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Everything posted by letstry

  1. I mean freecast :facepalm: Fixed
  2. How to remove the Speed Penalty of Autospell? Bump Bump
  3. letstry

    How do I..

    How do I make this like if Im pkoff and map is gvg OR pvp I wont be attacked? How will I add OR PVP at the script? And if we're on a party ( Im pk off and my party is pk off ) I can devotion him Heres the code if( (sd->pk_enable == false && map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg == 0) && s_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)s_bl)->pk_enable == false ) return 0; Bump
  4. Thanks it does work now.. But how do I remove the movespeed penalty when casting Emergency Call?
  5. Make a weapon unstrippable, indestructible, and unbreakable.. thanks
  6. letstry


    Thanks its working now
  7. letstry


    { bonus5 bAutoSpell,"ASC_EDP",1,20,BF_SKILL,1; } Like This?
  8. letstry


    Already tried that.. Still doesn't work.. It only works when attacking normally.. What I want to happen is, make it autocast when also casting skills like if you cast Desperado and it his enemies, there's a chance to activate Lv1 EDP.. Btw, Here's my script { bonus3 bAutoSpell,"ASC_EDP",1,20; } Anyone?
  9. letstry


    I mean all physical damage battle skills like those above and ds and spiral pierce, rapidshower, throw shuriken and others..
  10. letstry


    Requesting a script like.. When using attack skills like desperado, bowling bash, and other battle skills it will autocast lv1 enchant deadly poison.. Thanks
  11. letstry


    The event wont stop even though there's only 1 novice left in the map.. Help please Thanks - script announce_nvz -1,{ OnClock0130: OnClock0430: OnClock0730: OnClock1030: OnClock1330: OnClock1630: OnClock1930: OnClock2230: announce "The event for Zombie vs. Novice will begin in 3 minutes",0; killmonsterall "quiz_01"; sleep 5000; announce "Proceed @go event and talk to the Zombie NPC to join.",0; enablenpc "Novice vs. Zombie"; sleep 55000; announce "Event Zombie vs. Novice will begin in 2 minutes.",0; sleep 60000; announce "Event Zombie vs. Novice will begin in 1 minute.",0; sleep 30000; mapannounce "quiz_01","In 30 seconds the Zombies will arrive!",0; sleep 25000; announce "Event Zombie vs. Novice will start in 5",0; sleep 1000; announce "Event Zombie vs. Novice will start in 4",0; sleep 1000; announce "Event Zombie vs. Novice will start in 3",0; sleep 1000; announce "Event Zombie vs. Novice will start in 2",0; sleep 1000; announce "Event Zombie vs. Novice will start in 1",0; sleep 1000; announce "Event 'Zombie vs. Novice' has begun!",0,0x00FF00; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie",1015,3; disablenpc "Novice vs. Zombie"; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie",1015,3; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie",1015,3; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Ghoul",1036,5; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer5000: if ( getmapusers("quiz_01") == 0 ) { killmonsterall "quiz_01"; announce "'Zombie Vs. Novice' has ended, no one survived!",0; disablenpc "Prize"; stopnpctimer; end; } else if ( getmapusers("quiz_01") > 1 ) { mapannounce "quiz_01",getmapusers("quiz_01") +" survivors are still on the map.",0,0x00FF00;; initnpctimer; end; } if ( .@mapnvz$ == "quiz_01" && getmapusers("quiz_01") = 1 ) { killmonsterall "quiz_01"; mapannounce "quiz_01","You've won! Please approach to the Prize Giver to get your award.",0; enablenpc "Prize"; stopnpctimer; end; } initnpctimer; end; OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy .@mapnvz$,.@xnvz,.@ynvz,0; if ( .@mapnvz$ == "quiz_01") { sleep2 1; warp "prontera",156,223; atcommand "@alive "+ strcharinfo(0); dispbottom "You were beaten by a Zombie."; } sleep2 1000; end; } quiz_01,42,369,3 script Prize 72,{ if (sex == 1) { announce "Wow! " + strcharinfo (0) + " has won! He survived versus the Zombies.",0; } else { announce "Wow! " + strcharinfo (0) + " has won! She survived versus the Zombies.",0; }; getitem 675,1; warp "prontera",156,223; sleep2 250; disablenpc "Prize"; end; } brasilis,116,337,3 script Novice vs. Zombie 1015,{ if ( Weight > 0 ){ mes "You must clear all your items in your Equipment Field and Inventory before joining this event."; close; } if (BaseLevel > 1) goto NO; if (class == 0) goto event; if (class > 0) goto NO; event: mes "[^0000FFZombie Vs. Novice^000000]"; mes "You wish to get on the Zombie Vs. Novice arena?"; next; switch(select("Yes","No")) { case 1: sc_end SC_ALL; sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,300000,10; percentheal 100,100; warp "quiz_01",42,369; end; break; case 2: mes "[^0000FFZombie Vs. Novice^000000]"; mes "Okay, talk to me when you've changed your mind."; close; break; NO: mes "[^0000FFZombie Vs. Novice^000000]"; mes "You don't meet the requirements. Only Level 1 Novice can join."; close; } OnInit: disablenpc "Novice vs. Zombie"; disablenpc "Prize"; end; } quiz_01 mapflag nowarp quiz_01 mapflag nowarpto quiz_01 mapflag noteleport quiz_01 mapflag nosave quiz_01 mapflag nomemo quiz_01 mapflag nobranch quiz_01 mapflag noloot quiz_01 mapflag noskill quiz_01 mapflag nightenabled quiz_01 mapflag nodrop quiz_01 mapflag noexp quiz_01 mapflag pvp off quiz_01 mapflag pvp_noparty quiz_01 mapflag pvp_noguild quiz_01 mapflag nocommand 80
  12. I want to end the SC_DANCING ( Any song or dance of clown/dancer ) when you switch weapons.. Can someone help me? Thanks BUMP BUMP BUMP
  13. How do I enable Professor to walk when casting Emergency Call Bump
  14. letstry

