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Status Updates posted by Arcenciel

  1. I've got a To-Do List together. Let's get to work...after the Thanksgiving Holidays. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating it! I hope you have something to be thankful for today.

    1. Eurydice


      Happy Turkey Annihilation Day you mean. :D

    2. Arcenciel


      More like Turkey Devouring day since they've been killed days ago. xD

  2. If you want to apply for Global Mod, then go for it. But right now for me, the scripting section is quite enough. =D

    1. Sneaky


      Hm.. actually I also wanted the script dev but not sure yet, it's a lot more compromise ...

    2. Arcenciel


      If you feel like you belong somewhere else, then go for it. We can always use more Devs.

  3. Ind, just wanna say...Nice effin work for every bug fixes and what not.

    1. Ind


      thank you very much, appreciate.

  4. Ind! Don't forget to create that Digest topic for the next 30 day period.

    1. Ind


      right, will create asap. thanks!

  5. Is it just me or someone is starting to get horribly annoying? With talks bout me me me me me....

  6. Just to get rid of that old status....successfully learned the very basics of incorporating SQL into scripts.

  7. Listening to RO BGMs to rock me to sleep...ohh nostlagia.

    1. jTynne


      Do it alllll the time myself! Which is your favorite? :)

    2. Arcenciel


      I have no idea. I was sleeping. I wanna say Amatsu's?

  8. LMFAO! Wayyyy too much time on your hands writing that analysis. xd

    1. Syouji


      lol. I decided to spice things up a bit. xD

  9. LMFAO. There's still other moderators. XD

    1. Sneaky


      Well our global mods. are quite unactive xD, and as you said, devs are focused with development. We're like the most active staff members right nao xddd..

  10. Maki just told me you logged into IRC. I'm in IRC now. xD

  11. Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays to everyone! Hope ya'll have a good time.

    1. jTynne


      Merry Christmas to you as well! :D

  12. Missing WoE and PvPing in RO. =(

  13. Need to do some massive reorganization of everything I've ever done RO related. One more Finals to go and I can focus on RO things.

  14. New HoN Hero looks OPED.

  15. Please read my message on your inbox ASAP.

  16. Quite frankly...one shouldn't run a server if one can't script.

  17. Read, learn to read.....

  18. Reminder: PM ai4rei on revision 15518

  19. Screw you Windows 8. Can't wait to roll this back.

  20. Seriously need to get back to things here in rAthena. Scripting/Database Section is a mess.

  21. So, I'm "kinda" back.

  22. Someone is trying to steal your server's event

  23. Someone is trying to steal your server's event

  24. Take back my last status update. Windows 8 is not that bad. And hi to everyone who happens to see this. I wish ya'll are doing well.

    1. Brian
    2. Maki


      Took a few hours to get used to but Win8 is fine :D

  25. Thanks for vouching for me in the staff application. <3 Looking forward to working with you.

    1. Sneaky


      No prob~ ditto ;)

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