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Everything posted by Hercules

  1. I see this only on a post but im unable to download it or even see it because the link is broken.. Anyone had download did it before?? if yes please upload it and give me the link thanks!!
  2. what he meant is this /// renewal cast time /// (disable by commenting the line) /// /// leave this line to enable renewal casting time algorithms /// cast time is decreased by DEX * 2 + INT while 20% of the cast time is not reduced by stats. /// example: /// on a skill whos cast time is 10s, only 8s may be reduced. the other 2s are part of a /// "fixed cast time" which can only be reduced by specialist items and skills #define RENEWAL_CAST comment out mo yung last line then recompile your server. though i dont really think it'll solve your prob. try mo na rin. another thing is paglaruan mo yung options found in skill.conf regarding delays. try mo iset sa 0. and try to use the latest version of rAthena. what he meant is this /// renewal cast time /// (disable by commenting the line) /// /// leave this line to enable renewal casting time algorithms /// cast time is decreased by DEX * 2 + INT while 20% of the cast time is not reduced by stats. /// example: /// on a skill whos cast time is 10s, only 8s may be reduced. the other 2s are part of a /// "fixed cast time" which can only be reduced by specialist items and skills #define RENEWAL_CAST comment out mo yung last line then recompile your server. though i dont really think it'll solve your prob. try mo na rin. another thing is paglaruan mo yung options found in skill.conf regarding delays. try mo iset sa 0. and try to use the latest version of rAthena. eATHENA paren gmet ko kasi nhihirapan ako sa pag setup ng rATHENA.kaya walang renewal.h
  3. Now i KNOW!! What a BIG HELP!!
  4. Ok i will try it out... What do you mean sir??I will manually copy without replacing?? Please give me clear instructions sir..
  5. --- When i try to use this script temporary to test, - script BattlePoints -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: mapannounce "bat_c01", strcharinfo(0) + " has entered PVP Arena!!", 0,0xaaff00; end; OnInit: setarray .MapName$[0],"bat_c01"; end; OnPCDieEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .MapName$[0] ){ dispbottom "You died!!"; sleep2 500; atcommand "@load"; atcommand "@Alive"; } end; OnPCKillEvent: set @killer$, rid2name(killedrid); if( strcharinfo(3) == .MapName$[0] ){ if( killedrid != getcharid(2) ){ set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS +1; dispbottom "Gained +1 PVP Points points. Total [" + #CASHPOINTS + "] points"; mapannounce "bat_c01","["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has killed ["+@killer$+"]!!",0,0xaaff00; } } end; } bat_c01 mapflag loadevent Each time i try to kill the player on this pvp map i set,nothing happen.And This error appear at mapserver.The dropped skull has a name appeared,no problem at the skulls so far.I think my problem is on "ridnames". At first when im still using eATHENA txt r14368,this script is working,and when i update my svn from eATHENA txt r14368 jump to eATHENA txt r15177. I download eATHENA txt r15177,then I copy my old files in eATHENA txt r14368 [npc,conf,db folders] and paste it on eATHENA txt r15177 folder and recompile it. But when i try the script in r15177 without transfering my old files[npc,conf,db]. It runs smoothly,no errors found. Hope you help meeee please!! Please help anyway
  6. Color : White,Green,black Name : SkyPirate Size : 420x60 Anime : Amaimon/Ao no Exorcist Animation : Anything Thanks!!
  7. 10/10!! I will use your eATHENA Signature!!
  8. Hercules


    Ohh my,i double post it.Sorry i thought that i did not post it yet due to my internet slowness Where should i put this line?? like this?? - script DOTAPVP -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) != "bat_c01" ) end; set @PlayersKilledStreak,@PlayersKilledStreak + 1; set PlayersKilled,PlayersKilled + 1; getmapxy .map$,.@x,.@y,0; if (!attachrid(killedrid)) end; message strcharinfo(0),"You have been killed by "+ rid2name(killerrid); if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 10) callsub L_endStreak,"Beyond Godlike"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 9) callsub L_endStreak,"Godlike"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 8) callsub L_endStreak,"Monster Kill"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 7) callsub L_endStreak,"Wicked Sick"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 6) callsub L_endStreak,"Unstoppable"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 5) callsub L_endStreak,"Mega-kill"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 4) callsub L_endStreak,"Dominating"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 3) callsub L_endStreak,"Killing Spree"; else goto L_endStreak2; But it does not work..