    Trading NPC

    yes.. I need delitem too
  15. Requesting a npc which will trade all things in exchange of some in just 1 click.. Example: I have 10 jellopy, then if I clicked the npc, I will have 10 fluff. But if I have 6 jellopy only, Ill only have 6 fluff. Thanks
  16. letstry


    BUMP BUMP Bump
  17. Yes I used tab on them BUMP Bump
  18. letstry


    I want to only allow the use of @pkmode on town maps only How can I do that? BUMP BUMP Bump
  19. Why I cant talk to this NPC? //==================================================================================== //Script Name: Vote For Points NPC Script for FluxCP //SVN: Tested in rAthena r156513 //Developed By: JayPee Mateo //Version: 1.0 //Requirement(s): FluxCP V4P Addon //Description: This is a npc script for FluxCP Vote for points in order for the players //to claim their vote points //==================================================================================== prontera,151,175,5 script VoteForPoints 89,{ //Function Prototypes function garbagecol;//Garbage collection for the Character variables garbagecol(); function add_item; //Syntanx: add_item(ItemID,QUANTITY,POINTS,CATEGORY); function makeCategory;//This will return a list of the categories function getItemsByCat;//This will return the list of items associated to the particular category function getItemDetails;//This will return the details of the item function getPoints;//This will return the points of the player stored in the database function updatePoints;//This will updates the points of the player stored in the database //NPC Name set .npcname$,"[ Vote For Points ]"; //Initialization of the Rewards add_item(555,1,100,"Hello"); add_item(556,2,101,"Hello"); add_item(557,3,101,"Hello1"); add_item(607,1,10,"Ygg"); //Script Start mes .npcname$; mes "Hi! Do you want to exchange your vote points?:"; switch(select("Yes, I want to exchange my points:See my points")) { case 1: next; mes .npcname$; mes "Please choose a category:"; set .@selected,select(makeCategory())-1; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Please the item you want:"; set .@selected,select(getItemsByCat(@listCat$[.@selected]))-1; next; mes .npcname$; set .@rItemID,getItemDetails(@itemKeys[.@selected],"ItemID"); set .@rquantity,getItemDetails(@itemKeys[.@selected],"quantity"); set .@rpoints,getItemDetails(@itemKeys[.@selected],"points"); mes "Item ID:"+.@rItemID; mes "Item Name: "+getitemname(.@rItemID); mes "Item Quantity: "+.@rquantity+" pc(s)."; mes "Required Points: "+.@rpoints+" pt(s)."; mes "\n"; mes "Do you want to this item?"; if(select("Yes:No")==1) { set .@points,getPoints(getcharid(3)); if(.@points>=.@rpoints) { next; mes .npcname$; updatePoints(getcharid(3),.@rpoints); getitem .@rItemID,.@rquantity; mes "Here you go!. Thank you for voting. Don't forget to vote again. "; } else mes "Sorry, you do not have enough points for this item."; } else { next; mes .npcname$; mes "Okay bye!"; } garbagecol(); close; case 2: next; mes .npcname$; set .