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Everything posted by letstry

  1. How do I delete the database sir brenth?
  2. I need help on wiping out my server so I can officially open it because my server is still on test.. Thank you so much
  3. letstry


    someone help me script this Item script that will make your base lvl to 255 and job lvl to 100 or an npc script that needs an item to make them to lv 255 and their job lvl to 100 Thanks
  4. Treasure Hunter Quest Shop With This -Freya's Jewel = 200T -Thor's Gauntlet = 200T -Iron Maiden = 200T -Wheel of the Unknown = 200T -Silver Ornament = 200T -Wrath of Valkyrie = 200T -Feather of Angel Wing = 200T -Footprints of Cat = 200T -Woman's Mustaches = 200T -Root of Stone = 200T -Spirit of Fish = 200T -Sputum of Bird = 200T -Sinew of Bear = 200T -Breath of Soul = 200T -Snow Crystal = 200T -Omen of Tempest = 200T -Ripple = 200T -Billow = 200T -Drifting Air = 200T -Emblem of the Sun God = 400T Bump Bump
  5. letstry


    Spirit of Star Gladiator: When linked, increases damage on boss monsters and holy element monsters by 100% Help me please if(sc && sc->data[sC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[sC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_STAR){ if((tstatus->race == RC_BOSS || tstatus->def_ele == ELE_HOLY)) skillratio += 100; } Thank you so much Bump Bump Bump
  6. Why do I always need to type in /nm and /nm2 to see chats And also /nt And why does friend requests always reject? Any help please? Thank you in advance BUMP BUMP BUMP
  7. It autocast when attacking.. But it doesnt autocast when using skills like bowling bash, desperado, ds, and other attack skills
  8. Need help on scripting.. Autocast EDP when attacking ( including bowlingbash, desperado, and other attacking skills ) Thanks
  9. I really suggest Asura Hosting
  10. Need help in source for my @pkmode command.. My server is running on pk on This means: pkmode on will not work on town maps ( on vs on ) if( (sd->pk_enable == true && map[sd->bl.m].flag.town == 0) && s_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)s_bl)->pk_enable == true ) state |= BCT_ENEMY; This means: pkmode off will not work on gvg maps.. ( off vs off ) if( (sd->pk_enable == false && map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg) && s_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)s_bl)->pk_enable == false ) return 0; This means: pkmode off will not work on gvg maps.. ( off vs on ) if( (sd->pk_enable == false && map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg) && s_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)s_bl)->pk_enable == true ) return 0; This means: pkmode off will not work on gvg maps.. ( off vs on ) if( (sd->pk_enable == true && map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg) && s_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)s_bl)->pk_enable == false ) return 0; But I think it's not working :< help me please thanks BUMP
  11. letstry

