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Everything posted by Quesooo

  1. thank you so much guys
  2. sorry for bad English i mean a lucky player will get a random item? but only 1 item
  3. good day masters can you help me to make this script to a random items?? if the player pick the lucky player of the day he will get a random item base on my script thank you so much this is the script - script LuckyPlayer -1,{ OnInit: OnClock0000: set .LuckyTime,rand(24); OnMinute00: if( gettime(3) == .LuckyTime ){ set .DelayMin,rand(60); sleep ( rand(60) * 1000 ); while(1){ query_sql "select account_id from `char` where online = 1 order by rand() limit 1", .@aid; attachrid .@aid; if( CheckVending() ){ DetachRID(); continue; } announce strcharinfo(0) +" Get 1 Old Gift Box for Lucky Player of the day!", 0,0x00FF00; getitem 12244,1; dispbottom "you got 1 Old Gift Box"; break; } } end; }
  4. good day masters can i request a card exchanger NPC this how the npc works - players need to collect atleast 15 pcs Blank card (6187) - the npc will count if the player / players have atleast 15 pcs blank card - and exchange it to a random cards - 100% for normal cards -30% for mini boss cards - and 1 % for mvp cards and get a announcement if the players get card from this npc thank you so much
  5. good day masters is this possible??? when the player is lvl 1 only he/she cant use commands unless he reach a base lvl of 20?? commands can be use starting from lvl20 up to max lvl thank you
  6. is this script available?? i want this
  7. good day masters i want to know if this possible if the event is not starting the npo is on hide when the event is starting the npc now will show this is the script please help me thank you prontera,156,180,3 script Disguise Event 795,{ // Currently set to run every two hours. // To change times, edit the OnClock labels below. set .@GMLevel,99; // GM level required to access NPC. set .@n$,"[^0000FFDisguise NPC^000000]"; if (getgmlevel()>=.@GMLevel) { mes .@n$; mes "Select an option."; next; switch(select("Turn ON/OFF Event:Event Settings")) { case 1: mes .@n$; if (.EventON) { mes "The Event is currently: [^0000FFON^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it OFF?"; } else { mes "The Event is currently: [^FF0000OFF^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it ON?"; } if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; if (.EventON) { set .EventON,0; set .Timer,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; announce "A GM has decided to turn the Disguise Event off. As a result no further prizes will be given.",0,0x00CCFF; deletepset 1; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; close; } set .EventON,1; set .Timer,1; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; set .ResetCounter,.ResetCounter+1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",0,0x00CCFF; announce "The Event is being held at the Middle Of prontera ",0,0x00CCFF; close; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Pick a setting to modify."; next; switch(select("Monster Display:Number of Rounds:Prize Settings")) { case 1: setarray .@r$[0],"Disguise as all monsters.","Disguise as MVPs only."; mes .@n$; mes "Choose a disguise rule."; next; set .Rule, select(implode(.@r$,":")); mes .@n$; mes "The Disguise Rule has been set:"; mes " > ^0055FF"+.@r$[.Rule-1]+"^000000"; close; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Input the number of rounds you want the event to last."; mes "Current number: [^0000FF"+.Rounds+"^000000]"; next; input .@Rounds; set .Rounds,.@Rounds; mes .@n$; mes "The number of rounds has been changed to "+.Rounds+"."; close; case 3: mes .@n$; mes "Input the Item ID of the prize given each round."; mes "Current item: [^0000FF"+getitemname(.Prize)+"^000000] (ID #"+.Prize+")"; next; input .@Prize; mes .@n$; if (getitemname(.@Prize)=="" || getitemname(.@Prize)=="null") { mes "That item does not exist. Please try again."; close; } set .Prize,.@Prize; mes "Input the amount to be given."; next; input .@amount; mes .@n$; if (.@amount<=0 || .@amount>=10000) { mes "That amount is invalid. Using default ammount of 1."; set .@amount,1; next; mes .@n$; } set .PrizeAmt,.@amount; mes "The Prize has been changed successfully."; mes "Prize: "+.PrizeAmt+"x [^0000FF"+getitemname(.Prize)+"^000000]"; close; } } } if (.EventON) end; mes .@n$; mes "Welcome."; mes "How may I be of assistance?"; if(select("Information:Nothing, just passing through.")==2) close; next; mes .@n$; mes "This event is quite simple."; mes "At the start of the event, I will"; mes "disguise myself as a random"; mes "monster. You have to shout"; mes "that monter's name out loud."; next; mes "If you are correct, you will receive"; mes "a prize. If not, keep trying!"; mes "That's all that there is to this event."; close; OnInit: set .EventON,0; set .Wait,0; set .Winner,0; set .ResetCounter,0; set .Rounds,10; set .Prize,675; set .PrizeAmt,1; set .Rule,1; setarray .MVP[0],1038,1039,1046,1059,1086,1087,1112,1115,1147,1150,1157,1159,1190,1251,1252,1272,1312,1373, 1389,1399,1418,1492,1502,1511,1583,1623,1630,1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1658,1685,1688, 1708,1719,1734,1751,1768,1779,1785,1802,1832,1871,1874,1885,1917,1980,2022,2068,2087,2131, 2156,2165; set .BlackList$, "1003,1006,1017,1021,1022,1027,1043,1075,1136,1137,1168," + "1171,1172,1173,1181,1187,1210,1217,1218,1222,1223,1224,1225,1226,1227,1228," + "1233,1284,1407,1411,1414,1495,1501,1900,1996,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004," + "2005,2006,2007,2011,2012,2025,2028,2029,2030,2031,2032,2033,2034,2035," + "2036,2037,2038,2039,2040,2041,2042,2043,2044,2045,2046,2047,2048,2049," + "2050,2051,2052,2053,2054,2055,2056,2057,2058,2059,2060,2061,2062,2063," + "2064,2065,2066,2067,2075,2076,2077,2078,2079,2080,2081,2083,2084,2085," + "2086,2087,2088,2089,2090,2091,2092,2093,2094,2095,2096,2097,2098,2099," + "2100,2101,2012,2103,2104,2105,2106,2107,2108,2109,2110,2111,2112,2113," + "2114,2115,2116,2117,2118,2119,2120,2121,2123,2124,2125,1496,"; end; OnClock0000: OnClock0400: OnClock0800: OnClock1200: OnClock1600: OnClock2000: set .ResetCounter,.ResetCounter+1; set .EventON,1; set .Timer,1; set .Wait,1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",0,0x00CCFF; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera Middle.",0,0x00CCFF; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: if (.Timer || .Change) end; set .Wait,0; goto iDisguise; end; OnTimer30000: if (.Timer) end; set .Change,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; npctalk "You took too long to guess what I was. Please wait 10 seconds while I disguise again."; specialeffect 725; set $MonsterName$,""; deletepset 1; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: if (.Timer!=1) end; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 2 minutes.",0,0x00CCFF; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera Middle",0,0x00CCFF; end; OnTimer120000: if (.Timer!=1) end; announce "The Disguise Event will begin 1 minute.",0,0x00CCFF; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera Middle",0,0x00CCFF; end; OnTimer180000: if (.Timer!=1) end; announce "The Disguise Event has begun!",0,0x00CCFF; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera Middle",0,0x00CCFF; set .Timer,0; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; iDisguise: if (.Rule==1) { set .Winner,0; set .Monster,1000+rand(1,995); if (compare(","+.BlackList$+"," , ","+.Monster+",")) goto iDisguise; if (.Monster==.LastMonster) goto iDisguise; set .LastMonster,.Monster; set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo(.Monster,0); } if (.Rule==2) { set .Winner,0; set .Monster,rand(49); set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo(.MVP[.Monster],0); } deletepset 1; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.\\s*"+$MonsterName$+".*", "iCorrect"; activatepset 1; if (.Rule==1) setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",.Monster; if (.Rule==2) setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",.MVP[.Monster]; set .Change,1; setnpctimer 0; end; iCorrect: if (.Winner) { dispbottom "Someone has already won this round."; end; } set .Winner,1; set .RoundCount,.RoundCount+1; deletepset 1; activatepset 1; getitem .Prize,.PrizeAmt; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is correct! I was disguised as: "+$MonsterName$+"",0,0x00CCFF; if (.RoundCount>=.Rounds) { setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set .RoundCount,0; set .Change,0; set .EventON,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; npctalk "Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. Come play again later."; end; } setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set .Change,0; setnpctimer 0; end; }
  8. is this week end x2 exp event floating rate??
  9. good day rathena and masters out there i want to request a floating rates with broadcast for x2 exp for week end my server rates is 100x100x50 thank you
  10. all option on the warper npc is disappeared i just review the script many time but i cant figure out how does this happens
  11. Someone can help me about this problem when player choosing a categories on the warper after 5 seconds or 3 seconds some time the chooises gone and the player got stuck and cant move this is the script - script Warper -1,{ function Go; function Disp; function Pick; function Restrict; // -------------------------------------------------- // Main Menu: // -------------------------------------------------- menu "Last Warp ^777777["+lastwarp$+"]^000000",-, " ~ Special Areas",Special, " ~ Towns",Towns, " ~ Fields",Fields, " ~ Dungeons",Dungeons, " ~ Instances",Instances, " ~ Guild Dungeons",Guild_Dungeons; if (lastwarp$ == "") message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't warped anywhere yet."; else warp lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy; end; // ------------------- Functions ------------------- // * Go("<map>",<x>,<y>); // ~ Warps directly to a map. // // * Disp("<Menu Option>",<first option>,<last option>); // * Pick("<map_prefix>"{,<index offset>}); // ~ Dynamic menu and map selection (auto-numbered). // // * Disp("<Option 1>:<Option 2>:<etc.>"); // * Pick("","<map1>","<map2>","<etc.>"); // ~ Manual menu and map selection (listed). // // * Restrict("<RE | Pre-RE>"{,<menu option numbers>}); // ~ Only allows map for Renewal or Pre-Renewal modes. // If menu option numbers are given, only those maps // will be restricted (i.e. not for "Go"). // // Other notes: // ~ Array @c[] holds all (x,y) coordinates. // ~ Use @c[2] EXCEPT when maps begin dynamically // at 0: use @c[0] and Pick() offset 1. // -------------------------------------------------- function Go { warp getarg(0),getarg(1,0),getarg(2,0); getmapxy(lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy,0); end; } function Disp { if (getargcount() < 3) set @menu$, getarg(0); else { set @menu$,""; for(set .@i,getarg(1); .@i<=getarg(2); set .@i,.@i+1) set @menu$, @menu$+getarg(0)+" "+.@i+":"; } return; } function Pick { set .@warp_block,@warp_block; set @warp_block,0; if (getarg(0) == "") { set .@select, select(@menu$); set .@i, .@select; set .@map$, getarg(.@i); } else { set .@select, select(@menu$); set .@i, .@select-getarg(1,0); set .@map$, getarg(0)+((.@i<10)?"0":"")+.