@points,getPoints(getcharid(3)); mes "You currently have "+.@points+" pt(s)."; garbagecol(); close; } end; //Functions Bodies function updatePoints { set .@account_id,getarg(0); set .@usedPoints,getarg(1); query_sql("UPDATE `cp_v4p_voters` SET points=(points-"+.@usedPoints+") WHERE account_id='"+.@account_id+"'"); return; } function getPoints { set .@account_id,getarg(0); query_sql("SELECT `points` FROM `cp_v4p_voters` WHERE account_id="+.@account_id+" LIMIT 1",.@points); if(getarraysize(.@points)==0) return 0; return .@points[0]; } function getItemDetails { set .@key,getarg(0); //Key set .@detail$,getarg(1); //What details to return such as ItemID, Points, Quantity, Category if(.@detail$ == "ItemID") return @ItemID[.@key]; else if((.@detail$ == "Quantity") || (.@detail$ == "quantity")) return @itemQ[.@key]; else if((.@detail$ == "Points") || (.@detail$ == "points")) return @points[.@key]; else if((.@detail$ == "Category") || (.@detail$ == "category")) return @category$[.@key]; } function getItemsByCat { set .@selectedCat$,getarg(0); set .@make_string$,""; set .@x,0; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(@category$); set .@i,.@i+1) { if(.@selectedCat$ == @category$[.@i]); { setarray @itemKeys[.@x],.@i; if(.@make_string$ == "") set .@make_string$,getitemname(@ItemID[.@i]); else set .@make_string$,.@make_string$+":"+getitemname(@ItemID[.@i]); set .@x,.@x+1; } } return .@make_string$; } function makeCategory { set .@make_string$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(@category$); set .@i,.@i+1) { if(.@make_string$ == "") { setarray @listCat$[getarraysize(@listCat$)],@category$[.@i]; set .@make_string$,@category$[.@i]; } else { if(compare(.@make_string$,@category$[.@i])==0) { setarray @listCat$[getarraysize(@listCat$)],@category$[.@i]; set .@make_string$,.@make_string$+":"+@category$[.@i]; } } } return .@make_string$; } function add_item { set .@ItemID,getarg(0,-1); //IteID set .@itemQ,getarg(1,-1); //Item Quantity set .@points,getarg(2,-1); set .@cat$,getarg(3,"Uncategorized"); //Category if(.@ItemID == -1) { debugmes "Invalid Item ID. Script not completely loaded."; end; } else if(.@itemQ == -1) { debugmes "Invalid Item Quantity. Script not completely loaded."; end; } else if(.@points == -1) { debugmes "Points assignment error. Script not completely loaded."; end; } set .@key,getarraysize(@ItemID); setarray @ItemID[.@key],.@ItemID; setarray @itemQ[.@key],.@itemQ; setarray @points[.@key],.@points; setarray @category$[.@key],.@cat$; return 1; //return 1 as success } function garbagecol{ deletearray @ItemID[0],128; deletearray @itemQ[0],128; deletearray @points[0],128; deletearray @category$[0],128; deletearray @listCat$[0],128; deletearray @itemKeys[0],128; return; }
  20. How will I use this kind of points? any scripts there? Thanks BUMPPPPP Bump -.- BUUUMP
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