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Everything posted by RyokoMVP

  1. @emistry : i already use your script , but still doesnt want to make a event log @phpmyadmin are my event_log.sql already to old ?
  2. this is my full scriptCluckers.txt
  3. : DB error - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `event` = 'Mr Password' AND `won_by` IS NULL' at line 1 [Debug]: at script.c:15731 - INSERT INTO `event_log` SET `won_by` = 'RyokoMVP', `won_time` = NOW(), `price_id` = 607, `price_amount` = 1 WHERE `event` = 'Mr Password' AND `won_by` IS NULL [Debug]: Source (NPC): Mr Password at prontera (141,175) [sql]: DB error - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `event` = 'Mr Password' AND `won_by` IS NULL' at line 1 [Debug]: at script.c:15731 - INSERT INTO `event_log` SET `won_by` = 'RyokoMVP', `won_time` = NOW(), `price_id` = 607, `price_amount` = 1 WHERE `event` = 'Mr Password' AND `won_by` IS NULL
  4. hello i want to ask , before i use this script n SQL files work fine 100% , but now itsnt work again. my friend say now they dont use UPDATE and WHERE. but still error after i change it. can somebody help me? Query_SQL("UPDATE `event_log` SET `won_by` = '" + Escape_SQL(StrCharInfo(0)) + "', `won_time` = NOW(), `price_id` = " + $get_item_id + ", `price_amount` = " + $get_item_amount + " WHERE `event` = 'Mr Password' AND `won_by` IS NULL"); Event_Log.sql thanks for help
  5. i want to ask something , are NPC leo will give splendide coin more than one every day or only 1 every day ? he is eclage Daily Quest. thanks for your help
  6. i use newest rAthena emulator , but why i always ged error like this when start the map server?
  7. why i got error like this when compiling ?? i think i dont change anything...except mmo.h
  8. oh my GOD !! awesome updates map....i hope this map will release soon in rAthena and the mobs too >_<
  9. maybe thats a error at 2013-08-07a change to other date ,,,
  10. thanks for your best answer but can i download 1 branches only ( trunk ) via github ? i'll try to read github guide on wiki page i hope sometimes the SVN will updated >_<"
  11. u use 2013-08-07aRagexe ?? maybe error from the exe
  12. hello , im sorry for ask stupid question , but im newbie here lol... i use rA because it's always update and use SVN , but from september rA use GITHUB and don't use SVN again... whatever , i don't wont use GITHUB because it's make me confuse...so i still want use SVN at november 2013 i can download use SVN ( svn co https://github.com/rathena/rathena/trunk ) but now , i want to download that's file again and it say page not found... so what i must do if want to download latest rA use SVN not GITHUB...please help me because if i use ( svn co https://github.com/rathena/rathena ) , will download rathena/branches/char_refac my source when download latest rA use SVN http://rathena.org/board/topic/87120-transitioning-from-svn-to-git/?p=227682 I HOPE someday rA make 2 source ( GITHUB And SVN ) so newbie can download New SVN Easy please help me ASAP sorry for bad english
  13. i got problem with new rAthena server rev 17690 because i got DISCONECT from server after select character and NO ERROR at map / login / char server but when i test my exe to my old svn ( ra 17670 ) it's work good !! this is my detail char_athena.conf inter_athena.conf login_athena.conf map_athena.conf packet_db.txt My EXE : http://www.mediafire.com/?543689zd9yn7689 MMO.H Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef _MMO_H_ #define _MMO_H_ #include "cbasetypes.h" #include "../common/db.h" #include <time.h> // server->client protocol version // 0 - pre-? // 1 - ? - 0x196 // 2 - ? - 0x78, 0x79 // 3 - ? - 0x1c8, 0x1c9, 0x1de // 4 - ? - 0x1d7, 0x1d8, 0x1d9, 0x1da // 5 - 2003-12-18aSakexe+ - 0x1ee, 0x1ef, 