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Everything posted by TheKingDino

  1. You did nothing wrong. Of course it won't be described as such until you edit the client side descriptions.
  2. Must we use the macro constant of USHRT_MAX or is LONG_MAX an option? Has anyone messed with this? I simply ask because a lot of new item IDs are unfortunately beyond the 61k limit. They are unnecessarily so, but I'm trying to keep them aligned with the IDs I find on Divine Pride. ///Maximum allowed Item ID (range: 1 ~ 65,534) #define MAX_ITEMID USHRT_MAX Located in map/itemdb.hpp
  3. SQL. I'm confused as to what you mean. do you mean the first account in Login grid? s1/p1? Or individually for each account. (I want to avoid having to do that)
  4. How do I make it so the _M/_F creation defaults to group_id 99 instead of 0? I need this for a test server of mine. I've been using a bandaid solution of just going to mysql and changing them whenever I make one, but my friend and I need a better alternative than that. And having to type #adjgroup xxx 99 isn't desirable either.
  5. Awesome. Thanks for letting me know! I hope you guys keep up the good work.
  6. It isn't a bug. You are still getting +2% damage with your attacks and most attack based skills. But like I said before it doesn't increase base attack in the same way the other modifier affects MATK.
  7. That is because bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,2; is the modifier for the Atk. It is working, it just doesn't display through your Atk stat. It doesn't function the exact same way either. But if you want to make an item directly affect the BaseAtk there is this function: bonus bAtkRate,n; Attack power + n% (unofficial) But as it says in the doc/item_bonus.txt it is unofficial, so you don't see it used. I haven't used it myself but it should work.
  8. It is working. That's the default. The value isn't literally interpreted as 20000 weight. I've never messed with the weight values in the job_db but I would recommend trying to multiple the value by 10 or something and see what that does. I'm not sure if it'll effect the max base weight or the Str stat scaling of max weight instead. So something like // Novice 0, 200000,0 If it works then you'd have to change every single class's weight in the job_db, though. Which seems like a bad way to go about it.
  9. https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/28130/avenger-2 Oddly there are entries in the re/item_db.txt for IDs beyond this weapon. I'm fine with adding these myself but I was wondering if someone had already done these. Or knows why this item is missing from my rAthena. (I'm up-to-date.) If anyone has a comprehensive list of those missing but still in lua and grfs I will gladly add them all and release it later if needed.
  10. Thank you so much! I'm still getting the hang of rAthena and wasn't aware of the groups.conf
  11. Is there any way to turn this off? Where do I look in the src? Or in the conf? I have the most recent rAthena btw.
  12. Thanks! That helps explain why I don't have it and cannot find it.
  13. https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/5870/bunny-egg-shell ID 5870. Isn't in the up-to-date kRO grfs, or iRO grfs. Error calls: --------------------------- Error --------------------------- Cannot find File : sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³²\³²_Åä³¢¸Ó¸®¾Ë²®Áú.act --------------------------- OK --------------------------- --------------------------- Error --------------------------- Spr :: Cannot find File : sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³²\³²_Åä³¢¸Ó¸®¾Ë²®Áú.spr --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
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