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Status Replies posted by Euphy

  1. Happy holidays! :D

    1. Euphy


      Alright, that's kind of what I guessed. xD Good luck!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. LOL <3! Srsly, first post here giving support?! do a comeback thread :3.

    1. Euphy


      Ignore Maki! Hi, I'm Euphy, nice to meet you. c:

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  3. LOL <3! Srsly, first post here giving support?! do a comeback thread :3.

  4. I still can't find the easter egg. x_x

    1. Euphy


      LOL. WOW. I spent 5 minutes clicking on the nose before I found it, I feel so stupid now... D:


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Thank you for the reply! It was so fast ^-^

    1. Euphy


      Yup, no problem~

  6. I dont like your new avatar :(

    1. Euphy


      But it's so fat and adorable! D:

  7. You probably should stop feeding your tyranitar. It already morphed into a ball... ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

    1. Euphy


      But he looks even cuter now! *continues throwing food at Tar-Tar*

  8. what kind of pokemon are you? (:

  9. Nice optimization with the card_trader script, I couldn't find a way to simplify it that much, thing is I wanted to make the arrays just as you did but, instead of putting the ids, I wanted to put the names of each card, coz u know newbies, QQ when there's a lot of numbers. And I was like, i wish there was a getitemid lol, well that was long ago, I didn't really give it much of a thought, I guess I have to stop thinking as in this was a custom server lol. Anyways, nice work, decen...

    1. Euphy


      Haha, thanks. c: Actually I did the edit a while ago, this was just a follow-up... and I can't read the rest of your comment because it's cut off. :3

  10. 5 stars. *_* Because we're both Eu and your scripts rock. And I like to spam people. /o/

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