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Posts posted by xVaan

  1. On 5/11/2021 at 6:37 AM, M45T3R said:

    Like having a button to enable Gray maps or low performance, maybe 4k HD textures ? something like that .. or just regular plain RO

    This could be done if the patcher allows the user to download a specific .THOR file by pressing a button on the UI.
    Like "Press Here to get 4K Textures" > Patcher downloads 4KTextures.thor> Patcher applies the changes into the GRF.

  2. On 11/3/2020 at 1:32 AM, kaiserfever said:

    la verdad es que estoy muy contento la guia es un gran aporte pero tengo un solo problema, que seguramente alguien con conocimiento va a poder ayudarme, el server d manera local funciona es mas pude conectar 3 o 4 pcs al mismo tiempo para que corran jugando en simultaneo, pero mi problema es que quiero llevarlo a internet, y d emomento no quiero pagar un host de momento, si no q 4..5 personas podamos testearlo cada uno desde la comodidad de su casa... pero no doy en que tengo q modificar para que puedan accerder desde afuera a mi server, me darian una mano? muchas gracias!

    No te lo recomiendo, lo mejor que puedes hacer es contratar un VPS básico (no más de 10 US$ mensuales), y montar tu servidor allí, además es mucho más fácil modificarlo si no eres el único desarrollador.

  3. Version 1.0 and 1.1 are the same.

    I suggest you to add a check in OnTouch flag.

    I also suggest you to add a way to refresh the view of the player when a variable is changed, otherwise the NPC won't disappear when check_can_see is false.
    You could play around clif_getareachar_unit and clif_clearunit_single.

    Nice work by the way!

  4. Did you read the answers?

    #   Requires:                 List of requirements to cast the skill. (Optional)
    #     HpCost:                 HP required to cast. (Default: 0)
    #       - Level               Skill level.
    #         Amount              HP required at specific skill level.
    #     SpCost:                 SP required to cast. (Default: 0)
    #       - Level               Skill level.
    #         Amount              SP required at specific skill level.
    #     HpRateCost:             HP rate required to cast. If positive, uses current HP, else uses Max HP. (Default: 0)
    #       - Level               Skill level.
    #         Amount              HP rate required at specific skill level.
    #     SpRateCost:             SP rate required to cast. If positive, uses current SP, else uses Max SP. (Default: 0)
    #       - Level               Skill level.
    #         Amount              SP rate required at specific skill level.
    #     MaxHpTrigger:           Maximum amount of HP to cast the skill. (Default: 0)
    #       - Level               Skill level.
    #         Amount              Maximum HP trigger required at specific skill level.
    #     ZenyCost:               Zeny required to cast. (Default: 0)
    #       - Level               Skill level.
    #         Amount              Zeny required at specific skill level.
    #     Weapon:                 Weapon required to cast. (Default: All)
    #     Ammo:                   Ammo required to cast. (Default: None)
    #     AmmoAmount:             Ammo amount required to cast. (Default: 0)
    #       - Level               Skill level.
    #         Amount              Ammo amount required at specific skill level.
    #     State                   Special state required to cast. (Default: None)
    #     Status:                 Status change required to cast. (Default: nullptr)
    #     SphereCost:             Spirit sphere required to cast. (Default: 0)
    #       - Level               Skill level.
    #         Amount              Spirit sphere required at specific skill level.
    #     ItemCost:               Item required to cast. (Default: 0)
    #       - Item                Item name.
    #         Amount              Item amount.
    #     Equipment:              Equipped item required to cast. (Default: nullptr)


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