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Files posted by Naruto

  1. Free

    Residential Apartments Interior Models

    Hi I finished the majority of my residential apartments 3d model sets,
    missing a few little things... food, toilet paper rolls, and a few jackets to hang up instead of just those dresses
    Also I saved them as KITCHEN and not APARTMENTS... itd take a few minutes to fix but leaving it as it is...
    I included my personal map with this in case someone wants to make something and have me include it in my game, these walls are split in half for the interior... and the sizes are good for iro sprites and mine... btw sorry if you were building with any of my old models 



  2. Free

    Airship 2

    I made a new airship with custom walls and textures along with many other things made by me
    It features a few retextured models from the Hospital map that fit a more civilized setting
    I dont think ill be continuing it so ill just leave it here
    ? Do what you want with it 



  3. Free

    Mac Anu

    I made this map, all the models and restored all the textures, based off the city of Mac Anu from the .dot//hack infection series.
    I did edit gravity textures.
    No real thanks to give out maybe besides browedit and its development team and gravity for textures.
    I use alot of client features,  I didnt include the water I used cause you guys probably wont use it.
    So the main difference here is your gonna have to add a file to your effect tool lub you can pm me how or post
    This is a PLAYABLE BETA
    GRF is unlocked and no weird stuff.
    Your free to do as you please. Adding more effects to effecttool is just a matter of adding a new emmiter and a new number, you can test it by spawning a bunch and seeing how many are blank. 
    I didnt include any music cause I dont wanna give @Mina-chan a heart attack  (you never know)



  4. Free

    Skill icon, mounts, and map pack

    Found a few oldering things i never uploaded...
    Contents are :
    Skill icon folder : Lots of old icons i used back when i was working on my renewal renewal
    Valkyrie : very simple change but modified it to be a spawning place with custom classes ( removed things and added tomes etc etc)
    Alberta: overgrown alberta.. .you should have no issues, but i included the textures for its floor
    airplane should be problem free if youve installed my other packs before
    super experimental pecopeco sprites for sage and high wizard lol



  5. Free

    Apartments - Free Release

    I put up a free release of my completed apartment complex
    2 floors of modern models from a typical north american apartment
    Gat is not 100% completed,
    Brick is completed for exterior
    Need up to date iro files to run some textures



  6. Free

    Pokemon center gen 5

    Hello if you ever tried to import pokemon models you will be dissapointed to see the many empty spaces and how its impossible to map...
    Well i tried my best to make my own
    Some of you may know i moved to the Unreal Engine due to limited graphical support working on an emulator, While i have not given up on everything I however will be working on a pokemon simulator, just to get myself familiar with the system, and get a bit better at spriting/3d modeling. Its a bit of a workload but.... It doesnt really matter.
    If your interested I can share more of my pokemon models 



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