  9. no,the player is still online sir and it always happen..
  10. Hercules


    - script DotaPvP -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: set $@PlayerKiller$,strcharinfo(0); set PlayersKilled,PlayersKilled + 1; set @PlayersKilledStreak,@PlayersKilledStreak + 1; message strcharinfo(0),"You have a Killing Spree of "+ @PlayersKilledStreak; message strcharinfo(0),"You killed a total amount of "+ PlayersKilled +" people."; message strcharinfo(0),"The last person you killed was: "+ rid2name(killedrid); getmapxy $@map$,.@x,.@y,0; if (!attachrid(killedrid)) end; set $@PlayerKilled$,strcharinfo(0); if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 80) callsub L_endStreak,"Beyond Godlike"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 70) callsub L_endStreak,"Godlike"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 60) callsub L_endStreak,"Monster Kill"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 50) callsub L_endStreak,"Wicked Sick"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 40) callsub L_endStreak,"Unstoppable"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 30) callsub L_endStreak,"Mega-kill"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 20) callsub L_endStreak,"Dominating"; if (@PlayersKilledStreak >= 10) callsub L_endStreak,"Killing Spree"; else goto L_endStreak2; L_endStreak: announce $@PlayerKiller$ +" has ended "+ $@PlayerKilled$ +"'s "+ getarg(0) +" streak at "+ $@map$,0; L_endStreak2: message strcharinfo(0),"You have been killed by "+ $@PlayerKiller$; How can i trigger this script in specific maps not all maps??
  11. Thanks!! How can i trigger this script in specific maps not all maps??
  12. Pano po maalis ung skill delay pkatapos ko mag HIDE?? Kasi kapag nag HIDE tapos SHADOWJUMP sabay, 1 second pa bago xia mag shadow jump kahit max na dex ko...
  13. This is a PVP script of Ghost. - script Versus -1,{ OnInit: //--Configuration set .System, 1; //Toggle PvP System (0:Disable|1:Enable) set .ServerType, 0; //Are you using TXT or SQL? (0:TXT|1:SQL) set .GMLevel, 90; //GM levels above or equal this level will be ignored by the system setarray .PvPMap$[0], "All"; //List all pvp maps here (Index 0:"All" to enable all maps) //PvP Ladder set .Top, 5; //What is the length of the list? set .Reset, 0; //Allow players to reset their PvP statistics? (0:Disable|1:Zeny|2:Cashpoint|3:Skull) set .ZenyFee, 0; //How much zeny you want to charge to reset their pvp stat? set .CashFee, 1000; //How much cashpoint you want to charge to reset their pvp stat? set .SkullFee, 1000; //How much skull you want to charge to reset their pvp stat? set .AnnouncerFee, 2000; //How much cashpoint per announcer? (DotA announcer is set as default) //Reward Setting (Every Kill) set .MaxZeny, 2000000000; //What is the max zeny of the server? set .Zeny, 0; //Earn zeny each kill? (0:Disable) set .Cash, 1; //How much #CASHPOINT every kill? (0:Disable) set .Skull, 1; //Collect player's skull each kill? (0:Disable|1:Enable) setarray .ItemID[0], 0; //Get items each kill? (0:Disable) setarray .Amount[0], 0; //How many items per kill? //Penalty Setting set .Feed, 10; //How many kills before feeding is called? (10:Recommended) set .Penalty, 1; //What is the penalty for the feedee? (0:Disable|1:Kill Rollback|2:Server Kick|3:Server Block) set .Kick, 0; //Who to kick? (0:Feedee|1:Feeder|2:Both) set .Rollback, 10; //How many times should the kill count rollback when feeding is called? (10:Recommended) //Announcer Setting set .Broadcast, 1; //Where do you want to broadcast? (0:bc_all|1:bc_map) set .Streak, 1; //Show number of killing streak in broadcast? e.g. Ghost is Beyond Godlike(8) set .Multiple, 