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Everything posted by Hercules

  1. is this right - script atcmd_example -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("autoloot","atcmd_example::OnAtcommand"); end; OnAtcommand: specialeffect2 338; end;
  2. at the chat box of each players online... not announce..
  3. A script that every time a player kills on a pvp map,All players online will receive a message on their chat box that displays, [Killer] killed [Victim]!! And they can disable it and enable it on a npc.. Anybody can?? Please help....
  4. I have the same problem with ngek... This script is very usefull though.
  5. What is the script of an item that every time you wear it,your appearance became poring/angeling/deviling/etc... But the user can't attack nor cast skills.
  6. How can i disable specific commands in a map??
  7. How? is it on server or client side?? Thanks in future
  8. Im not using rATHENA because im having a problem on installing rATHENA,I always rejected by server each time i login.. How can i modify my source and add it??
  9. no,sir emistry is right That was not i meant, But thanks anyway for caring!!
  10. Is it possible to create an HATRED RESET NPC?? If yes,please make me one... Thanks in future!!
  11. I want to make an item that each time he/she attacks on a demihuman his/her ATK will increase by 6%. What will i put on item_db2?
  12. Euphy's quest shop script why does i got error on this line??
  13. Please edit this pvp script that in every streak it announces various colors.. e.g. 1st streak = announce THIS color 2nd streak = announce THIS color 3rd streak = announce THIS color 4th streak = announce THIS color 5th streak = announce THIS color 6th streak = announce THIS color 7th streak = announce THIS color 8th streak = announce THIS color //============================================================================ - script DOTAPVP -1,{ OnInit: // Config set .sound, 0; // soundeffect : 0 - disable, 1 - play soundeffect to all players on map, 2 - play soundeffect to an area around the killer, 3 - play soundeffect to killer only set .ownage, 0; // ownage announcement : 0 - disable, 1 - party owns, 2 - guild owns set .announce, 1; // make announce to : 0 - global, 1 - map set .announcemap, 0; // announce the map name in the announcement ? : 0 - off, 1 - on set .announcekill, 1; // announce who pawn who's head : 0 - off, 1- on set .msg_die, 1; // show message who kill you when die : 0 - off, 1- on set .msg_kill, 0; // show message you kill who when killed someone : 0 - off, 1- on set .gmnokill, 0; // GMs are not suppose to kill players. A GM with <this number> level or higher will do nothing. IF set to 60, GM60 and above kill any player will not get anything : 0 - off set .killingspree, 3; set .dominating, 4; set .megakill, 5; set .unstoppable, 6; set .wickedsick, 7; set .monsterkill, 8; set .godlike, 9; set .holyshit, 10; set .continue, 1; // after beyond-godlike, every <this number> kills will make announcement again set .owned, 5; // how many times the party/guild has to kill to announce ownage set .owncontinue, 1; // after ownage, every <this number> party/guild cumulative kills will make ownage announce again setarray .maptrigger$, // only these maps will trigger this script "all", // comment this line to only trigger this script on these listed maps "bat_c01", "guild_vs2", "guild_vs3", "guild_vs4", "guild_vs5"; // anti-sit-killer system // a player must kill another player with this minimum <this number> level to get the announcement and in the ladder. // Otherwise only have streak ended announcement and killed player's streak reset. // Its possible for a level 1 novice to kill a level 55 player and he/she will still get in the ladder // but a level 55 kill a level 1 player will get nothing // 0 - off this system ( default is 55, pk setting ) set .lvltokill, 0; // when a player kill another same player <this number> times in a row, the player is warp back to save point. // and the player's streak and ownage count will deduct accordingly // 0 - off this system set .counttopunish, 6; // minimum level range to kill another player // eg. when set to 20, player level 99 needs to kill another player with minimum level of 79 to get announcement and increase the kill rank. // but a player with base level 50 kills a level 99 will also get the announcement // higher base level cannot kill lower level, but lower level can kill higher level // 0 - off this system set .minlvlrange, 0; // Config ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // to prevent bug happen if ( .ownage < 0 || .ownage > 2 ) set .ownage, 0; if ( .announce < 0 || .announce > 1 ) set .announce,0; if ( .continue < 1 ) set .continue, 1; if ( .owncontinue < 1 ) set .owncontinue, 1; if ( .gmnokill <= 0 ) set .gmnokill, 100; if ( .lvltokill <= 1 ) set .lvltokill, 0; if ( .counttopunish <= 1 ) set .counttopunish, 0; set .maptriggersize, getarraysize(.maptrigger$); end; // script start OnPCKillEvent: if ( getgmlevel() >= .gmnokill ) end; getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; if ( .maptrigger$ != "all" ) { for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .maptriggersize; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { if ( .