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Everything posted by Matrixfox

  1. Tested and I'm impressed. Very very good work!
  2. I often get messages asking how I setup a Linux VPS & VNC with rATHENA. Whell, This is how I did it on CentOS. You can do this method on any clean Linux VPS host with no cPanel or other programs that require disabling of the GUI environments. This guide is intent to help a individual get started on his/her's VPS, hope this helps. This is done with 100% ssh bash commands. VNC is just there to help you if needed to see something visualy. This process might seem a little intimidating at first, don't let it be. In no time at all you can have your VPS rocking in Linux. No reason nowadays you can't google your questions and, answers. Take your time, double read everything. Let's get started _____________________________________________________________________________ VPS Requirements //You need at least 512mb of ram, however I suggest 1gig if you're doing all of this. //Also running your VNC will seriously drain your resources. My server will cap at 99.7% CPU speed. So beware of the over speed issues. _____________________________________________________________________________ Installing & Configuring VNC //You can start by installing Gnome Environment and VNC. yum -y groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" yum -y install vnc-server //Use Nano to edit /etc/sysconfig/vncservers nano /etc/sysconfig/vncservers //Remove the # in front of these syntax. Change the user name and geometry. //Create a none root Linux account with out Super User commands. Also make a very strong password. useradd matrixfox8 passwd matrixfox8 //After "passwd yourusername" it will prompt you for Unix password. TIP: You can also stop here and go straight to installing the basis of rathena and mysql. Them come back here later. // DO NOT RUN AS ROOT!!! NEVER, NEVER, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NEVER RUN AS ROOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! //After starting and killing the processes, it will create a xstartup file for that account. vncserver :2 //In the middle of this you will be prompt to setup a VNC password. vncserver -kill :2 //Edit your xstartup with Nano nano ~/.vnc/xstartup //Remove the # in front of unset, exec. Then add and edit these two following lines. TIP: Make sure you press enter at the very end of nano, leaving a blank syntax line.. //Start VNC n' get ready to log in. vncserver :2 //Now open your VNC client and log in as your ip, remember the :2 for the port number at the end of the IP. //VNC Super User Commands /sbin/service vncserver start /sbin/service vncserver stop /sbin/chkconfig vncserver on _____________________________________________________________________________ Installing rATHENA on CentOS //Make sure your back in your Super User account, aka Root. yum -y install gcc make mysql mysql-devel mysql-server pcre-devel subversion zlib-devel yum -y install dos2unix gdb nano screen unzip wget zip //If you already made an account for VNC ignore this step! Skip to configuring MySQL. useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash matrixfox8 passwd matrixfox8 _____________________________________________________________________________ Configuring MySQL TIP: Use a program to generate a random password "like LassPass". Keep it in between 12 characteristics for SQL names & passwords "unless you edit it". //You might need to run a mysqld restart before setting up a secure installation. service mysqld restart //There will be several screens. Setup your root MySQL password and, take your sweet time, double, reading, EVERYTHING! //For the most part just push "y". mysql_secure_installation //Log in as your Root Super User. mysql --user=root -p //Notice your command hand changes to //Rename and create your own databases. Make sure your MySQL code ends with ; CREATE DATABASE rathena_rag; CREATE DATABASE rathena_log; //Now this is where it gets a tad confusing. Just replace your VPS IP and name from mine. Also come up with a different password... //Keep in mind this is the same information you will be placing in "inter_athena.conf" & "subnet_athena.conf". CREATE USER 'matrixfox8'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'secretpassword'; GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON `rathena_rag`.* TO 'matrixfox8'@''; GRANT SELECT,INSERT ON `rathena_log`.