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Everything posted by Quesooo

  1. Requesting for 1 NPC that can exchange item to kafra points and can be exchange item to zeny 1 item = 1 kafra points 1 item = 5000 zeny thank you
  2. how to enable this to other players already download full installer? there a way to attach this to thor patcher??
  3. good day rathena i would like to request a Quest npc please read how does it works - Players need to finish the Quest given by this NPC.. NPC give random Quest for the player Kill 200 fabre kill 200 poring or kill 200 pupa etc etc - Players need to finish the quest w/ in 24 hours if player did not finish the quest on the time given the quest will be delete automatically - Quest are separate for 3 different lvls 50 - 100 ( players will be warp to a dungeon after click accept ) ( 100 - 135 players will be warp on a different dungeon ) and last 140 - 175 ( player also warp to another dungeon again ) - after finish the quest the npc will give the player a reward and exp base and for job hopefully there an npc like this this is also compared to gramps NPC on eden group ( the reason i make a request this because when i open the npc gramps inside my eden folder the npc didnot give quest its only give survey and continue asking for questions) thank you
  4. thank you now i edit it hopefully it works properly
  5. ohw sorry please guide me how to do that thank you
  6. Im using paypal sir
  7. good day please help me on my problem today my player click donate on my website when its done i recieved the donation money but my player did not recieved any credits please help me how to fix this thank you
  8. good day can i ask how can i removed premium service on login?? also players can create new character because of this thank you
  9. i dont get how does npc works im was searching the npc admin or control but i cant see it on map
  10. You help a lot thank you if i cant find the files it also works with other prontera images here on download section
  11. thank you so much i dont have new prontera files yet
  12. my server is renewal
  13. thank you for that i already search also that but there no accurate guide a full guide of it
  14. good day i would like to ask how to make my old prontera to new prontera town? any guide please thank you and how do i enable it to all my players already downloaded my full installer thank you
  15. prontera,162,176,0 script Mining 1907,3,3,{ mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "Before i warp you to mining ground you must have mithril coin from skill matching event"; mes "5x Mithril Coin"; mes "1x Gold Coin US"; next; mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "you want to go for mining?"; switch(select("I have requirements!","no thanks...")) { case 1: if(countitem(674) >= 5 && countitem(7720) >= 1) { mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "Great! You have the items."; select("Warp Me"); delitem 7720,1; delitem 674,5; warp "force_2-2",173,121; end; } else { mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "Bring me the items I asked for!"; close; } case 2: mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "ok! see you next time!"; close; }
  16. this is the error sir [Error]: Missing 1 right curlys at file 'npc/custom/mine.txt', line '32'. [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/custom/map.txt', line '71'. Stopping... * w1=end; * w2= * w3= * w4=
  17. i also did that but the npc still missing
  18. good day please help me with this script - if players bring the item he/she can enter the warper - if players go out and deside to enter again he /she need to bring item required again thank you this is the script prontera,162,176,0 script Mining 1907,3,3,{ mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; switch(QuestWarp) { default: mes "Before i warp you to mining ground you must have mithril coin from skill matching event"; mes "5x Mithril Coin"; mes "1x Gold Coin US"; QuestWarp = 1; close; case 1: if(countitem(674) >= 5 && countitem(7720) >= 1) { mes "Great! You have the items."; select("Warp Me"); delitem 7720,1; delitem 674,5; QuestWarp = 2; warp "force_2-2",173,121; end; } else { mes "Bring me the items I asked for!"; close; } case 2: mes "Would you like to warp?"; select("Yes!"); warp "force_2-2",173,121; end; } }
  19. good day rathena please help me to change the shop on this npc - players get only points ( not cash points ) - and players open the shop it show how many points he/she have and can be exchange for items thank you this is the script //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= sader quests //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //=@reloadscript reset the quests but don't reset the time==== //============================================================ prt_in,89,102,4 script Quest 667,{ if(!.sader_quest){set .sader_quest,0;} .@time_needed = #s_timeq - gettimetick(2); if(.@time_needed > 0 && .sader_quest == 0) { mes "You can only do the quest once every 24 hours."; .@hours = .@time_needed / 60 / 60; .@minutes = (.@time_needed % (60 * 60)) / 60; .@seconds = .