "Record reset successfully."; close; case 4: mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "When you are strong enough to complete the game, please come back."; close; } if ( !getcharid(1) ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "You have to form a party to play."; close; } if ( is_party_leader() == false ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "Only the party leader can register."; close; } .@origin = getcharid(3); getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; getpartymember getcharid(1), 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4) ) .@online++; } } attachrid .@origin; if ( $@partymembercount != .register_min ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "You have to form a party with exactly "+ .register_min +" members to play."; close; } else if ( .@online != .register_min ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "Your party must have "+ .register_min +" members online on map '"+ strnpcinfo(4) +"'."; close; } else if ( .register_cost && Zeny < .register_cost ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "You don't have enough zeny. Please come back when you do."; close; } else if ( .party_id ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "I'm sorry, but a party is currently playing the game. Please standby until the party is finished."; mes "Thank you."; close; } Zeny -= .register_cost; announce "The party ["+ strcharinfo(1) +"] has started the MvP ladder game.", bc_all; set .party_id, getcharid(1); set .@time_enter, gettimetick(2); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4) ) { announce "You have "+ .timeout +" minutes to complete "+ .totalround +" rounds.", bc_self; .@name$[.@c] = strcharinfo(0); .@c++; } } } cleanmap .eventmap$; warpparty .eventmap$, 0,0, .party_id, strnpcinfo(4); donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMvpDead"; sleep .timeout * 60000; if ( .round == .totalround +1 ) { getpartymember .party_id, 1; getpartymember .party_id, 2; mapannounce .eventmap$, "Congratulations... You were able to defeat all the MVPs!", bc_map; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ ) getitem .finish_item_id, .finish_item_amount; } } set .@timeused, gettimetick(2) - .@time_enter; if ( .bonus_item_amount && .@timeused < .bonus_time * 60 ) { mapannounce .eventmap$, "You are rewarded a bonus item for completing the ladder within "+ .bonus_time +" minutes.", bc_map; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ ) getitem .bonus_item_id, .bonus_item_amount; } } } if ( !$mvpladdderparty_time || .@timeused < $mvpladdderparty_time ) { mapannounce .eventmap$, "And you broke the record! [ "+( .@timeused / 60 )+" min "+( .@timeused % 60 )+" sec ]", bc_map; set $mvpladdderparty_time, .@timeused; set $mvpladdderparty_name$, getpartyname( .party_id ); copyarray $mvpladderparty_member$, .@name$, .register_min; } else mapannounce .eventmap$, "Time used [ "+( .@timeused / 60 )+" min "+( .@timeused % 60 )+" sec ]", bc_map; sleep 10000; announce "The party ["+ getpartyname( .party_id ) +"] has finished the MvP ladder game!", bc_all; } else announce "The party ["+ getpartyname( .party_id ) +"] has failed to finish the MvP ladder game.", bc_all; mapwarp .eventmap$, .map$, .x, .y; killmonsterall .eventmap$; .party_id = .round = 0; end; OnMvpDead: getpartymember .party_id, 1; getpartymember .party_id, 2; .round++; if ( .round >= 2 && .round != .totalround +1 && .round_item_amount ) { for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ ) getitem .round_item_id, .round_item_amount; } } } if ( .round == .totalround +1 ) { awake strnpcinfo(0); end; } else if ( .round == .totalround ) mapannounce .eventmap$, "The final Round will begin in "+ .delay +" seconds...", bc_map; else mapannounce .eventmap$, "Starting round "+ .round +" in "+ .delay +" seconds...", bc_map; sleep .delay * 1000; if ( .mvpid[.round] == 1646 ) // pick random Bio3 MVP .mvpid[.round] = rand(1646,1651); monster .eventmap$,0,0, "--ja--", .mvpid[.round], 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMvpDead"; mapannounce .eventmap$, getmonsterinfo( .mvpid[.round], MOB_NAME ) +" has spawned!", bc_map|bc_blue; end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if ( hp > 0 ) .@less_one = 1; else end; OnPCDieEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) != .eventmap$ || !getcharid(1) ) end; if ( getcharid(1) != .party_id ) end; getpartymember .party_id, 1; getpartymember .party_id, 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ && hp > 0 ) .@alive++; } } if ( .@less_one ) .@alive--; if ( !.