* TO 'matrixfox8'@''; _____________________________________________________________________________ Installing rATHENA //Minimize your MySQL root SSH. Then log in as your lower account SSH to install rATHENA. svn checkout https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/ ~/trunk //If you wish to delete a older svn in SSH. Type this command with the correct directory name. rm -rf "dir name" //Navigate to your SQL files and get ready for extracting. cd trunk/sql-files/ //You will be prompt for your MySQL password each time. mysql --user=root -p rathena_rag < main.sql mysql --user=root -p rathena_rag < item_db.sql mysql --user=root -p rathena_rag < item_db2.sql mysql --user=root -p rathena_rag < mob_db.sql mysql --user=root -p rathena_rag < mob_db2.sql mysql -u root -p rathena_log < logs.sql //Now it's time to compile into SQL. cd ~ cd trunk ./configure make sql //Log in as your MySQL root user for the following commands. //Editing s1/p1 in MySQL. This is where you edit the info for "char_athena.conf" & "map_athena.conf". USE rathena_rag; SELECT * FROM `login` where account_id='1'; UPDATE `login` SET userid='desiredusername', user_pass='desiredpassword' WHERE account_id='1'; //Adding a new account in MySQL USE rathena_rag; INSERT INTO login (account_id, userid, user_pass, sex, email, group_id) VALUES (2000000, 'myname', 'mypass', 'F', 'me@localhost', 99); _____________________________________________________________________________ Editing rATHENA Files //Log back in as your User account, exit out of root. //There are many ways of doing this processes, different strokes for different folks. We're just using nano to keep things simple for this guide. nano trunk/conf/char_athena.conf nano trunk/conf/map_athena.conf nano trunk/conf/inter_athena.conf nano trunk/conf/subnet_athena.conf How to start your server in SSH. cd ~ cd trunk ./athena-start start ./athena-start stop Now everything should be configured and working, Congratulations! One more thing! There is a lot to know about security. You might want to learn more to make your sever at least 60% safe. Hyperlink P.S. Please keep in mind, make your own thread for support, or drop me a PM on the rA board. If I get enough +1's I'll make a video.
  3. Edit your inter_athena.conf to your database. In this case it would look like this. // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: ragnarok log_db_pw: ragnarok log_db_db: log log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog
  4. Ohh, I think I'm learning lol. I still would like to get something on mysql/rathena to learn more Thank you all, e-cookies for all!!!
  5. Omg thank you all billion and one!!! Gepard, I absolutely love your avatar! Thank you especially!!! Now I kinda get a grasp. Linux is easier once you get the hang of it. Now I gotta research on how to make accounts with mysql commands xD I tried what you said, didn't quite work. I must be a noob and doing something wrong. So I googled for more help. I found this http://trac.opensvn....allInstructions But I'm still having issues with that lol... This is the error I recive. *googles for manual* mysql> INSERT INTO `login` -> (`matrixfox`,`balls`,`M`,`[email protected]`,`1`) -> VALUES ('<matrixfox>','<balls>','<M>','<[email protected]>',<1>); ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<1>)' at line 3 Also found another guide on adding accounts... I'm still noobing out man... INSERT INTO login (account_id, userid, user_pass, sex, email, level) VALUES (704561, 'myname', 'mypass', 'F', 'me@localhost', 99); ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'level' in 'field list' OHHHHHHH!!!!! group_id not level... lolol
  6. Ohh, let me give this another try. I just got a disk quota exceeded error lol... I just formatted my container and didn't install gnome w/ vnc. Bummer, I tried doing all that. I just keeped getting more errors... Nothing is working, I tried doing so much. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong... http://s878.photobuc...ent=bwabewa.png Maybe its my vps? idk... I'm a bit confused, hopelessly. The ip x.x.x.x was changed to my wan ip didn't work. I tried changing it to one of my vps ip's didn't either. As for s1/p1, It's set like this for simple learning atm. UPDATE `login` SET userid='rathena4444', user_pass='secretpassword' WHERE account_id='1'; CREATE USER 'rathena4444'@'x.x.x.x' IDENTIFIED BY 'secretpassword'; Then did grats after creating. Do I need a localhost or my vps ip here, arg or both...? My inter_athena.conf looks like this // Global SQL settings // overriden by local settings when the hostname is defined there // (currently only the login-server reads/obeys these settings) sql.db_hostname: x.x.x.x sql.db_port: 3306 sql.db_username: rathena4444 sql.db_password: secretpassword sql.db_database: rathena4444_rag sql.codepage: // MySQL Character SQL server char_server_ip: x.x.x.x char_server_port: 3306 char_server_id: rathena4444 char_server_pw: secretpassword char_server_db: rathena4444_rag // MySQL Map SQL Server map_server_ip: x.x.x.x map_server_port: 3306 map_server_id: rathena4444 map_server_pw: secretpassword map_server_db: rathena4444_rag // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: x.x.x.x log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: rathena4444 log_db_pw: secretpassword log_db_db: rathena4444_log log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog as for login_ip, char_ip ,map_ip located in the other two config files. map_athena.conf, char_anthena.conf ip's are being changed too.