0x1f0, ?0x1c4, 0x1c5? // 6 - 2004-03-02aSakexe+ - 0x1f4, 0x1f5 // 7 - 2005-04-11aSakexe+ - 0x229, 0x22a, 0x22b, 0x22c // 20061023 - 2006-10-23aSakexe+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20070521 - 2007-05-21aSakexe+ - 0x283 // 20070821 - 2007-08-21aSakexe+ - 0x2c5 // 20070918 - 2007-09-18aSakexe+ - 0x2d7, 0x2d9, 0x2da // 20071106 - 2007-11-06aSakexe+ - 0x78, 0x7c, 0x22c // 20080102 - 2008-01-02aSakexe+ - 0x2ec, 0x2ed , 0x2ee // 20081126 - 2008-11-26aSakexe+ - 0x1a2 // 20090408 - 2009-04-08aSakexe+ - 0x44a (dont use as it overlaps with RE client packets) // 20080827 - 2008-08-27aRagexeRE+ - First RE Client // 20081217 - 2008-12-17aRagexeRE+ - 0x6d (Note: This one still use old Char Info Packet Structure) // 20081218 - 2008-12-17bRagexeRE+ - 0x6d (Note: From this one client use new Char Info Packet Structure) // 20090603 - 2009-06-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x7d7, 0x7d8, 0x7d9, 0x7da // 20090617 - 2009-06-17aRagexeRE+ - 0x7d9 // 20090922 - 2009-09-22aRagexeRE+ - 0x7e5, 0x7e7, 0x7e8, 0x7e9 // 20091103 - 2009-11-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x7f7, 0x7f8, 0x7f9 // 20100105 - 2010-01-05aRagexeRE+ - 0x133, 0x800, 0x801 // 20100126 - 2010-01-26aRagexeRE+ - 0x80e // 20100223 - 2010-02-23aRagexeRE+ - 0x80f // 20100413 - 2010-04-13aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b // 20100629 - 2010-06-29aRagexeRE+ - 0x2d0, 0xaa, 0x2d1, 0x2d2 // 20100721 - 2010-07-21aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20100727 - 2010-07-27aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20100803 - 2010-08-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x827, 0x828, 0x829, 0x82a, 0x82b, 0x82c, 0x842, 0x843 // 20101124 - 2010-11-24aRagexeRE+ - 0x856, 0x857, 0x858 // 20110111 - 2011-01-11aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20110928 - 2011-09-28aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20111025 - 2011-10-25aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20120307 - 2012-03-07aRagexeRE+ - 0x970 #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20120410 //#define PACKETVER 20130320 //#define PACKETVER 20111116 #endif //Remove/Comment this line to disable sc_data saving. [Skotlex] #define ENABLE_SC_SAVING //Remove/Comment this line to disable server-side hot-key saving support [Skotlex] //Note that newer clients no longer save hotkeys in the registry! #define HOTKEY_SAVING #if PACKETVER < 20090603 // (27 = 9 skills x 3 bars) (0x02b9,191) #define MAX_HOTKEYS 27 #elif PACKETVER < 20090617 // (36 = 9 skills x 4 bars) (0x07d9,254) #define MAX_HOTKEYS 36 #else // (38 = 9 skills x 4 bars & 2 Quickslots)(0x07d9,268) #define MAX_HOTKEYS 38 #endif #define MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER 1500 // Increased to allow creation of Instance Maps #define MAX_INVENTORY 100 //Max number of characters per account. Note that changing this setting alone is not enough if the client is not hexed to support more characters as well. #define MAX_CHARS 9 //Number of slots carded equipment can have. Never set to less than 4 as they are also used to keep the data of forged items/equipment. [Skotlex] //Note: The client seems unable to receive data for more than 4 slots due to all related packets having a fixed size. #define MAX_SLOTS 4 //Max amount of a single stacked item #define MAX_AMOUNT 30000 #define MAX_ZENY 2000000000 #define MAX_FAME 1000000000 #define MAX_CART 100 #define MAX_SKILL 5020 #define GLOBAL_REG_NUM 256 // max permanent character variables per char #define ACCOUNT_REG_NUM 64 // max permanent local account variables per account #define ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM 16 // max permanent global account variables per account //Should hold the max of GLOBAL/ACCOUNT/ACCOUNT2 (needed for some