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Posts posted by Limestone

  1. hi to all! how can i increase the room's of annie ruru's private mvp room? here's my script.


    //    ....... if your server has { Overwriting user function [int__] } don't blame me ..........
    function    script    int__    {
        set .@num, atoi(getarg(0));
        if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0);
        set .@l, getstrlen(.@num);
        for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
            set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$;
            if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$;
        return .@num$;
    //===== eAthena Script ======================================
    //= Private MVP/Branch Room
    //===== By: ===============================================
    //= by ~AnnieRuru~
    //===== Current Version: ======================================
    //= 1.3
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= eAthena 11650 Trunk above or 11863 Stable above
    //===== Description: ========================================= 
    //= Player can rent MVP room for the player him/herself, for party or for guilds
    //===== Topic =================================================
    //= http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=187654
    //===== Additional Comments: ================================== 
    //= 1.0 
    //= ---- break the tradition which a script only for a player, or only for a party.
    //=      now 1 room can be use for party and another room can use for guilds.
    //= ---- timeout feature to prevent player owns the room indefinitely,
    //=      by create a new account and sit/@at'ing inside overnight.
    //= ---- can disable mvp/boss summon via configuration and becomes a branch room script.
    //= ---- a double check to prevent players rent all the rooms for himself.
    //= 1.0a
    //= ---- fix a critial bug that the time count too fast -_-"
    //= 1.1
    //= ---- added item cost to rent or to summon
    //= ---- added a config to limit summoning per session
    //= ---- added flood control option
    //= 1.2
    //= ---- rewrite the waitingroom counter
    //= ---- optimize the script in a way can add custom summon group
    //= ---- add config to kill the monsters if the room just being left empty
    //= ---- add GM can kick room in use
    //= ---- add able to spawn in numbers
    //= ---- add limitspawn can configure to negative to limit spawn in that group instead of individual one
    //= 1.3
    //= ---- fix chatroom countdown issue due to rev13269
    //= ---- fix a bug if 2 people rent a room at same time, the later 1 will get the room
    //= ---- add a feature so the GM can know how long the room has rented or abandoned
    //= 1.4
    //= ---- update with new mvp and mini bosses
    //= ---- fix an exploit if server allow to use @mail, player can send item/zeny away to prevent item/zeny deletion when registering the room
    //= ---- players die inside mvp room shouldn't lose exp
    //    This is the shop for this Branch room IF you already enable it. Can sell whatever things you want.
    -    shop    MVP room#branch    -1,604:100000,12103:1000000
    -    script    MVP Summoner    -1,{
        goto L_Start;
        getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1;
        if ( .@map$ == "" ) {
    //    Config ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Time for rent a room IN MINUTES. When time out, players inside the room will kick out. Do Not set this as 0
        set .timeout, 60;
        // if the room left empty for # minutes, will be treated as give up the room. Do Not set this as 0
        set .nobodygiveup, 5;
        // NOTE : The script only search item OR zeny. if you specify item amount, then it will ask for the item. If item amount is 0, then it will ask for zeny.
        // the cost to rent a room
        set .rentitemid, 0; // item id use for rent a room - 674 - mithil coin
        set .rentitemamount, 0; // amount of items to rent a room
        set .rentcost, 50000000; // otherwise, zeny cost to rent a room
        // limit each room can only summon 1 monster at a time. (only the Summoning option)
        // Turn it off (0) means the player can summon a lot of monsters as long as the player has enough zeny/item. High rate server players love the room with a lot MVPs
        // Turn it on (1) means the player have to kill existing monster before can summon a new one. Low rate server player prefer to take out MVP 1 by 1
        set .floodcontrol, 0;
        // if .floodcontrol is turn off, your players might experience lag if they summoned too many MVPs
        // so what is the maximum input to limit your players summon too many ?
        set .inputlimit, 30;
        // If the room has left over monsters while nobody in the room and the room not give up yet, shall we kill monsters in empty room ?
        set .killmonster, 1; // Default is yes
        //    Options menu setting for MVP Summoner NPC.