@map$ == .maptrigger$[.@i] ) break; } if ( .@i == .maptriggersize ) end; } attachrid killedrid; if ( killerrid != getcharid(3) && ( .msg_die || .msg_kill ) ) { if ( .msg_die ) message strcharinfo(0),"You have been killed by "+ rid2name(killerrid); if ( .msg_kill ) message rid2name(killerrid),"You just killed "+ strcharinfo(0); } if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .holyshit ) set .@streakname$,"Immortal"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .godlike ) set .@streakname$,"Bloodbath"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .monsterkill ) set .@streakname$,"Champion"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .wickedsick ) set .@streakname$,"SavageSick"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .unstoppable ) set .@streakname$,"Onslaught"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .megakill ) set .@streakname$,"Legendary"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .dominating ) set .@streakname$,"UltimateWarrior"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .killingspree ) set .@streakname$,"SerialKiller"; if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .killingspree && killerrid == getcharid(3) ) announce strcharinfo(0) +" has ended "+( (sex)?"him":"her" )+" own "+ .@streakname$ +"["+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"] streak "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):""),16|.announce; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .killingspree ) announce rid2name(killerrid) +" has ended "+ strcharinfo(0) +"'s "+ .@streakname$ +"["+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"] streak "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):""),16|.announce; else if ( .announcekill && killerrid != getcharid(3) ) announce rid2name(killerrid) +" has pawned "+ strcharinfo(0) +"'s head "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):""),16|.announce; set @PlayersKilledStreak,0; set @dota_multikills,0; if ( .ownage && getcharid(.ownage) ) { setd ".dotaown_"+ getcharid(.ownage), 0; set .@killedgroup, getcharid(.ownage); } if ( killerrid == getcharid(3) || baselevel < .lvltokill ) end; if ( .minlvlrange ) set .@killedlvl, baselevel; attachrid killerrid; if ( .minlvlrange && .@killedlvl + .minlvlrange < baselevel ) end; if ( .counttopunish ) { if ( @sitkillminute != gettime(2) ) { deletearray @sitkillid, 128; deletearray @sitkilltimes, 128; set @sitkillminute, gettime(2); } set .@sitkillsize, getarraysize(@sitkillid); for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@sitkillsize; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { if ( @sitkillid[.@i] != killedrid ) continue; else { set @sitkilltimes[.@i], @sitkilltimes[.@i] +1 ; if ( @sitkilltimes[.@i] >= .counttopunish ) { warp "SavePoint",0,0; announce strcharinfo(0) +" , Stop killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) + " !!!",0; debugmes strcharinfo(0) +" is sit-killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) +" for "+ @sitkilltimes[.@i] + " times"; logmes "is sit-killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) +" for "+ @sitkilltimes[.@i] +" times"; set @PlayersKilledStreak, @PlayersKilledStreak +1 - .counttopunish; set PlayersKilled, PlayersKilled +1 - .counttopunish; if ( .ownage && getcharid(.ownage) ) setd ".dotaown_"+ getcharid(.ownage), getd(".dotaown_"+ getcharid(.ownage) ) +1 - .counttopunish; end; } break; } } if ( .@i == .@sitkillsize ) { set @sitkillid[.@i], killedrid; set @sitkilltimes[.@i], 1; } } set @PlayersKilledStreak, @PlayersKilledStreak + 1; set PlayersKilled, PlayersKilled + 1; if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .killingspree ) setarray .@streakname$,"killingspree.wav","is on a SERIAL KILLER","!"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .dominating ) setarray .@streakname$,"dominating.wav","is ULTIMATE WARRIOR","!"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .megakill ) setarray .@streakname$,"megakill.wav","has a LEGENDARY","!"