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Everything posted by kevinyrchua

  1. Hi all, I need help on scripting for this scroll, Whole Idea: 1. Scroll that gives 1 item from a pool of items (Let's say like OBB) 2. You can set the chance of the item of how high or low it could be selected. (Let's say like chance rate) 3. If the item produced is less than 5%, it would announce the name and item received. What I've tried and done, 1. Used custom OBB function and it's rate, seems okay but not sure if it could announce the name and item received. (also it's equips are unidentified) 2. Tried Stolao's Custom function, but understanding it, it's weight over total weight, so I plan to make a 1% chance out of a 100, I need to add multiple items until 100 to get that chance rate. seems very messy from what I've understand, (please correct me if I'm wrong), also not sure if I can add announce function here. *if anything goes, will use Stolao's script. { callfunc "F_RandWeight",501,1,502,1503,1,504,1; },{},{} Need help here ? 30100,Freya's_Scroll,Freya's Scroll,2,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{NEED HELP SCRIPT HERE},{},{}
  2. Alright @Kreustoo, I just renamed the cutins different from the scripts provided name, worked fine thank you so much!
  3. I'll try to rename the cutins so it won't go on top of the original kafra cutins. I'll get back to you thanks for the idea!
  4. Yeap it's inside my grf, and my client is not patched as data read first. should I just patch it on the data folder instead of the grf and make it read data first to prioritize the images?
  5. I placed it inside data\texture\유저인터페이스\cardbmp, just saw that this is the suggested folder on the other thread, would this be the right one? the first cutin showed, guessing it's the right folder?
  6. I named it kafra_00 and so on, same on what's on the script.. not really sure why thats happening..
  7. Hi everyone, just needing an explanation or "how to" make the next day image be the "next day image". Currently after showing the current day, it show's a Kafra Cutin, where it should be the next day image. @Stolao or any one can give me a hand please? thanks! //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== //= Requested //===== By: ================================================== //= Stolao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.1C //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= A reward system for players who play more frequently //===== Todo ================================================= //= Make Logging out then it continue count //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 2.00 Origional Make //= 2.01 Fixed Logic Bug //= 2.02 Fixed Year Multiplier //= 2.03 Added an IP check //= 2.04 Split Rewards up //= 2.05 Move ip check to Daily reward collection //= 2.06 Added ability to see next day via commands/relogging //= 2.07 Added Delay //= 2.08 Moved Delay to none VIP only //= 2.09 Removed some useless lines //= 2.0A Removed Menus due to bugs //= 2.0B Fixed VIP Cutin //= 2.0C Added it showing previos day cutin //= 2.0D Added a for loop //= 2.0E Fixed Ramined logged in time calculation (visual bug) //= 2.0F Added a F_InsertPlural to "more minute" //= 2.10 Added a Mac Check //= 2.11 Changed the IP check to [Sader1992] version //= 2.12 Enable Bound Type //= 2.13 Added 'collectreward', 'dailyreward', 'collectdaily' Commands //= 2.14 Added 'nextreward' Command //= 2.15 Added Daily Buffs //= 2.16 Added Exp Rewards //= 2.17 Removed Reards for Autotraders //= 2.18 Move Buffs to Daily so VIP wont trigger twice //= 2.19 Optimized Slightly //= 2.1A Fixed a bug with VIP getting bonus rewards in normal rewards //= 2.1B Fixed some documentaion //= 2.1C Fixed extra '[' //===== Contact Info: ======================================== //= [Stolao] //= Email: [email protected] //============================================================ prontera,5,5,5 script LOGIN 111,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(!@logintime) @logintime = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 60 * 24 * 365 + gettime(DT_DAYOFYEAR) * 60 * 24 + gettime(DT_HOUR) * 60 + gettime(DT_MINUTE); OnLoginCmnd: .@i = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 12 * 31 + gettime(DT_MONTH) * 31 + gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH); if(.Reset && .@i > #LastDailyReward + 1) #DRewardCon = 0; if(.Reset && .@i > #LastVIPReward + 1) #VIPRewardCon = 0; .@VIPSize = getarraysize(.VIPRewards$); .@Size = getarraysize(.Rewards$); if(#DRewardCon >= .@Size && #VIPRewardCon >= .@VIPSize){ #LastDailyReward = .@i; #LastVIPReward = .@i; end; } sleep2 1000; for(.@k = 0; .@k < 2; .@k++){ if(!.