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Everything posted by kukas9

  1. Hi guys, I'm having problems when I start the Server Monitor that has here on the website made available, it loads everything and then closes alone, without any error appearing on the screen, nothing, just disappear, does anyone have any ideas?
  2. lool, thanks, it worked, shit mine, good to know thanks again
  3. Guys, recently the sprites I use are having problems with my client, before it worked, due to nemo updates when equipping these custom items it crashes the server, I have no idea what it is, I don't know if it's sprite incompatibility in the game, or some definition, I don't know, but I would like to know and sin help from who can help me please
  4. I tried to find out that diff was doing this, I noticed that it is some of the recommended ones, I do not know which one, but as I am not aware of this I decided not to change anything, I wanted to know if someone went through the same system and was able to solve this problem without excluding the custom items (sprites)
  5. no, the 2018-06-21RE client that patched in February this year works perfectly, using the same diffs, the June of this year it closes when entering the character selection, but only closes if you have any custom item equipped in any character my, this is due to sprite, but I do not know why he is doing this
  6. Hexed 2018-06-21RE hi peoples, I'm having problems with the client closing after selecting the server, I thought it was some update of the nemo when I applied recent changes to update my client, I saw that the error was mine, I put custom sprites and they are the ones that are crashing, I saw an annacond post on his topic when someone commented he said it was the sprites that were outdated, did not want to have to remove my sprites, how do I update their structure so that I avoid this problem again? any tool or tutorial? PS: I have a client that I patched it in February, after this in June I tried to update it, the client closes in the updated client of the month of June, not the month of February
  7. same problem, I have a client 2018-06-21RE, I used the patch on 02/28, the size is 20.244kb, only on 06/03 I was updating again using the same profile (patch), size is 20.308kb, then I started to have this problem , just wanted to update, I believe it is something in the update of some recommended patch that is giving this.
  8. This is happening to me too, I have a client that is working perfectly, but as it has had several updates of the nemo I decided to update, redo the patches and it happens, using the same diff of the client, some alteration that was done by the authors according to the time that is affecting the client in this way, I do not know which item of the specific diff is giving this, I will test, if it works out I'll tell you what it is and your forehead
  9. @Universe I got it a while ago, thanks universe.
  10. Hi guys, after doing the recent rathena update I'm having this problem, could anyone help me solve it? [Char][8:44] [Error]: No database "Header" was found. [Char][8:44] [Error]: Failed to verify compatibility with INTER_SERVER_DB database file from 'conf/import/inter_server.yml'. # This file is a part of rAthena. # Copyright(C) 2017 rAthena Development Team # https://rathena.org - https://github.com/rathena # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ########################################################################### # Config for Storages # # To access the premium storage, use script command 'openstorage2'. # If premium storages are added, copy the structure of the storage table and match the table name in this config. # The 'max' of premium storages are not adjusted by 'vip_storage_increase' config nor MIN_STORAGE. # # Structure: # - ID: <storage_id> // (int) Storage ID will be used for script command 'openstorage2'. # Name: "<storage name>" // (string) Storage name will be sent to the client to display on the title bar. # Table: "<storage_table>" // (string) Name of table where storage is saved. The table stucture is the same as the default storage table. # Max: <max_amount> // (int) *optional* Maximum number of items in storage. MAX_STORAGE will be used if no value is defined. Header: Type: INTER_SERVER_DB Version: 1 Body: - ID: 0 Name: "Storage" Table: "storage" Footer: Imports: - Path: conf/import/inter_server.yml
  11. Thanks for sharing this tool, help me much, i need help, why show me this?
  12. I solved here, thanks, it was my database
  13. I decided to use the direct source of rathena and the database clean, now I need to find out what I edited to give this problem, the source or the database, in the end I will post the error
  14. ok, Myen, i try it I just have knife and cotton shirt, but i uneqquipped all, and same problem
  15. Olá pessoal, não sei se é somente comigo ou alguem ja passou por isso e conseguiu resolver, algumas classes como por exemplo o hunter e o thief, quando da "apply" para aceitar a distribuição de pontos de skill, ele reseta a distribuição, e quando da "cancel" ele aceita a distribuição, alguem sabe resolver isso?
  16. thx man well, in the matter of the elements it helped a lot, but it was of the status that I was referring to, assuming that the standard draws 1 vitality point gives 10 life and 2 defense, the customization I wanted to do would be 1 vitality point of 20 life and 3 defense, and this change I wanted to make without changing the amount of points per level, I would like to know where I could edit, in which file, there the rest was with me problem solved, close pls
  17. Hi guys, e need help please, as the title already says, increase damage scale, attributes such as strength, dexterity and intelligence, I was looking in source as I could edit, the server would be focused on pvp, even with the current situation I did the tests in mvp with gun that has to sell on own npc, 3rd class, it beats 600 being maximum level and having general turtle and some other letters that helps in increasing damage, wanted to know where in the source I edit the proportion of increase of attributes in relation to the damage that causes
  18. ficou assim, procurei no sql no banco de dados ele nao tem esse campo, talvez tenha mas eu nao consiga ver usando o phpmyadmin, vou explicar minha ideia de forma mais direta, gostaria de poder utilizar este campo cashshop dessa tabela quando eu for adicionar cash manualmente ou automaticamente(via pagamento pelo site, ai so trocava), no jogo estou usando esses npcs pq acabei gostando, e queria reaproveitar, mas nao conseguia comprar pois nao conseguia editar o valor 0 ali para 50k por exemplo para testar. Ou eu estou confundindo as coisas, sou novo nisso sabe kkk, o que me complica é isso, alem de eu estar com um bug das skills do hunter, mando apply as skills e ele cancela, e qdo cancelo ele da apply, estranho
  19. Olá pessoal, estou quebrando a cabeça e quase desistindo de fazer um npc de cash, seguinte: rathena já tem seus próprios NPCs em de cash, mas como posso adicionar cash à contado "jogador"? Eu vi que ele usa a variável "cashshop" de acordo com o link ai, mas onde ele busca no banco de dados que ele tem 0 de cash? como eu poderia mudar a função de buscar do jogador ou da conta dele se tem o valor em cash, criei uma coluna na tabela "login" chamada rops, usei o notepad ++ para buscar a variável cashshop em todos os arquivos do emulador rathena, eu gostaria que a função "cashshop" viesse do database SQL, sem mexer muito nas sources ou em muitos arquivos, caso nao tenha escolha assim farei https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/re/merchants/cash_trader-idRO.txt cliente 2018-05-31 RagexeRE RENEWAL
  20. Hello everyone, I'm breaking my head and almost giving up doing a npc of cash, following: rathena already has its own cash NPCs, but how can I add cash to the "player" buy? I saw that it uses the variable "cashshop" according to the link ai, but where does it search in the database that it has 0 cash? how could I change the search function if the player / account has the amount of cash, i created a column in the "login" table called rops, I used notepad ++ to fetch the cashshop variable in all rathena emulator files, I would like it to search for SQL https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/re/merchants/cash_trader-idRO.txt Client 2018-05-31 RagexeRE RENEWAL
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