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Everything posted by snnelwan

  1. iam very love this script "Mystic Enchanter v1.1" but, can you make the result of enchant/random opt is choose manually !
  2. I think it's even better if a special room is made for the whole NPC, with entrance and exit ( if possible )
  3. kalau skrip itu aku uda ada. (hasil skrip itu slot 3 hasil enchantnya random , slot 4 hasilnya dipilih) kalau yang aku inginkan hasil slot 2 sampai slot 4 bisa dipilih.
  4. Buat para master skript tolong 1. ubah skrip dibawah ini supaya bisa enchant temporal str,vit,dex,int,agi,luk boots (item ID 22006, 22007, 22008, 22009, 22010, 22011) 2. hilangkan "60% low, 30% mid, 10% high for 1st & 2nd enchant slot && 40% low, 30% mid, 20% high, 10% special for 3rd enchant slot" yang ada di skrip ----- Regards, //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Unofficial Fallen Angel Wing (FAW) Enchants //===== By: ================================================== //= Nerfwood //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Enchants FAW as per iROWiki's information //= Dialogue are unofficial //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First Version //============================================================ //Decreasing Chance of Enchantment //max bonus //max stats function script EnchantStat_1 { .chance = rand(1,10); if(@card2 && @card3) { //For 4th Slot aka 3rd Enchant Slot if(.chance<5) .x=0; else if(.chance<7) .x=1; else if(.chance<9) .x=2; else .x=3; } else { //For 2nd and 3rd card slot aka 1st and 2nd Enchant Slot if(.chance<7) .x=0; else if(.chance<10) .x=1; else .x=2; } return getelementofarray(getvariableofnpc( getd(".enc" + getarg(0) ) , "Valkyrie#faw"), .x ); } //Equal Chance of Enchanting function script EnchantStat_0 { if(@card2 && @card3) return getelementofarray(getvariableofnpc( getd(".enc" + getarg(0) ) , "Valkyrie#faw"), rand(0,3) ); else return getelementofarray(getvariableofnpc( getd(".enc" + getarg(0) ) , "Valkyrie#faw"), rand(0,2) ); } //=======MAIN NPC moc_para01,180,24,3 script Valkyrie#faw 403,{ mes .npc$; mes "I am capable of blessing the", "magnificent ^000099Fallen Angel Wing^000000", "with maximal attributes.", "Would you like to enchant yours?"; if(countitem(2589)) { set .@menu$, "Enchant Fallen Angel Wing"; } else .@menu$=""; next; switch(select("Information:" + .@menu$ + ":Reset Enchantment")) { case 1: goto OnInformation; case 2: goto OnEnchantNow; case 3: goto OnResetEnchant; default: close; } OnInformation: mes .npc$, "I can enchant your", "^000099Fallen Angel Wing^000000 for", (.cost?callfunc("F_InsertComma",.cost)+"z":"free")+" to give it various", "attributes. In fact, I can do it", "twice if its refinement level is", "+7 ~ +8, and thrice if its", "+9 and above."; next; mes .npc$, "The 3rd enchantment has a", "the same stats", "with the first two."; next; mes .npc$, "There is no chance to", "fail, so enchant away", "as much as you like."; next; mes .npc$, "But if you're not happy", "with the results, you can", "reset the enchantments", "for ^009900"+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.cost2) + "z^000000."; next; mes .npc$, "That's about everything."; close; OnEnchantNow: mes .npc$; if( (getequipid(EQI_GARMENT)!=2589) ) { mes "Please equip your", "^000099Fallen Angel Wing^000000 if", "you want to have it enchanted."; if(!.autoequip) close; next; if(select("Equip:Don't Equip")==2) close; equip 2589; mes .npc$; } .@refeq = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT); if(.@refeq<7) .@refeq2 = 1; else if(.@refeq>8) .@refeq2 = 3; else .@refeq2 = 2; mes "You have a ^000099+" +.@refeq + " Fallen Angel Wing^000000.", "It can have a total of " + .@refeq2 + " enchantment" +( .@refeq2>1?"s.":".")+" Please"; mes "select your preferred","enchantment."; next; setd ".@enc$", select("Fighting Enchant:Magic Enchant:Archer Enchant:Critical/Fatal Enchant:Max HP Enchant:Max SP Enchant:ASPD Enchant:STR Enchant:AGI Enchant:DEX Enchant:VIT Enchant:INT Enchant:LUK Enchant:Atk 7%:Matk 7%"); if(.cost) callsub OnCostlyEnchant; @card1 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,0); @card2 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,1); @card3 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,2); @card4 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,3); if( @card2 && @card3 && @card4) { mes .npc$, "Hmm.. it seems that all", "slots have already been enchanted."; close; } .