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Everything posted by PewN

  1. Fatal ERror how can i add the escape_sql here? //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= IP Ban NPC //===== By =================================================== //= lllchrislll //===== Version ============================================== //= 1.0 Remake of a older version // Re-making the time calculation // Testing..... //= 2.0 Releasing!!! //===== Compatible With ====================================== //= Every eAthena Version //===== Description ========================================== //= Allows you the IP Ban someone. //===== Comments ============================================= //= None... //============================================================ help_lobby,133,159,4 script Mikey 948,{ set .@n$,"[Mikey]"; set .@gm_access,60; set @day_feb,28; set @time$,gettimestr("%Y-%m/%d %H:%M:%S",21); set @day,gettimestr("%d",10); set @month,gettimestr("%m",10); set @year,gettimestr("%Y",10); set @day_calc,@day + 7; if(@day_calc > 31 && (@month == 1 || @month == 3 || @month == 5 || @month == 7 || @month == 8 || @month == 10 || @month == 12)) { set @day_calc,@day_calc - 31; if(@month != 12) { set @month,@month + 1; } else if(@month == 12) { set @month,1; } } else if(@day_calc > @day_feb && (@month == 2)) { set @day_calc,@day_calc - @day_feb; } else if(@day_calc > 30 && (@month == 4 || @month == 6 || @month == 9 || @month == 11)) { set @day_calc,@day_calc - 30; } set @month_calc,@month + 1; if(@month_calc > 12) { set @month_calc,@month_calc - 12; set @year,@year + 1; } set @year_calc1,@year + 1; set @year_calc2,@year + 2; set @list$,""; set @rtime$,""; set @reason$,""; setarray @ban_time$[1],gettimestr(""+@year+"-"+@month+"/"+@day_calc+" %H:%M:%S",21), gettimestr(""+@year+"-"+@month_calc+"/"+@day+" %H:%M:%S",21), gettimestr(""+@year_calc1+"-"+@month+"/"+@day+" %H:%M:%S",21), gettimestr(""+@year_calc2+"-"+@month+"/"+@day+" %H:%M:%S",21); if(getgmlevel() < .@gm_access) { mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but I can't help you."; close; } else if(getgmlevel() >= .@gm_access) { if(getgmlevel() >= 99) { mes "Actual Time:"; mes @time$; mes "(Test Time for 1 Week:)"; mes "("+@day_calc+") (Day)"; mes @ban_time$[1]; mes "(Test Time for 1 Month:)"; mes "("+@month_calc+") (Month)"; mes @ban_time$[2]; mes "(Test Time for 1 Year:)"; mes "("+@year_calc1+") (Year)"; mes @ban_time$[3]; mes "(Test Time for 2 Year:)"; mes "("+@year_calc2+") (Year's)"; mes @ban_time$[4]; next; } mes .@n$; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "I can make an IP Ban for you."; mes "As well, I can display the current"; mes "IP Ban's and delete them."; mes "Valid duration's are:"; mes "1 Week, 1 Month, 1 Year, 2 Year's"; next; mes .@n$; mes "What do you like to do?"; switch(select("- Show IP List:- Add an Ban:- Delete an Ban")) { case 1: next; mes .@n$; mes "I will list now"; mes "the current IP Ban's"; mes "in your Chat Box."; close2; query_sql "SELECT `list` , `rtime` , `reason` FROM `ipbanlist` ORDER BY `list` DESC", @list$, @rtime$, @reason$; if(@list$ == "") { mes .@n$; mes "There are no entrys in the IP Ban List."; close; } dispbottom " IP / Ban Expire / Reason"; for(set @ei,0; @ei < getarraysize(@list$); set @ei,@ei + 1) { dispbottom ""+@list$[@ei]+" / "+@rtime$[@ei]+" / "+@reason$[@ei]+""; } end; case 2: next; mes .@n$; mes "Now type the Account Name or"; mes "Account ID of the Account"; mes "you want to ban and I will"; mes "search the IP logged to it."; next; t_again: if(select("- Account Name:- Account ID") == 1) { input @acc_n$; next; mes .@n$; if(@acc_n$ == "") { mes "Invalid Name, try again."; goto t_again;} mes "The inserted name is: "+@acc_n$+"."; mes "Is that correct?"; if(select("- Yes, it is.:- No, again please.") == 2) { goto t_again; } else { next; query_sql "SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+@acc_n$+"'", @check_id$; if(@acc_n$ != @check_id$ || @check_id$ == "") { mes "Invalid Name, try again."; goto t_again;} dispbottom "Account Name: "+@acc_n$; } } else { input @acc_id; if(!@acc_id || @acc_id < 2000000) { mes "Invalid Value, try again."; goto t_again;} mes .