@i; } if (.@warp_block & (1<<.@select)) { message strcharinfo(0),"This map is not enabled in "+((checkre(0))?"":"Pre-")+"Renewal."; end; } warp .@map$,@c[.@i*2],@c[.@i*2+1]; getmapxy(lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy,0); deletearray @c[0],getarraysize(@c); end; } function Restrict { if ((getarg(0) == "RE" && !checkre(0)) || (getarg(0) == "Pre-RE" && checkre(0))) { if (getarg(1,0)) { set @warp_block,0; for(set .@i,1; .@i<getargcount(); set .@i,.@i+1) set @warp_block, @warp_block | (1<<getarg(.@i)); } else { message strcharinfo(0),"This map is not enabled in "+((checkre(0))?"":"Pre-")+"Renewal."; end; } } return; } // -------------------------------------------------- Towns: // -------------------------------------------------- menu "Prontera",T1, "Alberta",T2, "Aldebaran",T3, "Amatsu",T4, "Ayothaya",T5, "Brasilis",T6, "Comodo",T7, "Dewata",T8, "Eclage",T9, "Einbech",T10, "Einbroch",T11, "El Dicastes",T12, "Geffen",T13, "Gonryun",T14, "Hugel",T15, "Izlude",T16, "Jawaii",T17, "Lighthalzen",T18, "Louyang",T19, "Lutie",T20, "Malangdo",T21, "Malaya",T22, "Manuk",T23, "Midgarts Expedition Camp",T24, "Mora",T25, "Morroc",T26, "Moscovia",T27, "Nameless Island",T28, "Niflheim",T29, "Payon",T30, "Rachel",T31, "Splendide",T32, "Thor Camp",T33, "Umbala",T34, "Veins",T35, "Yuno",T36; T1: Go("prontera",155,183); T2: Go("alberta",28,234); T3: Go("aldebaran",140,131); T4: Go("amatsu",198,84); T5: Go("ayothaya",208,166); T6: Restrict("PRE-RE"); Go("brasilis",196,217); T7: Go("comodo",209,143); T8: Restrict("PRE-RE"); Go("dewata",200,180); T9: Restrict("PRE-RE"); Go("ecl_in01",48,53); T10: Go("einbech",63,35); T11: Go("einbroch",64,200); T12: Restrict("PRE-RE"); Go("dicastes01",198,187); T13: Go("geffen",119,59); T14: Go("gonryun",160,120); T15: Go("hugel",96,145); T16: Go("izlude",128,114); T17: Go("jawaii",251,132); T18: Go("lighthalzen",158,92); T19: Go("louyang",217,100); T20: Go("xmas",147,134); T21: Restrict("PRE-RE"); Go("malangdo",140,114); T22: Restrict("PRE-RE"); Go("malaya",212,206); T23: Go("manuk",282,138); T24: Go("mid_camp",210,288); T25: Restrict("PRE-RE"); Go("mora",55,146); T26: Go("morocc",156,93); T27: Go("moscovia",223,184); T28: Go("nameless_n",256,215); T29: Go("niflheim",202,174); T30: Go("payon",179,100); T31: Go("rachel",130,110); T32: Go("splendide",201,147); T33: Go("thor_camp",246,68); T34: Go("umbala",97,153); T35: Go("veins",216,123); T36: Go("yuno",157,51); // -------------------------------------------------- Fields: // -------------------------------------------------- menu "Amatsu Fields",F1, "Ayothaya Fields",F2, "Bifrost Fields", F3, "Brasilis Fields",F4, "Comodo Fields",F5, "Dewata Fields",F6, "Eclage Fields",F7, "Einbroch Fields",F8, "El Dicastes Fields",F9, "Geffen Fields",F10, "Gonryun Fields",F11, "Hugel Fields",F12, "Lighthalzen Fields",F13, "Louyang Field",F14, "Lutie Field",F15, "Malaya Fields",F16, "Manuk Fields",F17, "Mjolnir Fields",F18, "Moscovia Fields",F19, "Niflheim Fields",F20, "Payon Forests",F21, "Prontera Fields",F22, "Rachel Fields",F23, "Sograt Deserts",F24, "Splendide Fields",F25, "Umbala Fields",F26, "Veins Fields",F27, "Yuno Fields",F28; F1: setarray @c[2],190,197; Disp("Amatsu Field",1,1); Pick("ama_fild"); F2: setarray @c[2],173,134,212,150; Disp("Ayothaya Field",1,2); Pick("ayo_fild"); F3: Restrict("PRE-RE"); setarray @c[2],193,220,220,187; Disp("Bifrost Field",1,2); Pick("bif_fild"); F4: Restrict("PRE-RE"); setarray @c[2],74,32; Disp("Brasilis Field",1,1); Pick("bra_fild"); F5: Restrict("PRE-RE",5); setarray @c[2],180,178,231,160,191,172,228,194,224,203,190,223,234,177,194,175,172,172; Disp("Comodo Field",1,9); Pick("cmd_fild"); F6: Restrict("PRE-RE"); setarray @c[2],371,212; Disp("Dewata Field",1,1); Pick("dew_fild"); F7: Restrict("PRE-RE"); setarray @c[2],97,314; Disp("Eclage Field",1,1); Pick("ecl_fild"); F8: Restrict("PRE-RE",2,10); setarray @c[2],142,225,182,141,187,228,185,173,216,173,195,148,272,220,173,214,207,174,196,200; Disp("Einbroch Field",1,10); Pick("ein_fild"); F9: Restrict("PRE-RE"); setarray @c[2],143,132,143,217; Disp("El Dicastes Field",1,2); Pick("dic_fild"); F10: Restrict("PRE-RE",13,15); setarray @c[0],46,199,213,204,195,212,257,192,188,171,166,263,248,158,195,191,186,183,221,117,178,218,136,328,240,181,235,235,211,185; Disp("Geffen Field",0,14); Pick("gef_fild",1); F11: setarray @c[2],220,227; Disp("Gonryun Field",1,1); Pick("gon_fild"); F12: Restrict("PRE-RE",3,7); setarray @c[2],268,101,222,193,232,185,252,189,196,106,216,220,227,197; Disp("Hugel Field",1,7); Pick("hu_fild"); F13: setarray @c[2],240,179,185,235,240,226; Disp("Lighthalzen Field",1,3); Pick("lhz_fild"); F14: setarray @c[2],229,187; Disp("Louyang Field",1,1); Pick("lou_fild"); F15: setarray @c[2],115,145; Disp("Lutie Field",1,1); Pick("xmas_fild"); F16: Restrict("PRE-RE"); setarray @c[2],40,272,207,180; Disp("Malaya Field",1,2); Pick("ma_fild"); F17: setarray @c[2],35,236,35,262,84,365; Disp("Manuk Field",1,3); Pick("man_fild"); F18: setarray @c[2],204,120,175,193,208,213,179,180,181,240,195,270,235,202,188,215,205,144,245,223,180,206,196,208; Disp("Mjolnir Field",1,12); Pick("mjolnir_"); F19: setarray @c[2],82,104,131,147; Disp("Moscovia Field",1,2); Pick("mosk_fild"); F20: setarray @c[2],215,229,167,234; Disp("Niflheim Field",1,2); Pick("nif_fild"); F21: Restrict("PRE-RE",5,11); setarray @c[2],158,206,151,219,205,148,186,247,134,204,193,235,200,177,137,189,201,224,160,205,194,150; Disp("Payon Forest",1,11); Pick("pay_fild"); F22: setarray @c[0],208,227,190,206,240,206,190,143,307,252,239,213,185,188,193,194,187,218,210,183,195,149,198,164; Disp("Prontera Field",0,11); Pick("prt_fild",1); F23: Restrict("PRE-RE",2,7,9,10,11,13); setarray @c[2],192,162,235,166,202,206,202,208,225,202,202,214,263,196,217,201,87,121,277,181,221,185,175,200,174,197; Disp("Rachel Field",1,13); Pick("ra_fild"); F24: setarray @c[2],219,205,177,206,194,182,224,170,198,216,156,187,185,263,206,228,208,238,209,223,85,97,207,202,31,195,38,195; Disp("Sograt Desert 1:Sograt Desert 2:Sograt Desert 3:Sograt Desert 7:Sograt Desert 11:Sograt Desert 12:Sograt Desert 13:Sograt Desert 16:Sograt Desert 17:Sograt Desert 18:Sograt Desert 19:Sograt Desert 20:Sograt Desert 21:Sograt Desert 22"); Pick("","moc_fild01","moc_fild02","moc_fild03","moc_fild07","moc_fild11","moc_fild12","moc_fild13","moc_fild16","moc_fild17","moc_fild18","moc_fild19","moc_fild20","moc_fild21","moc_fild22"); F25: setarray @c[2],175,186,236,184,188,204; Disp("Splendide Field",1,3); Pick("spl_fild"); F26: setarray @c[2],217,206,223,221,237,215,202,197; Disp("Umbala Field",1,4); Pick("um_fild"); F27: Restrict("PRE-RE",5); setarray @c[2],186,175,196,370,222,45,51,250,202,324,150,223,149,307; Disp("Veins Field",1,7); Pick("ve_fild"); F28: Restrict("PRE-RE",5,10); setarray @c[2],189,224,192,207,221,157,226,199,223,177,187,232,231,174,196,203,183,214,200,124,195,226,210,304; Disp("Yuno Field",1,12); Pick("yuno_fild"); // -------------------------------------------------- Dungeons: // -------------------------------------------------- menu "Abyss Lakes",D1, "Amatsu Dungeon",D2, "Anthell",D3, "Ayothaya Dungeon",D4, "Beach Dungeon",D5, "Bio Labs",D6, "Brasilis Dungeon",D7, "Byalan Dungeon",D8, "Clock Tower",D9, "Coal Mines",D10, "Culvert",D11, "Cursed Abbey",D12, "Dewata Dungeon",D13, "Einbroch Dungeon",D14, "Gefenia",D15, "Geffen Dungeon",D16, "Glast Heim",D17, "Gonryun Dungeon",D18, "Hidden Dungeon",D19, "Ice Dungeon",D20, "Juperos",D21, "Kiel Dungeon",D22, "Louyang Dungeon",D23, "Magma Dungeon",D24, "Malangdo Dungeon",D25, "Moscovia Dungeon",D26, "Nidhogg's Dungeon",D27, "Odin Temple",D28, "Orc Dungeon",D29, "Payon Dungeon",D30, "Pyramids",D31, "Rachel Sanctuary",D32, "Scaraba Hole",D33, "Sphinx",D34, "Sunken Ship",D35, "Thanatos Tower",D36, "Thor Volcano",D37, "Toy Factory",D38, "Turtle Dungeon",D39, "Umbala Dungeon",D40; D1: setarray @c[2],261,272,275,270,116,27; Disp("Abyss Lakes",1,3); Pick("abyss_"); D2: setarray @c[2],228,11,34,41,119,14; Disp("Amatsu Dungeon",1,3); Pick("ama_dun"); D3: setarray @c[2],35,262,168,170; Disp("Anthell",1,2); Pick("anthell"); D4: setarray @c[2],275,19,24,26; Disp("Ancient Shrine Maze:Inside Ancient Shrine"); Pick("ayo_dun"); D5: setarray @c[2],266,67,255,244,23,260; Disp("Beach Dungeon",1,3); Pick("","beach_dun","beach_dun2","beach_dun3"); D6: Restrict("RE",4); setarray @c[2],150,288,150,18,140,134,244,52; Disp("Bio Lab",1,4); Pick("lhz_dun"); D7: Restrict("RE"); setarray @c[2],87,47,262,262; Disp("Brasilis Dungeon",1,2); Pick("bra_dun"); D8: Restrict("RE",6); setarray @c[0],168,168,253,252,236,204,32,63,26,27,141,187; Disp("Byalan Dungeon",1,6); Pick("iz_dun",1); D9: setarray @c[2],199,159,148,283,65,147,56,155,297,25,127,169,277,178,268,74; Disp("Clock Tower 1:Clock Tower 2:Clock Tower 3:Clock Tower 4:Basement 1:Basement 2:Basement 3:Basement 4"); Pick("","c_tower1","c_tower2","c_tower3","c_tower4","alde_dun01","alde_dun02","alde_dun03","alde_dun04"); D10: setarray @c[2],52,17,381,343,302,262; Disp("Coal Mines",1,3); Pick("mjo_dun"); D11: setarray @c[2],131,247,19,19,180,169,100,92; Disp("Culvert",1,4); Pick("","prt_sewb1","prt_sewb2","prt_sewb3","prt_sewb4"); D12: setarray @c[2],51,14,150,11,120,10; Disp("Cursed Abbey",1,3); Pick("abbey"); D13: Restrict("RE"); setarray @c[2],285,160,299,29; Disp("Dewata Dungeon",1,2); Pick("dew_dun"); D14: setarray @c[2],22,14,292,290; Disp("Einbroch Dungeon",1,2); Pick("ein_dun"); D15: setarray @c[2],40,103,203,34,266,168,130,272; Disp("Gefenia",1,4); Pick("gefenia",0); D16: setarray @c[0],104,99,115,236,106,132,203,200; Disp("Geffen Dungeon",1,4); Pick("gef_dun",1); D17: setarray @c[2],370,304,199,29,104,25,150,15,157,287,147,15,258,255,108,291,171,283,68,277,156,7,12,7,133,271,224,274,14,70,150,14; Disp("Entrance:Castle 1:Castle 2:Chivalry 1:Chivalry 2:Churchyard:Culvert 1:Culvert 2:Culvert 3:Culvert 4:St. Abbey:Staircase Dungeon:Underground Cave 1:Underground Cave 2:Underground Prison 1:Underground Prison 2"); Pick("","glast_01","gl_cas01","gl_cas02","gl_knt01","gl_knt02","gl_chyard","gl_sew01","gl_sew02","gl_sew03","gl_sew04","gl_church","gl_step","gl_dun01","gl_dun02","gl_prison","gl_prison1"); D18: setarray @c[2],153,53,28,113,68,16; Disp("Gonryun Dungeon",1,3); Pick("gon_dun"); D19: setarray @c[2],176,7,93,20,23,8; Disp("Hidden Dungeon",1,3); Pick("prt_maze"); D20: setarray @c[2],157,14,151,155,149,22,33,158; Disp("Ice Dungeon",1,4); Pick("ice_dun"); D21: setarray @c[2],140,51,53,247,37,63,150,285; Disp("Entrance:Juperos 1:Juperos 2:Core"); Pick("","jupe_cave","juperos_01","juperos_02","jupe_core"); D22: setarray @c[2],28,226,41,198; Disp("Kiel Dungeon",1,2); Pick("kh_dun"); D23: setarray @c[2],218,196,282,20,165,38; Disp("The Royal Tomb:Inside the Royal Tomb:Suei Long Gon"); Pick("lou_dun"); D24: setarray @c[2],126,68,47,30; Disp("Magma Dungeon",1,2); Pick("mag_dun"); D25: Restrict("RE"); setarray @c[2],33,230; Disp("Malangdo Dungeon",1,1); Pick("mal_dun"); D26: setarray @c[2],189,48,165,30,32,135; Disp("Moscovia Dungeon",1,3); Pick("mosk_dun"); D27: setarray @c[2],61,239,60,271; Disp("Nidhogg's Dungeon",1,2); Pick("nyd_dun"); D28: setarray @c[2],298,167,224,149,266,280; Disp("Odin Temple",1,3); Pick("odin_tem"); D29: setarray @c[2],32,170,21,185; Disp("Orc Dungeon",1,2); Pick("orcsdun"); D30: setarray @c[0],21,183,19,33,19,63,155,159,201,204; Disp("Payon