  7. Far out man, thank you for holding my hand. I guess I should get a MySQL book or that document. Not having workstation sucks!
  8. Yeah, of course I keeped my mysql set to localhost. I know just to change the ra conf files to connect. I used every command on that wiki site to install. That was the reason why I blurd it and gave a default ip. MySQL isn't okay, I know how to edit everything in ra, so yeah I'm not a complete noob. I'm a bit confused about this. So I'm going try to use English... -=-=-=-=- mysql --user=root -p //this made my MySQL root account w/ a password. CREATE USER 'rathena4444'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secretpassword'; = //this part made my info I need to change in "inter_athena" CREATE DATABASE rathena4444_rag; //this made my database which I loaded my sql-files in, also need to change in "inter_athena". Yes, after creating the database I did grants. Also I have no idea how to change the s1/p1 with out some sort of control panel lol... I changed map,char,inter,and subnet to one of my vps ip's. ./athena-start start //gives me that first error/picture -=-=-=-=- @master I have no idea what you're really talking about, give me a second. I thought mysql worked magically after installing. I really appreciate the help from the both of you!!
  9. Yeah, I'm trying to setup a mysql database and rathena running on the same linux vps. PS. I'm so confused... So I need two vps servers? --- I just reformated my vps and just installed vnc. I would really like to run my mysql and rathena server off my linux vps, sigh... http://s878.photobucket.com/albums/ab343/matrixfox/?action=view&current=mylinuxbox.png
  10. I followed the install guide on the ra wiki site word for word, however I'm having some issues getting my server to connect to itself. After I run "./athena-start start" It reads this following error in term and ssh. http://s878.photobuc...nt=myraserv.png P.S. This is my second linux server, third server if you count that crappy windows 2008 r2 one. I need some guidance on rathena w/ mysql on linux, please~ The ip being blurd is one of my vps ip's. *lets just call it* I tried switching it to my second ip, but same error. -thank you all <3
  11. Personaly I feel Mozila just said that because Google came out with their web browser advertising about its speed. Things change guys! Cassets, cd, dvd, blu-ray. Besides all this your not suppose to run your server on rA... I say GIT ET~!!!
  12. Don't go with godaddy! You will have 99 problems but a bitch ant one..
  13. Check my server for what? Can I get a little more help? I reverted back to my old ra15542 works perfectly with my clients. I really dont understand what changed...
  14. Yea I already executed that sql file. Please guys you change stuff and you keep it a secret, what is that crap? I changed nothing in my client, only server update. I use calcium data files from his 3-15 pack, also with judas 06-09 lua pack. both clients end in same error, I really have doubts its the clients...