@k){ if(!vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE) && .VIPRewards$[#VIPRewardCon + 1] != ""){ //message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Become a VIP for more rewards."; continue; } else if(#VIPRewardCon >= .@VIPSize){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: No more VIP rewards remaining this month."; continue; } else if(.@i <= #LastVIPReward){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: VIP Rewards already collected today"; continue; } } else { if(#DRewardCon >= .@Size){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: No more rewards remaining this month."; continue; } else if(.@i <= #LastDailyReward){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Rewards already collected today."; continue; } } if(!.@k) explode(.@XT$,.VIPRewards$[#VIPRewardCon + 1],","); else { if(.IPCheck){ query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `login` WHERE last_ip = '"+getcharip()+"'", .@AccountId); .@Size = getarraysize(.@AccountId); for(.@i=0; .@i < .@Size; .@i++){ query_sql("SELECT `value` FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `account_id` = '"+.@AccountId[.@i]+"' AND `key` = '#LastDailyReward'",.@LastIp2); if(.@i <= .@LastIp2){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Rewards are limited to 1 per IP sorry."; continue; } } } if(.MacCheck){ query_sql("SELECT last_unique_id FROM `login` WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@last_unique_id$); query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `login` WHERE last_unique_id = '"+.@last_unique_id$+"'", .@AccountId2); .@Size = getarraysize(.@AccountId2); for(.@i=0; .@i < .@Size; .@i++){ query_sql("SELECT `value` FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `account_id` = '"+.@AccountId2[.@i]+"' AND `key` = '#LastDailyReward'",.@MacCheck2); if(.@i <= .@MacCheck2){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Rewards are limited to 1 per computer sorry."; continue; } } } if(.Rest){ .@time = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 60 * 24 * 365 + gettime(DT_DAYOFYEAR) * 60 * 24 + gettime(DT_HOUR) * 60 + gettime(DT_MINUTE); if(.@time < @logintime + .Rest){ .@delay = @logintime + .Rest - .@time; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: to collect reward you must remain logged in for "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@delay,"more minute")+"."; continue; } } deletearray .@XT$[0],getarraysize(.@XT$); .@NextDay = #DRewardCon + 1; explode(.@XT$,.Rewards$[.@NextDay],","); } if(checkvending() & 2 && .Mode & 256){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Venders cannot recive rewards."; end; } .@Size = getarraysize(.@XT$); deletearray .@TT[0],getarraysize(.@TT); deletearray .@itms[0],getarraysize(.@itms); deletearray .@qnts[0],getarraysize(.@qnts); for(.@x = y = 0; .@x < .@Size; .@x++) .@TT[.@x] = atoi(.@XT$[.@x]); if(.Mode & 1 && (.@TT[4] > 0 || .@vip[4] > 0)){ .@Size = getarraysize(.@TT); for(.@x = 4; .@x <= .@Size - 1 ; .@x += 2){ .@itms[.@y] = .@TT[.@x]; .@qnts[.@y] = .@TT[.@x + 1]; .@y++; } if(checkweight2(.@itms,.@qnts)){ for(.@x = 0; .@x < .@y; .@x++){ if(.Mode & 128) getitembound .@itms[.@x], .@qnts[.@x], .Bound_Mode; else getitem .@itms[.@x], .@qnts[.@x]; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: You cannot carry the prizes, please use storage and relog."; continue; } } if(.Mode & 2 && (.@TT[1])){ #Loyalty += .@TT[1]; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Recieved "+ .@TT[1] +" "+.Points$; } if(.Mode & 4 && (.@TT[0])){ zeny += .@TT[0]; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Recieved "+ .@TT[0] +"z"; } if(.Mode & 8 && (.@TT[3] || .@TT[4])) getexp .@TT[3], .@TT[4]; if(!.@k){ if(.Mode & 32) cutin .VIPCutins$[#VIPRewardCon],4; #VIPRewardCon++; #LastVIPReward = .@i; sleep2 1000; if(.Mode & 64) cutin .VIPCutins$[#VIPRewardCon],4; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: You have collected your VIP reward, for "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",#VIPRewardCon,"day")+" this month."; } else { if(.Mode & 16){ .@Size = getarraysize(.BuffInfo); for(.@x = 0; .@x < .@Size; .@x += 4){ if(.@NextDay == .BuffInfo[.@x + 1]) sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x + 2] * 60000, .BuffInfo[.@x + 3]; } } if(.Mode & 32) cutin .Cutins$[#DRewardCon],4; #DRewardCon++; #LastDailyReward = .@i; sleep2 1000; if(.Mode & 64) cutin .Cutins$[#DRewardCon],4; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: You have collected your daily reward, for "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",#DRewardCon,"day")+" this month."; } if(.Mode & 32 || .Mode & 64){ sleep2 15000; cutin "",255; } } end; OnNextCmnd: .@time = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 60 * 24 * 365 + gettime(DT_DAYOFYEAR) * 60 * 24 + gettime(DT_HOUR) * 60 + gettime(DT_MINUTE); if(.