    Server Time

    My server is hosted @ AsuraHosting.. I dont know how to change it
  12. letstry

    Server Time

    where will I change it
  13. letstry

    Server Time

    How do I change the server's time?
  14. // Sword 30047,Banryu,_banryu,4,2900,,700,180,,1,4,0x000654E3,7,2,2,1,2,1,1062,{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,100; },{},{} // Bow 1740,Bow_of_Betrayer,Bow of Betrayer,4,2500,,600,170,,5,4,0x000A0848,7,2,34,1,4,1,1163,{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,100; if(BaseClass==Job_Archer) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"SN_SHARPSHOOTING",15; } },{},{} 1741,Skyfire_Hawk_Bow,Skyfire_Hawk_Bow,4,20,,600,170,,5,4,0x000A0848,7,2,34,1,4,1,1164,{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,100; if(BaseClass==Job_Archer) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AC_DOUBLE",10; } else if(BaseClass==Job_Thief) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AC_DOUBLE",5; } },{},{} 1742,Bow_of_Taut_Sinew,Bow of Taut Sinew,4,20,,600,170,,5,4,0x000A0848,7,2,34,1,4,1,1165,{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,100; bonus bDex,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,3; },{},{} // Sword 13450,Blazeguard,Blazeguard_,4,2900,,700,180,,1,4,0x000654E3,7,2,2,1,2,1,1166,{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,100; if(BaseClass==Job_Merchant) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WS_CARTTERMINATION",10; } },{},{} 13451,Vengeful_Gladitor,Vengeful Gladiator,4,2900,,700,180,,1,4,0x000654E3,7,2,2,1,2,1,1167,{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,100; if(BaseClass==Job_Thief) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"ASC_BREAKER",30; } },{},{} 13452,Fang_of_Leviathan,Fang of Leviathan,4,2900,,700,180,,1,4,0x000654E3,7,2,2,1,2,1,1168,{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,100; if(BaseClass==Job_Swordsman) { bonus bMaxHPrate,10; } },{},{} 13453,Blood_Lord_Defender,Blood Lord Defender,4,2900,,700,180,,1,4,0x000654E3,7,2,2,1,2,1,1169,{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,100; if(BaseClass==Job_Merchant) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION",10; } },{},{} 13454,Blink_Strike,Blink Strike,4,2900,,700,180,,1,4,0x000654E3,7,2,2,1,2,1,1170,{ bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,100; if(BaseClass==Job_Thief) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"RG_BACKSTAP",30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"RG_RAID",30; } },{},{} // Staffs 1640,Warlord's_War_Staff,Warlord's War Staff,4,10,,400,15,,1,4,0x00818314,7,2,2,2,12,1,1171,{ bonus bMatkRate,25; },{},{} 1641,Glowing_Brightwood_Staff,Glowing Brightwood Staff,4,10,,400,15,,1,4,0x00818314,7,2,2,2,12,1,1172,{ bonus bFlee,10; bonus bFlee2,5; bonus bDefRate,-50; bonus bDef2Rate,-50; },{},{} 1642,Wildfury_Great_Staff,Wildfury Great Staff,4,10,,400,15,,1,4,0x00818314,7,2,2,2,12,1,1173,{ bonus bMatkRate,20; bonus bInt,3; bonus bDex,2; },{},{} Spear 1420,Karisma,Karisma,4,20,,4500,160,,3,1,0x00004082,7,2,2,3,71,1,4,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,"KN_BRANDISHSPEAR",15; },{},{}
  15. Why is my custom weapon "Banryu" isn't considered as sword in my server? And the other custom bow weapons isn't getting the effect of the Vulture's Eye? Help please.. Thanks
  16. As stated in the title, I always failed to connect to the server after I select the server.. I got my server hosted and already running but I still cant connect to the character select menu.. Please Help me.. Thank you in advance SVN - 15085 Client - 2010/07/21
  17. letstry

    Need help

    I got a @pkmode command but I got a problem.. My server is pk mode server.. And I need help to fix this sets of src.. This Allows players who are in pk on to attack players who are in pk on too.. But how do I disable them to stop attacking each other when they are in towns? if( sd->pk_enable == true && s_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)s_bl)->pk_enable == true ) state |= BCT_ENEMY; This Allows players who are in pk off not to be attacked by players.. But how do I disable this on gvg maps? if( sd->pk_enable == false && s_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)s_bl)->pk_enable == false ) return 0; Thank you in advance BUUUUUUUUUUUMP BUUUMP
  18. Why does my data folder looks like this?? Please Help me so I can customize my custom weapon sprites Thank you in advance ^^
  19. letstry

    Cant walk

    how do I update it sir?
  20. A freebie npc which gives example 100 yggdrasil berry.. But you can only get the freebies once.. And it is base on account.. If your other character already claimed it, you cant claim on other accounts anymore.. Thank you in advance ^^
  21. letstry

    Cant walk

    Why cant I walk in the middle of prontera but there's a click cell
  22. Example: I want @storage to be only used in prontera, prt_in, morroc and payon..
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