Dungeon",1,5); Pick("pay_dun",1); D31: setarray @c[2],192,9,10,192,100,92,181,11,94,96,192,8; Disp("Pyramids 1:Pyramids 2:Pyramids 3:Pyramids 4:Basement 1:Basement 2"); Pick("moc_pryd"); D32: setarray @c[2],140,11,32,21,4,149,204,218,150,9; Disp("Rachel Sanctuary",1,5); Pick("ra_san"); D33: Restrict("RE"); setarray @c[2],364,44,101,141; Disp("Scaraba Hole",1,2); Pick("dic_dun"); D34: setarray @c[2],288,9,149,81,210,54,10,222,100,99; Disp("Sphinx",1,5); Pick("","in_sphinx1","in_sphinx2","in_sphinx3","in_sphinx4","in_sphinx5"); D35: setarray @c[2],69,24,102,27; Disp("Sunken Ship",1,2); Pick("treasure"); D36: setarray @c[2],150,39,150,136,220,158,59,143,62,11,89,221,35,166,93,148,29,107,159,138,19,20,130,52; Disp("Thanatos Tower",1,12); Pick("tha_t"); D37: setarray @c[2],21,228,75,205,34,272; Disp("Thor Volcano",1,3); Pick("thor_v"); D38: setarray @c[2],205,15,129,133; Disp("Toy Factory",1,2); Pick("xmas_dun"); D39: setarray @c[2],154,49,148,261,132,189,100,192; Disp("Entrance:Turtle Dungeon 1:Turtle Dungeon 2:Turtle Dungeon 3"); Pick("tur_dun"); D40: Restrict("RE",1,2); setarray @c[2],42,31,48,30,204,78; Disp("Carpenter's Shop in the Tree:Passage to a Foreign World:Hvergermil's Fountain"); Pick("","um_dun01","um_dun02","yggdrasil01"); // -------------------------------------------------- Guild_Dungeons: // -------------------------------------------------- menu "Baldur",G1, "Luina",G2, "Valkyrie",G3, "Britoniah",G4, "Arunafeltz",G5, "Schwaltzvalt",G6; G1: Restrict("PRE-RE",2,3); setarray @c[2],119,93,119,93,120,130; Disp("Baldur F1:Baldur F2:Hall of Abyss"); Pick("","gld_dun01","gld_dun01_2","gld2_pay"); G2: Restrict("PRE-RE",2,3); setarray @c[2],39,161,39,161,147,155; Disp("Luina F1:Luina F2:Hall of Abyss"); Pick("","gld_dun02","gld_dun02_2","gld2_ald"); G3: Restrict("PRE-RE",2,3); setarray @c[2],50,44,50,44,140,132; Disp("Valkyrie F1:Valkyrie F2:Hall of Abyss"); Pick("","gld_dun03","gld_dun03_2","gld2_prt"); G4: Restrict("PRE-RE",2,3); setarray @c[2],116,45,116,45,152,118; Disp("Britoniah F1:Britoniah F2:Hall of Abyss"); Pick("","gld_dun04","gld_dun04_2","gld2_gef"); G5: Go("arug_dun01",199,195); G6: Go("schg_dun01",200,124); // -------------------------------------------------- Instances: // -------------------------------------------------- menu "Endless Tower",I1, "Orc's Memory",I2, "Sealed Shrine",I3; I1: Go("e_tower",72,112); I2: Go("gef_fild10",240,198); I3: Go("monk_test",306,143); // -------------------------------------------------- Special: // -------------------------------------------------- menu "Mall Room",S1, "Auction Hall",S2, "Casino",S3, "Monster Race Arena",S4, "Turbo Track",S5; S1: Go("1@tnm2",136,131); S2: Go("auction_01",22,68); S3: Go("cmd_in02",179,129); S4: Go("p_track01",62,41); S5: Go("turbo_room",99,114); } // -------------------------------------------------- // Duplicates: // -------------------------------------------------- alb2trea,57,70,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#tre 112 alberta,28,240,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#alb 112 aldebaran,145,118,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#alde 112 amatsu,203,87,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#ama 112 ayothaya,209,169,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#ayo 112 comodo,194,158,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#com 112 einbech,59,38,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#einbe 112 einbroch,69,202,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#einbr 112 gef_fild10,71,339,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#orc 112 geffen,115,66,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#gef 112 glast_01,372,308,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#glh 112 gonryun,162,122,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#gon 112 hugel,101,151,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#hug 112 izlu2dun,110,92,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#izd 112 izlude,126,118,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#izl 112 jawaii,253,138,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#jaw 112 lighthalzen,162,102,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#lhz 112 louyang,208,103,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#lou 112 manuk,274,146,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#man 112 mid_camp,216,288,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#mid 112 mjolnir_02,85,364,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#mjo 112 moc_ruins,64,164,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#moc 112 morocc,164,110,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#mor 112 moc_fild04,207,331,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#mocf 112 moscovia,229,191,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#mos 112 nameless_n,259,213,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#nam 112 niflheim,205,179,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#nif 112 pay_arche,42,134,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#arc 112 payon,182,108,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#pay 112 prontera,158,193,3 duplicate(Warper) Warper#prt 112 prt_fild05,279,223,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#cul 112 rachel,135,116,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#rac 112 splendide,205,153,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#spl 112 thor_camp,249,76,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#thor 112 tur_dun01,148,239,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#tur 112 umbala,106,150,3 duplicate(Warper) Warper#umb 