        set .@menu[0], 1; // Turn Heal option On/Off
        set .@menu[1], 1; // Turn Group 1 summons On/Off -> MVP
        set .@menu[2], 1; // Turn Group 2 summons On/Off -> mini boss
        set .@menu[3], 0; // Turn Group 3 summons On/Off
        set .@menu[4], 0; // Turn Group 4 summons On/Off
        set .@menu[5], 0; // Turn Group 5 summons On/Off
        set .@menu[6], 0; // Turn Group 6 summons On/Off
        set .@menu[7], 0; // Turn Group 7 summons On/Off
        set .@menu[8], 0; // Turn Group 8 summons On/Off
        set .@menu[9], 0; // Turn Group 9 summons On/Off
        set .@menu[10], 0; // Sell shop items options On/Off ( shop npc above )
        //    set respawn point when they leave the room. Obviously warp to the Private MVP Room Warper npc
        set .respawnmap$, "hyrule"; // Note : "SavePoint" does NOT work
        set .respawnx, 134;
        set .respawny, 54;
        // The minimum GM level can kick a room in use
        set .gmlvlkick, 80;
        // .limitspawn in previous revision changed to .grouplimit .
        // it is for limit each monster spawn per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        // Now you can configure one group has limited summon, and another group has unlimited summon
        // Tips: if you server has an insane custom MVP, you can put your custom mob to Group 3~9 with insane item cost, and limit only 1 summon per session
        // .grouplimit use amount, means if group1limit set to 10, then each session can only summon up to 10 amount of that kind of monster. 0 is unlimited
        // ---------
        // Group 1 -> MVP 
        // ---------
        set .group1name$, "MVP Bosses"; // Group 1 name
        set .group1itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 1 monster - 674 - mithil coin
        set .group1itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 1 monster
        set .group1cost, 2000000; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 1 monster
        set .group1limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 1 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        setarray .group1id,
            1511,//    Amon Ra
            1647,// Assassin Cross Eremes
            1785,//    Atroce
            1630,//    Bacsojin
            1039,//    Baphomet
            1874,//    Beelzebub
            1272,//    Dark Lord
            1719,//    Datale
            1046,//    Doppelgangger
            1389,//    Dracula
            1112,//    Drake
            1115,//    Eddga
            1418,//    Evil Snake Lord
            1871,//    Fallen Bishop
            1252,//    Garm
            1768,//    Gloom Under Night
            1086,//    Golden Thief Bug
            1885,//    Gopinich
            1649,// High Priest Magaleta
            1651,// High Wizard Katrinn
            1832,//    Ifrit
            1492,//    Incantation Samurai
            1734,//    Kiel D-01
            1251,//    Knight of Windstorm
            1779,//    Ktullanux
        //    1980,// Kubkin ( I think this mvp is still new )
            1688,//    Lady Tanee
            1646,// Lord Knight Seyren
            1373,//    Lord of Death
            1147,//    Maya
            1059,//    Mistress
            1150,//    Moonlight Flower
            1087,//    Orc Hero
            1190,//    Orc Lord
            1038,//    Osiris
            1157,//    Pharaoh
            1159,//    Phreeoni
            1623,//    RSX 0806
            1650,// Sniper Shecil
            1583,//    Tao Gunka
            1708,//    Thanatos
            1312,//    Turtle General
            1751,//    Valkyrie Randgris
            1685,// Vesper
            1648,// Whitesmith Harword
            1917,// Wounded Morroc
            1658;//    Ygnizem
        // ---------
        // Group 2 -> mini boss
        // ---------
        set .group2name$, "Mini Boss"; // Group 2 name
        set .group2itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 2 monster - 674 - mithil coin
        set .group2itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 2 monster
        set .group2cost, 1000000; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 2 monster
        set .group2limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 2 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        setarray .group2id,
            1096,// Angeling
            1388,// Archangeling
            1795,// Bloody Knight
            1830,// Bow Guardian
            1839,// Byorgue
            1309,// Cat O' Nine Tail
            1283,// Chimera
            1302,// Dark Illusion
            1198,// Dark Priest
            1582,// Deviling
            1091,// Dragon Fly
            1093,// Eclipse
            1205,// Executioner
            1783,// Galion
            1592,// Gangster
            1120,// Ghostring
            1259,// Gryphon
            1720,// Hydro
            1090,// Mastering
            1289,// Maya Purple
            1262,// Mutant Dragon
            1203,// Mysteltainn
            1870,// Necromancer
            1295,// Owl Baron
            1829,// Sword Guardian
            1204,// Tirfing
            1089,// Toad
            1092,// Vagabond Wolf
            1765;// Valkyrie
        // ---------
        // Group 3
        // ---------
        set .group3name$, "Poring-Family"; // Group 3 name
        set .group3itemid, 12109; // item id use for summon any Group 3 monster - 12109 - Poring box
        set .group3itemamount, 1; // amount of items to summon a Group 3 monster
        set .group3cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 3 monster
        set .group3limit, -5; // limit of summon of Group 3 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        setarray .group3id,
            1002,// Poring
            1113,// Drops
            1031,// Poporing