@alive ) { mapannounce .eventmap$, "Party wiped!", bc_map; sleep 10000; awake strnpcinfo(0); } end; OnInit: // Configurations ----------------------------------------------------- // Time limit (in minutes) // When time runs out, all players inside the room will be kicked out. // Do NOT set this to zero! set .timeout, 60; // entrance fee (in Zeny) set .register_cost, 100000; // exact amount of party members needed to start the game set .register_min, 2; // id of each mvp. you can add more setarray .mvpid[1], 1086,// Golden Thief Bug 64 1115,// Eddga 65 1150,// Moonlight Flower 67 1159,// Phreeoni 69 1112,// Drake 70 1583,// Tao Gunka 70 1492,// Incantation Samurai 71 1046,// Doppelgangger 72 1252,// Garm 73 1418,// Evil Snake Lord 73 1059,// Mistress 74 1190,// Orc Lord 74 1087,// Orc Hero 77 1251,// Knight of Windstorm 77 1038,// Osiris 78 1658,// Ygnizem 79 1272,// Dark Lord 80 1147,// Maya 81 1785,// Atroce 82 1389,// Dracula 85 1630,// Bacsojin 85 1885,// Gorynych 85 1511,// Amon Ra 88 1688,// Lady Tanee 89 1157,// Pharaoh 93 1312;// Turtle General 97 // number of rounds (default: 39) set .totalround, getarraysize(.mvpid) -1; // item reward for completing each round set .round_item_id, 34139; set .round_item_amount, 2; // item reward for completing the entire ladder set .finish_item_id, 22654; set .finish_item_amount, 10; // bonus reward if ladder completed within a certain time (in minutes) set .bonus_time, 45; // if completed within 45 minutes, this reward is given set .bonus_item_id, 7227; set .bonus_item_amount, 10; // time delay between rounds, in seconds (default: 3) set .delay, 5; // minimum GM level to reset the best record set .gmlvlreset, 99; // event map set .eventmap$, "guild_vs2-2"; // mapflag configuration setarray .@mapflag, mf_nowarp, mf_nowarpto, mf_nosave, mf_nomemo, mf_noteleport, // mf_nopenalty, // disable exp loss mf_noreturn, // mf_nobranch, // mf_nomobloot, // disable monster drop loots, // mf_nomvploot, // 2 of these mf_partylock; // Config Ends -------------------------------------------------------------- mapannounce .eventmap$, "An administrator has refreshed the server. Please re-register. We apologize for the inconvenience.", bc_map; getmapxy .map$, .x, .y, BL_NPC; mapwarp .eventmap$, .map$, .x, .y; killmonsterall .eventmap$; .@size = getarraysize( .@mapflag ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) setmapflag .eventmap$, .@mapflag[.@i]; end; }
  9. Hello Scripters, Is there any way to restrict GM ID -4 in which he can't warp or go in MVP maps with msg in chat window "Your Not allowed in this MAP"
  10. Check there is nothing related @item commands for any group ID /* Player groups configuration file --------------------------------- This file defines "player groups" and their privileges. Each group has its id and name, lists of available commands and other permissions, and a list of other groups it inherits from. Group settings -------------- <id> Unique group number. The only required field. <name> Any string. If empty, defaults to "Group <id>". It is used in several @who commands. <level> Equivalent of GM level, which was used in revisions before r15572. You can set it to any number, but usually it's between 0 (default) and 99. Members of groups with lower level can not perform some actions/commands (like @kick) on members of groups with higher level. It is what script command getgmlevel() returns. Group level can also be used to override trade restrictions (db/item_trade.txt). <commands> A group of settings <command name> : <bool> or <commandname> : [ <bool>, <bool> ] First boolean value is for atcommand, second one for charcommand. If set to true, group can use command. If only atcommand value is provided, false is assumed for charcommand. If a command name is not included, false is assumed for both atcommand and charcommand. For a full list of available commands, see: doc/atcommands.txt. Command names must not be aliases. <log_commands> Boolean value. If true then all commands used by the group will be logged to atcommandlog. If setting is omitted in a group definition, false is assumed. Requires 'log_commands' to be enabled in 'conf/log_athena.conf'. <permissions> A group of settings <permission> : <bool> If a permission is not included, false is assumed. For a full list of available permissions, see: doc/permissions.txt <inherit> A list of group names that given group will inherit commands and permissions from. Group names are case-sensitive. Inheritance results ------------------- Both multiple inheritance (Group 2 -> Group 1 and Group 3 -> Group 1) and recursive inheritance (Group 3 -> Group 2 -> Group 1) are allowed. Inheritance rules should not create cycles (eg Group 1 inherits from Group 2, and Group inherits from Group 1 at the same time). Configuration with cycles is considered faulty and can't be processed fully by server. Command or permission is inherited ONLY if it's not already defined for the group. If group inherits from multiple groups, and the same command or permission is defined for more than one of these groups, it's undefined which one will be inherited. Syntax ------ This config file uses libconfig syntax: http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#Configuration-Files Upgrading from revisions before r15572 ------------------------------------- http://rathena.