112 veins,214,123,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#ve 112 xmas,150,136,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#xmas 112 yuno,162,47,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#yuno 112 bossnia_02,203,204,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#bossnia_02 112 1@tnm2,141,130,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#1@tnm2 112 // -------------------------------------------------- // Duplicates (Renewal): // -------------------------------------------------- brasilis,201,222,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#bra 112 dewata,204,186,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#dew 112 dicastes01,194,194,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#dic 112 eclage,107,37,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#ecla 112 ecl_in01,51,60,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#ecl 112 malangdo,134,117,6 duplicate(Warper) Warper#mal 112 malaya,210,205,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#ma 112 mora,57,152,4 duplicate(Warper) Warper#mora 112
  12. help me with this script when the event runs and when all my players use @jump all town have been search but no jumper npc or jump mobs found please help me in short no one appeared even i use my gm account and go to npc coordinates\ this is the script thank you //==========================================================// //========= Script by RyCHIRO =========// //========= http://reincarnation-network.com =========// //========= http://chiyan-ro.com =========// //==========================================================// - script jumpevent -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if ( getgmlevel() < 99 ) end; L_JumpAdmin: mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~Hi GM " + strcharinfo(0) + "!~^000000"; mes "^FF0000The Current Prize is:^000000"; mes "^FF00001. Random Prize:^000000 ^008000"+$jmp_item_amount1+" "+getitemname($jmp_item_id1)+"^000000"; mes "^FF00002. Random Prize:^000000 ^008000"+$jmp_item_amount2+" "+getitemname($jmp_item_id2)+"^000000"; mes "^FF00003. Random Prize:^000000 ^008000"+$jmp_item_amount3+" "+getitemname($jmp_item_id3)+"^000000"; switch(select("Start Jump Event?:Set Prize:Not today Fellas!")){ case 1: next; if( $@JumpStart == 1 ){ mes "[Manager]"; mes "I Can't Start The Event!!"; mes "The Event is still ON!!"; next; goto L_JumpAdmin; } next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~Sure thing!~^000000"; close2; goto L_StartJmp; case 2: next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000"; menu "Set Prize 1",SP1,"Set Prize 2",SP2,"Set Prize 3",SP3,"Go Back to main",L_JumpAdmin; SP1: next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000"; input $jmp_item_id1; next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~How many if this item should I give away?~^000000"; input $jmp_item_amount1; next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~So, the prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $jmp_item_amount1 +" "+ getitemname($jmp_item_id1) +"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000"; next; goto L_JumpAdmin; SP2: next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000"; input $jmp_item_id2; next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~How many if this item should I give away?~^000000"; input $jmp_item_amount2; next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~So, the prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $jmp_item_amount2 +" "+ getitemname($jmp_item_id2) +"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000"; next; goto L_JumpAdmin; SP3: next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000"; input $jmp_item_id3; next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~How many if this item should I give away?~^000000"; input $jmp_item_amount3; next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "^FF0000~So, the prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $jmp_item_amount3 +" "+ getitemname($jmp_item_id3) +"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000"; next; goto L_JumpAdmin; Case 3: next; mes "[Manager]"; mes "Bye!!"; close; }// End Admin Manager... OnClock0000: OnClock0600: OnClock1200: L_StartJmp: announce "Jumper Event : will begin in 20 seconds",bc_blue; sleep2 5000; announce "Jumper Event : I'm Going to JUMP somewhere..!!",bc_blue; sleep2 5000; announce "Jumper Event : By the way I'm going to disguise into a random monster.!!",bc_blue; sleep2 10000; announce "Jumper Event : Last 10 seconds",bc_blue; sleep2 10000; set $@ran, rand(1,10); if ($@ran == 10) set $@jmpmap$,"hugel"; if ($@ran == 9) set $@jmpmap$,"yuno"; if ($@ran == 8) set $@jmpmap$,"comodo"; if ($@ran == 7) set $@jmpmap$,"xmas"; if ($@ran == 6) set $@jmpmap$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 5) set $@jmpmap$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 4) set $@jmpmap$,"payon"; if ($@ran == 3) set $@jmpmap$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set $@jmpmap$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set $@jmpmap$,"prontera"; announce "Jumper Event : Go Find me!! I'm here in "+$@jmpmap$+"!!!",bc_blue; set $@JmpRnd,10; goto OnStart; OnStart: if ($@JmpRnd == 0){ stopnpctimer; set $@JumpStart,0; sleep2 3000; announce "Jumper Event : is now OVER!!",bc_blue; sleep2 15000; movenpc "Jumper"+$@ran+"",1,1; //move the NPC setnpcdisplay "Jumper"+$@ran+"",1002; end; } if ($@JmpRnd == 10){ goto OnStart2; } stopnpctimer; sleep2 3000; announce "Jumper Event : Next Round will begin in 15 seconds...",bc_blue; sleep2 15000; setnpcdisplay "Jumper"+$@ran+"",1002; movenpc "Jumper"+$@ran+"",1,1; //move