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About Aurora

  • Birthday 07/09/1992

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    In The Sky
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About Me


Well, let's see. I've alive for over nineteen years, and was born in Austell, Georgia, on the ninth of July, in the year of 1992. I'm pretty confident about the things I know, and the things I'm slowly starting to learn, though I can admit when I'm wrong, and I can take being corrected or constructive criticism. I don't like taking crap from other people, but I am nice to usually everyone. I always try to come off as polite as possible when I express my opinion, or when I debate, and I always make it a habit to consider another person's idea.

I love to sing, dance, act, and takes photos (art). I'm an anime freak, and proud of it. I'm an oddball, and I don't like fitting in. I'm perfectly fine with wearing sweatpants and a tank top out to places. I was raised with brothers, which means I find most female things unusually disgusting or unnecessary. I also make it a habit to surround myself with guys as friends, though the few girl friends I have I cherish almost more than anything, and they're probably the coolest people I know. I burp, I fart, and I do everything a lady shouldn't do, but then again, I don't entirely consider myself a lady. Don't get me wrong, I care about how I look, but for myself, and no one else. I could care less about what you think.

All in all, I'm a very laid back person, though I do get extremely spunky or hyper at times, which is usually why people tend to think I'm someone I'm not at first glance.

On a more personal note, my given name is Sarah. That's Hebrew for 'Princess' or 'Refined Lady'. It's associated with beauty but also with impudence. I'm far more eloquent behind a keyboard than I manage to be in the real world. I'm steadfast, reliable, intuitive, judgmental, conservative, conscientious and creative. To know, most would say I'm pretty well kept to myself but loud at the same time, those that know me well would say far from the quiet little girl in the corner. In other words, don't judge a book by its cover.

I'm also taken by an extremely amazing man. His name is Matthew Michael Brown, and I love him more than the world. You also know him as Lysander. He has proven to be the most amazing man I have ever met. He takes care of me, as I take care of him, and he is my world, my Matthew, my Chewy. In such a short time, we've already gone through so much and taught each other so much, and I can't wait for the rest of our lives that we have together to continue to do just that, and continue to make each other happy. You have done nothing but show me how extraordinary you really are. You're like a firework, to me. I fall for you again every morning, every time you say I love you, and every night. I love you, my Mattchew.

I'm a game addict, I won't hide it. I play games from MMORPGs such as Perfect World, WoW (gross), Halo (occasionally), Unreal Tournament, and a lot more that I can't remember, to good, ol' fashioned, console games such as Final Fantasy VII. I've gotten myself away from the internet-like games, though, and have slowly begun to fall back in love with good, old-fashioned console games. I'm still praying that God drop an Xbox 360 on my door step.

As far as it goes for Ragnarok? I've been playing since the end of the last open beta. So, roughly nine years. I've been a part of server staffs for about five/six of those years. I've been through it all, and even though I'm typically a cool, laidback person, I don't stand for bullshit, trolls, flaming or just plain idiots. With that being said, I'm usually described as a fair staff member. I take the time to consider another's idea, involve myself with the community, and attempt to do the best job I possibly can.

Oh, and did I mention I love to read? Reading is probably my favorite past-time, and when I love a book, I can get it read in a single night.

I'm complex, convoluted, other synonyms for complicated. Figure me out in your own time.


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