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58877 */ groups: ( { id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */ name: "Player" level: 0 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { rates: true showdelay: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true whereis: true time: true uptime: true commands: true jailtime: true packetfilter: true hideview: true showview: true listenbg: true go: true hominfo: true homstats: true autoloot: true alootid: true autoloottype: true autotrade: true refresh: true noask: true noks: true breakguild: true channel: true storage: true guildstorage: true duel: true accept: true reject: true storeall: true pettalk: true } permissions: { /* without this basic permissions regular players could not trade or party */ can_trade: true can_party: true attendance: true } }, { id: 1 name: "Super Player" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */ level: 0 commands: { /* informational commands */ commands: true charcommands: true help: true rates: true uptime: true showdelay: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true jailtime: true hominfo: true homstats: true showexp: true showzeny: true whereis: true /* feature commands */ refresh: true noask: true noks: true autoloot: true alootid: true autoloottype: true autotrade: true request: true go: true breakguild: true channel: true langtype: true } permissions: { attendance: false } }, { id: 2 name: "Support" inherit: ( "Super Player" ) level: 1 commands: { version: true where: true jumpto: true afk: true autoattack: true who: true warp: true go: true who2: true who3: true whomap: true whomap2: true whomap3: true users: true broadcast: true localbroadcast: true } log_commands: true permissions: { receive_requests: true view_equipment: true all_commands: true } }, { id: 3 name: "Script Manager" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 1 commands: { tonpc: true hidenpc: true shownpc: true loadnpc: true unloadnpc: true npcmove: true addwarp: true } log_commands: true permissions: { any_warp: true } }, { id: 4 name: "Event Manager" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 1 commands: { monster: true monstersmall: true monsterbig: true killmonster2: true cleanarea: true cleanmap: true item: [true, true] zeny: [true, true] disguise: [true, true] undisguise: [true, true] size: [true, true] raise: true raisemap: true day: true night: true skillon: true skilloff: true pvpon: true pvpoff: true gvgon: true gvgoff: true allowks: true me: true marry: true divorce: true refreshall: true } log_commands: true permissions: { can_trade: false any_warp: true } }, { id: 5 name: "VIP" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can */ level: 0 commands: { rates: true who: true noask: true noks: true autoloot: true alootid: true autoloottype: true autotrade: true } permissions: { /* no permissions by default */ } }, { id: 10 name: "Law Enforcement" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 2 commands: { hide: true follow: true kick: true disguise: true fakename: true option: true speed: true warp: true kill: true recall: true ban: true block: true jail: true jailfor: true mute: true storagelist: true cartlist: true itemlist: true stats: true } log_commands: true permissions: { join_chat: true kick_chat: true hide_session: true who_display_aid: true hack_info: true any_warp: true view_hpmeter: true } }, { id: 99 name: "Admin" level: 99 inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" ) commands: { /* not necessary due to all_commands: true */ } log_commands: true permissions: { can_trade: true can_party: true command_enable: true all_skill: false all_equipment: false skill_unconditional: false use_check: true use_changemaptype: true all_commands: true channel_admin: true attendance: true can_trade_bounded: true item_unconditional: false bypass_stat_onclone: true bypass_max_stat: true /* all_permission: true */ } } ) Check group conf file there is nothing related to @item commands in any group level ID, All Group ID can use @item, @reloadscripts all admin commands except Lvl 0 & lvl 1 ID. If u can provide solution for this would be greatefull.
  11. Hello Scripters, My low lvl GM can use @item admin commands i can't figure out how to fix this...!! My Admin & All GM ID can't create more than 1 character how to disable this? Is there any one can guide ?