arrays that hold all three) #define MAX_REG_NUM 256 #define DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED 150 #define MIN_WALK_SPEED 0 #define MAX_WALK_SPEED 1000 #define MAX_STORAGE 600 #define MAX_GUILD_STORAGE 600 #define MAX_PARTY 12 #define MAX_GUILD 16+10*6 // increased max guild members +6 per 1 extension levels [Lupus] #define MAX_GUILDPOSITION 20 // increased max guild positions to accomodate for all members [Valaris] (removed) [PoW] #define MAX_GUILDEXPULSION 32 #define MAX_GUILDALLIANCE 16 #define MAX_GUILDSKILL 15 // increased max guild skills because of new skills [Sara-chan] #define MAX_GUILDLEVEL 50 #define MAX_GUARDIANS 8 //Local max per castle. [Skotlex] #define MAX_QUEST_DB 2700 //Max quests that the server will load #define MAX_QUEST_OBJECTIVES 3 //Max quest objectives for a quest // for produce #define MIN_ATTRIBUTE 0 #define MAX_ATTRIBUTE 4 #define ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0 #define MIN_STAR 0 #define MAX_STAR 3 #define MAX_STATUS_TYPE 5 #define WEDDING_RING_M 2634 #define WEDDING_RING_F 2635 //For character names, title names, guilds, maps, etc. //Includes null-terminator as it is the length of the array. #define NAME_LENGTH (23 + 1) //For item names, which tend to have much longer names. #define ITEM_NAME_LENGTH 50 //For Map Names, which the client considers to be 16 in length including the .gat extension #define MAP_NAME_LENGTH (11 + 1) #define MAP_NAME_LENGTH_EXT (MAP_NAME_LENGTH + 4) //Pincode Length #define PINCODE_LENGTH 4 #define MAX_FRIENDS 40 #define MAX_MEMOPOINTS 3 #define MAX_SKILLCOOLDOWN 20 //Size of the fame list arrays. #define MAX_FAME_LIST 10 //Limits to avoid ID collision with other game objects #define START_ACCOUNT_NUM 2000000 #define END_ACCOUNT_NUM 100000000 #define START_CHAR_NUM 150000 //Guilds #define MAX_GUILDMES1 60 #define MAX_GUILDMES2 120 //Base Homun skill. #define HM_SKILLBASE 8001 #define MAX_HOMUNSKILL 43 #define MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS 52 //[orn], Increased to 60 from 16 to allow new Homun-S. #define HM_CLASS_BASE 6001 #define HM_CLASS_MAX (HM_CLASS_BASE+MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS-1) //Mail System #define MAIL_MAX_INBOX 30 #define MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH 40 #define MAIL_BODY_LENGTH 200 //Mercenary System #define MC_SKILLBASE 8201 #define MAX_MERCSKILL 40 #define MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS 61 //Elemental System #define MAX_ELEMENTALSKILL 42 #define EL_SKILLBASE 8401 #define MAX_ELESKILLTREE 3 #define MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS 12 #define EL_CLASS_BASE 2114 #define EL_CLASS_MAX (EL_CLASS_BASE+MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS-1) enum item_types { IT_HEALING = 0, IT_UNKNOWN, //1 IT_USABLE, //2 IT_ETC, //3 IT_WEAPON, //4 IT_ARMOR, //5 IT_CARD, //6 IT_PETEGG, //7 IT_PETARMOR,//8 IT_UNKNOWN2,//9 IT_AMMO, //10 IT_DELAYCONSUME,//11 IT_CASH = 18, IT_MAX }; //Questlog system [Kevin] [Inkfish] typedef enum quest_state { Q_INACTIVE, Q_ACTIVE, Q_COMPLETE } quest_state; struct quest { int quest_id; unsigned int time; int count[MAX_QUEST_OBJECTIVES]; quest_state state; }; struct item { int id; short nameid; short amount; unsigned short equip; // location(s) where item is equipped (using enum equip_pos for bitmasking) char identify; char refine; char attribute; short card[MAX_SLOTS]; unsigned int expire_time; char favorite, bound; uint64 unique_id; }; struct point { unsigned short map; short x,y; }; enum e_skill_flag { SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT, SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY, SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED, SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0, // temporary skill overshadowing