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Posts posted by wut751

  1. Hi Friend

    I want to automatic start this event koe.txt 3 times in 1 day but in each time I want to allow only some class can enter in the map.

    for example

    21.30 - 22.00 allow only super novice

    22.05-22.35 allow only hi class

    22.40 - 23.10 allow all class


  2. 5 hours ago, FXFreitas said:

    GM Sprite is with the other job sprites at:

    data\sprite\Àΰ£Á·\¸öÅë (For Female, go to \¿©, For Male Go to ³².)

    File Name is:

    ¿î¿µÀÚ_³² (if male, for female the name ends with _¿©)

    Is strongly recommended use Tokei's Grf Editor to build your grf, because it can preview most of the files, making more easy to identify what are you looking for.

    If you are making a custom grf, make sure to put him in the top of data.ini file, like this:



    I did it already but GM suit still no change, try to make with custom grf and official grf. T T.

    don't know why

  3. Hi Friend

    I cannot change GM sprite in my server, I tried to do every step in this support but my GM sprite still the same.

    I download some GM sprite in download forum and edit in GRF but when I log on in game as GM account, my character still show default GM suit.

    please help me.

  4. 17 hours ago, Technoken said:

    Just add this below OnNPCKillEvent

    if(strcharinfo(3) == "guild_vs2-1")end;

    Should be like this

    if(strcharinfo(3) == "guild_vs2-1")end;
    switch(killedrid) {
    	case 1086:	callfunc ("AddPointChar","MVP");	break; /*Golden Bug	*/
    	case 1112:	callfunc ("AddPointChar","MVP");	break; /*Drake	*/
    	case 1115:	callfunc ("AddPointChar","MVP");	break; /*Eddga	*/
    	case 1150:	callfunc ("AddPointChar","MVP");	break; /*Moonlight	*/


    thank you, it work

    ^ ^

  5. On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 9:38 AM, sader1992 said:

    no 0 is the default

    sorry i don't think i know why that happen in your server

    what your rathena version ?

    Hi Sader

    my friend already fix it,

    thank you for your suggestion

  6. 15 hours ago, crazyarashi said:
    - script Rebirth -1,{
    @eac = roclass(@eac|EAJL_UPPER);
    if (@eac != -1) {
    mes "[Event Manager]";
    mes "Only transcendent classes can join the event.";
    warp "SavePoint",0,0;
    prontera mapflag loadevent //your event map here



    where I will put this one on my script

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