1; //Show number of multiple kill in broadcast? e.g. Makizushi just got an Ownage(5) set .Nemesis, 1; //Show number of nemesis in broadcast? e.g. Epoque is owning Jguy(9) set .Feeder, 1; //Show number of feed in broadcast? e.g. Cookies is feeding `KeiKun(10) set .RandomKillWord, 1; //Randomize the kill words? e.g. Arcenciel "Kill Word" jTynne (0:Disable|Default:"pwned") setarray .KillWord$[0], "pwned", "killed", "disintegrated", "neutralized"; //Enable above setting for this to work //Broadcast Color | See HexTable: [url="http://johncfish.com/bggallery/otherchart/hextable.gif"]http://johncfish.com...rt/hextable.gif[/url] set .KColor$, "0xFFFF00"; //Kill Broadcast Color | e.g. Jguy pwned Mercurial set .KSColor$, "0xFFFF00"; //Killing Streak Broadcast Color | e.g. jTynne is on a Killing Spree set .MKColor$, "0x33FF00"; //Multiple Kill Broadcast Color | e.g. Mercurial just got a Double Kill set .ESColor$, "0xFF0000"; //End Streak Broadcast Color | e.g. BrianL just ended Jguy's Killing Spree set .NMColor$, "0x0099FF"; //Nemesis Broadcast Color | e.g. Xazax is owning Cookies set .PBColor$, "0xFF0000"; //Payback Broadcast Color | e.g. Makizushi just have a payback againts lilcooldude69 set .FDColor$, "0xFF00CC"; //Feeder Broadcast Color | e.g. Cookies is feeding Z3R0 //--Warning: Critical Setting | Killing Streaks and Multiple Kills Announcer setarray .KSDotA$[0], "is on a Killing Spree", "is Dominating", "has a Mega-Kill", "is Unstoppable", "is Wicked Sick", "has a M-m-m-m....Monster Kill", "is Godlike", "is Beyond Godlike"; setarray .KSHoN$[0], "is a Serial Killer", "is an Ultimate Warrior", "is Legendary", "is on an Onslaught!", "is Savage Sick", "is Dominating", "has a Bloodbath", "is Immortal"; //Took out #9. Champion of Newearth setarray .MKDotA$[0], "just got a Double Kill", "just got a Triple Kill", "just got an Ultra Kill", "is on a Rampage", "is Owning his enemies"; setarray .MKHoN$[0], "just got a Double Tap", "just got a Hat Trick", "just got an Quad Kill", "annihilated his enemies", "just got a Genocide"; setarray .ESDotA$[0], "Killing Spree", "Dominating", "Mega-Kill", "Unstoppable", "Wicked Sick", "Monster Kill", "Godlike", "Beyond Godlike"; setarray .ESHoN$[0], "Serial Killer", "Ultimate Warrior", "Legendary", "Onslaught", "Savage Sick", "Dominating", "Bloodbath", "Immortal"; //Took out #9. Champion of Newearth setarray .EMDotA$[0], "Double Kill", "Triple Kill", "Ultra Kill", "Rampage", "Ownage"; setarray .EMHoN$[0], "Double Tap", "Hat Trick", "Quad Kill", "Annihilation", "Genocide"; //--Warning: Fail Safe | Do Not Touch if(.System > 1){ set .System, 1; } if(.System < 0){ set .System, 0; } if(.ServerType > 1){ set .ServerType, 1; } if(.ServerType < 0){ set .ServerType, 0; } if(.GMLevel > 99){ set .GMLevel, 99; } if(.GMLevel < 0){ set .GMLevel, 0; } if((.PvPMap$[0] == "ALL")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "ALl")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "AlL")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "aLL")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "aLl") || (.PvPMap$[0] == "alL")){ setarray .PvPMap$[0], "All"; } if(.Ladder > 1){ set .Ladder, 1; } if(.Ladder < 0){ set .Ladder, 0; } if(.Top < 0){ set .Top, 0; } if(.Reset > 3){ set .Reset, 0; } if(.Reset < 0){ set .Reset, 0; } if((.Reset == 1)&&(.ZenyFee <= 0)){ set .Reset, 0; } if((.Reset == 1)&&(.ZenyFee >= .MaxZeny)){ set .Reset, 0; } if((.Reset == 2)&&(.CashFee <= 0)){ set .Reset, 0; } if((.Reset == 3)&&(.SkullFee <= 0)){ set .Reset, 0; } if(.Zeny > .MaxZeny){ set .Zeny, 0; } if(.Zeny < 0){ set .Zeny, 0; } if(.Cash < 0){ set .Cash, 0; } if(.Broadcast > 1){ set .Broadcast, 1; } if(.Broadcast < 0){ set .Broadcast, 0; } if(.Feed < 1){ set .Feed, 0; } if(.Penalty > 3){ set .Penalty, 3; } if(.Penalty < 1){ set .Penalty, 0; } if(.Rollback < 1){ set .Rollback, 0; } if(.Streak > 1){ set .Streak, 1; } if(.Streak < 1){ set .Streak, 0; } if(.Multiple > 1){ set .Multiple, 1; } if(.Multiple < 1){ set .Multiple, 0; } if(.Nemesis > 1){ set .Nemesis, 1; } if(.Nemesis < 0){ set .Nemesis, 0; } if(.Feeder > 1){ set .Feeder, 1; } if(.Feeder < 1){ set .Feeder, 0; } if(.RandomKillWord > 1){ set .RandomKillWord, 1; } if(.RandomKillWord < 0){ set .RandomKillWord, 0; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(.System){ if(getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel){ end; } if(.PvPMap$[0] != "All"){ for(set .@i, 0; .@i < (getarraysize(.PvPMap$) - 1); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(strcharinfo(3) != .PvPMap$[.@i]){ end; } } } if((@nm == .Feed) && (.Penalty)){ callsub OnClearData; switch(.Penalty){ case 0: break; case 1: callsub OnRollback; break; case 2: callsub OnRollback; if(.Kick == 0){ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } if(.Kick == 1){ atcommand "@kick "+rid2name(killedrid); } if(.Kick == 2){ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); atcommand "@kick "+rid2name(killedrid); } break; case 3: callsub OnRollback; if(.Kick == 0){ atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0); } if(.Kick == 1){ atcommand "@block "+rid2name(killedrid); } if(.Kick == 2){ atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0); atcommand "@block "+rid2name(killedrid); } break; default: break; } } if(@nm < .Feed){ if(.Zeny && ((Zeny + .Zeny) < .MaxZeny)){ set Zeny, Zeny + .Zeny; } if(.Cash){ dispbottom "[Point System] +1 Kill Point"; set #CASHPOINT, #CASHPOINT + .Cash; } if(.Skull){ getnameditem 7420, rid2name(killedrid); } for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.ItemID); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(.ItemID){ getitem .ItemID[.@i], .Amount[.@i]; }} } if(.RandomKillTerm){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.KillWord$[rand(0, getarraysize(.KillWord$) - 1)]+" "+rid2name(killedrid)+"'s head", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KColor$; } else { announce strcharinfo(0)+" pwned "+rid2name(killedrid)+"'s head", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KColor$; } set Kill, Kill + 1; if(@ks < 10){ set @ks, @ks + 1; } if(@mk < 6){ set @mk, @mk + 1; } if(!NemesisKilled){ set NemesisKilled, killedrid; } if(NemesisKilled == killedrid){ set @nm, @nm + 1; } deltimer "Versus::OnMKReset"; addtimer 18000, "Versus::OnMKReset"; callsub OnRecordStreak; callsub OnAnnounce; callsub OnDeath; end; } end; OnPCDieEvent: if(.System){ if(getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel){ end; } if(.PvPMap$[0] != "All"){ for(set .@i, 0; .@i < (getarraysize(.PvPMap$) - 1); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(strcharinfo(3) != .PvPMap$[.@i]){ end; } set Death, Death + 1; } } } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(.System){ if(getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel){ end; } if((.ServerType) && (Kill)){ query_sql("REPLACE INTO `pvp_rank` (`char_id`, `account_id`, `char`, `kill`, `death`, `kdr`, `killingstreak`, `multikill`, `nemesiskill`, `feedcount`,`killingspree`, `dominating`, `megakill`, `unstoppable`, `wickedsick`, `monsterkill`, `godlike`, `beyondgodlike`, `doublekill`, `triplekill`, `ultrakill`, `rampage`, `ownage`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+","+getcharid(3)+", '"+rid2name(getcharid(3))+"', "+Kill+", "+Death+", '"+callfunc("KDR_Calc", Kill, Death)+"', "+KillingStreak+", "+MultiKill+", "+NemesisKill+", "+FeedCount+", "+KillingSpree+", "+Dominating+", "+MegaKill+", "+Unstoppable+", "+WickedSick+", "+MonsterKill+", "+Godlike+", "+BeyondGodlike+", "+DoubleKill+", "+TripleKill+", "+UltraKill+", "+Rampage+", "+Ownage+")"); } if(.PvPMap$[0] != "All"){ for(set .