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Everything posted by nanakiwurtz

  1. Very easy, edit your atcommand.c, search for: sprintf(atcmd_output, "Please, enter a speed value (usage: @speed <%d-%d>).", MIN_WALK_SPEED, MAX_WALK_SPEED); Change into: sprintf(atcmd_output, "Current speed: %d.", sd->base_status.speed); Recompile your server, use '@speed', problem solved... (Don't forget to press the button if it works )
  2. Try to add this line into your src\map\pc.c file and recompile your server. Search for 'switch( nameid )' and add the code on a new line below the '{' symbol. case 607: if (map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) && (sd->class_&MAPID_THIRDMASK) == MAPID_ROYAL_GUARD) || (map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp && ((sd->class_&MAPID_THIRDMASK) == MAPID_ROYAL_GUARD) || (map[m_id].flag.gvg_castle && ((sd->class_&MAPID_THIRDMASK) == MAPID_ROYAL_GUARD) return 0; break; Then again, I think of this only in my mind and haven't test it on actual server So if it doesn't work, please revert your pc.c to original and recompile your server again..
  3. When I search on skill_db.txt, both pre-re and renewal 'Coluceo Heal' skills are the same. 2043,0,6,4,6,0x3,3:7:15,3,1,yes,0,0,0,magic,0 Hmm.. What's the difference between the regular cheal and this '2.0 cheal' ?
  4. So you want to make a new warp portal? Just follow the example from trunk\npc\warps This is an example from payon archer map to payon dungeon. pay_arche,36,131,0 warp payonwarp048 2,2,pay_dun00,21,183
  5. Yes, mapcache.exe will check first for mapcache.dat, if it exist, then the new map won't be cached. Just rename your old mampcache.dat (for backup) and run mapcache.exe. Then run your server.
  6. If I were you, I'll try to remove the models and run it, if it works that means the models are the reason for this error..
  7. Hmm.. My settings also can't be saved, such as turning off BGM and set /nc in the client, should I change my setup.exe too?
  8. Wew, all item will return 1, neat trick
  9. Hmm I don't understand your question earlier You can read at 'doc\effect_list.txt' or in 'db\const.txt'--> Snow, Fog, Sakura, Clouds, Fireworks, Leaves. Clouds2 and Rain is unsupported anymore. If you want, you can create your own effectlist in 'clif.c' and set the 'clif_weather_check' function.
  10. Have you tried to update your server's mapcache? Or maybe your walkable tile on your map hasn't been specified.
  11. It's really hard to guess if you don't provide any hint about what were you doing at the time Sorry, I'm not a mindreader
  12. announce "some text here",target,0x00FF00 <--- it's a RGB hex value of green Replace target with: bc_all/bc_map/bc_area/bc_self
  13. Are you using a custom added skill in skill_db.txt?
  14. The problem is likely to come from yourmap.gat <-- this file will determine the tile that is walkable or not by players.
  15. Renewal formula is: if currentstat < 100 then (2+(currentstat-1)/10) if currentstat >= 100 then (16+(4*((currentstat-100)/5))) That's why you need 24 point to increase your AGI because: 110-100=10, 10/5=2, 4*2=8, 16+8=24 Pre-Renewal formula is: ( 1 + (currentstat + 9) / 10 ); you can alter the code in src/map/pc.c and don't forget to recompile it..
  16. It's in 'ef_snow.act' and 'ef_snow.spr'
  17. The problem is I'm not sure whether WoE is considered a PvP too or not, that's why I tried to alter the src file and haven't try the setting 'bone_drop: 1'
  18. Sorry, it's too vague about what causing the error, what I can suggest is to find another client and diff it with different combinations
  19. Untested: find in file src/map/pc.c replace this line: || (battle_config.bone_drop==1 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp)) with this: || (battle_config.bone_drop==1 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp && !map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg)) and recompile your server.. I forget is it 'map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg' or 'map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle' (Sorry I think it only in my mind and haven't test it on actual server)
  20. Yes, like in Dewata, Malangdo, Malaya and Eclage
  21. nanakiwurtz


    What do you want to do with it? CRC 32 is an error checking system to ensure that the file you transfered/downloaded from other source isn't altered.
  22. Perhaps it hasn't been updated to keep up with the latest SVN version
  23. If you want to show identified item on drop (still on the ground), then change this: WBUFB(buf, 8) = fitem->item_data.identify; into WBUFB(buf, 8) = 1; in clif.c If you want to auto-identify the item after you grab the item and placed inside the inventory, then change this: WFIFOB(fd,8)=sd->status.inventory[n].identify; into WFIFOB(fd,8)=1; in clif.c too You can use it just one or both, it's up to you. And the most important thing is to recompile your server after you change the codes
  24. I have tried your suggestion, and even try to change the login table and char table, revert them back and try different combination but still doesn't work. Now my login table uses PK, NN and AI with defaut value of blank not ''
  25. Hmm.. Sadly I can't help with this project
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