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Everything posted by Visual

  1. character who adds things does not see them
  2. Is it possible to do something so that not the entire server is translated into sql?
  3. send me with style.css background code nice! Background fix. Now change the background on images. Photoshop open and forward. *and logo fix pos. .notification.is-primary { /* background-color: #00d1b2; */ background: url (https://img00.deviantart.net/c919/i/2015/356/2/9/commission___ro_fan_art_by_sa_dui-d9l429d.jpg) bottom no-repeat; color: #fff; }
  4. Background image function: background-attachment:fixed; and emperium time background (green) change on image
  5. 2 works have been added, the administration still does not want to confirm them. Prejudiced attitude?
  6. change the green background to the image. And fixed background
  7. Update main page and add support eng lang.
  8. As an example: * if(getmapusers(.EnterMap$[5]) < .MinPlayers[5]) OnMazeStart: //-- Maze Event //================================== mapwarp .EnterMap$[5],"prontera",155,172; enablenpc "mazeroadblock"; disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; $@CurrentEvent = 5; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .bombflag ); .@i++ ) setmapflag .EnterMap$[5], .bombflag[.@i]; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -5; sleep 9000; if(getmapusers(.EnterMap$[5]) < .MinPlayers[5]) mapannounce .EnterMap$[5],"Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[5]+"!",bc_blue; else { mapannounce .EnterMap$[5],"Rules are simple first to get to end of maze wins, so begin~",bc_blue; disablenpc "mazeroadblock"; enablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; for(.@maze = 40; .@maze > 0; .@maze--){ if(getmapusers(.EnterMap$[5])<1) .@maze = 0; mapannounce .EnterMap$[5],"There are "+(.@maze)+" Minuets Remaining",bc_blue; sleep 60000; } mapannounce .EnterMap$[5],"Time Is up",bc_blue; } for ( .@i = 6; .@i < getarraysize( .bombflag ); .@i++ ) removemapflag .EnterMap$[5], .bombflag[.@i]; disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; sleep 5000; mapwarp .EnterMap$[5],"prontera",155,172; $@CurrentEvent = 0; end;
  9. i'm tested all langtype and works only with 0-7=(( the question is still relevant up!
  10. but how with russia lang? I begin to write in Russian letters and he automatically writes in Korean letters
  11. Guys 2018-05-30bRagexeRE not support langtype 1 - ** ? The client displays an error when I run exe, with any langtype. Maybe, who decided what problem?
  12. Guys, give me work, any design for FLUXCP, (any site or PSD)? Update purchase
  13. Hi guys, while I'm in the army, I was very bored and I decided to work FluxCP. I can answer all questions in PM.
  14. thx At the moment, in the development of news design. Today I will update completely my work on forum
  15. throw me an alternative photo hosting
  16. hey, why you not use CORA CMS? Install and change design.
  17. Your CP very old and has sql injection through the built-in forum. I remember a similar panel, there was a bug with forum.
  18. Not bad, but maybe you change all design? Light version http://nyaro.ru/download/html-templates/%23 HallsRO v3 !_files.zip (Here you can fantasize already)
  19. Or try to take a ready-made template and put it on the panel. Even without knowing how to write the correct php code, you can easily install it, using the substitution method. Will take more than the time, but it will be 100%.
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