@i, 0; .@i < (getarraysize(.PvPMap$) - 1); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(strcharinfo(3) != .PvPMap$[.@i]){ end; } } } callsub OnClearData; deltimer "Versus::OnMKReset"; } end; OnRecordStreak: if(@ks > 2){ set KillingStreak, KillingStreak + 1; switch(@ks){ case 0: case 1: case 2: break; case 3: set KillingSpree, KillingSpree + 1; break; case 4: set Dominating, Dominating + 1; break; case 5: set MegaKill, MegaKill + 1; break; case 6: set Unstoppable, Unstoppable + 1; break; case 7: set WickedSick, WickedSick + 1; break; case 8: set MonsterKill, MonsterKill + 1; break; case 9: set Godlike, Godlike + 1; break; case 10: set BeyondGodlike, BeyondGodlike + 1; break; default: break; } } if(@mk > 1){ set MultiKill, MultiKill + 1; switch(@mk){ case 0: case 1: break; case 2: set DoubleKill, DoubleKill + 1; break; case 3: set TripleKill, TripleKill + 1; break; case 4: set UltraKill, UltraKill + 1; break; case 5: set Rampage, Rampage + 1; break; case 6: set Ownage, Ownage + 1; break; default: break; } } if((@nm > 3) && (@nm < .Feed)){ set NemesisKill, NemesisKill + 1; } if(@nm >= .Feed){ set FeedCount, FeedCount + 1; } return; OnAnnounce: if((@ks == 1) && (#FirstBlood == 1)){ if(#Announcer == 0){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" drew first blood", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; } if(#Announcer > 1){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" got bloodlust", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; } set #FirstBlood, 0; soundeffectall ""+#Announcer+"_KS"+1+".wav", 0, strcharinfo(3); } if(@ks > 2){ if(#Announcer == 0){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.KSDotA$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; } if(#Announcer > 1){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.KSHoN$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; } soundeffectall ""+#Announcer+"_KS"+@ks+".wav", 0, strcharinfo(3); } if(@mk > 1){ if(#Announcer == 0){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.MKDotA$[@mk - 2]+" "+((.Multiple)?"("+@mk+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .MKColor$; } if(#Announcer > 1){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.MKHoN$[@mk - 2]+" "+((.Multiple)?"("+@mk+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .MKColor$; } sleep2 1500; soundeffectall ""+#Announcer+"_MK"+@mk+".wav", 0, strcharinfo(3); } if((@nm > 3) && (@nm < .Feed)){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" is owning "+rid2name(NemesisKilled)+" "+((.Nemesis)?"("+@nm+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .NMColor$; sleep2 2000; if(#Announcer > 0){ soundeffectall #Announcer+"_Nemesis.wav", 0, strcharinfo(3); } else { soundeffectall "1_Nemesis.wav", 0;} } if(@nm >= .Feed){ announce rid2name(NemesisKilled)+" is feeding "+strcharinfo(0)+" "+((.Feeder)?"("+@nm+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .FDColor$; sleep2 1500; soundeffectall "Feeder.wav", 0, strcharinfo(3); } return; OnDeath: if(@ks > 2){ if(#Announcer == 0){ announce rid2name(killedrid)+" just ended "+strcharinfo(0)+"'s "+.ESDotA$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .ESColor$; } if(#Announcer > 1){ announce rid2name(killedrid)+" just ended "+strcharinfo(0)+"'s "+.ESHoN$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .ESColor$; } } if(@nm > 3){ soundeffectall #Announcer+"_Payback.wav", 0, rid2name(killedrid); announce rid2name(killedrid)+" just have a payback againts "+strcharinfo(0)+" "+((.Nemesis)?"