@time >= @logintime + .Rest){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: your next reward is available."; } else { .@i = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 12 * 31 + gettime(DT_MONTH) * 31 + gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH); if(.@i <= #LastDailyReward) message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Your next reward will be aviable tomorrow."; else { .@days = (.@time >= @logintime + .Rest) / 60 / 24; .@hours = ((.@time >= @logintime + .Rest) / 60) % 24; .@mins = (.@time >= @logintime + .Rest) % 60; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: You have "+ ((.@days) ? .@days +" Days " : "") + ((.@hours) ? .@hours +" Hours " : "") + ((.@mins) ? .@mins +" Minutes " : "") +"till your next reward."; } if(.Mode & 32 || .Mode & 64){ if(.@NextDay >= getarraysize(.Rewards$)) .@g = 0; else .@g = #DRewardCon + 1; cutin .Cutins$[.@g],4; } } end; OnHour00: if(gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH) == 1){ query_sql("DELETE FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `key` = '#DRewardCon' OR `key` = '#VIPRewardCon' OR `key` = '#LastVIPReward' OR `key` = '#LastDailyReward'"); addrid(0); #DRewardCon = #VIPRewardCon = #LastVIPReward = #LastDailyReward = 0; } end; OnInit: // Basic Settings // 1: Item | 2: Points | 4: Zeny | 8: Exp // 16: Gain Buffs // 32: Show Cutins | 64: Show Next Day Cutin // 128: Item Rewards Bound // 256: No Rewards for Autotraders // (a bit value, e.g. 3 = Items & Points from Multi) .Mode = 1|2|4|16|32|64|128|256; // Item Binding Mode // Bound_Account : Account Bound item // Bound_Guild : Guild Bound item // Bound_Party : Party Bound item // Bound_Char : Character Bound item .Bound_Mode = Bound_Account; // To disable the command '@loginreward' comment the next lines // * Needs extra commands for typos bindatcmd("relog","LOGIN::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); bindatcmd("collectreward",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); bindatcmd("dailyreward",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); bindatcmd("collectdaily",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); bindatcmd("nextreward",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNextCmnd",0,99); // Reset days back to 0 on a skipped day. // Toggle // [0] = Off // [1] = On .Reset = 0; // .Rest // Delay after login to collect rewards // In Minutes .Rest = 0; // Point Name .Points$ = "Loyalty Points"; // Ip check to prevent multi accounts // Toggle // [0] = Off // [1] = On .IPCheck = 0; // Consecutive Days Buff // Each buff contains 4 variables // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 1 // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 2 // ...; // // Example: 188,7,45,3 // -On the 7th day logged in Player gains +3 Str for 45 mins // // Type is 188, which references which SC_ to use, SC_INCSTR in this example // -For a full list of SC_ visit the db/const.txt // Days is days buff is applied, in this example 7, so every 7th day, 14,21,28.... // Duration is buff duration is Minuits, in this example 45 mins // Rate is buff val1, in this example player gains 3 Str setarray .BuffInfo ,260,2,360,1 // Life Insurance for 360 on 2nd Day ,198,3,120,10 // +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 3rd Day ,260,4,360,1 // Life Insurance for 360 on 4th Day ,196,5,120,25 // +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 5th Day ,198,6,120,10 // +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 6th Day ,257,7,240,50 // +50% Exp for 240 Mins on 7th Day ,260,8,360,1 // Life Insurance for 360 on 8th Day ,198,9,120,10 // +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 9th Day ,196,10,120,25 // +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 10th Day ,198,12,120,10 // +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 12th Day ,257,14,240,50 // +50% Exp for 240 Mins on 14th Day ,196,15,120,25 // +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 15th Day ,260,16,360,1 // Life Insurance for 360 on 16th Day ,198,18,120,10 // +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 18th Day ,196,20,120,25 // +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 20th Day ,257,21,240,50 // +50% Exp for 240 Mins on 21st Day ,260,22,360,1 // Life Insurance for 360 on 22nd Day ,198,24,120,10 // +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 24th Day ,196,25,120,25 // +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 25th Day ,260,26,360,1 // Life Insurance for 360 on 26th Day ,198,27,120,10 // +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 27th Day ,257,28,240,50 // +50% Exp for 240 Mins on 28th Day ,196,30,120,25; // +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 