            1242,// Marin
            1062,// Santa Poring
            1613,// Metaling
            1784,// Stapo
            1090,// Mastering
            1096,// Angeling
            1120,// Ghostring
            1582,// Deviling
            1388,// Arc Angeling
            1502;// Pori Pori
        // ---------
        // Group 4
        // ---------
        set .group4name$, ""; // Group 4 name
        set .group4itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 4 monster
        set .group4itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 4 monster
        set .group4cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 4 monster
        set .group4limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 4 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        setarray .group4id,
        // ---------
        // Group 5
        // ---------
        set .group5name$, ""; // Group 5 name
        set .group5itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 5 monster
        set .group5itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 5 monster
        set .group5cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 5 monster
        set .group5limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 5 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        setarray .group5id,
        // ---------
        // Group 6
        // ---------
        set .group6name$, ""; // Group 6 name
        set .group6itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 6 monster
        set .group6itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 6 monster
        set .group6cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 6 monster
        set .group6limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 6 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        setarray .group6id,
        // ---------
        // Group 7
        // ---------
        set .group7name$, ""; // Group 7 name
        set .group7itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 7 monster
        set .group7itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 7 monster
        set .group7cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 7 monster
        set .group7limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 7 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        setarray .group7id,
        // ---------
        // Group 8
        // ---------
        set .group8name$, ""; // Group 8 name
        set .group8itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 8 monster
        set .group8itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 8 monster
        set .group8cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 8 monster
        set .group8limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 8 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        setarray .group8id,
        // ---------
        // Group 9
        // ---------
        set .group9name$, ""; // Group 9 name
        set .group9itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 9 monster
        set .group9itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 9 monster
        set .group9cost, 0; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 9 monster
        set .group9limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 9 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
        setarray .group9id,
    //    Config Ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if ( .timeout == 0 ) set .timeout, 60;
            if ( .nobodygiveup == 0 ) set .nobodygiveup, 5;
            if ( .inputlimit < 1 ) set .inputlimit, 1;
            if ( .rentitemid && .rentitemamount ) {
                if ( getitemname(.rentitemid) == "null" ) {
                    debugmes "Private MVP Room: Rent a room is using invalid item id.";
            set .@i, 1;
            while ( .@i <= 9 ) {
                if ( .@menu[.@i] && getd(".group"+ .@i +"itemid") && getd(".group"+ .@i +"itemamount") ) {
                    if ( getitemname( getd(".group"+ .@i +"itemid") ) == "null" ) {
                        debugmes "Private MVP Room: Group no. "+ .@i +" is using invalid item id.";
                set .@i, .@i +1 ;
            set .menu$, ( (.@menu[0])?"Heal":"" )+":"+( (.@menu[1])?"Summon "+ .group1name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[2])?"Summon "+ .group2name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[3])?"Summon "+ .group3name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[4])?"Summon "+ .group4name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[5])?"Summon "+ .group5name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[6])?"Summon "+ .group6name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[7])?"Summon "+ .group7name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[8])?"Summon "+ .group8name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[9])?"Summon "+ .group9name$:"" )+":"+( (.@menu[10])?"Buy branches":"" )+":Leave this room:Give up this room";
            set .@i, 1;
            while ( .@i <= 9 ) {
                setd ".group"+ .@i +"idsize", getarraysize( getd(".group"+ .@i +"id") );
                if ( .@menu[.@i] && getd(".group"+ .@i +"limit") <= 0 ) {
                    set .@j, 0;
                    while ( .@j < getd(".group"+ .@i +"idsize") ) {
                        setd ".group"+ .@i +"menu$", getd(".group"+ .@i +"menu$") + getmonsterinfo( getd(".group"+ .@i +"id["+ .@j +"]"), 0) +":";
                        set .@j, .@j +1 ;
                set .@i, .@i +1 ;
        else {
            sleep 1;
            mapannounce .@map$, "Admin has refresh the server, please register the room again.", 1;
            mapwarp .@map$, .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny;
    L_Start: // I hate gotos ... but ...