@time_needed % 60; mes "Please come back in " + sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", .@hours, .@minutes, .@seconds) + " hours." ; next; switch(select(""+"shop"+":"+"close"+"")){ Case 1: callsub Q_shop; Case 2: close; } close; }else if(.sader_quest == 1){ mes "hi, how can i hep you ?"; next; switch(select(""+"My Quest"+":"+"shop"+":"+"close"+"")){ Case 1: callsub Q_easy; Case 2: callsub Q_shop; Case 3: close; } }else if(.sader_quest == 2){ mes "hi, how can i hep you ?"; next; switch(select(""+"My Quest"+":"+"shop"+":"+"close"+"")){ Case 1: callsub Q_normal; Case 2: callsub Q_shop; Case 3: close; } }else if(.sader_quest == 3){ mes "hi, how can i hep you ?"; next; switch(select(""+"My Quest"+":"+"shop"+":"+"close"+"")){ Case 1: callsub Q_hard; Case 2: callsub Q_shop; Case 3: close; } }else if(.sader_quest == 4){ mes "hi, how can i hep you ?"; next; switch(select(""+"My Quest"+":"+"shop"+":"+"close"+"")){ Case 1: callsub Q_indeterminate; Case 2: callsub Q_shop; Case 3: close; } }else{ mes "hello"; mes "i will give you a task"; mes "to kill some monsters"; mes "can you help us ?"; next; switch(select(""+"easy difficulty"+":"+"normal difficulty"+":"+"hard difficulty"+":"+"indeterminate difficulty"+":"+"shop"+":"+"close"+"")){ Case 1: callsub Q_easy; Case 2: callsub Q_normal; Case 3: callsub Q_hard; Case 4: callsub Q_indeterminate; Case 5: callsub Q_shop; Case 6: close; } } //============================================================ //=======================Easy Mode============================ //============================================================ Q_easy: setarray .easy,1275,1737; //Easy Mode Monsters ID setarray .easyc,50,75; //Easy Mode Mosters Count .size_easy = getarraysize( .easy ); .size_easyc = getarraysize( .easyc ); .@me = rand( .size_easy ); .@ce = rand( .size_easyc ); if(.sader_quest == 0){ mes " plz kill "+ .easyc[.@ce] +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,.easy[.@me]) +"."; .easymon = .easy[.@me]; .easycmon = .easyc[.@ce]; set .sader_quest,1; set monster_count,0; close; }else if(.sader_quest == 1){ if(monster_count == 0){ mes "you need to kill " + .easycmon + " from " + strmobinfo( 1,.easymon) +"."; mes " "; mes "I'm counting on you."; next; switch(select(""+"Ok, I will do it!"+":"+"NO, I don't want this quest"+"")){ Case 1: { mes "Thanks!"; close; } Case 2: { mes "AS YOU WISH"; set .sader_quest,0; set #s_timeq, gettimetick(2) + (24 * 60 *60); close; } } }else if(monster_count >= .easycmon){ mes "Thank you for helping me ."; //Prize Section for Easy Mode set #SdM_PQ,50;//point shop Easy Mode //Prize Section for Easy Mode set monster_count,0; set .sader_quest,0; set #s_timeq, gettimetick(2) + (24 * 60 *60); }else if(monster_count < .easycmon){ mes "you have killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,.easymon) +"."; close; }else{ mes"There is an Error plz Check the script."; mes"This massage on the line 122"; close; } }else{ mes"There is an Error plz Check the script."; mes"This massage on the line 127"; close; } end; //============================================================ //=====================Normal Mode============================ //============================================================ Q_normal: setarray .normal,1275,1737;//Normal Mode Monsters ID setarray .normalc,100,150;//Normal Mode Mosters Count((Random)) .size_normal = getarraysize( .normal ); .size_normalc = getarraysize( .normalc ); .@mn = rand( .size_normal ); .@cn = rand( .size_normalc ); if(.sader_quest == 0){ mes " plz kill "+ .normalc[.@cn] +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,.normal[.@mn]) +"."; .normalmon = .normal[.@mn]; .normalcmon = .normalc[.@cn]; set .sader_quest,2; set monster_count,0; close; }else if(.sader_quest == 2){ if(monster_count == 0){ mes "you need to kill " + .normalcmon + " from " + strmobinfo( 1,.normalmon) +"."; mes " "; mes "I'm counting on you."; next; switch(select(""+"Ok, I will do it!"+":"+"NO, I don't want this quest"+"")){ Case 1: { mes "Thanks!"; close; } Case 2: { mes "AS YOU WISH"; set .sader_quest,0; set #s_timeq, gettimetick(2) + (24 * 60 *60); close; } } }else if(monster_count >= .normalcmon){ mes "Thank you for helping me ."; //Prize Section for Normal Mode set #SdM_PQ,100;//point shop Normal Mode //Prize Section for Normal Mode set monster_count,0; set .sader_quest,0; set #s_timeq, gettimetick(2) + (24 * 60 *60); }else if(monster_count < .normalcmon){ mes "you have killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,.normalmon) +"."; close; }else{ mes"There is an Error plz Check the script."; mes"This massage on the line 179"; close; } }else{ mes"There is an Error plz Check the script."; mes"This massage on the line 184"; close; } end; //============================================================ //=======================Hard Mode============================ //============================================================ Q_hard: setarray .hard,1735,1736;//Hard Mode Monsters ID setarray .hardc,75,100,150;// Hard Mode Mosters Count((Random)) .size_hard = getarraysize( .hard ); .size_hardc = getarraysize( .hardc ); .@mh = rand( .size_hard ); .