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Everything posted by Felipe

  1. Try a big number: (sg->limit - DIFF_TICK(tick, sg->tick)*8));
  2. You've said this part change a little bit : (sg->limit - DIFF_TICK(tick, sg->tick))); So: sc_start4(ss, bl, SC_VACUUM_EXTREME, 100, sg->skill_lv, sg->group_id, (sg->val1<<16)|(sg->val2), ++sg->val3*500, (sg->limit - DIFF_TICK(tick, sg->tick)*2));
  3. If is a text file try Notepad++ ou Visual Studio Code(Notepad++ from microsoft)
  4. I look in this link (Post Number 7): https://rathena.org/board/topic/60404-custom-skill-effects/ And I think it would work sc_start4(ss, bl, SC_VACUUM_EXTREME, 400, sg->skill_lv, sg->group_id, (sg->val1<<16)|(sg->val2), ++sg->val3*500, (sg->limit - DIFF_TICK(tick, sg->tick)));
  5. .@party_id = getcharid(0,"+strcharinfo(0)+"); OR .@party_id = getcharid(0,"strcharinfo(0)");
  6. This: .@party_id = getcharid(1); to .@party_id = getcharid(2{,strcharinfo(0)});
  7. I guess is not in this line, its look like delay not the damege of skill. I think is this line in src/map/skill.c: sc_start4(ss, bl, SC_VACUUM_EXTREME, 100, sg->skill_lv, sg->group_id, (sg->val1<<16)|(sg->val2), ++sg->val3*500, (sg->limit - DIFF_TICK(tick, sg->tick))); BEFORE DO ANY THING MAKE A BACKUP OF skill.c I would try this: sc_start4(ss, bl, SC_VACUUM_EXTREME, 100, sg->skill_lv, sg->group_id, (sg->val1<<16)|(sg->val2), ++sg->val3*700, (sg->limit - DIFF_TICK(tick, sg->tick)));
  8. May be work This: .@party_id = getcharid(1); to: @party_id = getcharid(1);
  9. I guess the error is not in this part, the console return some line ? Search for things like 'char' 'char_id'
  10. What's mean the number 13181 ?
  11. In your script have some line which is telling char id = 1, change or just add this -> // In the begining of the line. You're welcome
  12. Então Felipe, a instancia ela funciona normal, só que só da erro nessa parte. Minha instance_db está correta, assim creio eu. Vou posta-la aqui. ID,Name,LimitTime,IdleTimeOut,EnterMap,EnterX,EnterY,Map2,...,Map255 15,Nightmarish Jitterbug,3600,300,1@jtb,16,18,1@jtb I guess the error is here : 15,Nightmarish Jitterbug,3600,300,1@jtb,16,18,1@jtb You repeat the map 1@jtb, try change delete it: 15,Nightmarish Jitterbug,3600,300,1@jtb,16,18 or: 15,Nightmarish Jitterbug,3600,300,1@jtb,16,18,
  13. Did you try to start all process with root ? Including MySQL and rAthena And I guess have a process already making connection, try to Kill everything related to MySQL. I think you can try MariaDB maybe work. @edit: I've a issue like this, I change for a FreeBSD based, idk you experience with FreeBSD or OpenBSD but let's give a try
  14. I can be wrong, but I guess the problem is this line : setarray .woe_state_0[0],1,0,0,0,0,0,0; Try this: setarray .woe_state_0[0],1,1,0,0,0,0,0; and see what's happen
  15. I'm looking around and found this, may help you: https://rathena.org/board/topic/106364-instance-is-already-in-use-while-trying-to-duplicate-npc/
  16. Já olhou os arquivos .lua ? Senão me engano a tradução das skills fica lá, talvez a tradução que você quer também
  17. I guess the array .Shops$ is global. So you get the objects from .Shops$ of the first NPC. I just put the NPC on WordPad and replace .Shops$ to .Shops1$ I don't have rA on my PC, so idk if it worked Try this:
  18. Boa noite pessoal, Eu estava pensando será que consigo rodar o rA no Winserver 2003 R2, junto com o visual studio 2010 pra compilar o emulador ? É mais leve e tal e me quebraria um galho agora rodar no winserver
  19. Eu fui mexer com uns custons e não achei o item_db2, olhei no mysql não tem nada também, eu tentei colocar as linhas código no item_db e também não apareceu nada no jogo, eu uso @item e não aparece nada no jogo, fala que falhou.
  20. Hello guys, I tryed to diff 2014-10-22 Ragexe with the N.E.M.O but, didn't work, the patched hexed disappear from the folder, the NEMO generates the .txt file from hexed and for some seconds I can see the patched hexed, but very fast disapper, I don't know if the problem is the hexed, NEMO or something in my system. @Edit: The problem was my antivirus, I switch off for a little bit and it doesn't delete the patched.exe
  21. You need to search on internet, but i think the sakexe and ragexe still working. (is different from ragexeRE). You will need an old data folder with the old skin, the hexed may be easy to find, try to search for Xray 2009, In the past have a lot of this client on internet. @edit Is better search for sakexe 2009 or ragexe xray forum, doesn't online anymore (i guess)
  22. Procura dentro da pasta scr o arquivo renewal.h e comenta as linhas ( poem essas barrinhas // ) e pronto só curtir
  23. É na sua data, você vai ter que abrir a grf do bRo, procurar pelo arquivo skillinfobr e mudar o nome pra skillinfokr e subistituir na sua data
  24. Tem que ver se voce ta preenchendo todos os campos do formulario e ou se ta certo a forma que voce preenche, eu nao comprei nada por aqui
  25. Tem que ver alguma coluna da tabela estava ja sendo usada pra clans e voce pegou e colocou a classe
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