  12. Hello Scripters, Can any one guide to fix this issue. [Error]: buildin_strcharinfo: fatal error ! player not attached! [Debug]: Function: strcharinfo (1 parameter): [Debug]: Data: number value=0 [Debug]: Source (NPC): Invasion NPC at prontera (170,153) [Debug]: Source (NPC): Invasion NPC at prontera (170,153) GoblinInvasion-event.txt
  13. Yeah sorry for silly request...!! Thank you so much for your precious time...!!
  14. It's Working..!! Thank you so much Sir. Is there any possibilities that we can add Race winner announcer?
  15. Hello scripters, Can some one guide me how to add portal on event start n portal hide off after 1 min. prontera,181,157,4 script Poring Race 24004,{ if( .access_Prace == 0 ) { mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "Poring Race has ended."; close; } mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "Do you want to participate on Poring Race?"; if( select( "Yes","No" ) -1 ) { next; mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "See you again next time!"; close; } if( .access_Prace == 0 ) { next; mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "..."; mes "..."; mes "Cheater!!~~"; close; } close2; @prace_winner$ = ""; warp "p_track01",52,41; end; // OnInit: OnClock0001: OnClock0246: OnClock0300: OnClock0600: OnClock0900: OnClock1200: OnClock1500: OnClock1800: OnClock2100: //if( gettime(3)%2 ) end; set .access_Prace, 1; announce "Poring Race is now open!",0,0xFFAB54; setnpctimer 100000,"Bidder#prace0"; startnpctimer "Bidder#prace0"; end; OnPraceEnd: set .access_Prace, 0; announce "Poring Race is over!",0,0xFFAB54; end; } p_track01,58,41,3 script Bidder#prace0 877,{ function checkevent; mes "[Bidder]"; if( getstrlen( @prace_winner$ ) ) { mes "You have choose ^00bb00"+ @prace_winner$ +"^000000"; close; } else if ( checkevent() || .start ) { mes "There is a race in progress..."; close; } else if( !getvariableofnpc( .access_Prace,"Poring Race" ) ) { mes "There is no race."; close; } mes "Choose the poring you want to bet:"; mes "It will cost "+ .zeny_req +" Zeny."; .@s = select( .menu_$ ); if( .@s == 7 ) { next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Goodbye."; close; } .@c$ = .monst_$[ .@s -1 ]; if ( checkevent() ) { next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "..."; mes "..."; mes "Cheater!!~~"; close; } else if( Zeny < .zeny_req ) { next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "You don't have enough Zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .zeny_req; @prace_winner$ = .@c$; .prace_bidders[ .prace_bets ] = getcharid(3); .prace_bets++; next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "I have "+ .prace_bets +" bets."; initnpctimer; npctalk "I got "+ strcharinfo(0) +" bet!"; close; OnTimer60000: npctalk "I got "+ .prace_bets +" bets. Anyone else?"; end; OnTimer80000: npctalk "The race will start soon. Last chance."; end; OnTimer90000: stopnpctimer; .start = 1; mapannounce "p_track01","Porings, on your marks...",1,0xFFAB54; sleep 2500; for( .@i = 3; .@i > 0; .@i-- ) { mapannounce "p_track01","..."+ .@i +"...",1,0xFFAB54; sleep 1000; } donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnStartRace"; sleep 1000; mapannounce "p_track01","Gooo!!!",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer320000: mapwarp "p_track01","prontera",142,170; donpcevent "Poring Race::OnPraceEnd"; .prace_winner$ = ""; .start = .prace_bets = 0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnReturnRace"; end; OnStartRace: callsub L_label, "OnRace"; OnStopRace: callsub L_label, "OnStop"; OnReturnRace: callsub L_label, "OnReturn"; L_label: donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Poring#prace1::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Santa Poring#prace5::"+ getarg(0); donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::"+ getarg(0); if( getarg(0) == "OnStop" && .prace_winner$ != "" ) callsub L_WinRace; end; L_WinRace: mapannounce "p_track01", "The winner is "+ .prace_winner$,1,0xFFAB54; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnChequeo"; sleep 3000; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnReturnRace"; sleep 10000; mapwarp "p_track01","prontera",142,170; donpcevent "Poring Race::OnPraceEnd"; .prace_winner$ = ""; .start = .prace_bets = 0; end; OnChequeo: for( .