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Lord Ganja

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Everything posted by Lord Ganja

  1. Try this // NPC Lists prontera,155,181,5 script Adv. Stylist 878,{ doevent "Stylist::OnTalk"; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Stylist!",0; }
  2. I was about to use a skill NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT using unituseskillid. unitskilluseid .mob_gid,"NPC_HELLJUDGMENT",10{,<target id>,<casttime>}; QUESTIONS: 1) How will I remove the cast time from it? ( I try it based from the monster's dex, but there is still a casttime) So If I put example -100, there won't be any cast time? 2) What should I put on the target ID if the skill doesn't need any target id? (I should put a target id before I can remove the casttime right?) Thanks in advance for those who can help!
  3. default script yung gamit mo? post mo yung script ng card remover mo.
  4. Is it possible to attach timer into a mob? like addtimer? when the mob died. the timer will also be deleted. thanks!
  5. Can anyone check this please? I tried to apply it and it doesn't return the account id's of the players. Thanks.
  6. can you tell more information about the special effect that you wanted to apply?
  7. I was about to create a monster with a very high hp(a hundred million hp), but I wanted to know first what is the max hp that rathena can handle? Thanks.
  8. did you diff your client with those keys?
  9. Alright.thanks for the quick response Stolao. anyway what about for -1? is it the same as barefist?
  10. Just wanted to know what type of weapons is included in barefist weapon type? or is it activated when no weapon is equipped? Thanks! RequiredWeapons: Weapon type needed to use the skill. 0: bare fist 1: Daggers 2: One-handed swords 3: Two-handed swords
  11. Try to fix your packet_keys for your client. Or disable Packet Obfuscation Support
  12. Can you give me more clue about this? I'm just actually bad at src. I can create some scripts but just based from other scripts. So kinda like copy paste stuff XD Thanks btw.
  13. I mean, the event will be triggered after the poring is killed right? I need an event npc that is triggered when the mob received damage or got hit/attacked(physical or magical damage)
  14. Hi. clydelion, I was trying to filter the EVENT NAME that is currently attached to the monster but Idk how to do it. I was about to create an npcevent that is triggered when a mob received damage. OnMobDamagedEvent, just like OnNPCKillEvent but this time when the mob only receive damage. And I don't want all mobs to trigger it coz it might cause server lag. So I was trying to create that event to only trigger to the monsters that has attached OnThisMob event label to trigger OnMobDamagedEvent.. e.g monster "prontera",150,150,"Poring",1002,1,"Test::OnThisMob"; ^ when this poring received any damage, the OnMobDamagedEvent will be triggered. but for the normal porings without OnThisMob event label, it won't be triggered. Can you give me ideas how to make this work?
  15. Thanks for this. anyway should I put it on the bottom part of int64 battle_calc_damage ? element = sstatus->rhw.ele; } } else if( element == -2 ) //Use enchantment's element element = status_get_attack_sc_element(src,status_get_sc(src)); else if( element == -3 ) //Use random element element = rnd()%ELE_ALL; if( element == ELE_FIRE || element == ELE_WATER ) pc_overheat(sd,element == ELE_FIRE ? 1 : -1); } } + if (skill_id == MO_EXTREMITYFIST ) + damage = min(damage,500000); return damage; EDIT: I did put it there and it's working!! thanks man!
  16. I think the card modifiers still counts after modifying 500000. I just tried it and the asura still do more than 2m damage. So there's no other way to fix the maximum damage that asura can do?
  17. Do you know how can I cap it? So if the damage is more than 900k it will be capped on and return the damage as 900k only.
  18. Is there anyway to cap/limit asura strike maximum output damage? since my server is running on a high rate. the max hp is 1m but asura strike is way too overpowered and can reach damage more than 1m. I tried reducing its damage on skill_damage_db but it's not enough for me. So I'd like to know if there's a way to CAP its damage, NOT REDUCE it. Thanks in advance!
  19. thanks for the quick response. anyway 0 is for neutral? is that right?
  20. I was wondering about the setunitdata UMOB_ELETYPE, what type of value should be entered? integer or string(ELE_FIRE, ELE_EARTH.....)? 0 = Neutral 1 = Water 2 = Earth 3 = Fire 4 = Wind 5 = Poison 6 = Holy 7 = Shadow 8 = Ghost 9 = Undead Thanks.
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