        set .@dif, strnpcinfo(2);
        if ( .remind[.@dif] == 0 ) {
            set .remind[.@dif], 1;
        mes "[MVP Summoner]";
        mes "Hi, what can I do for you ?";
        switch ( select(.menu$) ) {
            case 1:
                mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                if ( mobcount ("this","all") > 0 ) {
                    mes "I cannot offer heal service when there are monsters around.";
                sc_end sc_stone;
                sc_end sc_slowdown;
                sc_end sc_freeze;
                sc_end sc_sleep;
                sc_end sc_curse;
                sc_end sc_silence;
                sc_end sc_confusion;
                sc_end sc_blind;
                sc_end sc_bleeding;
                sc_end sc_decreaseagi;
                sc_end sc_poison;
                sc_end sc_hallucination;
                sc_end sc_stripweapon;
                sc_end sc_striparmor;
                sc_end sc_striphelm;
                sc_end sc_stripshield;
                sc_end sc_changeundead;
                sc_end sc_orcish;
                sc_end sc_berserk;
                sc_end sc_ske;
                sc_end sc_swoo;
                sc_end sc_ska;
                percentheal 100,100;
                specialeffect2 7;
                mes "You have completely healed.";
                set .@group, @menu -1;
                if ( .floodcontrol && mobcount("this","all") > 0 ) {
                    mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                    mes "I cannot summon another monster when there are monsters around.";
                else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") && getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") ) {
                    mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                    mes "The cost to summon a "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"name$") +" is "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") +" "+ getitemname( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") ) +".";
                    if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 )
                        mes "("+( ( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) <= 0 )?0:( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) ) )+") more summons for this group.";
                else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") ) {
                    mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                    mes "The cost to summon a "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"name$") +" is "+ callfunc("int__", getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") ) +" zeny.";
                    if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 )
                        mes "("+( ( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) <= 0 )?0:( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) ) )+") more summons for this group.";
                else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 ) {
                    mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                    mes "("+( ( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) <= 0 )?0:( ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) ) )+") more summons for this group.";
                if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 && getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) >= ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 ) {
                    mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                    mes "I'm sorry, but you can't summon any more monster for this group.";
                else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") > 0 ) {
                    for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getd(".group"+ .@group +"idsize"); set .@i, .@i +1 )
                        set .@menu$, .@menu$ +( ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@i +"]") >= getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") )?"^999999":"^000000" )+ getmonsterinfo( getd(".group"+ .@group +"id["+ .@i +"]"), 0) +" ("+ ( ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@i +"]") <= 0 )?0:( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") - getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@i +"]") ) ) +")"+":";
                    set .@menu, select(.@menu$) -1;
                    set .@menu, select( getd(".group"+ .@group +"menu$") ) -1;
                mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                if ( .floodcontrol == 0 && .inputlimit > 1 ) {
                    mes "Input an amount of monsters to summon.";
                    input .@amount;
                    if ( .@amount == 0 ) close;
                    else if ( .@amount > .inputlimit )
                        set .@amount, .inputlimit;
                    mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                    set .@amount, 1;
                if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") && getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") ) {
                    if ( countitem( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") ) < getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") * .@amount ) {