  15. Like the topic says.. I click character select, bam failed to connect to server. ra15578 w/ 20110315 client
  16. I want to change to change the WoE script to, Friday. 13 to 15h, However if I got in a castle there are emps and monsters... It's Monday around 17 hundred.... How can I stop the emps from spawning when there is no woe activated??? P.S. I used the npc\custom\WoE_Setter.txt I looked over the script seeing if it stored in the sql, but no luck... //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= War of Emperium - WoE Auto-Start //===== By: ================================================== //= kalen (1.0) //= 1.1 by Akaru and ho|yAnge| //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN; RO Episode 4+ //===== Description: ========================================= //= Auto Start for War of Emperium //============================================= //= gettime(3): Gets hour (24 hour time) //= gettime(4): Gets day of week 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, //= 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, etc. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v1.1a changed OnInit to OnAgitInit.[kobra_k88] //= v1.2 added gettime checks. removed $AgitStarted var.[kobra_k88] //= v1.3 Moved treasure spawn time here.[kobra_k88] //= v1.3a Implemented Shadowlady's idea to allow for different //= start/stop times on different days.[kobra_k88] //= 1.4 Fixed treasure chests spawn! We had to unroll some loops //= Now they appear in castles from 00:01 to 00:24. [Lupus] //= 1.5 Fixed WOE end messages on non-WOE days, by Avaj //= 1.5a missing tabs [KarLaeda] //= 1.6 Corrected multiple "WoE has begun" announces [ultramage] //= 1.7 Commented out the WoE start and end announces. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.8 Castle owners displayed when WoE starts and finished. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.8a Will now report unoccupied castles at start/end. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.8b Whoops. Fixed a mistake [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.9 Rearranged the time-checks so they no longer use goto. [L0ne_W0lf] //= Removed treasure spawning function calls. (No longer needed) //= 2.0 Added WoE Battle Log support for broadcasts. [L0ne_W0lf] //============================================================ //| To know how to set up WoE times, go to doc\woe_time_explanation.txt // WoE Start/Stop times //====================================== - script Agit_Event -1,{ end; OnClock1300: //start time for OnClock1500: //end time for OnAgitInit: // starting time checks if((gettime(4)==5) && (gettime(3)>=13 && gettime(3)<15) || (gettime(4)==5) && (gettime(3)>=13 && gettime(3)<15)) { if (!agitcheck()) { AgitStart; callsub S_DisplayOwners; } end; } // end time checks if ((gettime(4)==5) && (gettime(3)==15) || (gettime(4)==5) && (gettime(3)==15)) { if (agitcheck()) { AgitEnd; callsub S_DisplayOwners; } end; } end; S_DisplayOwners: setarray .@maps$[0],"aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[5],"gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[10],"payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[15],"prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i <= 19; set .@i, .@i+1 ) { if (GetCastleData(.@maps$[.@i],1)) { Announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@maps$[.@i]) + "] castle has been conquered by the [" + GetGuildName(GetCastleData(.@maps$[.@i],1)) + "] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe; } else { Announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@maps$[.@i]) + "] castle is currently unoccupied.",bc_all|bc_woe; } } end; }
  17. Thanks, I just don't see the point when LUB can be back engineered, but okays, lols.
  18. I've been searching for about an hour or so. Only can find guides on how to do so... I would like to know what are the benefits of doing so? What's the main point, security?
  19. It works, I'm on Linux btw. Would of been useful if I said that to begin with, lols!!! I just download the fluxcp- instead of checking out from source. E-cookies for all!!!
  20. It's been a grueling week. Long story short, I bought a web host from godaddy. End up installing everything with out a hitch, but this fluxcp is giving me this error~ I'm at my wits ends here, tried every variation. Honestly this is pretty stight forward, what am I missing? Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_getuid() in /home/content/08/8905708/html/cp/index.php on line 114 $uid = posix_getuid(); $directories = array( FLUX_DATA_DIR.'/logs' => 'log storage', FLUX_DATA_DIR.'/itemshop' => 'item shop image', FLUX_DATA_DIR.'/tmp' => 'temporary' );
  21. Oh wow thanks!!! That was simple, you just taught me a whole lot right now... PS: Thanks for not removing your last message. Also I have absolutely nothing in conf/import/inter_conf.txt
  22. I've been running into some problems I can't solve on my own. There's gotta be something I'm missing... The first picture shows my computer running "rathena Rev 15429" with database log issue... I end up getting frustrated and downloaded my old server (rathena Rev 15162) from my cloud. She worked with out a problem, even after a connect and disconnect. I'm using the newer SQL database files while running the older server might I add. May I ask how to fix this, and what also changed from the older to the new? --- Uploaded with ImageShack.us Source links --- http://bytes.com/top...ut-im-sure-does http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=234481 google search
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