@ch = rand( .size_hardc ); if(.sader_quest == 0){ mes " plz kill "+ .hardc[.@ch] +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,.hard[.@mh]) +"."; .hardmon = .hard[.@mh]; .hardcmon = .hardc[.@ch]; set .sader_quest,3; set monster_count,0; close; }else if(.sader_quest == 3){ if(monster_count == 0){ mes "you need to kill " + .hardcmon + " from " + strmobinfo( 1,.hardmon) +"."; mes " "; mes "I'm counting on you."; next; switch(select(""+"Ok, I will do it!"+":"+"NO, I don't want this quest"+"")){ Case 1: { mes "Thanks!"; close; } Case 2: { mes "AS YOU WISH"; set .sader_quest,0; set #s_timeq, gettimetick(2) + (24 * 60 *60); close; } } }else if(monster_count >= .hardcmon){ mes "Thank you for helping me ."; //Prize Section for Hard Mode set #SdM_PQ,150;//point shop Hard Mode //Prize Section for Hard Mode set monster_count,0; set .sader_quest,0; set #s_timeq, gettimetick(2) + (24 * 60 *60); }else if(monster_count < .hardcmon){ mes "you have killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,.hardmon) +"."; close; }else{ mes"There is an Error plz Check the script."; mes"This massage on the line 236"; close; } }else{ mes"There is an Error plz Check the script."; mes"This massage on the line 241"; close; } end; //============================================================ //===================Indeterminate Mode======================= //============================================================ Q_indeterminate: setarray .indeterminate,1735,1736;//Indeterminate Mode Monsters ID setarray .indeterminatec,250,300,350;// Indeterminate Mode Mosters Count((Random)) .size_indeterminate = getarraysize( .indeterminate ); .size_indeterminatec = getarraysize( .indeterminatec ); .@mi = rand( .size_indeterminate ); .@ci = rand( .size_indeterminate ); if(.sader_quest == 0){ mes " plz kill "+ .indeterminatec[.@ci] +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,.indeterminate[.@mi]) +"."; .indeterminatemon = .indeterminate[.@mi]; .indeterminatecmon = .indeterminatec[.@ci]; set .sader_quest,4; set monster_count,0; close; }else if(.sader_quest == 4){ if(monster_count == 0){ mes "you need to kill " + .indeterminatecmon + " from " + strmobinfo( 1,.indeterminatemon) +"."; mes " "; mes "I'm counting on you."; next; switch(select(""+"Ok, I will do it!"+":"+"NO, I don't want this quest"+"")){ Case 1: { mes "Thanks!"; close; } Case 2: { mes "AS YOU WISH"; set .sader_quest,0; set #s_timeq, gettimetick(2) + (24 * 60 *60); close; } } }else if(monster_count >= .indeterminatecmon){ mes "Thank you for helping me ."; //Prize Section for Indeterminate Mode set #SdM_PQ,200;//point shop Indeterminate Mode //Prize Section for Indeterminate Mode set monster_count,0; set .sader_quest,0; set #s_timeq, gettimetick(2) + (24 * 60 *60); }else if(monster_count < .indeterminatecmon){ mes "you have killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,.indeterminatemon) +"."; close; }else{ mes"There is an Error plz Check the script."; mes"This massage on the line 293"; close; } }else{ mes"There is an Error plz Check the script."; mes"This massage on the line 298"; close; } end; //============================================================ //=====================OnNPCKillEvent========================= //============================================================ OnNPCKillEvent: if(.sader_quest != 0){ if( killedrid == .easymon ){ if(monster_count < .easycmon){ monster_count++; dispbottom "You killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,.easymon) +"."; }else{ dispbottom "Your quest is done"; //you can add the Prize Section for Easy Mode here but you will also need to set the value here set monster_count,0; set .sader_quest,0; //Prize Section for Easy Mode without talkining to the npc //set .sader_quest,0; //set monster_count,0; //set #s_timeq, gettimetick(2) + (24 * 60 *60); //set #SdM_PQ,50;//point shop Easy Mode //dispbottom "You got points!"; } }else if( killedrid == .normalmon ){ if(monster_count < .normalcmon){ monster_count++; dispbottom "You killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,.normalmon) +"."; }else{ dispbottom "Your quest is done"; //see the line 313~318 } }else if( killedrid == .hardmon ){ if(monster_count < .hardcmon){ monster_count++; dispbottom "You killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,.hardmon) +"."; }else{ dispbottom "Your quest is done"; //see the line 313~318 } }else if( killedrid == .indeterminatemon ){ if(monster_count < .indeterminatecmon){ monster_count++; dispbottom "You killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,.indeterminatemon) +"."; }else{ dispbottom "Your quest is done"; //see the line 313~318 } } } end; //============================================================ //=========================NPC Shop=========================== //============================================================ Q_shop: callshop "sader q s",1; end; } - pointshop sader q s -1,#SdM_PQ,512:50,513:75; //set the items you need in your shop <monster_id>:<price>,<monster_id>:<price>,<monster_id>:<price>... Credits to the owner of this script it works great
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