                        mes "You don't have enough "+ getitemname( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") ) +" to summon a "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"name$") +".";
                else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") ) {
                    if ( zeny < getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount ) {
                        mes "You don't have enough zeny to summon a "+ getd(".group"+ .@group +"name$") +".";
                if ( .floodcontrol && mobcount("this","all") > 0 ) {
                    mes "I cannot summon another monster when there are monsters around.";
                else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") > 0 ) {
                    if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]") >= getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") ) {
                        mes "I'm sorry, but you already summoned that monster too much. Try summon another.";
                    else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]") + .@amount > getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") ) {
                        mes "The amount you input is more than the limit you can summon. Try reduce the amount.";
                else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 ) {
                    if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) >= ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 ) {
                        mes "I'm sorry, but you can't summon any more monster for this group.";
                    else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) + .@amount > ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 ) {
                        mes "The amount you input is more than the limit you can summon. Try reduce the amount.";
                mes "Summoning "+ .@amount +" "+ getmonsterinfo( getd(".group"+ .@group +"id["+ .@menu +"]"), 0) +".";
                mes "Ok, get ready ?";
                if ( .floodcontrol && mobcount("this","all") > 0 ) end;
                if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") && getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") ) {
                    if ( countitem( getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid") ) < getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") * .@amount ) end;
                    delitem getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemid"), getd(".group"+ .@group +"itemamount") * .@amount;
                else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") ) {
                    if ( zeny < getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount ) end;
                    set zeny, zeny - getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount;
                if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") > 0 ) {
                    if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]") + .@amount > getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") ) end;
                    setd ".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]", getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif +"["+ .@menu +"]") + .@amount;
                else if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit") < 0 ) {
                    if ( getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) + .@amount > ~getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit")+1 ) end;
                    setd ".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif, getd(".group"+ .@group +"limit"+ .@dif) + .@amount;
                monster "this", 0, 0, "--ja--", getd(".group"+ .@group +"id["+ .@menu +"]"), .@amount;
            case 11:
                if ( mobcount("this","all") > 0 ) {
                    mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                    mes "I cannot offer this service when there are monsters around.";
                callshop "MVP room#branch", 0;
            case 12:
                mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                mes "Are you sure you want to leave this room ?";
                mes "If this room left empty for more than "+ .nobodygiveup +" minutes, you lost ownership for this room.";
                if ( select( "Yes:No") == 2 ) close;
                warp .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny;
            case 13:
                mes "[MVP Summoner]";
                getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0;
                if ( getmapusers(.@map$) > 1 ) {
                    mes "There are still some players in this room. Make sure you are the last member in this room to use this option.";
                mes "Are you sure you want to give up this room ?";
                if ( .rentcost )
                    mes "You will need to pay again to enter this room.";
                if ( select( "Yes:No" ) == 2 ) close;
                warp .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny;
                set .remaintime[.@dif], -1;
        set .@dif, strnpcinfo(2);
        set .remind[.@dif], 0;
        for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 9; set .@i, .@i +1 )
            deletearray getd(".group"+ .@i +"limit"+ .@dif), getd(".group"+ .@i +"idsize");
