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Posts posted by Limestone

  1. Everytime i talk to the npc, im getting 1 only identified items. is there anything wrong with this script?



                                mes "[ ^ffa500Eternal Kafra^000000 ]";
                                mes "Need me to identify your equipment?";
                                prompt("Yes, please.:No thanks.");
                                case 1:
                                        mes "[ ^ffa500Eternal Kafra^000000 ]";
                                        mes "Okay, let me have a look at your inventory.";
                                        while( .@i < @inventorylist_count ){
                                            if ( !@inventorylist_identify[.@i] ){
                                                delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;
                                                getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1;
                                                mes "[ ^ffa500Eternal Kafra^000000 ]";
                                                mes "I have successfully identified "+.@i+" items.";
                                                goto Kaf_End;
                                        mes "[ ^ffa500Eternal Kafra^000000 ]";
                                        mes "Everything has already been identified.";
                                        goto Kaf_End;
  2. oh, i see.. so if i put 


    if (getequippercentrefinery(.@part) > rand(100) || getequippercentrefinery(.@part) > rand(50)) {


    thats 1.5x times success rates of the original refine rate, if i set it like that, then for example my percentage or success in refine in +9 ~ +10 is 10%, it will become 15%? am i correct?

  3. I'll try this, and report here if i encountered some problems or bugs.

    Error in Compiling, Im using Windows 7 x64


    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5941) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5945) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5955) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5955) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5955) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5955) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5955) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5955) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5962) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5963) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5963) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5968) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5973) : error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5974) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier
    2>d:\ragnarok online\rathena\src\map\atcommand.c(5974) : error C2065: 'type' : undeclared identifier



    add "int type = 0;" before "int i;" and delete the "int" in "int type = atoi(message);"

    I'm Curious about this msg, 0 = Usable : healing 2 = Usable : other 3 = Misc 4 = Weapon 5 = Armor 6 = Card 7 = Pet Egg 8 = Pet Equipment 10 = Arrow/Ammunition 11 = Usable : delayed consumption (items with script "pet" or "itemskill")


    why is there no number 1?

  4. ok, here's the description of those items


    ^ff0000unable to trade with other accounts^000000
    A special stick-shaped snack to celebrate the day has number 1 most in the year.
    STR + 15 for 30 min.
    as a bonus, Random ATK(11~111) will be increased for 10 min.
    ^ff0000¡Ø STR won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option.
    ¡Ø bonus ATK is same as PC caf? buff and it won't be piled up and you will receive the last option. 
    This bonus won't be displayed on State window.^000000
    Weight : ^7777771^000000
    ^ff0000unable to trade with other accounts^000000
    A special stick-shaped snack to celebrate the day has number 1 most in the year.
    VIT+15 for 30 min
    as a bonus, Random (11 ~ 33%) amount of HP will be recovered when this item consumed.
    ^ff0000¡Ø VIT won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option.^000000
    Weight : ^7777771^000000
    ^ff0000unable to trade with other accounts^000000
    A special stick-shaped snack to celebrate the day has number 1 most in the year.
    AGI+15 for 30 min
    as a bonus, Random (11~33) FLEE will be increased for 10 min.
    ^ff0000¡Ø AGI won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option.
    ¡Ø bonus FLEE won't be piled up with same option and you will receive the highest option.^000000
    Weight : ^7777771^000000
    ^ff0000unable to trade with other accounts^000000
    A special stick-shaped snack to celebrate the day has number 1 most in the year.
    INT+15 for 30 min
    as a bonus, Random (11~111) MATK will be increased for 10 min.
    ^ff0000¡Ø INT won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option.
    ¡Ø bonus MATK is same as PC caf? buff and it won't be piled up and you will receive the last option. 
    This bonus won't be displayed on State window.^000000
    Weight : ^7777771^000000
    ^ff0000unable to trade with other accounts^000000
    A special stick-shaped snack to celebrate the day has number 1 most in the year.
    DEX+15 for 30 min.
    as a bonus, Random (11~33) HIT will be increased for 10 min.
    ^ff0000¡Ø DEX won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option.
    ¡Ø bonus HIT won't be piled up with same option and you will receive the highest option.^000000
    Weight : ^7777771^000000
    ^ff0000unable to trade with other accounts^000000
    A special stick-shaped snack to celebrate the day has number 1 most in the year.
    LUK+15 for 30 min
    as a bonus, Random (11~33) amount of  CRI will be increased for 10 min.
    ^ff0000¡Ø LUK won't be piled up with cash food and you will receive higher option.
    ¡Ø bonus CRI won't be piled up with same option and you will receive the highest option.^000000
    Weight : ^7777771^000000
  5. Hi



    I think the query should look like this:

    query_sql "UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance` = `balance` + " + @vote + " WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " AND `balance` <> 0;";




    someone knows wtf  


    AND `balance` <> 0;



    <> is the operator for "not equal", the same as !=


    Hi! i got problems when updating the cp_credits, i wiped out my server, then i try to vote, when i try to convert my votepoints to credits, it doesnt updating. please help.


    Because update only works if there is something in the database to edit...


    		query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `cp_credits` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+";",.@a;
    		mes "You have a total of "+#VOTEPOINTS+" Vote Points.";
    		mes "Would you like to convert it to credits?";
    		mes "^ff0000Note:^000000 1 Vote Points = 1 Credits.";
    		switch(select("Let me think first.:Yes, let's continue.")) {
    		case 1:
    				mes .npcName$;
    				mes "Come back if you already want to talk to me.";
    		case 2:
    			if(#VOTEPOINTS < 1) {
    				mes .npcName$;
    				mes "You don't have enough Vote Points to convert.";
    			} else {
    				mes .npcName$;
    				mes "Put your desired amount to be converted.";
    			input @vote,0,#VOTEPOINTS;
    			if( @vote < #VOTEPOINTS ) {
    				mes .npcName$;
    				mes "Not enough Vote Points.";
    			} else {
    				mes .npcName$;
    				mes "Thank you! and come again.";
    				if(.@a) query_sql "UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance` = `balance` + " + @vote + " WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " AND `balance` <> 0;";
    				else query_sql "INSERT INTO `cp_credits` (account_id, balance) VALUES ("+getcharid(3)+", "+@vote+")";
    				set #VOTEPOINTS,#VOTEPOINTS-@vote;


    Thanks! it worked, but i have notice that there is a problem, for example, i have 10 Vote Points, and i only want to convert 8 Points, it says i dont have enough vote points, but if i put the exact amount of my vote points, the npc will accept my input and then it will convert it.

  6. I think the query should look like this:

    query_sql "UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance` = `balance` + " + @vote + " WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " AND `balance` <> 0;";




    someone knows wtf  


    AND `balance` <> 0;



    <> is the operator for "not equal", the same as !=


    Hi! i got problems when updating the cp_credits, i wiped out my server, then i try to vote, when i try to convert my votepoints to credits, it doesnt updating. please help.

  7. how can i make a query_sql script like this


    "you have a total of "+.@n+" Credits";


    here's my script


    set .@n, query_sql "SELECT `balance` FROM `cp_credits` WHERE `account_id` = '" + getcharid(3)+ "'";
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