("+@nm+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .PBColor$; } attachrid(killedrid); callsub OnClearData; return; OnMKReset: set @mk, 0; end; OnClearData: sleep2 3000; set NemesisKilled, 0; set @ks, 0; set @mk, 0; set @nm, 0; return; OnRollback: if(.Zeny){ set Zeny, Zeny - (.Zeny * .Rollback); } if(.Cash){ dispbottom "[Point System] -"+(.Cash * .Rollback)+" Kill Point"; set #CASHPOINT, #CASHPOINT - (.Cash * .Rollback); } if(.Skull){ delitem 7420, .Rollback; } for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.ItemID); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(.ItemID){ delitem .ItemID[.@i], .Amount[.@i] * .Rollback; }} if((Kill - .Rollback) > 0){ set Kill, Kill - .Rollback; } else { set Kill, 0; } if((KillingSpree - 1) > 0){ set KillingSpree, KillingSpree - 1; } else { set KillingSpree, 0; } if((Dominating - 1) > 0){ set Dominating, Dominating - 1; } else { set Dominating, 0; } if((MegaKill - 1) > 0){ set MegaKill, MegaKill - 1; } else { set MegaKill, 0; } if((Unstoppable - 1) > 0){ set Unstoppable, Unstoppable - 1; } else { set Unstoppable, 0; } if((WickedSick - 1) > 0){ set WickedSick, WickedSick - 1; } else { set WickedSick, 0; } if((MonsterKill - 1) > 0){ set MonsterKill, MonsterKill - 1; } else { set MonsterKill, 0; } if((Godlike - 1) > 0){ set Godlike, Godlike - 1; } else { set Godlike, 0; } if((BeyondGodlike - 1) > 0){ set BeyondGodlike, BeyondGodlike - 1; } else { set BeyondGodlike, 0; } if((DoubleKill - 1) > 0){ set DoubleKill, DoubleKill - 1; } else { set DoubleKill, 0; } if((TripleKill - 1) > 0){ set TripleKill, TripleKill - 1; } else { set TripleKill, 0; } if((UltraKill - 1) > 0){ set UltraKill, UltraKill - 1; } else { set UltraKill, 0; } if((Rampage - 1) > 0){ set Rampage, Rampage - 1; } else { set Rampage, 0; } if((Ownage - 1) > 0){ set Ownage, Ownage - 1; } else { set Ownage, 0; } if((NemesisKill - (.Rollback - 3)) > 0){ set NemesisKill, NemesisKill - (.Rollback - 3); } else { set NemesisKill, 0; } announce "[Anti-Feed] Your kill count has been rollbacked "+.Rollback+" times.",bc_self,0xFF0000; return; } Why does the name of the killed player display as a null??
  14. Why i get error in this line?? Please help...
  15. Here is the screenshot, I always reject by server after map-server-sql is loaded.. . . . And one more question,Is client version 2010-07-07 compatible with rATHENA??
  16. when i login my account in mysql administrator and i try to run rathena.. it WORKS!!
  17. where can i find login table sir??
  18. Im having a hard time installing rATHENA.. I already downloaded this programs... > MySQL > MySQL Workbench v.5.1 (because 5.2 does not compatible in my OS) > and the Latest rATHENA SVN ... What is the next step sir??? Please give me CLEAR step by step instuction.. pleeeeaaase!! 3 months in rATHENA and STILL stucked in this old eATHENA TXT SVN r14801 -__- Thank's anyway...
  19. Can somebody teach me how to fix a head sprite to make it cleaner to look??
  20. Where should i put this required SQL TABLE ?? is it possible to put this SQL TABLE on eATHENA TXT??If yes HOW?? I post here because GHOST is inactive i think.. does it work on eATHENA TXT?? Im still on eATHENA TXT r14801 Because im having a problem in installing rATHENA. I already post but i can't completely understand.. please help..
  21. Here : http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=237765 Kinda old... or Here : http://rathena.org/b...pvp-system-v13/ Better to use this,more advanced and you can choose either DotA or HoN ladder.. w/ sound effects
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