the NPC set $@ran, rand(1,10); if ($@ran == 10) set $@jmpmap$,"hugel"; if ($@ran == 9) set $@jmpmap$,"yuno"; if ($@ran == 8) set $@jmpmap$,"comodo"; if ($@ran == 7) set $@jmpmap$,"xmas"; if ($@ran == 6) set $@jmpmap$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 5) set $@jmpmap$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 4) set $@jmpmap$,"payon"; if ($@ran == 3) set $@jmpmap$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set $@jmpmap$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set $@jmpmap$,"prontera"; announce "Jumper Event : Go Find me!! I'm here in "+$@jmpmap$+"!!!",bc_blue; goto OnStart2; OnStart2: set $monster, rand(1001,1995); if($monster == 1003 || $monster == 1218 || $monster == 1006 || $monster == 1017 || $monster == 1021 || $monster == 1022 || $monster == 1027 || $monster == 1043 || $monster == 1006 || $monster == 1136 || $monster == 1137 || $monster == 1168 || $monster == 1171 || $monster == 1172 || $monster == 1173 || $monster == 1181 || $monster == 1210 || $monster == 1223 || $monster == 1284 || ($monster >= 1324 && $monster <= 1363) || $monster == 1006 || $monster == 1407 || $monster == 1411 || $monster == 1414 || $monster == 1496 || $monster == 1501 || $monster == 1900){ goto OnStart2; end; } while(1) { //Initiate an infinite loop set $@jx,rand(0,300); //Set a randon X coordinate set $@jy,rand(0,300); //Set a random Y coordinate if(checkcell(""+$@jmpmap$+"",$@jx,$@jy,cell_chkpass)) break; //If cell is walkable break out of the loop } initnpctimer; set $@JumpStart,1; movenpc "Jumper"+$@ran+"",$@jx,$@jy; //move the NPC setnpcdisplay "Jumper"+$@ran+"",$monster; set $@JmpRnd,$@JmpRnd-1; end; OnTimer60000: set $@JumpStart,0; announce "Jumper Event : WOW no One Found ME!! I'm here in "+$@jmpmap$+" "+$@jx+" "+$@jy+"!!",bc_blue; sleep2 3000; donpcevent "jumpevent::OnStart"; end; }//End Script - script Jumper -1,{ if( $@JumpStart == 0 ){ mes "[Jumper]"; mes "I'm sorry, Someone Found me.."; close; } set $@prize, rand(1,100); if ( $@prize <= 50 ){ set $@JumpStart,0; getitem $jmp_item_id1,$jmp_item_amount1; announce "Jumper Event : "+strcharinfo(0)+" is the WINNER!! I'm here in "+$@jmpmap$+" "+$@jx+" "+$@jy+"!!",bc_blue; donpcevent "jumpevent::OnStart"; mes "[Jumper]"; mes "WOW you found me!!"; mes "Take this as a REWARD!!"; mes "You got ^008000"+ $jmp_item_amount1 +" "+ getitemname($jmp_item_id1) +"^000000"; close; end; } set $@prize, rand(1,100); if ( $@prize <= 49 ){ set $@JumpStart,0; getitem $jmp_item_id2,$jmp_item_amount2; announce "Jumper Event : "+strcharinfo(0)+" is the WINNER!! I'm here in "+$@jmpmap$+" "+$@jx+" "+$@jy+"!!",bc_blue; donpcevent "jumpevent::OnStart"; mes "[Jumper]"; mes "WOW you found me!!"; mes "Take this as a REWARD!!"; mes "You got ^008000"+ $jmp_item_amount2 +" "+ getitemname($jmp_item_id2) +"^000000"; close; end; } set $@prize, rand(1,100); if ( $@prize <= 48 ){ set $@JumpStart,0; getitem $jmp_item_id3,$jmp_item_amount3; announce "Jumper Event : "+strcharinfo(0)+" is the WINNER!! I'm here in "+$@jmpmap$+" "+$@jx+" "+$@jy+"!!",bc_blue; donpcevent "jumpevent::OnStart"; mes "[Jumper]"; mes "WOW you found me!!"; mes "Take this as a REWARD!!"; mes "You got ^008000"+ $jmp_item_amount3 +" "+ getitemname($jmp_item_id3) +"^000000"; close; end; } }//End Script prontera,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper1 1002 morocc,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper2 1002 geffen,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper3 1002 payon,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper4 1002 izlude,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper5 1002 aldebaran,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper6 1002 xmas,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper7 1002 comodo,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper8 1002 yuno,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper9 1002 hugel,1,1,1 duplicate(Jumper) Jumper10 1002
  13. good day rathena on my script the other items are abuse can you please help me how to make this item to not tradable and cannot be drop ?? thank you this is the line mes "[Freebies NPC]"; mes "Welcome to Server Name!!"; if ( #NewbieGift > 0 ) goto Recieved; mes "Here's your freebies!"; getitem 12214,5; getitem 12210,5; getitem 12263,5; getitem 5826,1; getitem 569,30; getitem 12323,20; set #NewbieGift, 1; next;
  14. i want to request a race event like turbo track but i want is automated event every monday and wensday only 1 npc for race manager and also if the players want to join the race event they will use a event warper npc the price will be bloody branches 5pcs and 5pcs game ticket is this possible? i already remove turbo trace race on my server and replace it to a mall room
  15. as a GM you can use @recallall for that
  16. good day rathena iam confuse how to change this problem when i use @rates the information said my server rates and drop rates but when i use @mobinfo the information is different on my @rates please help me fix this thank you
  17. Good day rathena i want to ask how do i make this script available only to lvl 1 up to lvl 99 only and in what line can i change the messages when lvling?? thank you - script LevelUpQuotes -1,{ end; OnInit: setarray .q$,"I have advanced forward!","There's no stopping me now!","Look at me go!","There's more where that came from.","This isn't even my final form!"; .num1 = getarraysize(.q$); setarray .maxq$,"I've made it!","I never thought I'd become this strong...","I have reached my final form."; .num2 = getarraysize(.maxq$); end; OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if( BaseLevel > 149 && getstatus(SC_ITEMBOOST) == 0 ) { sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,180000,200; } if( BaseLevel == 175 ) { .@r = rand(.num2); showscript strcharinfo(0)+" : "+.maxq$[.@r]; } else { .@r = rand(.num1); showscript strcharinfo(0)+" : "+.q$[.@r]; } if( getstatus(SC_INCREASEAGI) != 1 ) { sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,30000,10; } end; }