@n$; mes "The inserted name is: "+@acc_id+"."; mes "Is that correct?"; if(select("- Yes, it is.:- No, again please.") == 2) { goto t_again; } else { next; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+@acc_id+"'", @check_aid; if(@acc_id != @check_aid || !@check_aid) { mes "Invalid Account ID, try again."; goto t_again;} query_sql "SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+@acc_id+"'",@acc_n$; dispbottom "Account ID: "+@acc_id; } } next; mes .@n$; mes "Alright, so how"; mes "long do you want"; mes "to ban him/her?"; switch(select("- 1 Week Ban:- 1 Month Ban:- 1 Year Ban:- 2 Year's Ban")) { default: set @rtime$,@ban_time$[@menu]; break; } next; mes .@n$; mes "Now I need a reason, why do"; mes "you want to ban that Account."; input @reason$; if(@reason$ == "") { mes "Invalid Reason, try again."; goto t_again;} dispbottom "Reason: "+@reason$+""; mes "After the calculation, I will"; mes "need a confirmation again."; next; mes .@n$; mes "The Account \"" + @acc_n$+"\""; mes "will be banned until"; mes @rtime$; mes "duo the reason "+@reason$+"."; menu "Correct",-,"Not correct",t_again; next; mes .@n$; mes "Your IP Ban Request has been sent."; close2; query_sql "SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+@acc_n$+"'", @last_ip$; query_sql "INSERT INTO `ipbanlist` ( `list` , `btime` , `rtime` , `reason`) VALUES ('"+@last_ip$+"' ,'"+@time$+"' , '"+@rtime$+"' , '"+@reason$+"')"; end; case 3: next; mes .@n$; mes "Please choose, which one"; mes "you want to delete:"; mes " "; query_sql "SELECT `list` , `rtime` , `reason` FROM `ipbanlist`", @list$, @rtime$, @reason$; if(@list$ == "") { mes "There are no entrys in the IP Ban List."; close; } set @ban_menu$,""; for(set @ei,0; @ei < getarraysize(@list$); set @ei,@ei + 1) { mes "Banned IP Nr. ^FF0000"+(@ei+1)+"^000000"; mes @list$[@ei]; mes "----Ban Expire:-----"; mes @rtime$[@ei]; mes "-----Reason:------"; mes @reason$[@ei]; mes "================"; set @ban_menu$,@ban_menu$ + "- "+ @list$[@ei]+":"; } set @ban_menu$,@ban_menu$ + "- Nothing"; if((prompt(@ban_menu$) - getarraysize(@list$)) > 0) { break; } else { next; set @ip,@menu - 1; mes .@n$; mes "You have choosen:"; mes " "; mes "Banned IP Nr. ^FF0000"+(@ip+1)+"^000000"; mes @list$[@ip]; mes "----Ban Expire:-----"; mes @rtime$[@ip]; mes "-----Reason:------"; mes @reason$[@ip]; mes "================"; mes " "; mes "Wanna delete this Entry?"; if(select("- Yes, please:- No, don't") - 1) { close; } else { next; mes .@n$; mes "I'll delete it now."; query_sql "DELETE FROM `ipbanlist` WHERE `list` = '"+@list$[@ip]+"'"; close; } } } } }
  2. im requesting a npc a npc that will warp you after you enter the said code. i think 2 random code to avoid copy paste to ext
  3. FatalError? is there a SQL INJECTION in game? or they only inject in website?
  4. can i request a script example : There is a Boss. after the boss died there will be a warp pop out and after the boss respawn the warp will gone
  5. its okay now! but i have a 1 request how to make it only lvl 30 above will see this message?
  6. .@warp @goto @go @jumpto like that. what is the wrong here Emistry? i need that the gm above 30 will get this message
  7. how to make it also GM can use command everytime this message pop out?
  8. anyone everytime i tried to reset my position. it say's no character found please go back! how can i fix this?
  9. @Bahmut. i will try it @Bahmut. its working now !! thx
  10. can anyone help me here? only GM lvl 20 can access the npc. all other can't
  11. please i need it i will discuss when player go on safari will add a timer 3 minutes , after 3 minutes the character will send out when die will send out also! please
  12. only gm can start thx! emistry!
  13. i cant click it. can u help me her eplease
  14. then if the char is gm lvl 0. he will go to a new Mess and close it
  15. duplicating? i know there's a bug in COIN + Mail. you can disable the mail goto src/map/mail.c find this code replace this then go to your mapflag mapname<tab>nodrop source here frome annieruru
  16. yup i experince this too any solutionS??
  17. ok sir thx. i will try this
  18. how to edit the backstab skill available on all direction?? please help me here
  19. HACKER must die lol!
  20. oh nice!! thx! you are very helpful
  21. lol. my rdata are not updated on pRO
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