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Everything posted by Jayz

  1. The Invasion Ragnarok Classic has been operating on an NFT Server; the server is 3 months old and began in September. This game is chosen as the ideal combination game to be matched on the NFT feature, and we find it to be very effective and exciting because it was very profitable as the network cycle continued to flow, in contrast to other NFT games that are designed to be static. Here is the Link to Dextool: IN-Token https://www.dextools.io/app/en/polygon/pair-explorer/0x8e3bb8373306419e1a77c2c0f1089f0ad64af35c ZENNY-Token https://www.dextools.io/app/en/polygon/pair-explorer/0x071b098bd619cb39dff746e485e830c57fa3aa88 Download https://invasionro.net/main/download/ Website: http://www.invasionro.net/ Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.invasionro.net/ Marketplace: https://marketplace.invasionro.net/home
  2. Hello i want to ask if how to add timer on @pk command if you are offline the timer will stop, and it will continue once you online, i want to put 60mins timer once the timer runount the @pk command turn to state.pk_mode = 0 int atcommand_pkmode( const int fd, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command, const char *message ) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if (!sd->state.pk_mode) { sd->state.pk_mode = 1; clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You are now no longer in PK mode."); } else { sd->state.pk_mode = 0; clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Returned to normal state."); } return 0; }
  3. How to exclude the item_rate_card on vip_drop_increase: I can't find any hint how can i exclude the item_rate_card on this src if (pc_isvip(sd)) { // Increase item drop rate for VIP. // Unsure how the VIP and other bonuses should stack, this is additive. drop_rate_bonus += battle_config.vip_drop_increase; cap = battle_config.drop_rate_cap_vip; } else cap = battle_config.drop_rate_cap; drop_rate = (int)( 0.5 + drop_rate * drop_rate_bonus / 100. ); // Now limit the drop rate to never be exceed the cap (default: 90%), unless it is originally above it already. if( drop_rate > cap && base_rate < cap ){ drop_rate = cap; }
  4. Hello, how to add multiplier on query this is the example of script input .@amount; query_sql("INSERT INTO `mapreg` (`varname`, `index`, `value`) VALUES ('$Events', 0, '5*.@amount') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = `value` + 5*.@amount"); '5*.@amount' is not working instead they put on the value the whole text Thank you EDIT: SOLVED It will be 1*"+.@amount+" Thanks @Balfear
  5. I found this mes "Hit 'Cancel' Buton"; if( prompt( "Continue","Close" ) == 2 ){ mes "It's Closed now."; }else{ mes "Wew..it CONTINUED."; } close; How to the Cancel button redirect to another case, if you click the "Continue" will be direct to mes "Wew..it CONTINUED."; if you click "Close" it will be direct on mes "It's Closed now."; this is fine but when you click the "Cancel Button" it will be direct to mes "Wew..it CONTINUED."; i want to go this another case like mes "You click cancel button";
  6. Jayz


    Solve error typo
  7. Jayz


    new database structure where the hpoints store.. instead use acc_reg_num i want to use it for my web system
  8. Jayz


    Whats wrong here, this is actually working but have [Warning]: script:query_sql: Too many columns, discarding last 1 columns. In the part of UPDATE .@s = query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `points_system` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3)); if (.@s) { query_sql("UPDATE `points_system` SET `hpoints` = (`hpoints` + "+.@amount+") WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+" LIMIT 1"); } else { query_sql("INSERT INTO `points_system` (`account_id`, `hpoints`) VALUES (" + getcharid(3) + ", " + .@amount + ")"); }
  9. "Main directory Folder" > "Custom Folder" < this "Custom Folder" you want to add in your ragnarok directory Run ThorGenerator under the Output set it to "File" Check the Directory and click the Select find "Main directory Folder" and target it click Ok and Generate
  10. close your rathena server before compiling, or try reboot your machine and try again
  11. Since you remove // on localhost,, you need to add your sqlport 3306 on your firewall,, or just remain // in your login_ip: char_ip: map_ip: etc..
  12. bind your login / char / map / sql port = https://www.parallels.com/blogs/ras/configuring-windows-server-firewall-for-parallels-ras/ Since you use your wan ip,, your wanip add in your firewall
  13. Just replace the job sprite without mount with the sprite with mount, example without mount the sprite is sprite_nomount.spr/act then the wiht mount is sprite_mount.spr/act. The sprite without mount will be replaced with withmount so that when use mount the client's readable sprite is the one you placed withoutmount but the effect of riding and cavalry mastery is still there
  14. Is it possible for the mercenary to have his drop rate next to his master droprate, suppose the server is x5 drop rate then the master becomes VIP the master droprate will be x10 then the mercenary will also have the droprate x10, when the vip is expired the mercenary will also return to the normal droprate x5
  15. Duplicate ghostring monster and remove the card drop and re-assign the monster id in npc\( pre-re or re )\mobs\fields\payon.txt
  16. work perfect! I'll just open it again, because I noticed that the tax percentage works but the tax didn't reduce the zeny deposit
  17. Thank you i already check this before making post, but i want more simplier like on my description
  18. can i request a simple bank sql base deposit and withdrawal only Menu: Deposit -> Can deposit any amount ( 2% tax ) if possible the 2% tax will go to the "tax" field under the "login table" just to find out how much the player's tax contribution is when using this bank Withdraw -> Can withdraw upto 1b only Balance -> Can check their balance The database I will use is the login table, I created a new field whose name is deposit, thank you very much
  19. The source is no error but when i try to use it, Type: Armor / Usable / Etc / Charm its not working edit.. its working Earlier he Type: ETC and there i switched to Type: Charm but I didn't re @item again
  20. https://rathena.org/board/topic/122307-how-to-install-fluxcp-with-screen-shot/
  21. maybe? 12218,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ progressbar "ffffff",1; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,100000,5; skilleffect "HP_ASSUMPTIO",0; },{},{}
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