30th Day // Daily Prize items: // "<Zeny>,<Points>,<BaseExp>,<JobExp>,<itemID-1>,<amount-1>,<itemID-2>,<amount-2>...etc", // Day 1 // "<Zeny>,<Points>,<BaseExp>,<JobExp>,<itemID-1>,<amount-1>,<itemID-2>,<amount-2>...etc" // Day 2 // ...; // Total length of any days string must be 255 or shorter setarray .Rewards$[1], "0,0,0,0,14545,3", // Day 1: Battle Manual x3 "0,0,0,0,12210,3", // Day 2: BBG "0,0,0,0,12211,5", // Day 3: Kafra Card "0,0,0,0,12209,5", // Day 4: Life Insurance "0,0,0,0,7776,1", // Day 5: Gym Pass "0,0,0,0,12259,1", // Day 6: Miracle Tonic "0,0,0,0,30111,1", // Day 7: Daily Reward Box "0,0,0,0,14545,3", // Day 8: Battle Manual x3 "0,0,0,0,12210,3", // Day 9: BBG "0,0,0,0,12211,5", // Day 10: Kafra Card "0,0,0,0,12209,5", // Day 11: Life Insurance "0,0,0,0,7776,1", // Day 12: Gym Pass "0,0,0,0,12259,1", // Day 13: Miracle Tonic "0,0,0,0,30111,1", // Day 14: ADV Daily Reward Box "0,0,0,0,14545,3", // Day 15: Battle Manual x3 "0,0,0,0,12210,3", // Day 16: BBG "0,0,0,0,12211,5", // Day 17: Kafra Card "0,0,0,0,12209,5", // Day 18: Life Insurance "0,0,0,0,7776,1", // Day 19: Gym Pass "0,0,0,0,12259,1", // Day 20: Miracle Tonic "0,0,0,0,30111,1", // Day 21: Daily Reward Box "0,0,0,0,14545,3", // Day 22: Battle Manual x3 "0,0,0,0,12210,3", // Day 23: BBG "0,0,0,0,12211,5", // Day 24: Kafra Card "0,0,0,0,12209,5", // Day 25: Life Insurance "0,0,0,0,7776,1", // Day 26: Gym Pass "0,0,0,0,12259,1", // Day 27: Miracle Tonic "0,0,0,0,30111,1"; // Day 14: ADV Daily Reward Box // VIP Prize items: // "<Zeny>,<Points>,<BaseExp>,<JobExp>,<itemID-1>,<amount-1>,<itemID-2>,<amount-2>...etc", // Day 1 // "<Zeny>,<Points>,<BaseExp>,<JobExp>,<itemID-1>,<amount-1>,<itemID-2>,<amount-2>...etc" // Day 2 // ...; // Total length of any days string must be 255 or shorter // // Note VIPs Collect both VIP and Normal Player rewards setarray .VIPRewards$[1], "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 1: 1000 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 2: 5 Red Potion "0,0,0,0,506,5", // Day 3: 5 Green Potion "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 4: 2000 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 5: 2000 Zeny "0,0,0,0,502,5", // Day 6: 5 Orange Potion "0,0,0,0,12208,1", // Day 7: 1 Battle Manual "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 8: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 8: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 9: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,503,5", // Day 10: 5 White Potion "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 11: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 12: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 13: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 14: 5 White Potion + 3 Green Potion "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 15: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 16: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 17: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,503,5,506,3", // Day 18: 5 White Potion + 3 Green Potion "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 19: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 20: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,604,3", // Day 21: 1 Dead Branch "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 22: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,503,5,506,3", // Day 23: 5 White Potion + 3 Green Potion "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 24: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 25: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,503,5,506,3", // Day 26: 5 White Potion + 3 Green Potion "0,0,0,0,501,5", // Day 27: 2500 Zeny "0,0,0,0,501,5"; // Day 28: 2500 Zeny // Cutin Array // Shows a cutin before collecting for each date // Start at 0 if showing next day setarray .Cutins$, "kafra_00", "kafra_01", "kafra_02", "kafra_03", "kafra_04", "kafra_05", "kafra_06", "kafra_07", "kafra_08", "kafra_09", "kafra_10", "kafra_11", "kafra_12", "kafra_13", "kafra_14", "kafra_15", "kafra_16", "kafra_17", "kafra_18", "kafra_19", "kafra_20", "kafra_21", "kafra_22", "kafra_23", "kafra_24", "kafra_25", "kafra_26", "kafra_27", "kafra_28"; // Cutin Array // Shows a cutin on collecting for each date setarray .VIPCutins$, "kafra_00", "kafra_01", "kafra_02", "kafra_03", "kafra_04", "kafra_05", "kafra_06", "kafra_07", "kafra_08", "kafra_09", "kafra_10", "kafra_11", "kafra_12", "kafra_13", "kafra_14", "kafra_15", "kafra_16", "kafra_17", "kafra_18", "kafra_19", "kafra_20", "kafra_21", "kafra_22", "kafra_23", "kafra_24", "kafra_25", "kafra_26", "kafra_27", "kafra_28"; end; } FIX: Renamed the cutins to different prefix to avoid overlapping of the stock kafra cutins.