@EnStat = callfunc( (.chancetype?"EnchantStat_1":"EnchantStat_0"), .@enc$) ; if(!@card2) callsub OnFawEnchant , .@EnStat , @card3 , @card4 , .@refeq; else if(!@card3 && .@refeq>6) callsub OnFawEnchant , @card2 , .@EnStat , @card4 , .@refeq; else if(!@card4 && .@refeq>8) callsub OnFawEnchant , @card2 , @card3 , .@EnStat , .@refeq; else { mes .npc$, "Sorry, but your", "^000099Fallen Angel Wing^000000's", "refinement level is too", "low to continue"; close; } mes .npc$, "Your ^000099Fallen Angel Wing^000000 has", "been enchanted with ^000099"+getitemname(.@EnStat)+"^000000."; close; OnFawEnChant: delitem2 2589, 1, 1, getarg(3), 0, @card1, @card2, @card3, @card4; getitem2 2589, 1, 1, getarg(3), 0, @card1, getarg(0), getarg(1), getarg(2); specialeffect2 1019; specialeffect2 98; return; OnResetEnchant: mes .npc$, "This will cost " + callfunc("F_InsertComma",.cost2) + "z.", "Are you sure?"; next; if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; mes .npc$; if(Zeny<10000) { mes "You don't have enough zeny."; close; } Zeny -= 10000; mes "Your ^000099Fallen Angel Wing^000000's", "enchantments have been reset."; .@refeq = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT); @card1 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,0); @card2 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,1); @card3 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,2); @card4 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,3); delitem2 2589, 1, 1, .@refeq, 0, @card1, @card2, @card3, @card4; getitem2 2589, 1, 1, .@refeq, 0, @card1, 0, 0, 0; specialeffect2 261; specialeffect2 119; close; //Only called when .cost is defined OnCostlyEnchant: if(Zeny<.cost) { mes .npc$, "You don't have enough zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .cost; return; OnInit: .npc$ = "[^AA0000Valkyrie^000000]"; setarray .enc1[0], 4825,4825,4825, 4825; //Fighting max. -->bonus bBaseAtk,50; bonus bHit,15; setarray .enc2[0], 4831,4831,4831, 4831; //Magic max. -->bMatk,50; bonus bVariableCastrate,-20 setarray .enc3[0], 4841,4841,4841, 4841; //Expert Arc max. -->bLongAtkRate,20; bonus bAspd,1; setarray .enc4[0], 4866,4866,4866, 4866; //Fatal max. -->bCritAtkRate,10; bonus bCritical,4; setarray .enc5[0], 4900,4900,4900, 4900; //MHPP max. -->bMaxHPrate,5; setarray .enc6[0], 4802,4802,4802, 4802; //MaxSP max. -->bonus bMaxSP,150; setarray .enc7[0], 4881,4881,4881, 4881; //ASPD max. -->bAspdRate,10; setarray .enc8[0], 4853,4853,4853, 4853; //STR Special Str setarray .enc9[0], 4853,4854,4854, 4854; //AGI Special Agi setarray .enc10[0], 4857,4857,4857, 4857; //DEX Special DEX setarray .enc11[0], 4855,4855,4855, 4855; //VIT Special Vit setarray .enc12[0], 4856,4856,4856, 4856; //INT Special Int setarray .enc13[0], 4858,4858,4858, 4858; //LUK Special Luk setarray .enc14[0], 4905,4905,4905, 4905; //ATK 7% setarray .enc15[0], 4907,4907,4907, 4907; //MaTK 7% // 1 = 60% low, 30% mid, 10% high for 1st & 2nd enchant slot && 40% low, 30% mid, 20% high, 10% special for 3rd enchant slot // 0 = Equal Chance .chancetype = 1; //Turn on Equip Selection if garment is unequipped? 1 = Yes .autoequip =0; //Cost for Enchanting. It's free in iRO //.cost=0; //Cost to reset | Costs 1Mz in iRO .cost2 = 10000; }
  5. why i get that error (i'm using client 2016-02-03)? nb. sorry for my typo/bad english
  6. snnelwan

    Folder Save

    Apakah bisa char yang sudah dibuat disimpan di Folder Save ?(kayak jamannya eAthena pakai server versi txt) Supaya tidak Ribet lagi L.Up ngumpulin gear+di refine waktu mau update server rAthena. Mohon Pencerahan... Nb. Untuk main offline
  7. 1 ada yg jual RO versi offline sudah episode 15.2 (punya saya baru episode 14an), itu gimana bisa begitu kalau client terbarunya sudah diprotek? 2. Kalau ROnya rajin diupdate online ada pengaruhnya? Mohon Pencerahan... Nb. 1.RO saya rajin diupdate ( update waktu December ditiap town ada Christmas tree setelah update January sudah tidak ada Christmas tree) 2. Rathenanya aku rajin update (konsekuensinya harus seting2 lagi) 3. Translationnya juga aku rajin update pakai yang kk Zack punya.
  8. saya maen offline saya pakai 2015-09-16a..... (uk.file 14mb) setelah gugel dapatnya 2016-09-12 (uk. file 6mb) tapi tidak bisa dipakai (run pakai nemo untuk check patch listnya tidak bisa) dimana saya bisa dapat versi terbarunya yang bisa di run pakai nemo (untuk check patchnya).... Mohon Pencerahan ...!
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