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .unstoppable ) setarray .@streakname$,"unstoppable.wav","is ONSLAUGHT","!!"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .wickedsick ) setarray .@streakname$,"wickedsick.wav","is SAVAGE SICK","!!"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .monsterkill ) setarray .@streakname$,"monsterkill.wav","has a CHAMPION","!!"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .godlike ) setarray .@streakname$,"godlike.wav","is BLOODBATH","!!!"; else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .holyshit && ( (@PlayersKilledStreak - .holyshit) % .continue == 0 ) ) setarray .@streakname$,"holyshit.wav","is IMMORTAL",". Someone KILL "+( (sex)?"HIM":"HER" ) +"!!!!!!"; if ( .@streakname$[1] != "" ) { announce strcharinfo(0) +" "+ .@streakname$[1] +"["+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"] "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):"") + .@streakname$[2],16|.announce; if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall .@streakname$[0],0,.@map$; else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall .@streakname$[0],0; else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect .@streakname$[0],0; } set @dota_multikills, @dota_multikills + 1; deltimer "DOTAPVP::OnStreakReset"; addtimer 18000,"DOTAPVP::OnStreakReset"; if ( .ownage ) { set .@sideid, getcharid(.ownage); if ( .@sideid != .@killedgroup ) setd ".dotaown_"+ .@sideid, getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid ) + 1; } set .@dota_multikills, @dota_multikills; set .@origin, getcharid(3); sleep 1500; if ( .@sideid && .ownage && .@sideid != .@killedgroup && getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid) >= .owned && ( ( getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid) - .owned ) % .owncontinue == 0 ) ) { if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, "The "+( (.ownage == 1)?"party":"guild" )+" ["+( (.ownage == 1)?getpartyname(.@sideid):getguildname(.@sideid) )+"] is OWNING["+ getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid) +"] !!!",16; else announce "The "+( (.ownage == 1)?"party":"guild" )+" ["+( (.ownage == 1)?getpartyname(.@sideid):getguildname(.@sideid) )+"] is OWNING["+ getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid) +"] !!!",16; if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "ownage.wav",0,.@map$; else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "ownage.wav",0; else if ( .sound == 3 && attachrid(.@origin) ) soundeffect "ownage.wav",0; } sleep 1250; if ( !attachrid(.@origin) ) end; if ( .@dota_multikills == 2 ) { if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Double Tap !",16; else announce strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Double Tap !",16; if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "doublekill.wav",0,.@map$; else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "doublekill.wav",0; else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "doublekill.wav",0; } else if ( .@dota_multikills == 3 ) { if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Hat Trick !!!",16; else announce strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Hat Trick !!!",16; if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "triplekill.wav",0,.@map$; else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "triplekill.wav",0; else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "triplekill.wav",0; } else if ( .@dota_multikills == 4 ) { if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Annhilation !!!",16; else announce strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Annhilation !!!",16; if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "ultrakill.wav",0,.@map$; else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "ultrakill.wav",0; else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "ultrakill.wav",0; } else if ( .@dota_multikills >= 5 ) { if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" is on a Genocide !!!",16; else announce strcharinfo(0) +" is on a Genocide !!!",16; if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "rampage.wav",0,.@map$; else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "rampage.wav",0; else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "rampage.wav",0; } end; OnWhisperGlobal: dispbottom "Your current Streak : "+ @PlayersKilledStreak; dispbottom "Your total Kills : "+ PlayersKilled; if ( .ownage && getcharid(.ownage) ) dispbottom "Your "+( (.ownage ==1)?"party":"guild" )+" Own : "+ getd(".dotaown_"+ getcharid(.ownage) ); end; OnStreakReset: set @dota_multikills, 0; end; } Thank in future!!
