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Posts posted by Euphy

  1. Some more nominations:


    Name: @helvetica

    Badge: Dev Expert

    Reason: Her hard work and attention to detail have brought you a very accurate implementation of Renewal Attack (with more to come!), and her documentation is excellent. :3


    Name: @Lilith, @Cydh, @Xantara, @goddameit

    Badge: Source Lv 1

    Reason: These users have written numerous source releases.


    Name: @Akkarin

    Badge: Wiki Lv 1

    Reason: He's put in a lot of time keeping our Wiki in good shape and up-to-date (under User:-Caleb-).

    Status: Approved.
  2. We've created a new badge, Innovator, because we feel these users also deserve credit for what they've done. Some new nominations:

    Name: @Shinryo
    Badge: Innovator
    Reason: Development of widely-used WeeTools collection (including Shin's Diff Patcher) and a custom Ragnarok Online client.


    Name: @Yommy
    Badge: Innovator
    Reason: Development of projects such as PacketParser, xDiffPatcher, and xDiffGen 2, among others.


    Name: @KeyWorld
    Badge: Innovator
    Reason: Development of roBrowser, a fantastic CeresCP theme (among other website-related works), and a web-based GRF viewer, among others.


    Name: @Ai4rei
    Badge: Innovator
    Reason: Development of RO Patcher Lite, RO Open Setup, and many other things on http://nn.nachtwolke.com/.


    Name: @Tokei
    Badge: Innovator
    Reason: Development of GRF Editor, TK Patcher, and SpriteConverter.


    Name: @xazax
    Badge: Innovator
    Reason: Development of rAthena Database Editor and ItemConverter.


    Name: @Xantara
    Badge: Innovator
    Reason: Development of Xantara's FluxCP and many FluxCP Addons.

    Status: Approved.

    • Upvote 1
    • 'getmapmobs' was replaced by the more flexible 'mobcount' command a very long time ago (see documentation).
    • The script error is unrelated to your Gravity error.
    • This script will not work with the latest revision.
  3. @P r o p e r t i e s: Your server's rates are too high to use the default reward calculations. Edit the modifiers here:

    	setarray .Modifier[0],	// Multipliers for Base Exp, Job Exp, and Zeny rewards.


    • Upvote 1
  4. If you don't store the numbers in an array, the only way to do this without writing it out would be through storing the variable names in an array, and looping with getd() - extremely messy and unnecessarily resource-intensive. If these are character variables (i.e. you can't use an array), you can probably find a way to do this with an SQL function.

    Assuming all the variables are in an array, you can use an algorithm like this:

    	set .@max, .@arr[0];
    	for(set .@i,1; .@i<getarraysize(.@arr); set .@i,.@i+1) {
    		if (.@arr[.@i] > .@max) {
    			set .@max, .@arr[.@i];
    			set .@ele, .@i;
    			deletearray .@tie[0], getarraysize(.@tie);
    		} else if (.@arr[.@i] == .@max) {
    			if (!getarraysize(.@tie))
    				set .@tie[0], .@arr[.@ele];
    			set .@tie[getarraysize(.@tie)], .@i;
    And that'll give you your max, .@max; the element where it's located, .@ele; and an array of any elements it's equal to, .@tie[].
  5. I'll start by nominating/awarding members of our current Dev Team.

    Name: @Akinari
    Badge: Dev Expert
    Reason: Akinari is one of the most motivated developers I've come across, and is an invaluable addition to our team. He's tackled huge projects (e.g. the Instance System Rewrite and the completion of the Item Bound System), and always finishes what he starts.


    Name: @Lighta
    Badge: Dev Expert
    Reason: Lighta is the one we all turn to for help and advice. He's contributed to countless projects, and seems to know just about everything...


    Name: @Daegaladh
    Badge: Dev Expert
    Reason: We wouldn't have our Pre-Renewal/Renewal structure without Daegaladh. Just glance at r16545, and you'll see why.


    Name: @Euphy
    Badge: Dev Expert
    Reason: I want a badge, too. :3


    Name: @Muad_Dib
    Badge: Helper Lv 1
    Reason: Muad_Dib periodically provides us with crucial information on what we need to update and how to do it. Thank you! <3


    Status: Approved. [Euphy]

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