  18. +2 hehehehe thank you so much... oh last question should i add a command on my atcommand.txt?
  19. there you are i was expecting you will help me for this oh BTW what do you me for just added command to the existing RFYL script and use @rfyl
  20. good day rathena can i request a npc for my event a npc for RFYL but a gm can control it ( not automatic NPC )\ a GM can set a price the map will be quiz_01 138 369 with announcement that the RFYL event is now open a portal a small black portal will appeared at the bottom prontera middle and the portal will automatically close after 3 mins. then after the players warp at the said map the gm will host an event inside of it nothing will happen inside the event map the gm's only do the event for players who join it also if its possible a warper inside the event map will appeared after the gm events thank you so much
  21. its fix how about this error sir [error] script_rid2sd: fatal error ! Player not attached! [debug]: funtion: mes (1 parameter):
  22. this is the script all npc with this same error //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Healer //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Basic healer script. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial script. //= 1.1 Aligned coordinates with @go. //============================================================ - script Healer -1,{ OnInit: waitingroom "Healer",0; .@Price = 500; // Zeny required for heal .@Buffs = 1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) .@Delay = 5; // Heal delay, in seconds if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if (.@Price) { message strcharinfo(0), "Healing costs " + callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Price) + " Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@Price) end; if (select("^0055FFHeal^000000:^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) end; Zeny -= .@Price; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; if (.@Buffs) { specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; //repairall if( getbrokenid(1) ) repairall; getinventorylist; while( .@i < @inventorylist_count ){ if ( !@inventorylist_identify[.@i] ){ delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1; } .@i++; } } if (.@Delay) @HD = gettimetick(2) + .@Delay; end; } // Duplicates //============================================================ alberta,25,240,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alb 909 aldebaran,135,118,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alde 909 amatsu,200,79,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ama 909 ayothaya,207,169,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ayo 909 comodo,184,158,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#com 909 einbech,57,36,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#einbe 909 einbroch,57,202,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#einbr 909 geffen,115,72,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#gef 909 gonryun,156,122,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#gon 909 hugel,89,150,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#hug 909 izlude,119,101,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#izl 909 //Pre-RE: (125,118) jawaii,250,139,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#jaw 909 lighthalzen,152,100,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#lhz 909 louyang,226,103,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#lou 909 manuk,272,144,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#man 909 mid_camp,203,289,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mid 909 moc_ruins,72,164,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#moc 909 morocc,160,110,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mor 909 moscovia,220,191,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mos 909 niflheim,212,182,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#nif 909 payon,179,106,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#pay 909 prontera,149,194,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#prt 909 rachel,125,116,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#rac 909 splendide,201,153,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#spl 909 thor_camp,249,74,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#thor 909 umbala,105,148,3 duplicate(Healer) Healer#umb 909 veins,217,121,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ve 909 xmas,143,136,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#xmas 909 yuno,164,45,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#yuno 909 // Duplicates (Renewal) //============================================================ brasilis,194,221,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#bra 909 dewata,195,187,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#dew 909 dicastes01,201,194,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#dic 909 ecl_in01,45,60,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ecl 909 malangdo,132,114,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mal 909 malaya,227,204,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ma 909 mora,55,152,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mora 909
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