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Posts posted by Visual

  1. On 3/22/2019 at 2:34 PM, Haikenz said:

    @Fahhad @TrustGTX

    Hi, sorry for the delay, so you need to use SQL mode instead of TXT


    // Use SQL item_db, mob_db and mob_skill_db for the map server? (yes / no)
    use_sql_db: yes

    import sql-files/item_cash_db.sql

    You can now use npc!
    When you start adding items to the store it does not appear immediately, you have to relogue the character to appear.


    Is it possible to do something so that not the entire server is translated into sql?

  2. send me with style.css background code

    nice! Background fix. Now change the background on images. Photoshop open and forward.

    *and logo fix pos.



    .notification.is-primary {
    1. /* background-color: #00d1b2; */
    2. background: url (https://img00.deviantart.net/c919/i/2015/356/2/9/commission___ro_fan_art_by_sa_dui-d9l429d.jpg) bottom no-repeat;
    3. color: #fff;
  3. 3 hours ago, justin50 said:

    Can anyone help me to modify this please

    i want to limit players to 7 and auto party when entered

    thank you



    As an example:


    	if(getmapusers(.EnterMap$[5]) < .MinPlayers[5])


    OnMazeStart:	//-- Maze Event
    	mapwarp .EnterMap$[5],"prontera",155,172;
    	enablenpc "mazeroadblock";
    	disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze";
    	$@CurrentEvent = 5;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .bombflag ); .@i++ )
    		setmapflag .EnterMap$[5], .bombflag[.@i];
    	$@CurrentEvent = -5;
    	sleep 9000;
    	if(getmapusers(.EnterMap$[5]) < .MinPlayers[5])
    		mapannounce .EnterMap$[5],"Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[5]+"!",bc_blue;
    	else {
    		mapannounce .EnterMap$[5],"Rules are simple first to get to end of maze wins, so begin~",bc_blue;
    		disablenpc "mazeroadblock";
    		enablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze";
    		for(.@maze = 40; .@maze > 0; .@maze--){
    			if(getmapusers(.EnterMap$[5])<1) .@maze = 0;
    			mapannounce .EnterMap$[5],"There are "+(.@maze)+" Minuets Remaining",bc_blue;
    			sleep 60000;
    		mapannounce .EnterMap$[5],"Time Is up",bc_blue;
    	for ( .@i = 6; .@i < getarraysize( .bombflag ); .@i++ )
    		removemapflag .EnterMap$[5], .bombflag[.@i];
    	disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze";
    	sleep 5000;
    	mapwarp .EnterMap$[5],"prontera",155,172;
    	$@CurrentEvent = 0;


  4. 21 minutes ago, TheDerpySupport said:

    With 2018 Clients you can do one of two things to support langtype 1;

    1. In your `luafiles514/lua files/` folder there is a folder called "Service_Korea" and within it a file called "ExternalSettings_KR"; Rename the folder to "service_usa" and the file to "externalsettings_usa"

    2. With NEMO diff your client to use the "Always read Korean External Settings"


    This is not true so please do not spread false information

    but how with russia lang? I begin to write in Russian letters and he automatically writes in Korean letters

  5. On 10.09.2017 at 0:59 PM, Najara said:

    Your graphics don't show up as it directs to the hosting's main site, plus, the advertisement images on there aren't exactly decent. 

    I'm only looking out for you, so you can take actions and avoid being warned by a mod.


    throw me an alternative photo hosting^_^

  6. 2 minutes ago, kanakochan said:

    Yeah ! It's absolutely so more attractive ! :D

    I have a friend who will do a template for me, but I wanna finish this one before, its like my baby you know ! (that the whole story :p)
    Im keeping thoses files too, just in case ^^

    Thx for all your kind answers, I added you in my notebook, in the friends' column! :D

    Your CP very old and has sql injection through the built-in forum.

    I remember a similar panel, there was a bug with forum.

  7. Just now, kanakochan said:

    Got it ! I have somes troubles with jquerry :P Thx for your advice.

    Or try to take a ready-made template and put it on the panel. 

    Even without knowing how to write the correct php code, you can easily install it, using the substitution method. Will take more than the time, but it will be 100%.

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