@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize( .prace_bidders ); .@i++ ) { if( attachrid( .prace_bidders[.@i] ) && getstrlen( @prace_winner$ ) ) { dispbottom "The winner is "+ .prace_winner$ +" and you have bet for "+ @prace_winner$ +"."; if( @prace_winner$ == .prace_winner$ ) { dispbottom "You have won!"; mapannounce "p_track01"," Congratulations! "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has won!",1,0xFFAB54; getitem .item_gained, .item_num_gain; emotion 21,1; } else { dispbottom "You have lost."; emotion 28,1; } @prace_winner$ = ""; } } deletearray .prace_bidders; end; OnInit: .zeny_req = 3500; .item_gained = 7179; .item_num_gain = 5; setarray .monst_$,"Poring","Angeling","Metaling","Deviling","Santa Poring","Poporing","None"; .menu_$ = implode( .monst_$, ":" ); end; function checkevent { getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x1, .@y, BL_NPC, "Poring#prace1"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x2, .@y, BL_NPC, "Angeling#prace2"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x3, .@y, BL_NPC, "Metaling#prace3"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x4, .@y, BL_NPC, "Deviling#prace4"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x5, .@y, BL_NPC, "Santa Poring#prace5"; getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x6, .@y, BL_NPC, "Poporing#prace6"; .@t = ( .@x1 + .@x2 + .@x3 + .@x4 + .@x5 + .@x6 ) != 58 * 6; return .@t; } } //----------------------------------- // Racer NPC's //----------------------------------- - script pori_race -1,{ OnRace: initnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: sleep 1000; while( strnpcinfo(1) != .monst$[ .@i ] ) .@i++; movenpc strnpcinfo(3), 58, .walk_t[.@i]; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy .@mapname$,.@x,.@y,BL_NPC, strnpcinfo(3); if( rand(100) < .prace_random ) npcwalkto .@x-1, .@y; .@r = rand( .prace_random2 ); if ( .@x -1 == 29 ) { while( strnpcinfo(1) != .monst$[ .@i ] ) .@i++; set getvariableofnpc( .prace_winner$, "Bidder#prace0" ), .monst$[ .@i ]; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; end; } stopnpctimer; setnpctimer .@r; startnpctimer; end; OnInit: deletearray .walk_t; deletearray .monst$; setarray .walk_t, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28; setarray .monst$, "Poring", "Angeling", "Metaling", "Deviling", "Santa Poring", "Poporing"; .prace_random = 70; .prace_random2 = 600; end; } p_track01,58,38,2 duplicate(pori_race) Poring#prace1 1002 p_track01,58,36,2 duplicate(pori_race) Angeling#prace2 1096 p_track01,58,34,2 duplicate(pori_race) Metaling#prace3 1613 p_track01,58,32,2 duplicate(pori_race) Deviling#prace4 1582 p_track01,58,30,2 duplicate(pori_race) Santa Poring#prace5 1062 p_track01,58,28,2 duplicate(pori_race) Poporing#prace6 1031 p_track01,78,42,0 warp p_track002 1,3,prontera,142,170 p_track01 mapflag nobranch p_track01 mapflag noicewall p_track01 mapflag nomemo p_track01 mapflag noreturn p_track01 mapflag noteleport p_track01 mapflag nowarpto p_track01 mapflag nowarp p_track01 mapflag pvp off p_track01 mapflag nosave
  16. Already provided SS of CMD debug, and added script what else detail required more to elaborate?
  17. Hello Scripters, I can't find a solution for this debug, Any pro scripter can guide to fix this issue. npc is at :113 & 315 is random location. find_gm_1.0.1.txt
  18. Thank you for reply sir, I got this in CMD. Never mind i fixed it some how...!! ? by using other script map announce xD Thank you for your precious time...!!
