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Posts posted by Euphy

  1. Enabling the main setting, RENEWAL, makes your core mechanics based on Renewal (even if you disable the rest of the features). If that's okay with you, this is the easiest way. If you want to only run the Renewal databases, you'll have to make some source changes because the new items and mobs have features that didn't exist in Pre-Renewal (start by taking a look at the ifdefs in the related files).

    @vhan48: The other emulators don't have the new item/mob entries and won't support the format of our database.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Instead of doing this with custom clients (which, as we've seen, tend not to work out), I think it would be a very good idea to post an official client/data combination "by rAthena" for each of the three clients we support. I would also prefer to create multiple versions of the client with different hexes, to give server owners some choices (even if they're too lazy to hex their own client XD!). 

  3. We've made the "Recent Revisions" sidebar link to our GitHub repository. We want to start slowly transitioning users to GIT, and announcements will begin popping up soon with instructions on how to do so.

    You can still access Trac to view SVN revision numbers, and we have no plans at the moment to drop them.

    • Upvote 3
  4. I'm assuming you mean in an automated fashion (otherwise it's very simple XD). To do so, you have to use an SQL item_db2 (or have it imported, at the very least). You can then have a script pull all the items from it.

    Here's an example script - simply send a whisper to "syncshop" on an admin account to refresh your shop with any changes in item_db2.

    prontera,150,150,0	shop	Example Shop	83,512:-1
    -	script	syncshop	-1,{
    	if (getgmlevel() < 99) end;
    	dispbottom "Syncing your shop, please wait.";
    	npcshopitem "Example Shop",512,15;
    	npcshopdelitem "Example Shop",512;
    	set .@count, query_sql("SELECT `id`,`price_buy` FROM `item_db2`",.@id,.@price);
    	for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@count; set .@i,.@i+1)
    		npcshopadditem "Example Shop",.@id[.@i],.@price[.@i];
  5. Any client-side things won't be affected (so yeah, you can access 3rd job sprites). However, third jobs themselves won't be accessible unless you use @job to switch to them - the quests will be disabled if you use Pre-Renewal mode.

  6. There aren't many options. It's easiest to just use character variables to store the count of an item, with name formatting like:

    quest_total_<item id>
    It would be fairly straightforward to use setd/getd in a dynamic script.

    A separate SQL table will be slower, but if you're planning to have a lot of quests it'll be more efficient in the long run. (You don't want to end up with tons of character variables floating around.)

  7. @Amaranth:

    You're not using rAthena (or you're way behind on updates).

    @P r o p e r t i e s:

    I can guarantee it's not an issue with the default script. o.o


    Replace the 'setdragon;' command with:

    			set .@i, select("Green:Brown:Gray:Blue:Red");
    			setdragon .@i;
    Full script: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=VHnjCBTq


    Add a check after 'getequipisenableref', e.g.

    set .@id, getequipid(getarg(1));
    if (.@id == YOUR_ITEM || .@id == YOUR_ITEM || ...) {
    	dispbottom getitemname(.@id)+" cannot be refined this way."; end; }

    I don't offer support for that emulator, sorry.

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