  14. In what line should i put this? by the way THANK YOU!!
  15. This is a broadcaster script of Rosemount w/ 40 colors... her link is here. //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Broadcasting //===== By =================================================== //= Rosemount //===== Version ============================================== //= 1.0 - Script Created //===== Created on =========================================== //= eAthena Svn r650 //===== Description ========================================== //= With 40 color and admin menu //===== Topic Start ========================================== //= http://rathena.org/board/topic/66227-broadcaster-with-40-color/page__pid__113929#entry113929 //============================================================ - script Broad -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() >=99) goto L_admin; end; L_admin: menu "Set broadcast price",L_set,"Enable Broadcast",L_enable,"Disable Broadcast",L_disable; L_set: input $price; close; L_enable: enablenpc "BroadCaster"; close; L_disable: mes "Please insert the reason"; input @reason$; announce "GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" : was disable broadcaster npc by reason [ "+@reason$+" ]",bc_all; disablenpc "BroadCaster"; close; } prontera,156,178,4 script BroadCaster 100,{ mes "The price for today is ^FF0000"+$price+"^000000 zeny."; next; goto L_menu; L_menu: menu "^FF0000Color#1^000000",L_01, "^FF4000Color#2^000000",L_02, "^FF8000Color#3^000000",L_03, "^FFBF00Color#4^000000",L_04, "^FFFF00Color#5^000000",L_05, "^BFFF00Color#6^000000",L_06, "^80FF00Color#7^000000",L_07, "^40FF00Color#8^000000",L_08, "^FA5882Color#9^000000",L_09, "^0101DFColor#10^000000",L_10, "^7401DFColor#11^000000",L_11, "^045FB4Color#12^000000",L_12, "^2ECCFAColor#13^000000",L_13, "^FF00FFColor#14^000000",L_14, "^0000FFColor#15^000000",L_15, "^088A08Color#16^000000",L_16, "^FA58D0Color#17^000000",L_17, "^FA8258Color#18^000000",L_18, "^D0A9F5Color#19^000000",L_19, "^04B486Color#20^000000",L_20, "^C1FFC1Color#21^000000",L_21, "^698B69Color#22^000000",L_22, "^FFF68FColor#23^000000",L_23, "^FF6A6AColor#24^000000",L_24, "^FFA500Color#25^000000",L_25, "^EE9A00Color#26^000000",L_26, "^CD8500Color#27^000000",L_27, "^B0E2FFColor#28^000000",L_28, "^A4D3EEColor#29^000000",L_29, "^C6E2FFColor#30^000000",L_30, "^DA70D6Color#31^000000",L_31, "^BA55D3Color#32^000000",L_32, "^BA55D3Color#33^000000",L_33, "^FAEBD7Color#34^000000",L_34, "^FFEFD5Color#35^000000",L_35, "^FFAEB9Color#36^000000",L_36, "^EEA2ADColor#37^000000",L_37, "^FF7256Color#38^000000",L_38, "^FFA07AColor#39^000000",L_39, "^EE7621Color#40^000000",L_40; L_01: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad01,"No",L_no; broad01: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFF0000; close; L_02: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad02,"No",L_no; broad02: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFF4000; close; L_03: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad03,"No",L_no; broad03: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFF8000; close; L_04: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad04,"No",L_no; broad04: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFFBF00; close; L_05: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad05,"No",L_no; broad05: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFFFF00; close; L_06: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad06,"No",L_no; board06: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xBFFF00; close; L_07: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad07,"No",L_no; broad07: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x80FF00; close; L_08: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad08,"No",L_no; broad08: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x40FF00; close; L_09: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad09,"No",L_no; broad09: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFA5882; close; L_10: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad10,"No",L_no; broad10: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x0101DF; close; L_11: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad11,"No",L_no; broad11: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x7401DF; close; L_12: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad12,"No",L_no; broad12: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x045FB4; close; L_13: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad13,"No",L_no; broad13: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x2ECCFA; close; L_14: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad14,"No",L_no; broad14: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFF00FF; close; L_15: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad15,"No",L_no; broad15: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x0000FF; close; L_16: input @broadcast$; broad16: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x088A08; close; L_17: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad17,"No",L_no; broad17: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFA58D0; close; L_18: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad18,"No",L_no; broad18: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFA8258; close; L_19: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad19,"No",L_no; broad19: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xD0A9F5; close; L_20: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad20,"No",L_no; broad20: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x04B486; close; L_21: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad21,"No",L_no; broad21: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xC1FFC1; close; L_22: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad22,"No",L_no; broad22: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0x698B69; close; L_23: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad23,"No",L_no; broad23: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFFF68F; close; L_24: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad24,"No",L_no; broad24: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFF6A6A; close; L_25: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad25,"No",L_no; broad25: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFFA500; close; L_26: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad26,"No",L_no; broad26: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xEE9A00; close; L_27: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad27,"No",L_no; broad27: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xCD8500; close; L_28: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad28,"No",L_no; broad28: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xB0E2FF; close; L_29: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad29,"No",L_no; broad29: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xA4D3EE; close; L_30: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad30,"No",L_no; broad30: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xC6E2FF; close; L_31: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad31,"No",L_no; broad31: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xDA70D6; close; L_32: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad32,"No",L_no; broad32: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xBA55D3; close; L_33: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad33,"No",L_no; broad33: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xBA55D3; close; L_34: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad34,"No",L_no; broad34: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFAEBD7; close; L_35: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad35,"No",L_no; broad35: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFFEFD5; close; L_36: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad36,"No",L_no; broad36: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFFAEB9; close; L_37: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad37,"No",L_no; broad37: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xEEA2AD; close; L_38: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad38,"No",L_no; broad38: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFF7256; close; L_39: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad39,"No",L_no; broad39: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xFFA07A; close; L_40: input @broadcast$; mes "Are you sure want to broadcast ^FF0000"+@broadcast$+"^000000"; menu "Yes",broad40,"No",L_no; broad40: if(Zeny < $price) goto error; set Zeny, Zeny - $price; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xEE7621; close; L_no: next; if(Sex == 0) mes "Hello Mrs ^FA8258"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 Have a nice day."; else mes "Hello Mr ^FA8258"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 Have a nice day."; close; error: next; mes "You dont have ^FF0000"+$price+"^000000 zeny."; close; } I want to add an anti-spamming system to this script,how??Please help... Thanks in future...
  16. I can't understand this status.conf...My maximum status[agi,str,luk] in my server is 500. i want to make my character vulnerable from silence,stun,curse,etc even there status is max. How could i make my character vulnerable?? Please explain this status.conf clearly. // Adjustment for the natural rate of resistance from status changes. // If 50, status defense is halved, and you need twice as much stats to block // them (eg: 200 vit to completely block stun) pc_status_def_rate: 100 mob_status_def_rate: 100 // Required luk to gain inmunity to status changes. // Luk increases resistance by closing the gap between natural resist and max // linearly. This setting indicates required luk to gain complete immunity. // Eg: 40 vit -> 40% resist. 150 luk -> +50% of the missing gap. // So 40% + (50% of 60%) = 70% pc_luk_status_def: 300 mob_luk_status_def: 300 // Maximum resistance to status changes. (100 = 100%) // NOTE: Cards and equipment can go over this limit, so it only applies to natural resist. pc_max_status_def: 100 mob_max_status_def: 100 bump..
  17. ang konte na kasi ng tao sa eATHENA at mga inactive pa,maganda nman d2 ehh. .Di kasi ako mka switch sa rathena kasi nhihirapan ako sa pag install nun..Lagi ako na rereject ng server kpag nilologin ko account ko sa rATHENA..
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