  19. Hello Everyone, I'm looking for guidance in this script in which after 1 wave mob don't spawn difficult to track issue. any pro scripter can solve this ? [Error]: buildin_announce: fatal error ! player not attached! [Debug]: Function: announce (2 parameters): [Debug]: Data: string value="Alon Event Employee: Well done. All the monster are dead!" [Debug]: Data: number value=1 [Debug]: Source (NPC): Alon Event Warper at prontera (176,158) mvp_event.txt
  20. Hello everyone, This script was working in my other server, But i don't have any idea why its not working in my current server. Can any one...guide to solve this? - script pvp_event FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "pvp_event", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand", 10,99; hideonnpc "Barricade#B1"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B2"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B3"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B4"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B5"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B6"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B7"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B8"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B9"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B10"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B11"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B12"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B13"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B14"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B15"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B16"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB5"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB6"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB7"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB8"; end; OnCommand: if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "1v1" ) ) goto L_1v1; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "party" ) ) goto L_Party1; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "ready" ) ) goto L_Ready; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "start" ) ) goto L_Start; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "end" ) ) goto L_End; else { dispbottom "Types of PvP Event"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event 1v1' for 1v1 Showdown"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event party' for Party Showdown"; dispbottom " "; dispbottom "PvP Setup"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event ready' to setup the Barricades"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event start' to start the event"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event end' to end the event";// } end; L_Ready: hideoffnpc "Barricade#B1"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B2"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B3"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B4"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B5"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B6"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B7"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B8"; hideoffnpc "AB Buffs#AB5"; hideoffnpc "AB Buffs#AB6"; hideoffnpc "AB Buffs#AB7"; hideoffnpc "AB Buffs#AB8"; //top setcell "guild_vs4",46,73,53,72,cell_walkable,false; //bottom setcell "guild_vs4",53,26,46,27,cell_walkable,false; //left setcell "guild_vs4",26,53,27,47,cell_walkable,false; //right setcell "guild_vs4",73,53,72,46,cell_walkable,false; end; L_1v1: mes "Participant 1 Left Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input IGN"; input .@Input$; next; mes "Participant 2 Right Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input IGN"; input .@Input2$; next; atcommand "#warp "+.@Input$+" guild_vs4 8 49"; atcommand "#warp "+.@Input2$+" guild_vs4 91 49"; atcommand "@warp guild_vs4 50 49"; atcommand "@doommap"; sleep 1000; atcommand "@raisemap"; atcommand "#warp "+.@Input$+" guild_vs4 8 49"; atcommand "#warp "+.@Input2$+" guild_vs4 91 49";// end; L_Party1: mes "Participant 1 Left Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input Party Name"; input .@Input3$; next; mes "Participant 2 Right Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input Party Name"; input .@Input4$; next; atcommand "@warp guild_vs4 8 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input3$+""; atcommand "@warp guild_vs4 91 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input4$+""; atcommand "@warp guild_vs4 50 49"; end; L_Start: announce "READY PLAYERS",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 10000; announce "Battle Begins at",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 2000; announce "5",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "4",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "3",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "2",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "1",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "GO!",0,0x00FFFF; setcell "guild_vs4",26,53,27,47,cell_walkable,true; setcell "guild_vs4",73,53,72,46,cell_walkable,true; hideonnpc "Barricade#B1"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B2"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B3"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B4"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B5"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B6"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B7"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B8"; atcommand "@pvpon"; atcommand "@skillon"; end; L_End: { setcell "guild_vs4",26,53,27,47,cell_walkable,true; setcell "guild_vs4",73,53,72,46,cell_walkable,true; hideonnpc "Barricade#B1"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B2"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B3"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B4"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B5"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B6"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B7"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B8"; atcommand "@pvpoff"; atcommand "@skilloff"; } end; } guild_vs4,26,51,1 script Barricade#B1 1905,{} guild_vs4,26,50,1 script Barricade#B2 1905,{} guild_vs4,26,49,1 script Barricade#B3 1905,{} guild_vs4,26,48,1 script Barricade#B4 1905,{} guild_vs4,73,51,1 script Barricade#B5 1905,{} guild_vs4,73,50,1 script Barricade#B6 1905,{} guild_vs4,73,49,1 script Barricade#B7 1905,{} guild_vs4,73,48,1 script Barricade#B8 1905,{} guild_vs4,48,73,1 script Barricade#B9 1905,{} guild_vs4,49,73,1 script Barricade#B10 1905,{} guild_vs4,50,73,1 script Barricade#B11 1905,{} guild_vs4,51,73,1 script Barricade#B12 1905,{} guild_vs4,51,26,1 script Barricade#B13 1905,{} guild_vs4,50,26,1 script Barricade#B14 1905,{} guild_vs4,49,26,1 script Barricade#B15 1905,{} guild_vs4,48,26,1 script Barricade#B16 1905,{} //========================================06guild_04 MAP===================================================// - script pvp_event2 FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "pvp_event2", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand", 10,99; hideonnpc "Barricade#B17"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B18"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B19"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B20"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B21"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B22"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B23"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B24"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B25"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B26"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B27"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B28"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B29"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B30"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B31"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B32"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B33"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B34"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B35"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B36"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B37"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B38"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B39"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B40"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B41"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B42"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B43"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B44"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B45"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B46"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B47"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B48"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB1"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB2"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB3"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB4"; end; OnCommand: if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "1v1" ) ) goto L_1v1; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "party" ) ) goto L_Party; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "FFA" ) ) goto L_FFA; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "ready" ) ) goto L_Ready; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "start" ) ) goto L_Start; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "end" ) ) goto L_End; else { dispbottom "06guild_04 MAP"; dispbottom "Types of PvP Event"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event2 1v1' for 1v1 Showdown"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event2 party' for Party Showdown"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event2 FFA' for Free For All Showdown"; dispbottom " "; dispbottom "PvP Setup"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event2 ready' to setup the Barricades"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event2 start' to start the event"; dispbottom "type - '@pvp_event2 end' to end the event";// } end; L_Ready: hideoffnpc "Barricade#B17"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B18"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B19"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B20"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B21"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B22"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B23"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B24"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B25"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B26"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B27"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B28"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B29"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B30"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B31"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B32"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B33"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B34"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B35"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B36"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B37"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B38"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B39"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B40"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B41"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B42"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B43"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B44"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B45"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B46"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B47"; hideoffnpc "Barricade#B48"; hideoffnpc "AB Buffs#AB1"; hideoffnpc "AB Buffs#AB2"; hideoffnpc "AB Buffs#AB3"; hideoffnpc "AB Buffs#AB4"; //top setcell "06guild_04",42,73,57,72,cell_walkable,false; //bottom setcell "06guild_04",57,26,42,27,cell_walkable,false; //left setcell "06guild_04",27,59,26,40,cell_walkable,false; //right setcell "06guild_04",72,40,73,59,cell_walkable,false; end; L_1v1: mes "Participant #1 Left Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input IGN"; input .@Input$; next; mes "Participant #2 Right Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input IGN"; input .@Input2$; next; atcommand "#warp "+.@Input$+" 06guild_04 8 49"; atcommand "#warp "+.@Input2$+" 06guild_04 91 49"; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 50 50"; atcommand "#warp "+.@Input$+" 06guild_04 8 49"; atcommand "#warp "+.@Input2$+" 06guild_04 91 49";// end; L_Party: mes "Participant #1 Left Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input Party Name"; input .@Input3$; next; mes "Participant #2 Right Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input Party Name"; input .@Input4$; next; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 8 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input3$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 91 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input4$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 50 50"; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 8 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input3$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 91 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input4$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 50 50";// end; L_FFA: mes "Participant #1 Left Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input Party Name"; input .@Input5$; next; mes "Participant #2 Right Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input Party Name"; input .@Input6$; next; mes "Participant #3 Top Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input Party Name"; input .@Input7$; next; mes "Participant #4 Bottom Corner"; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Please input Party Name"; input .@Input8$; next; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 8 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input5$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 91 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input6$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 50 91"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input7$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 50 9"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input8$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 50 50"; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 8 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input5$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 91 49"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input6$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 50 91"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input7$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 50 9"; atcommand "@partyrecall "+.