  8. I tried this script and it worked fine on whole number increase, the script doesn't seem to read 1.5 increase, or maybe I edited it wrong, may I know where to edit it please?
  9. Ahh, maybe similar but what im thinking is a script or function "maybe" for a box or a scroll or an egg. it's like obb, but controlled percentage of getting specific item.
  10. NOW RESOLVED. Removed the initial values from the Override Window Position and Size: WindowWidth and WindowHeight to 0
  11. Checking this, seems like it doesn't support percentage chance? just an equal chance for all items is that right?
  12. I checked and it's already set to 0, I noticed when I toggled this it just lets you move the window around your desktop, however the issue is if you set your screen resolution to, ex: 1440x960, it just stays on a smaller resolution (more of like a fixed one) even choosing a different resolution won't change it. on the other note, tried a client that is compatible with ChangeMinimalResolutionLimit, 2017 client, and It just let's you change the minimal of 1024px to something else..
  13. I am unable to resize my client resolution via opensetup, I researched and found this. I'm using 2015-11-04aRagexe, and it's included to the list, would it be the reason or can it still be resized in a different way? http://nemo.herc.ws/patches/ChangeMinimalResolutionLimit/#failed-2015-156 Or would this be the patch I need for the resize of resolution? (been away for years in creating a server)
  14. Hi! I want to create a box or egg that gives 1 item from a 10 item pool with adjustable percentage chance. This is the closest script that I've found from the forum, script is commented back in 2014. switch(rand(0,3)){ // 4 choices: no bonus, Mask, Glove, Belt case 1:if(rand(0,100) < 15) getitem 5482,1; break; // player will get Dark Knight Mask. but, 15% chance (random, 0~99. if number is < 15, get) case 2:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break; // player will get Dark Knight Glove. but, 5% chance (random, 0~99. if number is < 5, get) case 3:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break; // player will get Dark Knight Belt. but, 5% chance (random, 0~99. if number is < 5, get) default: end;} // player did not get any bonus Just wondering if there is an easier script to work with or? Example chance structure (thinking if it needs to be a total of 100%) item1 - 1% item2 - 4% item3 - 5% item4 - 10% item5 - 10% item6 - 10% item7 - 15% item8 - 15% item9 - 15% item10 - 15%
  15. Hi! I've seen on another server that the effect of a certain item is copied to another item, wondering if any of you know how to do it? I'd like the "Ray" or "Spotlight" whatever you call it to be shown whenever I wear the SGH for example. how can we do that?
  16. Hi, Kinda need of basic help, just got back on creating a server again since 2011. just wanting to locate where can I fix the costume images? I want it to be the same as the left one, inventory image as well as the one on description, sprite is totally fine. thank you everyone! Hi
  17. By "It didn't work" are you encountering the 0xc000007b error for the map-server? do you refer to get a lower windows server 2019 vps for rathena to work? or there's a way to work with Windows Server 2019 vps? im with OVH and having the 0xc000007b error..
  18. Hi, I know this is an old post, but hopefully you're still here.. just wondering how'd you fixed your 0xc000007b error? I've tried to reinstall everything but still having the same issue on my vps..
  19. Hi, thank you for the response, I already have this on my vps, would there be another redistrib needed? Yea, I was planning on, but this is the most easiest for me as of the moment, which do you prefer among the three thats not that complicated and nearer to the installation with windows?
  20. Hi Guys, I tried searching through the forums and found few "fixes" tried them but didn't work. My rathena works perfectly through my local server, this only occurs through my VPS via OVH. First issue is that I encounter missing msvcr110.dll, after fixing that by adding that DLL through my system32 and syswow64 (don't know if this is just a quick fix), but I solved that issue. Now this is what I am trying to overcome.. maybe anyone here experiences the same issue or have tried and succeeded to fix them? What I have done... I already tried reinstalling windows server from 2016 to 2019 both same issue, tried to uninstall all redistributable file from 2015-2019 and reinstalled a new one, still failed.
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