        set .nobodycounter[.@dif], 0;
        getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y ,1;
        set .starttime[.@dif], gettimetick(2);
        do {
            set .remaintime[.@dif], .timeout * 60 + .starttime[.@dif] - gettimetick(2);
            set .@hour[.@dif], .remainTime[.@dif] / 3600 ;
            set .@min[.@dif], .remainTime[.@dif] % 3600 / 60 ;
            set .@sec[.@dif], .remainTime[.@dif] % 3600 % 60 ;
            delwaitingroom strnpcinfo(0);
            waitingroom "Time Left = "+( ( .@hour[.@dif] )?( .@hour[.@dif] +":"):"" )+( ( .@min[.@dif] < 10 )?"0"+ .@min[.@dif]: .@min[.@dif] )+":"+( ( .@sec[.@dif] < 10 )?"0"+ .@sec[.@dif]: .@sec[.@dif] ), 0;
            if ( getmapusers(.@map$) )
                set .nobodycounter[.@dif], 0;
            else {
                set .nobodycounter[.@dif], .nobodycounter[.@dif] +1 ;
                if ( .nobodycounter[.@dif] > .nobodygiveup * 60 ) break;
            sleep 995;
        } while ( .remaintime[.@dif] > 1 );
        set .remaintime[.@dif], 0;
        delwaitingroom "MVP Summoner#"+ .@dif;
        mapwarp .@map$, .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny;
        npctalk "Hi ~ the bubble above my head is the countdown for using this room.";
        sleep 2000;
        npctalk "Sometimes, I can skip for about 1 second in the countdown.";
        sleep 3000;
        npctalk "That is because the server is experiencing minor lag problem.";
        sleep 3000;
        npctalk "So, don't complain about me cheated for the countdown ~ ^.^";
        sleep 3000;
        npctalk "Have a nice day ~";
    hyrule,121,60,5    script    Private MVP Room    100,{
        mes "[Private MVP Room]";
        mes "Please select a private MVP room.";
        if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") )
            mes "The cost to rent a room for "+ getvariableofnpc(.timeout, "MVP Summoner") +" minutes is "+ getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") +" "+ getitemname( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") ) +".";
        else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") )
            mes "The cost to rent a room for "+ getvariableofnpc(.timeout, "MVP Summoner") +" minutes is "+ callfunc("int__", getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) +" zeny.";
            mes "You can only use the room for only "+ getvariableofnpc(.timeout, "MVP Summoner") +" minutes.";
        mes " ";
        for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 8; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
            if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@i],"MVP Summoner") ) {
                switch ( .type[.@i] ) {
                    case 1: set .@color$, "^EE8800"; break;
                    case 2: set .@color$, "^70CC11"; break;
                    case 3: set .@color$, "^0000FF"; break;
                    default: set .@color$, "^000000";
                mes "Room #"+ .@i +" = "+ .@color$ + .whoinuse$[.@i] +"^000000";
        set .@room, select("MVP Room 1 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_01") +"]",
            "MVP Room 2 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_02") +"]",
            "MVP Room 3 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_03") +"]",
            "MVP Room 4 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_04") +"]",
            "MVP Room 5 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_05") +"]",
            "MVP Room 6 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_06") +"]",
            "MVP Room 7 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_07") +"]",
            "MVP Room 8 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_08") +"]");
        if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner") ) {
            if ( .inuseid[.@room] == getcharid(.type[.@room]) ) {
                if ( getvariableofnpc(.killmonster,"MVP Summoner") && getmapusers("06guild_0"+ .@room) == 0 )
                    killmonsterall "06guild_0"+ .@room;
                warp "06guild_0"+ .@room, 0,0;
            } else {
                mes "[Private MVP Room]";
                switch ( .type[.@room] ) {
                    case 1: set .@color$, "^EE8800Party "; break;
                    case 2: set .@color$, "^70CC11Guild "; break;
                    case 3: set .@color$, "^0000FFPlayer ";
                mes "This room is reserved for ";
                mes .@color$ + .whoinuse$[.@room] +"^000000 .";
                if ( getgmlevel() < getvariableofnpc(.gmlvlkick,"MVP Summoner") ) {
                    mes "Please select another.";
                mes " ";
                mes "Currently there are "+ getmapusers("06guild_0"+ .@room) +" players";
                mes "in that room.";
                set .@remaintime, getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner");
                mes "It still has "+( .@remaintime /60 )+"mn "+( .@remaintime %60 )+"s left.";
                set .@nobodycounter, getvariableofnpc(.nobodycounter[.@room],"MVP Summoner");
                if ( .@nobodycounter )
                    mes "And have left empty for "+( .@nobodycounter /60 )+"mn "+( .@nobodycounter %60 )+"s.";
