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Posts posted by Limestone

  1. Hi! i always got DB Error - Data truncated for column `balance` at row 1


    i dont know what to do, here's my script


                mes "You have a total of "+#VOTEPOINTS+" Vote Points.";
                mes "Would you like to convert it to credits?";
                mes "^ff0000Note:^000000 1 Vote Points = 1 Credits.";
                switch(select("Let me think first.:Yes, let's continue.")){
                case 1:
                        mes .npcName$;
                        mes "Come back if you already want to talk to me.";
                case 2:
                        if(#VOTEPOINTS < 1){
                        mes .npcName$;
                        mes "You don't have enough Vote Points to convert.";
                        else {
                        mes .npcName$;
                        mes "Put your desired amount to be converted.";
                        input @vote,0,#VOTEPOINTS;
                        if( @vote < #VOTEPOINTS ){
                            mes .npcName$;
                            mes "Not enough Vote Points.";
                        else {
                            mes .npcName$;
                            mes "Thank you! and come again.";
                            query_sql "UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance` = `balance` + @vote WHERE `account_id` = "+ getcharid(3) +" AND `balance` <> 0;";
                            set #VOTEPOINTS,#VOTEPOINTS-@vote;
  2. in where? src folder? please elaborate. thanks! 

    what i mean is the effect of the AC_DOUBLE, when in sniper and hunter job, the effect will be 3 hits instead of 2 hits, and the other jobs that has a AC_DOUBLE skill will remain the same effect.


  3. emistry i try your script and convert to this, but it shows not exact amount of my #BANKNOTES



    thanks, i already fixed my problem! :)

    Emistry i have 1 problem again, how can i set this script.


    if i put 100000z = 1 bank note


    case 2:
            mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
            mes "Very well, what type of exchange";
            mes "would you like to do?";
            switch(select("^ff0000Zeny^000000 -> ^fdd017Bank Note^000000:^fdd017Bank Note^000000 -> ^ff0000Zeny^000000:Nevermind.")){
            case 1:
                    mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                    mes "How much zeny do you want to";
                    mes "transfer into ^fdd017Bank Notes^000000?";
                    mes "Please note, that each ^fdd017Bank";
                    mes "Note^000000 is equivalent to ^ff0000100000^000000z.";
                    input @zeny,0,Zeny;
                    if(Zeny < 99999){
                    mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                    mes "I'm sorry, but you don't have";
                    mes "enought zeny for the transaction.";
                    mes "Please input a valid amount.";
                    if(@Zeny < 99999){
                    mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                    mes "Please input an amount greater";
                    mes "than 99,999.";
                    else {
                    mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                    mes "Are you sure you want to";
                    mes "exchange ^ff0000"+@zeny+"^000000 z for ^ff0000"+@bank_note+"^000000 ^fdd017Bank Note^000000?";
                    switch(select("Yep, go ahead.:No, I changed my mind.")){
                    case 1:
                            mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                            mes "Okay then, would you like ^ff0000"+@zeny+"^000000 ^fdd017Bank Note^000000 ";
                            mes "to be placed in your inventory or your account?";
                            switch(select("Inventory - ^ffa500"+countitem(8051)+"^000000 + ^ffa500"+@bank_note+"^000000 ^fdd017Bank Notes^000000:Account - ^ffa500"+(#BANKNOTES)+"^000000 + ^ffa500"+@bank_note+"^000000 ^fdd017Bank Notes^000000:Nevermind")){
                            case 1:
                                    mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                                    mes "...";
                                    set @exchange, @zeny / 100000;
                                    set Zeny,Zeny-(100000*@exchange);
                                    getitem 8051,@exchange;
                                    mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                                    mes "Exchange Complete.";
                            case 2:
                                    mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                                    mes "...";
                                    mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                                    mes "Exchange Complete.";
                                    mes "Your total account balance is now ^ff0000"+#BANKNOTES+"^000000 ^fdd017Bank Notes^000000.";
                            case 3:
                                    mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                                    mes "Come back soon.";
                    case 2:
                            mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
                            mes "Come back soon.";
  4.         mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
            mes "Very well, how much ^ffffBank Notes^000000";
            mes "would you like to deposit?";
            mes "Please note, that each ^fdd017Bank";
            mes "Note^000000 is equivalent to ^ff0000100000^000000z.";
            input @deposit,0,countitem(8051);
            if(@deposit < 1) goto DepoB;
            mes "[ ^ffa500Bank Exchange^000000 ]";
            mes "You currently have ^ff0000"+countitem(8051)+"^000000 ^fdd017Bank Note^000000";
            mes "in your account.";
            mes "By finishing this transaction,";
            mes "you will gain:
            mes "^ff0000"+@deposit+"^000000 ^fdd017Bank Note^000000";
            mes "and have a total of:";
            < ------ this part is what i'm missing -------- >
  5. Hi!

    i'm making now a bank script
    but i dont know how to do this
    if i add a bank note in my account
    it shows a total of how many bank notes i have after the transaction
    for example i have 1 bank note already in my account
    if i add 1 bank note again
    it will show how many bank notes in my account after the transaction



  6. can i request a custom mob drop via script that all of normal monsters (excepts Low level monster lvl 50 below) has a 2.5% chance of dropping a (red potion) and 5% chance on all mvp bosses and mini bosses. thanks!

  7. can i request to edit this src (from hercules)




    to make it compatible in rathena, i already applied it on my server ( no compile errors ) but when i try to click the npc, it always says


    This is a Item  Shop. You need %s (%d) to Buy items.
    and then it does not open the shop


    but if i dont have the required item to buy from the shop, it opens the shop.



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