@Input8$+""; atcommand "@warp 06guild_04 50 50"; end; L_Start: announce "READY PLAYERS",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 10000; announce "Battle Begins at",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 2000; announce "5",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "4",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "3",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "2",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "1",0,0x00FFFF; sleep 1000; announce "GO!",0,0x00FFFF; setcell "06guild_04",42,73,57,72,cell_walkable,true; setcell "06guild_04",57,26,42,27,cell_walkable,true; setcell "06guild_04",27,59,26,40,cell_walkable,true; setcell "06guild_04",72,40,73,59,cell_walkable,true; hideonnpc "Barricade#B17"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B18"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B19"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B20"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B21"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B22"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B23"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B24"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B25"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B26"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B27"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B28"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B29"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B30"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B31"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B32"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B33"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B34"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B35"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B36"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B37"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B38"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B39"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B40"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B41"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B42"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B43"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B44"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B45"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B46"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B47"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B48"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB1"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB2"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB3"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB4"; atcommand "@pvpon"; atcommand "@skillon"; end; L_End: { setcell "06guild_04",42,73,57,72,cell_walkable,true; setcell "06guild_04",57,26,42,27,cell_walkable,true; setcell "06guild_04",27,59,26,40,cell_walkable,true; setcell "06guild_04",72,40,73,59,cell_walkable,true; //bottom hideonnpc "Barricade#B17"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B18"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B19"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B20"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B21"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B22"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B23"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B24"; //left hideonnpc "Barricade#B25"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B26"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B27"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B28"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B29"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B30"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B31"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B32"; //right hideonnpc "Barricade#B33"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B34"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B35"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B36"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B37"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B38"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B39"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B40"; //top hideonnpc "Barricade#B41"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B42"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B43"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B44"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B45"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B46"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B47"; hideonnpc "Barricade#B48"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB1"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB2"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB3"; hideonnpc "AB Buffs#AB4"; atcommand "@pvpoff"; atcommand "@skilloff"; } end; } //bottom 06guild_04,53,26,1 script Barricade#B17 1905,{} 06guild_04,52,26,1 script Barricade#B18 1905,{} 06guild_04,51,26,1 script Barricade#B19 1905,{} 06guild_04,50,26,1 script Barricade#B20 1905,{} 06guild_04,49,26,1 script Barricade#B21 1905,{} 06guild_04,48,26,1 script Barricade#B22 1905,{} 06guild_04,47,26,1 script Barricade#B23 1905,{} 06guild_04,46,26,1 script Barricade#B24 1905,{} //left 06guild_04,26,46,1 script Barricade#B25 1905,{} 06guild_04,26,47,1 script Barricade#B26 1905,{} 06guild_04,26,48,1 script Barricade#B27 1905,{} 06guild_04,26,49,1 script Barricade#B28 1905,{} 06guild_04,26,50,1 script Barricade#B29 1905,{} 06guild_04,26,51,1 script Barricade#B30 1905,{} 06guild_04,26,52,1 script Barricade#B31 1905,{} 06guild_04,26,53,1 script Barricade#B32 1905,{} //right 06guild_04,73,53,1 script Barricade#B33 1905,{} 06guild_04,73,52,1 script Barricade#B34 1905,{} 06guild_04,73,51,1 script Barricade#B35 1905,{} 06guild_04,73,50,1 script Barricade#B36 1905,{} 06guild_04,73,49,1 script Barricade#B37 1905,{} 06guild_04,73,48,1 script Barricade#B38 1905,{} 06guild_04,73,47,1 script Barricade#B39 1905,{} 06guild_04,73,46,1 script Barricade#B40 1905,{} //top 06guild_04,46,73,1 script Barricade#B41 1905,{} 06guild_04,47,73,1 script Barricade#B42 1905,{} 06guild_04,48,73,1 script Barricade#B43 1905,{} 06guild_04,49,73,1 script Barricade#B44 1905,{} 06guild_04,50,73,1 script Barricade#B45 1905,{} 06guild_04,51,73,1 script Barricade#B46 1905,{} 06guild_04,52,73,1 script Barricade#B47 1905,{} 06guild_04,53,73,1 script Barricade#B48 1905,{} 06guild_04,6,53,5 script AB Buffs#AB1 909,{ specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; end; } 06guild_04,53,93,3 script AB Buffs#AB2 909,{ specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; end; } 06guild_04,93,53,4 script AB Buffs#AB3 909,{ specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; end; } 06guild_04,53,6,5 script AB Buffs#AB4 909,{ specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; end; } guild_vs4,4,49,5 script AB Buffs#AB5 909,{ specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; end; } guild_vs4,49,95,5 script AB Buffs#AB6 909,{ specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; end; } guild_vs4,95,50,5 script AB Buffs#AB7 909,{ specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; end; } guild_vs4,50,4,5 script AB Buffs#AB8 909,{ specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; end; } pvp_event.txt
  21. Thank you so much sir for taking so much effort to fix. I tried replacing itemdb file and it worked finally..
  22. FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY its done... AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE But u can equip the euip's for while... is there any way players can't wear it when they enter in that map Display bottom :- You can't wear certain euips in this map
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