                mes "Kick them ?";
                if ( select ( "No:Yes" ) == 1 ) close;
                set getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner"), -1;
                mes "[Private MVP Room]";
                mes "Room#"+ .@room +" is empty now.";
        mes "[Private MVP Room]";
        if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
            if ( countitem(getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner")) < getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
                mes "You don't have enough "+ getitemname( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") ) +" to rent a room.";
        else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) {
            if ( zeny < getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) {
                mes "You don't have enough zeny to rent a room.";
        mes "You reserve this room for ...";
        set .@type, select("For my party members", "For my guild members", "For personal account use" );
        if ( getcharid(.@type) == 0 ) {
            mes "[Private MVP Room]";
            mes "You do not own a "+( (.@type == 1)?"Party":"Guild" )+".";
        else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
            if ( countitem(getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner")) < getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
                mes "You don't have enough "+ getitemname( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") ) +" to rent a room.";
        else if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner") ) {
            mes "[Private MVP Room]";
            mes "I'm sorry, somebody else has already register this room faster than you.";
        for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 8; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
            if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@i],"MVP Summoner") && .@type == .type[.@i] && getcharid(.@type) == .inuseid[.@i] ) {
                mes "[Private MVP Room]";
                mes "You already rented Room#"+ .@i +". Use that room instead.";
        set .type[.@room], .@type;
        set .inuseid[.@room], getcharid(.@type);
        set .whoinuse$[.@room], strcharinfo( (.@type == 3)?0:.@type );
        if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
            if ( countitem(getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner")) < getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) end;
            delitem getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner"), getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner");
        else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) {
            if ( zeny < getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) end;
            set zeny, zeny - getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner");
        warp "06guild_0"+ .@room, 0,0;
        killmonsterall "06guild_0"+ .@room;
        donpcevent "MVP Summoner#"+ .@room +"::OnEnterMap";
    06guild_01,49,49,4    duplicate(MVP Summoner)    MVP Summoner#1    116
    06guild_02,49,49,4    duplicate(MVP Summoner)    MVP Summoner#2    116
    06guild_03,49,49,4    duplicate(MVP Summoner)    MVP Summoner#3    116
    06guild_04,49,49,4    duplicate(MVP Summoner)    MVP Summoner#4    116
    06guild_05,49,49,4    duplicate(MVP Summoner)    MVP Summoner#5    116
    06guild_06,49,49,4    duplicate(MVP Summoner)    MVP Summoner#6    116
    06guild_07,49,49,4    duplicate(MVP Summoner)    MVP Summoner#7    116
    06guild_08,49,49,4    duplicate(MVP Summoner)    MVP Summoner#8    116
    06guild_01    mapflag    nowarpto
    06guild_02    mapflag    nowarpto
    06guild_03    mapflag    nowarpto
    06guild_04    mapflag    nowarpto
    06guild_05    mapflag    nowarpto
    06guild_06    mapflag    nowarpto
    06guild_07    mapflag    nowarpto
    06guild_08    mapflag    nowarpto
    06guild_01    mapflag    nomemo
    06guild_02    mapflag    nomemo
    06guild_03    mapflag    nomemo
    06guild_04    mapflag    nomemo
    06guild_05    mapflag    nomemo
    06guild_06    mapflag    nomemo
    06guild_07    mapflag    nomemo
    06guild_08    mapflag    nomemo
    06guild_01    mapflag    noteleport
    06guild_02    mapflag    noteleport
    06guild_03    mapflag    noteleport
    06guild_04    mapflag    noteleport
    06guild_05    mapflag    noteleport
    06guild_06    mapflag    noteleport
    06guild_07    mapflag    noteleport
    06guild_08    mapflag    noteleport
    06guild_01    mapflag    nosave    SavePoint
    06guild_02    mapflag    nosave    SavePoint
    06guild_03    mapflag    nosave    SavePoint
    06guild_04    mapflag    nosave    SavePoint
    06guild_05    mapflag    nosave    SavePoint
    06guild_06    mapflag    nosave    SavePoint
    06guild_07    mapflag    nosave    SavePoint
    06guild_08    mapflag    nosave    SavePoint
    06guild_01    mapflag    nopenalty
    06guild_02    mapflag    nopenalty
    06guild_03    mapflag    nopenalty
    06guild_04    mapflag    nopenalty
    06guild_05    mapflag    nopenalty
    06guild_06    mapflag    nopenalty
    06guild_07    mapflag    nopenalty
    06guild_08    mapflag    nopenalty
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