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Haruka Mayumi

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Posts posted by Haruka Mayumi

  1. Header: 

    prontera,146,98,5    script    Quest Manager    732,{
    prontera,146,98,5    script    Quest Manager::Q_MGR    732,{


    alberta,33,240,6    duplicate(Q_MGR)    Quest Manager#alb    732
    aldebaran,135,121,6    duplicate(Q_MGR)    Quest Managerr#ald    732
    geffen,115,72,6    duplicate(Q_MGR)    Quest Manager#gef    732
    morocc,164,102,4    duplicate(Q_MGR)    Quest Manager#mor    732
    payon,190,104,4    duplicate(Q_MGR)    Quest Manager#pay    732
    izlude,134,96,4    duplicate(Q_MGR)    Quest Manager#izl    732
    yuno,141,187,6    duplicate(Q_MGR)    Quest Manager#yun    732


    	if(strnpcinfo(3) != "Q_MGR") end;


    • MVP 1
  2. use a subdomain

    let's say you have two VPS.. 1 for server[IP -] and 1 for website[IP -].. 

    your main domain name www.yourragnarok.com will be link to your website ip -
    then you will add a subdomain direct.yourragnarok.com and link it to your server ip -

    Also use the cloudflare to hide your ip when they ping it

  3. Possible Block of Cells:
    1. Gat from your mapcache.dat is not the same on your client
    2. Cell is not walkable via script, "setcell walkable 0"
    3. A hidden NPC is located on that cell
    4. A player hiding?. rofl

  4. skill.cpp

    #ifdef RENEWAL
    	case NJ_KASUMIKIRI:
    	case NJ_UTSUSEMI:
    +		if( sd && skill_id == NJ_UTSUSEMI ){
    +			struct status_change* sc = status_get_sc(src);
    +			if( sc && sc->data[SC_UTSUSEMI] )
    +			{
    +				clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0);
    +				break;
    +			}
    +		}
    	case NJ_NEN:
    	case NPC_DEFENDER:


    • Upvote 1
  5. prontera,155,173,5	script	Get_Equip	94,{
    		if(@inventorylist_id[.@i]==NAMEID && !@inventorylist_equip[.@i]){
    			.@menu$ += "";
    			.@idx[.@a++] = .@i;
        mes "Please select the item from your inventory.";
        .@sel = select(.@menu$)-1;
        mes "You have chosen:";
    	mes "+"+@inventorylist_refine[.@idx[.@sel]]]+" "+getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@idx[.@sel]]);


  6. //====================== rAthena Script ===============================================================
    //=== Made by Rikimaru
    //=== Topic Link : http://rathena.org/board/topic/58004-request-daily-reward-npc-script/
    //==================== Information ====================================================================
    //==== Daily Reward Script
    //================= Version : =========================================================================
    //=== V 1.1   Fixed a typo in the Script [ Rikimaru ]
    //=== V 1.0   Finished Scripting the Daily Reward Script [ Rikimaru ]
    //============== Credits : ============================================================================
    //=== Credits to Rikimaru for the Daily Reward Script
    //=== rAthena Profile Link : http://rathena.org/board/user/434-rikimaru/
    prontera,146,92,6    script    Daily Reward NPC    757,{
    //=========================== Settings ================================================================
    set .@rewname$,"[ Daily Reward ]";
    set .rewardid,12744;
    set @rewardamount,1;
    //======================= Settings End ================================================================
    if(gettimetick(2) > #lastTimeTalked) {
    mes .@rewname$;
    mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+",I";
    mes "am here to give you a daily";
    mes "Reward. Do you want to have it?";
    switch(select("-Yes,sure!:-No,bye!:-Cancel")) {
    case 1:
    mes .@rewname$;
    mes "Okay going to give you the item!";
    mes "Welcome...this is Daily gift...";
    getitem 12987,1;
    getitem 12263,2;
    getitem 14765,2;
    getitem 12264,2;
    mes "Okay have fun with it!";
    set #lastTimeTalked,gettimetick(2)+86400;
    case 2:
    mes .@rewname$;
    mes "Okay goodbye!";
    case 3:
    mes .@rewname$;
    mes "Sorry you can get the";
    mes "Reward again after ";
    mes "24 Hours are over!";
    waitingroom " Daily Rewards",0;
    // Duplicates
    alberta,29,240,6    duplicate(Daily Reward NPC)    Daily Reward NPC#alb    757
    aldebaran,145,118,4    duplicate(Daily Reward NPC)    Daily Reward NPC#ald    757
    geffen,115,66,6    duplicate(Daily Reward NPC)    Daily Reward NPC#gef    757
    morocc,156,102,6    duplicate(Daily Reward NPC)    Daily Reward NPC#mor    757
    payon,184,104,4    duplicate(Daily Reward NPC)    Daily Reward NPC#pay    757
    izlude,134,93,4    duplicate(Daily Reward NPC)    Daily Reward NPC#izl    757
    payon,172,226,4    duplicate(Daily Reward NPC)    Daily Reward NPC#pay1    757
    yuno,148,187,6    duplicate(Daily Reward NPC)    Daily Reward NPC#yun    757


    • MVP 1
  7. this happens because there are data types that can make your variable loss some data..
    you must learn what are data types first and what are their scopes.. needless to say, the warning already told you the error.. a 'double' data type can store decimal number while an 'int' type can only store integers(whole number).. So with that in mind, you cannot convert '10.5' into an integer because if you do so, it will result into a whole number '10' leaving the '.5' behind which will cause a loss of data..
    to fix things like this.. you simply need to make sure that you are passing a data to it's correct data type..

    • Like 1
  8. You might be using another vps for your web. and the account you are using for is permitted for localhost only as it says 'admin@localhost'..
    make sure that your account is either permitted to your web IP( or make the account permitted to all ip ( % ). also don't bind the mysql to localhost. you can add another bind for your webhost.

  9. I voted yes! but when it comes to general demand for such function?. I guess NO.. I mean you will snip a screen shot from some RO and you will upload it for the search.. the user might snip the npc on awkward angle and would make it harder for you.. Also, search by image is not something you would use most of the time.

  10. // Limits for the monster database
    #define MIN_MOB_DB 1000
    #define MAX_MOB_DB 3999
    #define MIN_MOB_DB2 20020
    #define MAX_MOB_DB2 31999

    Also, Don't use the same name.. 
    it should be like this

        Sprite: TURTLE_GENERAL
    20020,TURTLE_GENERAL_HARD,Turtle General,Turtle General,


    • Upvote 1
  11. OnClock1900:
        .@map$ = .townMap$[rand ( getarraysize ( .townMap$ ) - 1 )];
        .@mins = .sleep / 60000;
        announce "[World Boss] A World Boss will appear in " + .@mins + " minutes", bc_all, 0xFF0000;
        sleep .sleep;
        monster .@map$, 153, 175, "Devils Pet", .wBossId, 1, strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnWBossDied";
        announce "[World Boss] A World Boss appeared in " + .@map$ + " to avenge all those dead monsters adventurers killed!", bc_all, 0xFF0000;
        announce "[World Boss] " + strcharinfo(0) + " killed the World Boss! Congratulations!", bc_all, 0xFF0000;
            getitem .rewardId[.@i], .rewardCount[.@i];
        setarray .townMap$[0],"prontera","geffen";
        .wBossId = 1931;        // monsterID
        setarray .rewardId[0],7828,501,502,503;        // reward ID
        setarray .rewardCount[0],50,1,2,3;        		// how many rewards
        .sleep = 60000;         // 60000ms = 1min


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