permanent skill of level 'N - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0', SKILL_FLAG_PERM_GRANTED, // permanent, granted through someway e.g. script SKILL_FLAG_TMP_COMBO, //@FIXME for homon combo atm //... }; struct s_skill { unsigned short id; unsigned char lv; unsigned char flag; // see enum e_skill_flag }; struct global_reg { char str[32]; char value[256]; }; //Holds array of global registries, used by the char server and converter. struct accreg { int account_id, char_id; int reg_num; struct global_reg reg[MAX_REG_NUM]; }; //For saving status changes across sessions. [Skotlex] struct status_change_data { unsigned short type; //SC_type long val1, val2, val3, val4, tick; //Remaining duration. }; struct skill_cooldown_data { unsigned short skill_id; long tick; }; struct storage_data { int storage_amount; struct item items[MAX_STORAGE]; }; struct guild_storage { int dirty; int guild_id; short storage_status; short storage_amount; struct item items[MAX_GUILD_STORAGE]; unsigned short lock; }; struct s_pet { int account_id; int char_id; int pet_id; short class_; short level; short egg_id;//pet egg id short equip;//pet equip name_id short intimate;//pet friendly short hungry;//pet hungry char name[NAME_LENGTH]; char rename_flag; char incuvate; }; struct s_homunculus { //[orn] char name[NAME_LENGTH]; int hom_id; int char_id; short class_; short prev_class; int hp,max_hp,sp,max_sp; unsigned int intimacy; //[orn] short hunger; struct s_skill hskill[MAX_HOMUNSKILL]; //albator short skillpts; short level; unsigned int exp; short rename_flag; short vaporize; //albator int str ; int agi ; int vit ; int int_ ; int dex ; int luk ; char spiritball; //for homun S [lighta] }; struct s_mercenary { int mercenary_id; int char_id; short class_; int hp, sp; unsigned int kill_count; unsigned int life_time; }; struct s_elemental { int elemental_id; int char_id; short class_; int mode; int hp, sp, max_hp, max_sp, matk, atk, atk2; short hit, flee, amotion, def, mdef; int life_time; }; struct s_friend { int account_id; int char_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; }; #ifdef HOTKEY_SAVING struct hotkey { unsigned int id; unsigned short lv; unsigned char type; // 0: item, 1: skill }; #endif struct mmo_charstatus { int char_id; int account_id; int partner_id; int father; int mother; int child; unsigned int base_exp,job_exp; int zeny; short class_; unsigned int status_point,skill_point; int hp,max_hp,sp,max_sp; unsigned int option; short manner; unsigned char karma; short hair,hair_color,clothes_color; int party_id,guild_id,pet_id,hom_id,mer_id,ele_id; int fame; // Mercenary Guilds Rank int arch_faith, arch_calls; int spear_faith, spear_calls; int sword_faith, sword_calls; short weapon; // enum weapon_type short shield; // view-id short head_top,head_mid,head_bottom; short robe; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned int base_level,job_level; short str,agi,vit,int_,dex,luk; unsigned char slot,sex; uint32 mapip; uint16 mapport; struct point last_point,save_point,memo_point[MAX_MEMOPOINTS]; struct item inventory[MAX_INVENTORY],cart[MAX_CART]; struct storage_data storage; struct s_skill skill[MAX_SKILL]; struct s_friend friends[MAX_FRIENDS]; //New friend system [Skotlex] #ifdef HOTKEY_SAVING struct hotkey hotkeys[MAX_HOTKEYS]; #endif bool show_equip; short rename; time_t delete_date; // Char server addon system unsigned int character_moves; }; typedef enum mail_status { MAIL_NEW, MAIL_UNREAD, MAIL_READ, } mail_status; struct mail_message { int id; int send_id; char send_name[NAME_LENGTH]; int dest_id; char dest_name[NAME_LENGTH]; char title[MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH]; char body[MAIL_BODY_LENGTH]; mail_status status; time_t timestamp; // marks when the message was sent int zeny; struct item item; }; struct mail_data { short amount; bool full; short unchecked, unread; struct mail_message msg[MAIL_MAX_INBOX]; }; struct auction_data { unsigned int auction_id; int seller_id; char seller_name[NAME_LENGTH]; int buyer_id; char buyer_name[NAME_LENGTH]; struct item item; // This data is required for searching, as itemdb is not read by char server char item_name[ITEM_NAME_LENGTH]; short type; unsigned short hours; int price, buynow; time_t timestamp; // auction's end time int auction_end_timer; }; struct registry { int global_num; struct global_reg global[GLOBAL_REG_NUM]; int account_num; struct global_reg account[ACCOUNT_REG_NUM]; int account2_num; struct global_reg account2[ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM]; }; struct party_member { int account_id; int char_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned short class_; unsigned short map; unsigned short lv; unsigned leader : 1, online : 1; }; struct party { int party_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned char count; //Count of online characters. unsigned exp : 1, item : 2; //&1: Party-Share (round-robin), &2: pickup style: shared. struct party_member member[MAX_PARTY]; }; struct map_session_data; struct guild_member { int account_id, char_id; short hair,hair_color,gender,class_,lv; uint64 exp; int exp_payper; short online,position; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; struct map_session_data *sd; unsigned char modified; }; struct guild_position { char name[NAME_LENGTH]; int mode; int exp_mode; unsigned char modified; }; struct guild_alliance { int opposition; int guild_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; }; struct guild_expulsion { char name[NAME_LENGTH]; char mes[40]; int account_id; }; struct guild_skill { int id,lv; }; struct guild { int guild_id; short guild_lv, connect_member, max_member, average_lv; uint64 exp; unsigned int next_exp; int skill_point; char name[NAME_LENGTH],master[NAME_LENGTH]; struct guild_member member[MAX_GUILD]; struct guild_position position[MAX_GUILDPOSITION]; char mes1[MAX_GUILDMES1],mes2[MAX_GUILDMES2]; int emblem_len,emblem_id; char emblem_data[2048]; struct guild_alliance alliance[MAX_GUILDALLIANCE]; struct guild_expulsion expulsion[MAX_GUILDEXPULSION]; struct guild_skill skill[MAX_GUILDSKILL]; /* TODO: still used for something? */ unsigned short save_flag; // for TXT saving void *channel; }; struct guild_castle { int castle_id; int mapindex; char castle_name[NAME_LENGTH]; char castle_event[NAME_LENGTH]; int guild_id; int economy; int defense; int triggerE; int triggerD; int nextTime; int payTime; int createTime; int visibleC; struct { unsigned visible : 1; int id; // object id } guardian[MAX_GUARDIANS]; int* temp_guardians; // ids of temporary guardians (mobs) int temp_guardians_max; }; struct fame_list { int id; int fame; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; }; enum { //Change Guild Infos GBI_EXP =1, // Guild Experience (EXP) GBI_GUILDLV, // Guild level GBI_SKILLPOINT, // Guild skillpoints GBI_SKILLLV, // Guild skill_lv ?? seem unused }; enum { //Change Member Infos GMI_POSITION =0, GMI_EXP, GMI_HAIR, GMI_HAIR_COLOR, GMI_GENDER, GMI_CLASS, GMI_LEVEL, }; enum e_guild_skill { GD_SKILLBASE=10000, GD_APPROVAL=10000, GD_KAFRACONTRACT=10001, GD_GUARDRESEARCH=10002, GD_GUARDUP=10003, GD_EXTENSION=10004, GD_GLORYGUILD=10005, GD_LEADERSHIP=10006, GD_GLORYWOUNDS=10007, GD_SOULCOLD=10008, GD_HAWKEYES=10009, GD_BATTLEORDER=10010, GD_REGENERATION=10011, GD_RESTORE=10012, GD_EMERGENCYCALL=10013, GD_DEVELOPMENT=10014, GD_ITEMEMERGENCYCALL=10015, GD_MAX, }; //These mark the ID of the jobs, as expected by the client. [Skotlex] enum { JOB_NOVICE, JOB_SWORDMAN, JOB_MAGE, JOB_ARCHER, JOB_ACOLYTE, JOB_MERCHANT, JOB_THIEF, JOB_KNIGHT, JOB_PRIEST, JOB_WIZARD, JOB_BLACKSMITH, JOB_HUNTER, JOB_ASSASSIN, JOB_KNIGHT2, JOB_CRUSADER, JOB_MONK, JOB_SAGE, JOB_ROGUE, JOB_ALCHEMIST, JOB_BARD, JOB_DANCER, JOB_CRUSADER2, JOB_WEDDING, JOB_SUPER_NOVICE, JOB_GUNSLINGER, JOB_NINJA, JOB_XMAS, JOB_SUMMER, JOB_HANBOK, JOB_MAX_BASIC, JOB_NOVICE_HIGH = 4001, JOB_SWORDMAN_HIGH, JOB_MAGE_HIGH, JOB_ARCHER_HIGH, JOB_ACOLYTE_HIGH, JOB_MERCHANT_HIGH, JOB_THIEF_HIGH, JOB_LORD_KNIGHT, JOB_HIGH_PRIEST, JOB_HIGH_WIZARD, JOB_WHITESMITH, JOB_SNIPER, JOB_ASSASSIN_CROSS, JOB_LORD_KNIGHT2, JOB_PALADIN, JOB_CHAMPION, JOB_PROFESSOR, JOB_STALKER, JOB_CREATOR, JOB_CLOWN, JOB_GYPSY, JOB_PALADIN2, JOB_BABY, JOB_BABY_SWORDMAN, JOB_BABY_MAGE, JOB_BABY_ARCHER, JOB_BABY_ACOLYTE, JOB_BABY_MERCHANT, JOB_BABY_THIEF, JOB_BABY_KNIGHT, JOB_BABY_PRIEST, JOB_BABY_WIZARD, JOB_BABY_BLACKSMITH, JOB_BABY_HUNTER, JOB_BABY_ASSASSIN, JOB_BABY_KNIGHT2, JOB_BABY_CRUSADER, JOB_BABY_MONK, JOB_BABY_SAGE, JOB_BABY_ROGUE, JOB_BABY_ALCHEMIST, JOB_BABY_BARD, JOB_BABY_DANCER, JOB_BABY_CRUSADER2, JOB_SUPER_BABY, JOB_TAEKWON, JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR, JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR2, JOB_SOUL_LINKER, JOB_GANGSI, JOB_DEATH_KNIGHT, JOB_DARK_COLLECTOR, JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT = 4054, JOB_WARLOCK, JOB_RANGER, JOB_ARCH_BISHOP, JOB_MECHANIC, JOB_GUILLOTINE_CROSS, JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT_T, JOB_WARLOCK_T, JOB_RANGER_T, JOB_ARCH_BISHOP_T, JOB_MECHANIC_T, JOB_GUILLOTINE_CROSS_T, JOB_ROYAL_GUARD, JOB_SORCERER, JOB_MINSTREL, JOB_WANDERER, JOB_SURA, JOB_GENETIC, JOB_SHADOW_CHASER, JOB_ROYAL_GUARD_T, JOB_SORCERER_T, JOB_MINSTREL_T, JOB_WANDERER_T, JOB_SURA_T, JOB_GENETIC_T, JOB_SHADOW_CHASER_T, JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT2, JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT_T2, JOB_ROYAL_GUARD2, JOB_ROYAL_GUARD_T2, JOB_RANGER2, JOB_RANGER_T2, JOB_MECHANIC2, JOB_MECHANIC_T2, JOB_BABY_RUNE = 4096, JOB_BABY_WARLOCK, JOB_BABY_RANGER, JOB_BABY_BISHOP, JOB_BABY_MECHANIC, JOB_BABY_CROSS, JOB_BABY_GUARD, JOB_BABY_SORCERER, JOB_BABY_MINSTREL, JOB_BABY_WANDERER, JOB_BABY_SURA, JOB_BABY_GENETIC, JOB_BABY_CHASER, JOB_BABY_RUNE2, JOB_BABY_GUARD2, JOB_BABY_RANGER2, JOB_BABY_MECHANIC2, JOB_SUPER_NOVICE_E = 4190, JOB_SUPER_BABY_E, JOB_KAGEROU = 4211, JOB_OBORO, JOB_MAX, }; enum { SEX_FEMALE = 0, SEX_MALE, SEX_SERVER }; // sanity checks... #if MAX_ZENY > INT_MAX #error MAX_ZENY is too big #endif #endif /* _MMO_H_ */
  14. @^ just see my attach script there is no comment in line 1
  15. ERROR [Warning]: script error on npc/miaw/Healer_Talk.txt line 1 script:script->skip_space: end of file while parsing block comment. expected */ * 1 : { 2 : 3 : OnS1: 4 : if(Zeny < 500) goto NeedZenys; 5 : set Zeny,zeny-500; 6 : percentheal 100,100; My Script HH.txt I already try to RE-WRITE 2x the script from line 1 to line 111 , and still error @_@~
  16. nice jobs , i want this job release ASAP in rAthena.... hope rebellion skill are balance - RyokoMVP -
  17. i use 2013-06-26 but why when i open RO Launcher ( R.O.L.eX.LQ ) , This Launcher Always Download Patch From kRO (Non Renewall) So Will Update data.grf like rsu-kro-rag-lite how to make that's launcher not download kRO patch ?thanks for help problem solved after i change ; Filename of Official updater - rsu-kro-rag-lite.exe is used by default ;ExeName="ragnarok1234.exe" i got this problem too..and i waste my 3hours for fix this error TT just extract this file into your RO Folder And Rename Your OLD System Folder Into Sytem1 Download Here Sytem Folder
  18. i got this problem too TT someone please help me
  19. can you guide me to setup that? or link for the tutorials? contact me By PM
  20. @yudi : use VPS ( Virtual Private Server )
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